FULL SERVICE WHOLESALER OUR CRYSTAL DEPARTMENT HAS EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL TO HANDLE ALL YOUR WATCH CRYSTAL NEEDS FROM FITTING TO REFILLS. TRY US - YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED. n GENUINE • ACCUTRON • BULOVA • CARAVELLE jwATER RIESISTANTCRYST,.,L CYCLOPE -·· GENUINE OYSTI!R C•YSTAL 'f ROLEX FITTING LCD FANCIES - LED FANCIES - OLDER FANCY - MINERAL TENSION RING - WATERPROOF ROUNDS - HUNTING CASE - DIVERS - CYLINDER LADIES ROUND GENUINE ARMITRON - BULOVA - CASIO - CITIZEN - LONGINES OMEGA - PULSAR - ROLEX - SEIKO - TIMEX - ZODIAC REFILLS G & S - HI DOMES - TENSION RING - FLAT TOP CYLINDERS - PERFIT - GLASS - FLAT - THINS - MINERAL WEDGE LEDGE ~ P.O. BOX 43561 ST. PAUL. MN 55164 NATIONAL WATS-ORDERS ONLY - 800-328-0205 & Cb. MINNESOTA WATS-ORDERS ONLY - 800-392-0334 ~Esslinger INQUIRIES-INFORMATION - 612-452-7180 VOLUME 11, NUMBER 3 MARCH 1987 HOROLOGICAL Official Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute 8 HENRY B. FRIED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 6 An English Movement By F. Elliott ARCHIE B. PERKINS TECHNICALLY WATCHES Isochronal 8 Antique Watch Restoration, Part XV WES DOOR SHOPTALK Errors & 12 Module Retrofitting, Part I Solutions TIMOTHY R. WHITE CLOCKS INSIDE AND OUT 14 A Practical Guide to the Recoil Escapement, Part 2 14 MARVIN E. WHITNEY ELAPSED TIME CLOCKS 18 Part VI: Reassembly MARSHALL F. RICHMOND PICKLE BARREL 10-Year 24 Basic Jewelry Repair, Lesson 6 Practice Project - Make a Brass Ring Technical JAMES ADAMS NOVICE WATCHMAKER Estimating the Repair 26 of Mechanical Watches Index EDGAR CLEVES, JR. GEMSTONES 40 28 Spinet GENE KELTON 30 WATCHES INSIDE AND OUT Citizen Watch Power Cell List DEPARTMENTS Book Review/4 New Members/11 Readers Write/13 HOROLOGICAL TIMES (ISSN0145-9546) is published monthly and copyrighted by the American AWi Bench Courses/29 Watchmakers Institute, 3700 Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211, for $40.00 per year ($4.50 Association News/36 per copy in the United States and $50.00 per year; $5.50 per copy outside the U.S.). Second class Advertisers' I ndex/37 postage paid at Cincinnati, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to HOROLOGICAL TIMES, Dates to Remember/37 P.O. Box 11011, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211. Classified Ads/38 George Daniels * FELLOWS * Henry B. Fried Josephine F. Hagans OF THE AMERICAN Orville R. Hagans Hamilton E. Pease WATCHMAKER'S INSTITUTE Milton C. Stevens EXECUTIVE AND EDITORIAL OFFICES Marvin E. Whitney AWi Central P.O. Box llOll 3700 Harrison Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 Telephone: (513) 661-3838 Editorial Harold J. Herman: Editor Short orders were and still are a topic of discussion whenever Regina G. Stenger: Associate Editor watchmakers gather. From the amount of time and earnestness Donna Baas : Production Director devoted to the subject, the "how to handle it" seems to have never been solved. Adding to the confusion is the new kid on the block, Mildred Howard: Circulation Manager the quartz watch which will stop running with the tiniest amount Margie M. Brater: Circulation of soil in its gear box. TECHNICAL EDITORS: The most common short order that is seen today is battery re­ placement. This procedure has a built-in safety factor in it since David G. Arnold Wes Door the watch was not running when it was brought to the watch­ William Biederman Henry B. Fried maker. The crystal only is relatively safe, provided the glass has James H. Broughton Orville R. Hagans not shattered. But when we get to that stem and crown only Fred S. Burckhardt Ewell D. Hartman job, watchmakers not only begin to stutter, they absolutely cringe Edgar "Nick" Cleves Robert A. Nelson in fear. Steven G. Conover Archie B. Perkins Joe Crooks Marshall F. Richmond Now, for all you newcomers to the trade-listen closely. The cus­ A WI OFFICERS: tomer brings in a quartz watch that is running and on time. It is missing the crown and closer examination shows the stem to William Biederman, CMW: President be broken. You explain to the customer the materials that are Robert F. Bishop: 1st V. President needed and fairly estimate the completed job. The customer Alice B. Carpenter, CMW, CEWS: 2nd V. President departs. You carefully wipe the case back and bezel as clean as Wes Door, CMW: Secretary possible. You either snap open the back or unscrew it. During Marvin E. Whitney, CMW, CMC, FAWI: Treasurer this operation, a tiny piece of soil drops into the movement. The watch stops. You fit the stem and crown. You blow out AWJ DIRECTORS: the movement but the watch doesn't run. You remove the train Jam es Adams, CMW bridge to find the obstruction, but that doesn't work either. James H. Broughton, CEWS You completely service the watch, including washing the case Fred S. Burckhardt and bracelet. Joe Crooks Henry B. Fried, CMW, CMC, FAWI The customer returns for the watch. You charge for a stem and a Gerald G. Jaeger, CMW, CEWS crown job. The customer leaves convinced that a fair and just Robert A. Nelson, CMW, CEWS transaction has just taken place. Howard L. Opp, CEWS Archie B. Perkins, CMW Will you take the time to let us know how you personally take Marshall F. Richmond, CMW care of a situation such as this? David H. Fryday: Affiliate Chapter Director William T. Clary: Research and Education Council Director (REC) Fred S. Burckhardt: Past Pres,ident Milton C. Stevens, FAWI: Executive Secretary On the Front Michael P. Danner: Administrative Director This month's front cover was taken at Zion National Reprinting and reproduction is prohibited without per· mlsslo " :fro m tho American Watchmakers Institute. Copy­ Park, North Fork. Mr. Mark Krueger of Williamsville, rlgh·t © 1987 by the American Watchmakers Institute. NY is the photographer. 2 Horological Times/March 1987 ~ARSHALL-~WARTCHILD CUCKOO CLOCKS All movements are assembled and supplied with chains and hooks only. Running Time: 24 hours Weights, Pendulums and Bellows are extra. Plate Dimensions: 1.2 x 75 x 75 mm Weights: 2 - each 4209. (approx. 7 /8 lb.) STRIKE MOVEMENT Pendulum length: 190 mm (from hand shaft to center of pendulum disc) WEIGHT DRIVEN Chains : 2 - each 1.80 mm long Wire Thickness: 0.9 mm (No. 19) C56926 $24.00 Running Time: 24 hours Running Time: 8 days Plate Dimensions: 1.0 x 62 x 69 mm Plate Dimensions: 1.2 x 90 x 85 mm Weights: 2 - each 270g. (approx. '12-lb.) Weights: 2 - each 1100g. (approx. 2Y, lbs.) Pendulum length: 160 mm (from hand Pendulum length: 160 mm (from hand shaft center to pendulum disc) shaft to center of pendulum disc) Chains: 2 - each 1.80 mm Chains: 2 - each 2.00 mm long Wire Thickness: 0.9 mm (No. 19) Wire Thickness: 1.05 mm (No. 12) C56925 $22.50 C56927 $29.95 VERSATILE CLOCK TOOL KIT BELLOW TOPS CARVED WOOD $3.95 a pair WILL DO ANY OR ALL OF THESE THINGS: PENDULUMS ~- (Without taking clock apart or removing wheels} Brown For bellows: 1. Cut a hole for a new bushing. Genuine Black Forest 2. Thread the hole it has cut. 6". C10/1 3. Cut a new face on shoulder of arbor (if same is worn I. 4 Re-cut r::uvot, (This is rarely necessary. because bushings supplied 4" & 5" . C10/2 REGULAR are twice the thickness of dock plates, to extend over unworn part 3" & 3%" . C10/3 Overall length 9%" of pivot. ) 5. Witli the special wrench, screw into the newly cut and tl"lreaded 2" & 2'h" . C10/4 No. C54725 holes, new bushings, Two dozen bushings are supplied, precision cut Each $7.75 and finished with cone shaped E!!nd to retain oil Four hole sizes are included to fit 75% of clock pivots. SMALL 6. Permit you to shift the alignment of the ..-..heels so teeth and pinions Overall length 7" mesh ln a new unworn pt~ . No. C547251 Outfit consists of two double end. hollow center cunen. hollow Each $4.00 center threading tool, wrench. and handle. All in neat wood block with two dozen bushings. Bushing holes fit precisely the new pivots which the euners will make if they are needed. The new pivot is cut simultaneously with the same cutter that cuts the bushing hole. These BELLOWS tools fit a No. 30 lathe chuck, drill press or hand drill and, of course. the handle furn ished with the tool. (Sold in pairs only) Never has a more completely useful tool bttn created for the clock· maker. Hele>s you do a praiseworthy job with fess effort and in fess time thus assuring you of more adequate compensation for yv ur efforts No. C53045 CLOCK TOOL KIT CUCKOO HAND NUTS Complete with 24 Bushings . • • , • , • , , , ••• ••••• • S22.00 OPENING LENGTH PAIR EXTRA BUSHINGS 74-012-1 Side 2Y." $6 60 8J ~ Side 2¥." 6.60 nu~ uu-~ JhortJ n.,.,.. t..Mir threads so th•\ wl'1en t~ i nto a 1/16'' plate they will Assortment Side 3'1.." 6.60 be Uuth qn tM bOnom.. TlHt cxrna k>ngi...,. 11bout 5/ l6'' l n ktngth Md can be used Side 4•• 5.40 lft LOKIQ.1 ~ wt'ltttCll l'loieded. "fhre¥Xd lock w::t:;htA 31'W ah:o 1v•lobhJ to facilitate of 36 Side 5" 5.40 COflU'OI o f tho dtoth 1n Wf't1ch tho bwhln; ti to n1m.in rn 1M ~ate . Back s·· 6.50 Back 6" 6.50 One Ooten Minimum of a Siu Sold. ~ Side 6" 6.75 HOLE SIZE REGULAR SHORT LONG Bushings I LOCK WASHERS 1 /22" C53045A C53045AS C53045AL or Fits all bushings. - 3/64" C53045B C53045BS C53045B L Washe" Slotted so they can $6.75 1/16" C53045C C53045CS C53045CL Per Doz. be adjusted with 5/64" CS30450 C53045DS C53045DL S1 .85 doc.k tool Wf1lftei'I .
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