CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Vol. XIII. No. 35 Ithaca, N. V., June 7, 1911 Price 10 Cents dents of the state. Non-residents will of next week. The usual Block Week Cornelliana. pay a tuition fee of $25. The an- grinding is on in earnest. The Cornell Chapter of Phi Beta nouncement of the school may now be Kappa has elected five graduate stu- The Cornell Veterinarian is the obtained from Director Bristol of the name of a new publication which has dents to membership: George Irving Summer Session or from the College just made its appearance. The paper Dale, Ida Langdon, Bertha C. Pierce, of Agriculture. John Raymond Tuttle, and Wesley D. is to be published semi-annually by a Zinnecker; also two additional sen- With the interclass races on Beebe board composed of members of the iors: Austin P. Evans and Helen Lake Friday, the rowing season for faculty and students of the Veter- Olga Shollenberger. Sage College crews was finished. The inary College. Under a new system of military seniors won the championship, defeat- Dean H. C. Price, M. S. A., '99, and administration which will become op- ing the juniors in a preliminary race Professor W. R. Lazenby, B. Ag., '74, and the freshmen in the final. The erative on July 1, Brigadier-General of the college of agriculture of Ohio course was a quarter of a mile in Walter S. Schuyler is assigned to the State University, will be absent on length and the crews are said to have command of the brigade post at Fort leave next year, the former for Riley, Kansas. General Schuyler is rowed it in less than two minutes. study in one of the German uni- a son of the late George W. Schuyler At senior singing one night last versities and the latter for travel of Ithaca, the first treasurer of Cor- week a quartette of seniors appeared and the study of forestry in Europe nell University, and was professor in grimy overalls while the familiar and South America. of military science and tactics at Cor- song "I've Been Workin' on the Rail- Horation Burt Williams, A. B., M. nell in 1883-86 and 1896-98. road" was sung. D., lately assistant in physiology in The Cosmopolitan Club gave a fare- The Rev. Charles Talcott Ogden, the Cornell University Medical Col- well banquet to its seniors and other honorary canon of St. Luke's Epis- lege at New York, has been appoint- copal Cathedral at Albany, and fath- departing members at its house Sat- ed associate professor in the depart- urday night. There were nearly 100 er of Professor Henry N. Ogden '89, ment of physiology of Columbia Uni- died on May 28 at the age of 75 present. Professor Fred A. Barnes versity. He is spending the summer years. was the toastmaster. After the ban- in Europe visiting several labora- quet had been served Professor About forty pictures are now hung tories and arranging for the purchase Barnes called on Tomas Mapua Ίl, in White Hall at the first annual ex- of apparatus for electrocardio- of the Philippines, for a "stunt." hibition of the Cornell Art Associa- graphic and other work. Then various seniors spoke for their tion. Six water colors by the young The Delta Tau Delta fraternity colonies. K. Y. Char '12, of China, artist I. G. Olinsky and two portraits gave up its house to the Pennsylvania made the farewell address to the sen- by Richard Andrew arrived last baseball team last week. iors and Alan C. Towers 11, of Ur- week. Five more paintings by Jonas uguay, spoke for the class of 1911. Lie have also been hung. Charles For the coming year, the Law Dr. C. W. Heizer gave an interesting Walter Stetson, the American artist, School Association has elected the fol- talk on the place a college graduate has sent six paintings for the exhi- lowing officers: President, F. P. Murphy '12, Stamford; vice-president, should fill in the civic and religious bition. These have not yet arrived. life of his community. Professor E. P. Williams '13, New York City; Karl D. Pettit of Pittsburg, Pa., secretary, F. W. Rugge '12, Hoboken, Frank A. Fetter, one of the founders has been elected business manager of of the club and one of its most active N. J.; treasurer, E. S. Tucker '12, the 1912 Class Book. He is a member Athens, Pa. members, made the last address of of Chi Phi. Ross W. Kellogg, of Sen- the evening. To fill vacancies, the Minor Sports eca Falls, has been elected editor-in- Council has made the following elec- It is reported that Detroit hotel chief of the book. This is the first men have an option on the Hoysradt tions to managerships: Assistant year that the Class Book editor has manager of swimming, H. H. Allport, property at the southeast corner of been chosen by competition. Cayuga and Seneca streets, opposite Chicago, 111., a member of Sigma Phi; Instruction in most of the depart- asisstant manager of association foot- the Clinton House, and plan to build ments of the University ceased at 1 a large hotel there. ball, George G. Goetz, Milwaukee, o'clock Saturday. The final examin- Wis., a member of Chi Psi; assistant Tuition in the new summer school ations for the second term started manager of cricket, R. P. Kennedy, in agriculture is to be free to resi- Monday and will last until the middle Buffalo, a member of Zodiac. 414 CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS GIFT OF A MONO-RAIL CAR. Presented to the University by the Railway Appliances Association. A valuable gift was made to the University recently for the depart- ment of physics, and it is highly prized by the department both for itself and because this University was selected to receive it. The gift is a working model of the Brennan mono- rail car, about forty inches long. The car carries two heavy flywheels, or gyroscopes, which are so mounted as to keep the car always in equilibrium, even when running on a single rail or cable, and however the load on the car may be shifted. The model was built by the Cen- tral Scientific Company of Chicago HOME OF THE NEW CORNELL CHAPTER OF PHI KAPPA SIGMA. and was shown at the exhibition of railway appliances held at the Coli- year. He expects to remain in this year. Professor Dann's position as seum in Chicago last March, during country and continue his study of head of the department will be taken the convention of the Railway Appli- oratory. for the term by the University organ- ances Association. A vote was taken Professor Prescott will go abroad ist, Edward Johnston. by the members of the Association in October and will spend the year in who were present at the convention to Italy and France. Chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma Established decide to what university or techni- Professor Dexter S. Kimball of Sib- Here. cal school the model should be pre- ley College will be absent during the sented, and Cornell received a major- first term. He is now in California Cerberus, a local society which was ity of the votes cast The model has with his family, but will return to founded in 1904, has just been grant- been set up in Rockefeller Hall. It take charge of the manual training ed a charter in the national frater- forms a very interesting addition to instruction in the Summer Session. nity Phi Kappa Sigma. .The initia- the apparatus already possessed by After the Summer Session he will re- tion of the charter members and the University for illustrating the turn to the Pacific Coast, where he the installation ceremonies for the principle of the gyroscope and its ap- will probably remain for the first establishment of the new chapter pliances. term. were held on Friday, June 2, During the first term Professor H. at the new Cerberus Lodge at 712 To Be Absent Next Year. A. Sill of the department of history Thurston avenue, across the gorge from the Hydraulic Laboratory. Several members of the Faculty will be abroad. Professor Sill ex- will be absent from the University pects to spend the term in study in Phi Kappa Sigma was founded in next year on sabbatical leave. Pro- Greece and Italy. 1850 at the University of Pennsyl- fessor J. A. Winans of the depart- Professor Vladimir Karapetoff of vania and has chapters at the follow- ment of oratory and Professor F. C. the department of electrical engineer- ing institutions: University of Prescott of the department of Eng- ing of Sibley College will also be Pennsylvania, Washington and Jef- lish will be away for the whole year. away from the University during the ferson College, Dickinson College, Professor Winans's absence brings first term. He will be employed by Franklin and Marshall College, Uni- several temporary changes in the de- J. G. White & Co. versity of Virginia, Columbia Univer- sity, Tulane University, University of partment of which he is the head. During the second term Professor Professor George A. Everett will be Illinois, Randolph-Macon College, Herman Diederfchs of Sibley College Northwestern University, Richmond the acting head of the department. and Professor George Lincoln Burr Mr. Smiley Blanton, who has been College, Pennsylvania State College, of the department of history will also Washington and Lee University, Uni- an instructor in the department for be on sabbatical leave. Neither of several years, has refused promotion versity of West Virginia, University them has announced his plans. Pro- of Maine, Armour Institute of Tech- and will go to New York, where he fessor Burr said he thought he would will continue the study of medicine.
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