Body identi ed Order of Military Merit Team NB Great night at KIRA pg. 2 pg. 3 pg. 6 pg. 16 Your Comfort is Our Business • Heat Pumps • HEPA Air Purifi ers • Air Exchangers Licensed Refrigeration & AC Technician Design, Sales, Install, Maintenance, Service 165657 Tuesday, July 16, 2019 Energy Saving Products & Services stcroixcourier.ca Volume 153, Issue 29 Contact Mark Moore at 755-6401 - St. George Deer Island School to lose full-time teacher, have classes further condensed Andrew Sutton it seems like the formula is the same for everybody - so it’s fair. But the conse- DEER ISLAND quences of applying the formula aren’t always the same.” The Deer Island Community School Mitchell points out no other rural has been informed by the Anglophone schools in the district have had class- South School District that, barring any rooms condensed so drastically, and change in student enrolment, they will wonders what effect the move will have be losing a full-time teacher for the up- on the learning and development of the coming school year. students. Angela Rogerson, chair of the Parent “There are specifi c curriculums for School Support Committee (PSSC) said every grade, and specifi c curriculum at the end of the school year they were outcomes for those grades,” she said. called into a meeting with Tim Davis, “So the management of a classroom principal of the Deer Island Commu- with three grades in it is a lot more nity School, who said he had been in- complicated today than it would have ASD-S photo formed by the school board that due to been in the past. And there’s no curric- Deer Island Community School students participate in Mental Fitness week. Without increased enrollment, the the formula used for full time teacher ulum designed for three grade combi- school is heading into the 2019/20 school year with one less teacher and further condensed classes. allotments, they would be losing a nations, so the teacher has to combine teacher and have their classes further these curriculums themselves as best agrees with that assessment. She said young families, and if they are consid- condensed. as they can, to try to make the curric- there are no classrooms which can eas- ering a move here and looking at the Without additional students enrolling ulum outcomes,” which are based on ily accommodate 23 desks, especially if school - as great as it is - they would see throughout the summer, when children standardized testing. those desks need to be divided up into that their kids could be there for nine on Deer Island go back to school in early The class condensation will result grade levels. years and only have three teachers. September, the 52 students who will be in the Grades 3 to 5 group being at the Additionally, if a student in Grades 3 What if one of their kids doesn’t re- attending the school will be enrolled in maximum allowable class size of 23 to 5 were to transfer to the school in the spond well to a certain teachers style, one of three classes, depending on their students, which according to the PSSC middle of the year, they would have no and they just don’t get along?” grade. Kindergarten to Grade 2 will be members raises additional issues. place for them - as the classes would be “The point is, there should be some in a classroom, Grades 3 to 5 will be in In an emailed statement, the Anglo- at the maximum allowable capacity. room for creative problem solving another, and Grades 6 to 8 will make up phone South School District stated, “The more our school gets chipped here,” she said. the fi nal class. “Class sizes are established by the away at in terms of resources and “We want to collaborate, we want to Previously, the school had four con- NBTF collective agreement and ASD-S teachers, the more diffi cult it is to at- say to Zoe Watson or whoever’s making densed classrooms, with each one hav- uses the provincial formula that deter- tract young families to actually move to these decisions, ‘How can we fi x this?’ ing two grades. mines staffi ng. This includes an estab- Deer Island,” said Mitchell. We feel we need to have a fourth teacher. Lois Mitchell, an island resident with lished maximum number of students “I mean, we get it,” she added. “I’m How can we work together, instead of grandchildren who attend the school, in a class, depending on the grade level, sure every school thinks that they have just being at loggerheads about it?” said she understands why the decision including instances of split classes.” a reason that they should have some- [email protected] by Zoë Watson, superintendent of the The statement went on to say the Deer thing beyond what the allotment is. But Anglophone South School District, to Island Community School’s “Class- nobody, I think, anticipated ending up $1.33 +TAX condense the classrooms was made. But rooms are all large enough to accom- with a situation where a small kinder- she points out the Deer Island Commu- modate this confi guration of classes, garten to grade eight school would have nity School is in a situation that may not and the District provides the necessary nine grades and only three classes, with be adequately served by the algorithm support to all teachers and classrooms three teachers.” used to determine teacher allotments. to address a variety of challenges and “We have a great school,” said Mitch- “We understand that the formula is opportunities.” ell, “And we’ve all chosen to live on Deer there for a reason,” said Mitchell, “And Rogerson, as chair of the PSSC, has Island, and we love living here, but it’s from Zoe Watson’s perspective, I’m sure children who attend the school, and dis- getting harder and harder to attract Online and in Print BUILDING AMENITIES Enjoy all the amenities The Beacon has to offer. We have designed our building with your Newspapers Work! OPENING needs and desires in mind. e printed community newspaper is by far the favourite source of local news and For any questions please information in communities large and small across Canada. Time spent with a SPRING 2020!! contact us at community newspaper is virtually unchanged compared to two years ago and not surprisingly, the predominant reason for reading printed community newspapers is 165620 506-529-3315 local information, including news, editorial, sports, entertainment and events. or email us at [email protected] 466•3220 170949 www.beaconwaterfront.com www.stcroixcourier.ca 2 | JULY 16, 2019 NEWS Walk n’Talk at Body found Sunday Rally in the Valley confirmed as missing woman New River Beach ST. STEPHEN happening in August Corp. Scott MacKenzie of the St. Stephen RCMP Friday, July 19 at 8 p.m. Walk n’ Talk at Carrying stated Tuesday morning the body found at Todd’s ST. STEPHEN Cove, New River Beach led by David Goss with the Point on Sunday has officially been identified as Come and join us for the 2019 Rally in the St. theme Strange Sightings in Charlotte Country. This Lorraine Williams, who was reported missing on Croix Valley, happening from Friday, August 2 will feature stories of sharks, whales, sea and lake July 8. An autopsy was conducted on Monday, and through Sunday, August 4 at the St. Stephen Le- monsters, mermaids, mostly in the waters of Char- the investigation is continuing. The body was dis- gion. There will be all kinds of fun events happen- lotte county, but a new story has come to light on a covered along the shore of the St. Croix River on ing throughout the weekend, including live music, recent Walk n’ Talk of a Fundy Surgeon Man that will the morning of July 14 by members of the St. Ste- vendors, a poker run, guided rides, a show and be shared for the first time at New River as part of this phen Fire Department . shine, a parade of lights, breakfast, the Iron Horse outing. This is a free program for campers and visi- ride to St. George, and a barbecue. Of course, the tors to the park sponsored by New River Provincial ever-popular Harley Draw will be happening, and Park. An alternate indoor program is held if it is wet. you have a chance to win a 2019 Harley Davidson Monday, July 22 at 7:15 p.m. Summer 2019 Stories Road King or a Pioneer 1000 side by side. To get and Songs Series at Trinity Church, 115 Charlotte your ticket for the Harley Draw, contact any CAV Street will feature Steven Scribner and his experience member, or message on Facebook at www.facebook. n the Camino walk in Santiago, Spain, how it was Bonfire Festival com/events/663662367431659/. Tickets are 50 each, done by a mature adult, and could be done by anyone and there are only 800 available, so get yours soon. who has the inclination, and its value to the individ- This event is hosted by 2CAV Thiepval and raises ual. It is a slide presentation, and will be held in the in St. Stephen funds that stay right in the community. Bennett Room and the program will be about an hour in length. A cool summer treat will follow the presen- tation. A free will offering is requested, half going to ST. STEPHEN the presenters, and the other half to assist in the re- Don’t you feel that spark between us? We sure do! furbishing of the Trinity Tower, now underway.
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