Southwest Kansas “He�e the ���e�� of the �o�� �eet� the Go� of �e���.” -- St. Fausti na, referring to ATHOLIC Sacrament of Penance NewspaperC of the Catholic Diocese of Dodge City www.dcdiocese.org/swkscatholic Vol. LII, No. 17 Sunday, December 3, 2017 Bishop Eugene Gerber's Balance Wheel "How to Live a Balanced Life" Each week, experience each of the six areas to live a balanced life Wheel of Balance Physical Spiritual Editor’s Note: The following is Proper Diet Prayer the second of a series. Exercise Holy Mass Most Rev. John B. Sleep Sacrament of Reconciliation ow do we keep a balanced Medical Checkups Bible Reading/Praying/Study Brungardt Counseling Devotions life in an increasingly frac- "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit within you, "you shall worship the Lord, your tured world? Bishop of the Catholic whom you have from God, and that God, and him alone shall you serve" H you are not your own?" (Luke 4:8) Bishop Eugene Gerber, our Diocese of Dodge City (1 Corinthians 6:19) bishop from 1976 to 1982, devel- Service oped the Balance Wheel, consist- Putting Our Lives ing of six general areas: Spiritual, Intellectual at the Service of Others.. Stretching Our Minds In the Family Service, Social, Cultural, Intel- Study At the Parish lectual, and Physical. If we “have Reading a Book Balance At School Taking a Pastoral Ministry leads to At Work life and have it more abundantly” Formation Course holiness in Christ In the Community "the Son of Man did not come (John 10:10), we will value each of "I turned my thoughts toward to be served, but to serve knowledge; I sought and pursued and to give his life as a ransom these aspects of our life. “For from the greatness wisdom and reason" for many (Matthew 20:28) (Ecclesiastes 7:25) This issue of the SKC includes a graphic (left ) to illustrate. The Cultural Social visual aid includes Sacred Scrip- and the beauty of created Music Family-Friends Enjoying Each The Visual Arts Other's Company.. ture: I’m sure you have a favorite The Performing Arts Playing/Laughing of your own for each area. Virtuous Film Encouraging Each Other Beauty Building Up Each Other Of course, many things we do thin , their original "For from the greatness and the beauty Welcoming New Friends of created things their original author, overlap in two or more of these by analogy, is seen" (Wisdom 13:5) "that they may be one, as we are one" (J ohn 17:22) areas. This demonstrates the richness of our lives in the Lord. author, by analogy, If you are “short” in an area, try to do more. Jesus will assist, he is seen.” -- Wisdom 13:5 Jesus "came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly" (J ohn 10:10) loves you so much! At National Catholic Youth Conference, 20,000 teens told they are ‘Beloved children of God, called by name’ ome 270 9th-12th graders and als that we’re not sure why we keep adult sponsors from the Catho- them alive but they take a lot of ti me. Slic Diocese of Dodge City joined Doctrines that have nothing to do with 20,000 youth from across the United your life. That’s how the world has States for the Nov. 16-18 Nati onal come to see Catholicism. … The world Catholic Youth Conference in India- has forgott en the love story, and so napolis. oft en we’ve forgott en the love story.” Aft er a few hours of raucous cel- That story, he said, “begins very sim- ebrati on with the music of Christi an ply with the words ‘(I) believe in one hip-hop band TobyMac, the massive God.’” crowd melted into silence as Indianap- Not believing in God, he said, is like olis Archbishop Charles C. Thompson “a fl ea not believing in the dog. ... The greeted all those gathered. universe did not put itself here, and He told the youth that although they the more we learn about the universe, represent many states and dioceses, the more it shouts to us about the “we are fi rst and foremost children of existence of God.... God. And that God who knows us, de- “We feel so small in this world,” sires to be known by us. … God wanted conti nued. “We feel so insignifi cant in us to know him ... through a personal this universe. relati onship with a human being, our “I think God looks down from Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. heaven and says, ‘You are huge next “We are beloved children of God, to all this.’ As big as a mountain is, can called by name, claimed by Christ,” he it know someone? As big as an ocean said. “We begin this NCYC weekend by is, can it make a choice? As big as a Photo courtesy of Carleigh Albers, Youth and Young Adult Ministry Intern embracing that reality of who we are.” galaxy is, can it choose to love? No, Youth from st. Dominic Parish, Garden City, pose with a paper ponti ff at the Nati onal Chris Stefanick, an internati on- but you can. ... You’re a huge deal!” Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis, which was held Nov. 16-18. The youth raised ally acclaimed author, speaker and Among those att ending the event money throughout the year so that they could att end the annual nati onal gathering. Young founder of Real Life Catholic, said that from the Diocese of Dodge City was people from across the diocese att ended the event, which included some 20,000 youth from we oft en forget the “love story” that is Adam Urban, Director of Youth Minis- throughout the United States. at the base of the Catholic faith. try for the Catholic Diocese of Dodge “When you remove the love story, City, who served as delegate leader, “As big as a galaxy is, can it choose to love? No, but you can. what are you left with?” he asked. and Carleigh Albers, youth and young “Rules that we have to follow. Ritu- Conti nued on Page 8 ... You’re a huge deal!” -- Author Chris Stefanick Page 4 December 3, 2017 The Southwest Kansas Catholic Pastoral Ministry Formation ‘In the very air we breathe’ “Introduction to Old Testa- ment” (THEO 1003) will be pre- ou can meet your neighbor or are material. They are hitting us at sented Jan. 20, 27 Feb. 3, 10, 17 your God in a Church, or in a all times, but we feel no pain because and March 3, 10, 17, and 24 by YChapel. You can meet them in they are quite far apart from one Sister Joan Wolf (right). a classroom, or in a living room. You another, they are low in density. They The Pastoral Ministry Forma- can meet them on a field, or on a are held in place by earth’s gravity, tion class will present a study street corner. All these places we can just as we are. of the law, prophets, historical understand. Even though material, air thus books, and wisdom literature St. Paul once suggested another becomes a gossamer door into what of the Old Testament using ana- “place,” however, and we have trou- is spiritual. The air is on the border of lytical methods of contemporary ble with what he said. There we will matter and spirit. It “is” that border. scholarship. Each book will be be caught up with them in the clouds, Gases rise above their denser, clum- Another Way studied within its own socio- to meet the Lord in the air. (1 Thes- sier, noisier cousins … rocks that are + Most Rev. political and cultural context, salonians 4: 17) What are we to make too heavy to lift, and palm trees that Ronald M. Gilmore of this “place,” this “in the air?” It is stand but cannot walk, and lions that as a product of the Jewish faith Bishop Emeritus of something to conjure with, something roar before the hunt. community and expression of with the Dodge City diocese. She Dodge City to dream on. It is in their thin layer that we meet Yahweh’s revelation. has taught in its schools, minis- What “is” air, anyway? We can’t the Lord and our neighbors, Paul says. Class times are Saturday morn- tered in its parishes, and assisted see it. We can’t smell it. We can’t Jesus Christ, material and spiritual, ings - 8:30 a.m. to Noon, and are with deacon candidate classes and Jesus Christ, taste it. But we breathe it in and out human and divine, He is that border, held at Interactive Television sites taught courses for the Interactive material and twelve to eighteen times a minute. that meeting place. There we find throughout the Dodge City and Television Network. She has Mas- We are moving in it at all times. With- faith. There we find hope. There we spiritual, Salina diocese. ters’ degrees in Pastoral Ministry out it, we could not live. find love. In Him. He is as everywhere Cost for the three-hour course and Pastoral Counseling. human and It is made of atoms and molecules, as air. He is as full of life as air. He for college credit is $150, plus they say. Air is that mix of gases sur- is as full of energy as air. He is as full divine, He is the cost of books. The cost of the For more information, or to reg- rounding the earth, a blend of nitro- of movement as air.
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