Atlantic Provinces Oct (DS, EM) and one identified as the Greenlandrace fiavirostris at Lakeville,Kings, NS 8 Nov+ (JT et al.). A Brant was out of range at Miquelon, SPM 5-6 Nov (Yvon Detcheverry,RE). A singlead. Barnacle Goose of unknownorigin fed with a largeflock of wild Canada Geese near Moncton, NB 3-28 Nov (ST et al.). It was a poor autumn for EurasianWigeon, with 3 in New Brunswick,4 in Nova Scotia, and a mere 2 in Newfoundland. Six Redheads at Cavendish, PEI 21 Oct was a good count for this scarce migrant (DS). Twelve Tufted Ducks at St. John's,NF during Nov constituteda new Regional high for a single location, but EurasianWigeon were scarce. Twojuv. Cooper'sHawks at E. Point,PEI 7 Sepwere a provincialrarities (VL). Bestdays for Broad-wingedHawk at Brier I., NS were 115 on 18 Sep (TEP) and 200 on 30 Sep (MUN, RS). A very intriguingreport of 3 r• Swainson'sHawks at East Pt., PEI was unfortu- nately not accompaniedby details. New Brunswickhad singleGolden Eagles at Greens Pt. 18 Oct (BC) and at Mary'sPt. 19 Oct (DC). BRUNSWICKSingledark-morph Gyrfalcons, possibly same individual,were reported at St.Peters Bay on 2 Nov and40 km awayat EastPt. 19Nov (VL). SandhillCranes continue a gradualincrease in the Region. This autumn,there were 2 at Bruce Mactavish G.M.I., NB on the late date of 26 Nov (DG). Havelock,NB 1-24 Oct (m. oh.), 4 at Truro, NS 37 Water•ordBridge Road There was a high count of 60 Manx 2 Oct-5 Nov (m. oh.),with singlesat Riverport, St. John's,Newfoundland A1E 1C5 Shearwatersoff G.M.I., NB 9 Aug (LM). An NS 13 Oct (fide SF), Port Clyde,NS 13 Oct ([email protected]) astounding25,000 Wilson's Storm-Petrels were (SH), andSt. Anthony, NF lateNov+ (m. oh.). presentin the GrandManan Basin, NB 20 Aug t wasastandard autumn with a plethoraof (BD). A late and lost Leach'sStorm-Petrd was SHOREBIRDS THROUGH ALCIDS vagrantsand more interestingevents than alive at Buchans in the center of An ad. Common Ringed Plover was thor- thereis roomin thiscolumn to touchupon. A Newfoundland on 22 Nov (DBu). There was a oughly studied and well documentedwith CommonRinged Plover in Newfoundlandand good influx of Great Egretsinto the Region, video and photographsat Bellevue Beach, a Common Chaffinch in Nova Scotia were the with 26 reportsincluding 15 from NovaScotia TrinityBay, NF 14-16Aug (PL et al.). Thisrep- two most excitingvagrants. New Brunswick in Oct. The only Little Blue Heron was at resentsonly the 2nd confirmedrecord for the had more routine rarities such as Ash-throated GuysboroughHarbour, NS 18 Sep (f•/e RK). Region.The otherwas also an ad. in late Aug Flycatcherand Fork-tailedFlycatcher. A late- The Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland 1980 at L'Anse-aux-Meadows, NF. The abun- autumnRufous Hummingbird, still veryrare received the brunt of the annual late autumn danceof SemipalmatedPlover in Nova Scotia in the Region,was in Nova Scotia.The most influx of Cattle Egrets,with 8 out of the 15 is for the most part unappreciated. High spectacularmigration witnessed was a huge reportedacross the Region. Reportsof imm. countswere 2000 at ColeHarbour, NS 10Aug movementof Black-cappedChickadees. Yellow-crownedNight-Herons were: singles at (BMy)and 1350 at CrescentBeach, NS 16Aug Bancroft Pt, G.M.I., NB 16 Oct (BD); Glace (SC).American Oystercatcher iswell known at Abbreviations:C.S.I (CapeSable Island, Nova BanffNS 3-13Aug (CM et al.); SoberI., NS 2-8 C.S.I.,NS, wherea pair of breedingads. and 2 Scotia); G.M.I. (Gr•nd Manan Island, New Sep(f•/e KM) andSt. Pierre, SPM 12Aug (PA). offspringwere last seen on 3 Sep(MN); how- Brunswick). A rare autumnGlossy Ibis wason at Cherry ever,an ad. AmericanOystercatcher in New Hill Beach,NS 20 Oct (JH). Brunswick at Three Islands Harbour, G.M.I. LOONS THROUGH RAILS DigbyNeck, NS hadthe highestconcentra- on 2 Aug, found after persistentrumours of The highestof severalgood countsof Red- tionsof TurkeyVultures,with an impressive25 three in the area through Jul, indicatesthe throated Loons in loon-rich Northumberland on the late date of 26 Nov (JS). A Black speciesis exploringelsewhere in the Region Strait was 120 on 5 Nov at Waterside P.P., Vulture was at a garbage dump in (BD, PP, KE). An American Avocet at the Pictou,NS (KM). Northern Fulmars,taken for Guysborough,NS for the lastweek of Nov (SB). causewayin Windsor,NS 21 Sepwas about the grantedin muchof theRegion, were a treatfor Always a good find in the Region, this 18th for the province(fide SF). A Marbled pdagic trippersoff G.M.I., NB 28 Sep (ST et autumn's Greater White-fronted Geese were Godwitat Morien Bar, C.B.I., NS 15 Sepwas al.). There were still 12 GreaterShearwaters off singlesat a golf coursein Cavendish,PEI 21 far e. for this barelyannual rarity (AM, CM). 22 NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS Atlantic Provinces SemipalmatedSandpiper totals from the Bay HurricaneErin on 15Sep (KK, JW). few km away on Miscou I. a Fork-tailed of Fundystaging sites were at normalnumbers, The only Laughing Gulls were one at Flycatcher7-16 Oct (G. Benoit). with the highestcount being 100,000 at Stratford,PEI 11-14Aug (EM, DS) andone at Northern Shrikes were uncommon across WindsorCauseway on the late dateof 5 Sep Mactaquac,NB I Nov (BeySchneider). Little the Region.All 4 White-eyedVireos reported (BMy). A SemipalmatedSandpiper banded at Gullsreported were singles at CapeBrill& NB were observedin the classicperiod of occur- JohnsonMills, NS on 28 Aug 1987was recap- 2 Sep (Rose-AlmaMallet), The Whistle, rencein the Regionof 20 Sep-10Oct, with one tured at the samelocation on 16Aug2001--14 G.M.I., NB 29 Sep (ad.; BD), St. Peter'sBay, bandedat St.Andrews, NB 25 Sep(TD), oneat yearslater (PH)! Provincialtotals of the regu- PEI 8 Sepand 20 Nov (VL), LowerRose Bay, HartlenPoint, NS 24 Sep(CSS), and singlesat lar but scarceshorebirds in the Regionwere as Lunenburg,NS 29 Oct (JH), and Pictou BrierI., NS 24 Sep(CLS) and 7 Oct (m. oh.). follows: Baird's Sandpiper: 10 in New Causeway,NS 3-5 Nov (KM). Singlead. Mew The only Yellow-throatedVireo was at St. Brunswick, 12 in Nova Scotia, and 3 in Prince (Common) Gulls were at St. John's,NF 28 Patrick'sRd, PEI (A. Gray). Edward Island; Stilt Sandpiper:10 in New Oct+ (BMt) andAntigonish, NS 24 Nov (IM et Brunswick, 9 in Nova Scotia, and 2 in al.). LesserBlack-backed Gulls were reported S A Therewas a massiveirruptio n of Newfoundland;Buff-breasted Sandpiper: 4 in in goodnumbers comparable to recentyears. •Black-cappedChickadees into New New Brunswick, 10 in Nova Scotia, and 2 in The highestone-day counts from bothNova Brunswickand a hintof the movement in Newfoundland. Scotia(4) and PrinceEdward Island (10) were western Nova, Scotia. =Veterah: New, from farm fields--a habitat often overlooked Prince Edward Island accounted for 3 of the Bi unsWickbitder Dave Christie summed it' high Regionaltotal of 4 CurlewSandpipers, by gullwatchers in thisRegion. There were 3 up: "movemer/tsof chickadeesar•=hofige*•, with singlesat CoveheadHarbour 24 Aug Sabine'sGulls reported from New Brunswick: •ablehereto= g0me extfnt everY atit =tram, btit' (RC), Souris15 Sep (EM, DS), and 15 Sep an ad. 6 Sepand a first-winter8 Sepat The =thisyear 'the= numbers:are .remark•bl•,, Alexandra(EM, DS). In Newfoundland,there Whistle,G.M.I. (KE et al.) and a first-winter27 greater=than any,:l cam. recalli?in :previous• wasa nicelyphotographed ad. at CapeFreeIs 4 Sepat BouctoucheDune (DD). CaspianTerns years•5=The mox, ement'::.was heaviesL 'm the Aug(PJ). The only Ruff was a juv.at thewater- arevery local and site-specificin the Region. fowl park in Sackville,NB 7 Oct (DH). Theyare locally abundant, as attested by 150at :las[:t:•o vfe•ks •,0f,'•SelStember; -,wheB.fi•O,• Typicallyearlier than the rest of theRegion, the St. Peters Bay PEI 8 Sep (VL). Eighty P61r/•-:l•:)•witheSg•d :tlldd'satids • waterfowlpark in Sackville,NB had a well- Razorbillsat EastPoint, PEI 18Nov wasa good õouth:ahd•'Sst. sp4•t"g'ciilar:icourit?M 88•: studiedad. Long-billed Dowitcher 3 Aug(ST et countfor theprovince (VL). ;i•2•0- mi;putes•D•i:•5• O0;in2mhi•teghr½ al.). A flockof 10dowitchers at the sameloca- fiCUlL•o;im•h;e•.. tion on 4 Oct wereall thoughtto be Long- DOVES THROUGH WAXWINGS billedDowitchers (PP et al.). Therewere up to ThreeWhite-winged Doves for the seasonwas 2 at DaleyCreek, NB 7 Oct-1Nov (ST et al.). par:one at SaintJohn, NB duringthe last week Nova Scotia had its 9th and 10th Carolina Fare. for the specieswere a juv. 8-9 Oct (AM, of Oct (E Kelly),one at C.S.I., NS 25 Oct-12 Wrens, with individuals at Halifax 10 Oct-30 CM), and one ad. & one juv. 12 Nov wereat Nov (fideMN), and oneat WoodIslands, PEI Nov (m. ob.) and anotheracross the harbor in Morien Bar, C.B.I., NS (SM). Wilson's 3-4 Sep,for a 2ndprovincial record (EM, DS). Dartmouth 18-30 Nov (m. ob.). A late House Phalaropemay soon become the genuinerari- Yellow-billedCuckoo totals by provincewere: Wren was in Halifax 17-30 Nov (Terry ty it wasthree decades ago in theRegion. There 7 New Brunswick, 15 Nova Scotia, and 5 Pacquet).Low-to-average numbers of vagrant wereonly 6 reported,3 in NewBrunswick and Newfoundland.A significantinflux of Snowy Blue-grayGnatcatchers were reported the 3 in NovaScotia, including a lateindividual at Owls washeralded by an earlyindividual at usual vagrant-huntingareas in the Region. Clark'sHarbour 18Oct (BMy,IM). A verylate C.S.I., NS 11 Oct, with at least 20 in that Outsideof juvenileslingering into Aug at the Red-neckedPhalarope was at BroadCove, NS provinceby the end of the period (BMy).
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