Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 96, Suppl.: 75-78, 2001 75 Studies on the Biology of Schistosomiasis with Emphasis on the Senegal River Basin VR Southgate/+, L-A Tchuem Tchuenté*, M Sène**, D De Clercq***, A Théron****, J Jourdane****, BL Webster, D Rollinson, B Gryseels*****, J Vercruysse****** Biomedical Sciences Theme, Department of Zoology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK *The University of Yaoundé, Cameroon **IRD (ex ORSTOM), Bel Air, Dakar, Senegal ***Programme Espoir, St Louis, Senegal ****Laboratoire de Biologie Animale, Université, Perpignan, France *****Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium ******Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Merelbeke, Belgium The construction of the Diama dam on the Senegal river, the Manantali dam on the Bafing river, Mali and the ensuing ecological changes have led to a massive outbreak of Schistosoma mansoni in Northern Senegal, associated with high intensity of infections, due to intense transmission, and the creation of new foci of S. haematobium. Data on the vectorial capacity of Biomphalaria pfeifferi from Ndombo, near Richard Toll, Senegal are presented with sympatric and allopatric (Cameroon) S. mansoni. Comparisons are made on infectivity, cercarial production, chronobiology of cercarial emergence and longevity of infected snails. Recent data on the intermediate host specificity of different isolates of S. haematobium from the Lower and Middle Valley of the Senegal river basin (SRB) demonstrate the existence of at least two strains of S. haematobium. The role of Bulinus truncatus in the transmission of S. haematobium in the Lower and Middle Valleys of the SRB is reviewed. Both S. haematobium and S. mansoni are transmitted in the same foci in some areas of the SRB. Key words: Schistosoma mansoni - Schistosoma haematobium - Biomphalaria pfeifferi - Senegal river basin The construction of the Diama dam (barrage) there has been a huge increase in the numbers of on the Senegal river basin (SRB) in 1985 to prevent hectares of rice under cultivation; also, there have the intrusion of sea water in the dry season to the been concomitant ecological changes in the SRB. environs of Richard Toll, and the dam at Manantali, The Manantali dam maintains a more stable flow, in 1989 on the Bafing river, Mali, a tributary of the consequently the river is not subjected to sudden Senegal river, to control the flow of the river and changes of water level. Fluctuations were up to 13 eventually to generate electricity has resulted in m per annum prior to the Manantali dam. The pH of marked ecological changes (Southgate 1997). The the river water has changed from a slightly acidic purpose of constructing the Diama dam was to re- environment (pH 6.0 or less) to a more alkaline en- duce levels of salinity in the Senegal river thereby vironment (pH 7.5-8.5). The reasons for the appar- making the river water suitable for purposes of irri- ent change in pH are not fully understood. How- gation, primarily to increase the production of rice ever, it is evident that these man made ecological and sugar cane, and to mitigate against the food changes have had an enormous impact on the shortages that were experienced in the droughts of prevalence, intensity and distribution of human the 1970s. Hence, since the completion of the dams schistosomiasis, especially in the Lower and Middle valleys of the SRB, and perhaps on veterinary schis- tosomiasis too, although there are not sufficient data to reach a firm conclusion on this aspect. More data on the prevalence and intensities of ‘veteri- nary schistosomes’, that is, infections of Schisto- This work received financial support from the European Commission INCO-DC (IC18-CT 96-0041) (IC18.CT soma bovis and S. curassoni, are urgently required 96-0112). BL Webster was in receipt of an MRC to enable the changing patterns of prevalence and studentship. intensity to be assessed. +Corresponding author. Fax: +442079425518. E-mail: Prior to the construction of the dams all vil- [email protected] lages in the ‘walo’ had low levels of urinary schis- Received 14 May 2001 tosomiasis (Chaine & Malek 1983). Cisse et al. (1983) Accepted 25 July 2001 found no cases of S. haematobium in the village in 76 Schistosomiasis on the Senegal River Basin VR Southgate et al. the environs of Lac de Guiers where Bulinus S. mansoni from Ndiangue, near Richard Toll, truncatus was abundant. Southgate et al. (1985) Senegal and Nkolbisson, Cameroon with B. pfeifferi reported S. haematobium in the Lower valley to be from Senegal. The aim of the studies was to evalu- incompatible with B. truncatus, Vercruysse et al. ate whether the sympatric intermediate host-para- (1985) showed that the prevalences of S. site relationship with S. mansoni Senegal and B. haematobium were much higher in the ‘diéri’ and pfeifferi Senegal was more compatible than the al- two ‘walo’ villages, Lampsar and Guédé Chantier, lopatric intermediate host parasite relationship S. than in the remainder of the ‘walo’ villages. It was mansoni Cameroon and B. pfeifferi Senegal. The originally considered that the comparatively high results showed that for S. mansoni Senegal and B. prevalences were associated with rice cultivation pfeifferi Senegal 87% of the B. pfeifferi exposed to and the presence of the intermediate host B. a single miracidium (MD1) became infected, and all senegalensis, yet, subsequent studies by Belot et surviving snails exposed to five miracidia (MD5) al. (1993) and Picquet et al. (1996) failed to confirm were positive, whereas for the S. mansoni Cameroon the presence of B. senegalensis in the vicinity of and B. pfeifferi Senegal, only 56.3% and 91.6% be- Lampsar. It is probable that B. globosus is the inter- came positive for MD1 and MD5, respectively. For mediate host around Lampsar. B. globosus is sen- S. mansoni Senegal and B. pfeifferi Senegal the to- sitive to low levels of salinity, but small barrages tal production of cercariae per snail ranged from 18, had been built 60 years earlier on the Lampsar 703 to 73, 446, with a mean of 51, 692 for MD1 and marigot to prevent sea water intrusion, thereby al- 49,121 for MD5, which compared very favourably lowing the water to be used for public consump- with a mean of 18,511 for MD1 and 9, 757 cercariae tion in St Louis and irrigation. The reduction in for MD5 for S. mansoni Cameroon and B. pfeifferi levels of salinity has allowed B. globosus (a good Senegal. The median for S. mansoni Senegal and B. intermediate host for some strains of S. pfeifferi Senegal was 533 cercariae per snail each haematobium) to become established. The feasi- day which was more than double the median of 233 bility study showed that the levels of S. cercariae per snail from S. mansoni Cameroon and haematobium in the delta were at a low level, and B. pfeifferi Senegal. The maximum life span for an mesenteric schistosomiasis (S. mansoni) was not individual infected snail was 239 days p.i. (group evident (Miller 1982). It was considered that the MD1), and 237 days p.i. (group MD5) for S. mansoni mean daily temperatures of 30oC or higher prevented Senegal and B. pfeifferi Senegal, which was con- the establishment of viable populations of siderably longer than 202 days p.i. and 178 days Biomphalaria pfeifferi, thereby explaining the ab- p.i., respectively, recorded for S. mansoni Cameroon sence of mesenteric schistosomiasis in the area. and B. pfeifferi Senegal. The chronobiological data However, eggs of S. mansoni were first noted in a for both host/parasite combinations demonstrate stool examination in 1988 at Richard Toll (Talla et al. that there is clearly only one peak of cercarial emis- 1990), and a community based project in1990 in Ri- sion, around mid-day (Tchuem Tchuenté et al. 1999, chard Toll showed that 60% of the subjects exam- Southgate et al. 2000). These data show that the ined were positive (Talla et al. 1992). Malacological sympatric B. pfeifferi Senegal and S. mansoni field studies demonstrated that B. pfeifferi repre- Senegal intermediate host/parasite relationship is sented approximately 70% of all freshwater snails much more compatible than that of S. mansoni collected at three different sites in the environs of Cameroon and B. pfeifferi Senegal. In fact, the analy- Richard Toll (Talla et al. 1990), and the overall infec- sis of the frequency of counts show that for S. tion rate in B. pfeifferi represented was 44% (Diaw mansoni Senegal/B. pfeifferi Senegal, 81% of the et al. 1990). B. pfeifferi has extended its range from daily counts were over 200, and 15.5% were over the Lower Valley to Dagana, but has not reached 1,000 cercariae per snail, compared with the 55% Podor yet. Picquet et al. (1996) recorded mean in- over 200 cercariae per snail and 8.6% over 1,000 tensities of 1,793 ± 848 epg in the population in the cercariae per snail for S. mansoni Cameroon and B. vicinity of Lac de Guiers. More recently, De Clercq pfeifferi Senegal. Data concerning infection rates, et al. (1999) have observed mean intensities of 589 cercarial production, longevity of infected snails eggs/g, with 35% of individuals excreting >1,000 highlight the marked differences between the two eggs/g. intermediate host parasite combinations. It seems These high prevalences and intensities of in- probable that the highly compatible host/parasite fection, established in such a short period, indicate relationship that is evident between B. pfeifferi intense transmission. Tchuem Tchuenté et al. (1999) Senegal and S. mansoni Senegal as measured by and Southgate et al. (2000) conducted detailed ex- infection rates, cercarial productivity, and longev- periments to evaluate levels of snail-parasite com- ity of infected snails is an important factor in pro- patibility, cercarial production, chronobiology (cer- viding an explanation for the extremely high carial emergence rhythms), and snail mortality with prevalences and intensities of S.
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