X Shirley Cave and Norman Kerber Wed Saturday Eve Mis* Shirley Marie Cave of The modified bell skirt accented Seven Fountains, Va. and Nor­ at waistline with a toft fold end man Leonard Kerber of Washing­ tng in a boar in the back. Her NUMBER 49 ton. D. C. were m arriad Saturday, headdress was of matching peau- NINETY-FIRST YEAR CHATSWORTH, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1956 July 31 at 7 pjn. at the First de-soie with a complexion veil. Brethren Church at Winchester, She carried a nosegay of match­ Va. The Rev. Paul EL Dick of ing carnations. Winchester officiated at the dou­ Mrs. Faye Cullen of Front Plans To Open Junior College Pontiac Band To ble ring ceremony before an altar Royal. Va. and Miss Ellen Croaon of snapdragons, mums, palms and of Arlington, Va. served as brides­ candelabra. maids and were dressed identical At Pontiac September, '66 Give Concert Mrs. Paul E Dick of Winches­ to the matron of honor. Efforts to establish a Junior col­ has said, “Many young people with ter was organist and acocmpauiied Michael Kerber of Chatsworth lege In Living*ton County are well potentiality need the personal Aug. 11th Mrs. Donna Powell of Waterlick, served his brother - as best man under way, according to informa­ guidance program which a private soloist. and Paul Villemaire and Debnus Junior College can offer.” Arthur O. Walter states that he tion presented a^ a meeting In has secured another fro* band Parents of the couple are Mr. Smith both of Washington, D. C. Pontiac Friday evening. The ENROLLMENT and Mrs. Clifton Lee Cave of were ushers. In the beginning years the Col­ concert for Chatsworth which will meeting in the Oomrounlty Room* be given next Wednesday night, Seven Fountains, Va. and Mr. and The pride’s mother chose a blue of the National Bank followed a lege would be located at the old Mrs. Leonard C. Kerber of Chats- sheath dress with white accessor­ Pontiac High School building. August 11, at 8 o’clock In the worth. buffet nipper tor repreaentaUve* Chatsworth Park pavilion. ies for the wedding. 'of area newspaper*. Daly the best parts of the building The bride, given in marriage The bridegroom's mother chose would be used. Initial enrollment The concert la given by the A charter haa been granted by Fontiac Municipal Band under by her father, chase a full length a pink flowered crepe dress with Illinois Secretary of State Paul of 150 to 200 U expected, with a gown of silk organza with re- bone accessories. Both wore white maximum of 400 while In this lo­ the direction of E L M eeker who embroidered trim. It was design­ Powell for Winston Churchill Col­ has conducted the band for many rose corsages. lege at Pontiac. Ten member* of cation. Availability of this build­ ed with a scoop neckline, long A reception was held in the so­ years. The music for this occa­ the Board of Regents of the col­ ing is what makes a Junior col­ sion Is provided by a grant from tapered sleeves and high-rise cial room of the church following lege have been (elected by the or­ lege feasible for this area. waist line. The bell shaped skirt the ceremony. the trust funds of Recording In­ ganizer*. Hie Board 1* to be en­ The admission policy of the dustries obtained by the coopera­ was accented at the bottom with For a wedding trip to Williams­ larged to at least fifteen. Including school would be the so-called the re-embroidered trim and was burg, Va. the bride wore a yellow tion of Pontiac Local No. 769, representatives throughout the “open door” policy of admitting American Federation of Musi­ complimented in back with a two piece dacron with white ac­ county. Plan* to raise a minimum all graduates of recognized high watteau trim caught at the shoul­ cessories. cians of $80,000 needed Jo get the school schools. This Is the policy for­ The Chatsworth Lions Club ders with a self bow. After August 3 the couple will merly followed by the state uni­ Her fullpouff veil of silk Illu­ be at home at 1523 Apt. 102, 69th Donald Rudolf started are progressing. Approxi­ will furnish a treat for the musi­ mately $16,000 hats been donated. versities, but which they have cians after the concert at the sion fell from a pill box hat of Avenue, S. E , Washington, D.C. been forced to abandon because lace and pearls. She carried a The new Mrs. Kerber is a grad­ New CHS Coach The proposed college will be a Coral CUp. private school, In contrast to a of greatly increased enrollments. Those who are planning a pic­ M axson white prayer book overlaid with uate of Roller Business College Students should be able to white orchid and streamers tied and is a secretary for Weaver Donald Rudolf of Greensburg, public or tax-supported school. nic In the pavilion on Aug. 11 will Indiana has been hired by the Since Uvingston County ha* very transfer to other schools on com­ please bear In mind that the pa­ in love knots. Bros. pletion of their two years at the Re-Elected Mrs. Beulah Villemaire of Mr. Kerber Is a graduate of Chatsworth Unit No. 1 Board of little likelihood of having a pub­ vilion is to be reserved for the lic. tax-supported Junior college, school. concert from 6 p.m. on the above Washington, D. C. was matron of Chatsworth High School, attend­ Education to coach basketball TUITION honor. She wore a full length ed the University of Illinois and and track, assist with the coach­ because the potential of 1,000 stu­ date. Commander dents doesn't exist. a private Also brought out at the meeting gown of azure blue peau-de-soie served four years In the Air ing of football and teach driver was the proposed cost for stu­ and lace. It was fashioned with Force. He is employed with the education and physical education. school Is the only possibility for American Legion Post 61$ met this area. Investigations have re­ dents. For students from IJving- last Wednesday night and heard a modified scoop neck, . long Foreign Service in the State De­ Mr. Rudolf is a Greensburg ston County or tf ? surrounding sleeves and high-rise waist line. partment. High School graduate with the vealed. a complete report of the 4th of class of 1953. He attended Indi­ The curriculuri for Winston area who would oommute and not July celebration. The membership ana Technical College at Fort Churchill College would Include take meals on campus, tuition has Girl Scouts To was pleased with the report. Wayne from 1953 until '56 and liberal arts and business educa­ been set at $400 per semester. Harry Btrkenbetl reported on has attended the University at tion. There would be provided The cost for a student who is from Hold Fund the state convention which he and Dr. Barnhizer Donald Beckhoff Bloomington, Indiana from 1962 strong counseling and adult class­ beyond the area and for whom the Curt Stoller attended recently in until 1965. He will receive his es to meet the needs of area resi­ college would provide room and Chicago a* delegate and alternate. Dies Former Resident, Bachelor of Science degree from dents. Mrs, Luclle Goodrich, board Is estimated at $1,125 p er Raising Drive Several other* attended the par­ the university this summer. county superintendent of schools. semester, an all-inclusive fee. ade on Saturday night and on Dr. Jay G. ’Barnhizer. 90. a re­ He is a member of the Men's Girl Scout mothers and lead­ Sunday. tired physician, died at his home Dies Physical Education Majors and er* are beginning on a fund-rais­ A picture of the past State at Humiston Haven, Pontiac, last Minors Club and was a board ing drive for the girls. Commander, Jamea Finks, was Thursday. He had been ill several Funeral services were held Sun­ member his sophomore year, sec­ Honor Sister New Barber Chatsworth.Is a member of the presented to the Chatsworth post months and seriously ill a week. day. August 1 at the Behrendt retary-treasurer 63-64 and presi­ Centrillo Council with headquar­ for having an all time high mem­ A memorial servioe was held Funeral Home in Pontiac for dent in 64-65. He also is a mem­ M. Rosetta ter* In Bloomington. In order to bership for 64-66. Sunday, August 1 at the Humis­ Donald LeRoy Beckhoff, 30, of ber of the Phi Epsilon Kappa Shop Opens function a* a unit It Is necessary It was brought up that the Approximately 225 persons at­ memtiershlp due* may ba raised ton Haven Chapel with the Rev. Pontiac who was dead on arrival fraternity which is a physical ed­ tended the pot lock supper Sunday to belong to the Council. Norman Rostron officiating. at St. Jamea Hospital Friday. ucation fraternity. Nov. 1 for the 65-66 year. Burial was In South Side Ceme­ evening honorltHC Sister M. Ros­ In Chatsworth In times post .some troops have It was voted to contribute to Dr. Barnhizer graduated from He has YMCA teaching and etta, OSF. The supper was held acted Independently, but this will Iowa University and Chicago tery- coaching experience and has Glenn Pearson opened a new the centennial fund. Coroner Vernon Von Qualen is at the high school cafotcria rather no longer be permitted. The Girl Chairman Karl Weller peasant - Medical School. He practiced coached little leagues, Babe Ruth than at the park as originally barber shop in the N.
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