Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 11-4-1977 Spectator 1977-11-04 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1977-11-04" (1977). The Spectator. 1532. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/1532 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. THE SPECTATOR Vol.No. XLVI, No. 6 Friday,November 4, 1977 Seattle University Seattle, WA. Matteoencounters a fewproblems by Jaime Wilson social contact that they would make if wereintimidated by this attitude," Weihe Weihe concluded that many adjust- andMatt Nielsen they wereintegrated with other classes. remarked. ments willhave to be madeinthe future, We know there's no question, that's a Apparently some teachers are intimi- butat this point,becauseof the program's Form II of Matteo Ricci College on problem." datedbymorethan just the students.One youth, no movescan be made. S.U.s campusis havingdifficulties and its Because MRC students have known refused to speak about the program and "Anytime you try something new, the students are having trouble adjusting to each other since the initiation of the another would neither be identified nor people whoaretrying it aregropingalong the new curriculum, according to Edwin program, discipline has become a new, directly quoted. with everybody else on how to make the Weihe, director of Form11. unexpecteddifficulty."Theybecome their FACED WITH this fact, Weihe replied process work. If we thought the old MatteoRicci is asix year combinedhigh own group. Imean they don't take thatmany teachers are stillunsureabout system wassoperfect," Weihe explained, school and college degree program. Stu- anything from anyone else. They're not the programand find themselves uneasy "we wouldn't have tampered with it... dentsin theprogramspendthreeyearson afraid of each other, and many teachers speakingof it. believeme." SeattlePrep's campus,then cometo S.U. forthe secondthreeyears.Thisis the first year MRC students have been on S.U.s Senate allocates morefunds campus. "It's not just the students and the faculty," Weihe said, ."everybody's in- volvedinanexperimentthat wethink has a lot of promise. But we don't fool Aegis struggling, ready ourselves, we know we have a lot to but learn." ONE MAJOR complaint expressed by students in the program was the strong by KristieSherrodd Aegislastspring.Hesaid"thereis no way ting equipment for The Spectator.Editor influenceof the honors programapparent we could produce abook for $7,000." John Sutherland told the senate that the in classes. Said one student, "We are The ASSU senate appropriatelychose Prior to the senate's decision to provide equipment, which will cost about $5,600, regarded as honor rather then normal Halloween eveningto resurrect the ghost morefunds, Talevichsaid "Idon't see how willcut print shop costs by approximately students. Ifeel inferior to what the of S.U.s nearlydefunct yearbook. Sena- we can raise $11,000 for a yearbook.He $200 per issue. teachers expect fromme." torspumpednewlifeintothe Aegis at the cited lack of time as well as lack of Thisallocation was also extracted from Eight of the ten professors teaching meetingin the form of a$5,750 allocation. finances as reason for possible demise of the Chieftain renovationfund. Matteo Ricci classes this quarter are That allotment, combined with $7,000 the book. Pathfindersweregranteda request for honorsinstructors. allocated to the Aegis last spring, gives TALEVICH OPPOSES advertising in $220 fromthe senategeneral fund for use WEIHE WONDERED, "Have we the yearbook staff $12,750. Until Mon- the Aegis, but said chargingstudents for in buyinga four-man tent. jumped too far ahead, have we been as day'sdecision by the senateit wasfeared the book was a possible solution to the SENATORSAPPROVED executiveap- sensitive as we shouldbe to really where there wouldn't be production of a book budget crunch. He concludedhis remarks pointment of Kathy Wilke as ASSU these students are when they arrive at this year. dayone? Weneed to find out what'sgoing on more and more and what we car. do THESENATEtrimmed$4350 from the aboutit," he added. Chieftain renovationfund and $1400 from Another grievance expressed by MRC the activitiesbudget to come up with the studentsdealtwiththeEnglish composition neededmoney. classes. Theseactionsfolloweda lengthydiscus- "Oneof my definiteproblemsis the fact sion concerning the fateof the yearbook. that Ionly see Dr. Taylor (associate John Talevich, journalism department professor of English) once weekly," one chairman, toldthe senate thatabudgetof studentsaid. morethan $16,000 was requested for the Taylor replied that ample time is availablein terms of the essays students N write. "It's really likeIsee them every day," he remarked. Confronted with the problem, Weihe Aegis needs answered that generally all the teachers have more time outside the classroom to work individuallywith the students. MRCSTUDENTS tendtodisagreewith a staff Weihe's assessment."I gota 'C on one of my compositions and felt Ideserved a better grade.Iwent to see the teacher, Because of the ASSU senate's decision butbecauseIhad classesduringhisoffice to provide more funds for a student hours,hehadno timeforme," one student yearbookthe search for ayearbookeditor explained. has begun. The main goal of the program lies in Students witha backgroundin writing, "creating free human beings who are editing,layoutand/or photography inter- capable of making free moral choices," ested in the positionshould contact John Taylor said. However, the goal fails to Talevich, journalism department chair- include another desire of "Ricci" students, man, in McCusker 100. The editor will that of becoming socially as well as receive a tuition remission of an as yet mentally well-balanced. undeterminedamount. "Wehave two of our threeclasses with Students interested in other staff Matteo Ricci students, and this tends to positions should also contactTalevich. form cliques. We don'tmeet enoughother TALEVICH SAID Tuesday that he people, especially if we live at home," plans a subscription drive soon to raise another student commented. another couple thousand dollars for the TO THIS Weihe replies, "By keeping book.He speculated that students will be them together, we restrict the kind of askedto pay$2.50 fora copyof theannual. The senate voted Mondaynight to add $5,750 to the yearbook's account. The Aegis received $7000 last spring, not meeting enough funds in Talevich's and others' ASSU SENATOR Diane Schaffhauser attended this week's Senate \ dressed in pirate's garb. The dress was appropriate, for the Senate met on inside... opinions, to produce a book. Now with " InvolvementDay at the Seattle Center $12,750 in the account, the green light is Halloween Night. photo bymikemorgan drew thousands of concerned people on. by commenting that even if the needed comptroller andRenee Fulton as execu- togetherlast weekend.Meetthemanthey The money allocated to the Aegis was money wasallocated,"Ican't giveyou any tiveassistant coordinator. met on page four ... withdrawn from a fundthe ASSU had set guarantee that there absolutely will be a ASSU first vice president Jim Rice " many candidates(and up to renovate the Thereare so good Chieftain and from yearbook." announced the resignations of senators the usual number of schmucks) running the ASSU activitiesbudget. Students at the meeting expressed Lisa Fischer and Marian Volpe. Their for political office in the coming election TomParker, ASSU president, said he positive feelings toward producing a positions will be filled by executive that the Spectator presents an "Election had planned to use the money in the yearbook.Membersof TheSpectator staff appointment.He also announced that the Special,"beginning " on page five... Chieftain renovation fund to remodel and Women in Communications promised primaryelectionfor senateseatsone, two, Looking for something to do tonight? Tabard Inn. He said he would explore to assist inproductionof the Aegis. three and four and the office of freshman TheASSU willbe screeninga pairof films further transfer of allocated funds to A bill also was passed appropriating class president willbe November 15. The in Pigott tonight. Details on page nine... accomplish this. , $1,650 for the downpayment on typeset- final election is November18. 2/Friday, November4,. 1977/The Spectator opinion a week would meetfor lectures insteadof beinginterruptedby thebell, thusgetting more work done?" Would the 4-day lectures simply go on and on without Royer: beinginterruptedby the bell? What kind the best choice of class schedules could be devised under sucha planwhereclasses don'tstop at the Charles Royer is The Spectator's choice for Seattle mayor bell? duringTuesday's generalelection. The real Fr. Reichmann knows that there are not enough mature serious Thedecisionwas difficult andreachedafteraninformaldebate studentsintheUniversitywhowould take between senior editors resulted in the agreement that few advantageof the "break in the middle of concrete differences existedbetween the candidates. the week... to havemoretimeto study," THE EXPERIENCE factor between the two candidates is who would not "take Tuesday night as negligible.PaulSchell's 22 monthsas directorofSeattleDepart- another 'Friday night." He also knows from examining the ment of Community Development
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