PROTECTION CLUSTER | SUDAN Protection Hotspots in Sudan Protection Cluster Sudan Activities of Protection Cluster Including Child rPotection, Women Protection, and Mine Action Areas of asResponsibility of 29 August A2021 (oR) 1/4 POPULATIONKey Figures RESPONSE AGE AND GENDER In 2020,ASSISTANCE the protection sector MONTHLY has recorded TREND a total of 280 such incidents as a result of which thousands of people displaced, lost their villages, Over 200* 64 8 houses and livestock, many people were killed Sites Localities States and injured. These hotspots also covers Hotspot Hotspot Hotspot locations where during the rainy season *the exact number of hotspot sites in South Kordofan and Blue Nile States is subject to verification due to access intercommunal violence and conflict over the use problems. of resources reported. Furthermore, most of the Number of Hotspots Sites and Localities per State locations in Jabal Mara of Central Darfur, South 50 49 and West Kordofan and Blue Nile states considered as hotspots because of difficulties 40 33 32 the humanitarian organization face in terms of 30 accessing, as well as because of the presence of 22 ERW and UXOs. 20 15 19 10 12 12 10 7 4 6 6 6 3 4 0 East Darfur Blue Nile South Kordofan West Darfur South Darfur North Darfur Central Darfur West Kordofan Population in the Affected Areas 2,681,570 33 1,474,769 135,040 56,810 Estimated Affected Population Total IDPs Camps in Total IDPs in Total Returnees in Total Refugees in in Hotspot Areas. The Hotspot Areas. The Hotspot Areas. The Hotspot Areas. The Hotspot Areas. Source: Chad North Darfur Egypt 1. Gharb Jabal Marrah The Red Sea 2. Wasat Jabal Marrah 3. Shamal Jabal Marrah At Tina 4. Saraf Omra 5. Al Wihda Um Baru North Kordofan Libya Kutum West B Melit Darfur B BB Jebel Moon B B Al Koma BB BSirba As Serief Kebkabiya Al Fasher B Kereneik 4 B B B B BBAg Geneina B B Red Sea B B 3 Tawila BB B Zalingi 1 2 Dar As Salam B B B BB B B 5 Beida B B Sharg Aj Jabal B Mershing B Kas Shia'ria B Nyala Shimal Abassiya B Dilling Mukjar BB Abu Kershola Chad Central B Al Lait BB Yassin Darfur AbuBB Karinka Ar Rashad As Salam - SD Assalaya BB Adila Abu Jubayhah Um Dukhun B B B Al Lagowa B B B B B B As Sunta B Kadugli South Kordofan North Darfur Kassala B D Ghadeer South Darfur East Darfur D Um Dafoug D Eritrea D B Al Meiram D B Aj Jazirah BB D B B Ghadeer B B B Abyei DD D B D BB B B D GedarefPCA BB West Central BDarfur White B B B B B B B Nile BB B African Rep. North Kordofan BB B BB South Sudan B B B B BB B B B D B B B Sennar B B B B BB B Abassiya D BB West Kordofan Dilling Abu Kershola B D BBB D Ethiopia BB Habila - SK Ar Rashad Blue Nile Central At Tadamon BB Abu Jubayhah B B B Al Lagowa Darfur B B B B B BB South Kordofan Kadugli Baw Geisan Abyei Ghadeer D Legend D South Darfur D Al Kurmuk East Darfur Al Meiram D B IDP Camp Bahr Al Arab Ghadeer Abyei D D B Refugee Camp D D PCA Central D Crossing Point $_;0om7-ub;v-m7m-l;vv_om-m7|_;7;vb]m-ࢼomvv;7om|_bvl-r African Rep. South Sudan 7omo|blrѲoL1b-Ѳ;m7ouv;l;m|ou-11;r|-m1;0|_;&mb|;7-ࢼomvĸ Hot Spot Area bm-Ѳv|-|vo=|_;0;b-u;-bvmo|;|7;|;ulbm;7ĸ ثbu;]bom;0 Further document and information are available on UNHCR Sudan data-portal, please click on the link https://data2.unhcr.org/en/country/sdn, or scan the QR code. For Feedback Contact: Sudan Protection Sector [email protected] | UNHCR, Information Management Unit, [email protected] PROTECTION CLUSTER | SUDAN Protection Hotspots in Sudan Protection Cluster Sudan Activities of Protection Cluster Including Child rPotection, Women Protection, and Mine Action Areas of Responsibilityas of 29 August A2021 (oR) 2/4 POPULATIONState Locality HotspoRESPONSEt Areas ExistAGEing of E RANDW/ UXO GENDERApproximate Affected ASSISTANCEProtection,GBV ,MONTHLY CP, UNMAS/ TREND 1.1M Population 250,000NMAC partner(s) presence Blue Nile state Al Tadamon Magano, Yabacher, Menza, Manchallan, IDPs, IDP and refugee returnees, UN agencies and NOGs are operating Individuals targeted 211K 318K Yagalon, Yarada, Shanfous, Tashgurgul refugees 200,000from Damazine,SCI , WV. ( 94% Reached ) (20%) (31%) Blue Ni3.4Mle state Bau 1.8M Al Asalha, Malkan, Ulu, Wad-Abouk, Boot, Kalgo, Madah, Ullu IDPs (49,390). IDP Returnees They operating from Damazine Amoura, Mutshanker, Bakori, Yaba, Deim- Men 1M (24,000)Women. 150,000 People in need People in acuteSaad 4 Refugee Returnees (1 ,700) Blue Nile state El Kurmuk need Yabus, Mufu, KhouGovernoratesr-Bodi, Dim Manso reachedor, Barfa, Bashir Nugu, BwIndividualsayeth, Chali, IDPs (54285). IDP Returne1es0(04,8060).0 UNMAS/ NMAC ( out of 4 ) Ura, Mayak, Jorot, Jerban, Shalei, Ulu. Damathur, Dem Mansourreached, Guffa, Refugee Returnees(1 ,925) 50,000NORD (NGO) has an office in Kurmuk. Jorot Gerb, 238KKaili, Khor El Boudi, 273K UNICEF, UNFPA, and other protection 72 Kurmuk, M(23%)uguf, Pabres, Surkum (26%) 0partners deliver mobile services 1M 0.1M Districts reached Baldogo Boys Girls Blue NIDPsile state Gessan ReturneesAmoura, Mutshanker, Bak( ooutri, Y aofba ,72 De )im- Jantal Khaeir IDPs(38,260). IDP UN agencies and NOGs are operating Saad, other areas bordering ethiopia, and Returnees(2,800). Refugee from Damazine SPLM-N conttrolled localities. Returnees(3,978) INDIVIDUALSCentral Darfur Central Jeb eREACHEDl Mara Golo (Golo , PERToga and ACTIVITYSabanga) 41 ,366 IDPs and IDP-returnees DRC/SGBV, UNAMID/SGBV, SCI/CP Central Darfur Mukjar Shangil Tobaya UNMAS/ NMAC Central Darfur North Jebel Mara Rokero (Daya and surounding villages) 30,201 IDPs and IDP-returnees N/A Central Darfur Shamal Jabal Marrah Borgo, Sangara, Watari, Jemiza, Kaya 1 2850 IDPs due to intercommunal General Protection Womenco nProtectionflicts Central Darfur Shamal Jabal Marrah Fanga Suk Golo, Rokoro 91 00 IDPs due to intercommunal UNMAS/ NMAC Protection Monitoring Community-Based Initiatives GBV Awarnessconflicts and Women and Girls Safe Central Darfur Umm Dukhun Um Dukhun UNMAS/ NMAC Central Darfur West Jebel Mara Nertiti (Nertiti Town, Gurni, Kwila and Community65,200 IDResiliencePs and IDP-returnees DRC/SGBCentresV, UNAMID/ S/G SpacesBV, surounding villages) Central 270,045Darfur Zalengei Hamadiya, Khamsa-Daqaeq, 900Hasahisa Abata, Waranga 20134,5809500 IDPs DRC/SGBV, UNAMID/SGBV, 4SCI/CP, UNMAS/ NMAC East Darfur Yassin Eshiaraya, Um Bweim Sabeel, Akuia, Bajo, Tandlti, Tortaan 796 SSR in the locality. 34,000 MoH, ARC, UNMAS/ NMAC Cash assistance MuhajeriaCommunity-Based, Lebado, Selia'a, Afendo, Protection IncomeID GeneratingPs & IDP-returnees Dignity Kits Distributed Keliakel, Um Elkhiarat, Malwie, Hijilija, Ladob. Networks and Committees Activities and Skills Building East Darfur Abu Karinka El Khtema return village, Dar elsalam, Um 2,1 32 SSR in the locality. (IDP & ARC 242,422 Rakoba, Aliwabit, Alsahab, Ja113d Alseed. IDP5,949-returnee figures not available 0 via IOM Data) East Darfur Adilla Adilla, Almazroob, Sharif, Almertie, 3,800 SSR in the locality. (IDP & ALIGHT, MoHSD and Police Legal Assistance AldereigaCapacity-Building, Um Totahana, Garadaya Child ProtectionIDP-returnee figures not available via IOM Data) East Darfur Assalaya Kelaikel Abu Salama, Um Buim, Um Dai, Critical1 Child4,292 SS ProtectionR in the locality (IDP & CIS, ARCPsychosocial, GAH and MoHSD Support for Childrenand and Caregivers Eriad Gareb, Eraid Shareg, Shag Hessan, ServicesIDP-returnee figures not available 5,875 Shag Tabaldi, Um La'aouta, E252l Fedo, via IOM Data) Matoret, El Gernaia, El Twelie 5,502 263,346 East Darfur Bahr El Arab Al Kobo, Samaha UNMAS/ NMAC EaCommunityst Darfur El D Resiliencyaein Jalabi, UmCommunity Romad, Kedaick , CentresAl Mongar, Mine Action1 25,000 IDPs & IDP-returnees UNFPA, UNICEF, WFP, CIS, Hijalija UNWOMEEstimatedN, UNAMID, AArea,RC, in Square Meters, of Land Cleared or Surveyed Mine Risk Education MoHSD,GAH,NIDO and Manar etc East Darfur El Daein El Neem IDP camp 92,745 IDPs UNFPA, UNICEF, WFP, CIS, 4,575 3 56,047 UNWOMEN, UNAMID116,618, ARC and MoHSD. East Darfur Shia'ria Sheria, Khazan Jedid and other satelite 37,500 IDPs & IDP-returnees MoHSD, GAH,NIDO, and ALIGHT returned villages, Hilat Ramadan, Jakhara, 30% PRESENCE PER GOVERNORATEArto, Ga'ar Hajar, Om lawaia, Abu INDIVIDUALS REACHED VS TARGETED Al MahwitDoweimat, Shaq khassan, Negeia North Darfur Al Fasher Majdoub 30000 IDPs due to intercommunal 1 UN Al Hodeidah 42% 1 INGO conflicts North Darfur Al Fasher 2 NNGOHai Al Jabal area, Al Fasher Al Fasher, Tega 1 931 2 IDPs due to intercommunal UNMAS/ NMAC conflicts Hajjah 35%57% North Darfur Al Koma Al Arais UNMAS/ NMAC North Darfur Al Lait Al Lait UNMAS/ NMAC Raymah 13%47% (59K) North Darfur As Serief Kebkabiya 1 801 IDPs due to intercommunal Al Jawf conflicts NorthHajjah Darfur At Tina Gadir UANMl MASa/h NwMitAC14%1 9% (79K) North 2D aUNrfur Dar el Salam Shadad 1 1 ,61 0 IDPs None North 5D aINGOrfur Dar el Salam Umdaressaya 9,000 IDPs None North 6D aNNGOrfur Dar el Salam Nefasha 40,000 IDPs NREACHEDone PER DISTRICT SEVERITY SCORE North Darfur Dar el Salam Shangil Tobaya Shabwah 20,609 IDPs 71 K Dhamar North Darfur Kebkabiya As Serief 7500 IDPs due to intercommunal Ibb conflicts 6 4% North 2D aUNrfur Kebkabiya SortonAdy Dali' 37,000 IDPs ANHAR, RAWAFID, SCCW/CAFA North 2D aINGOrfur Kebkabiya Kebibabiya town 22,579 IDPs & IDP and refugee None 5 14 NNGO Lahj returnees 4 North Darfur Kutum Kassab Kottom 47,000 IDPs, 1 7 HHs refugee- CAFA, SCCW, UNMAS/ NMAC Aden returnees North Darfur Kutum Fata Barnu 1 0,15,000572 IDPs CAFA, SCCW 3 North Darfur Mellit Tikilima 27,000 UNMAS/ NMAC 2 6% North Darfur Saraf Omra 1 INGOSaraf Omra Locality App43,000roximately 3000 refugees, 2 NNGO app56,000roximately
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