ABSTRACTS I< x r KriI ni ENT,II, s‘r u 111ES Mammary Cancer Produced by Folliculin in Mice, A. I,ACASSA(;X\‘E.IJn cancer d’origine horinonalc de l’adi.iiocarcinome mammaire de la souris, Paris nii.cI. 1 : 233- 240, 1035. This article is a summary and reiteration of prei.iously p~iI)lishetlwork concerning the injection of mice \\ ith crystallized folliculin to produce mammary cancer. r31evc211 011 t of 12 niales of strain R3 from the Institute of Radium, Paris, that \yere injected with folliculin develoI)cd adenocarcinoma of the breast; 300 international units of folliculin wvre injected weeldy from the time of birth. Seven of 0 sisters of these males, treated in the saiiie manner, died of mammary cancer indistiiiguishable pathologically from that of the males. Ordinarily, 72 per cent of the females of this strain dc~~lopspontaneous ilia iii iii ary ca iicer. Similar injections were made in strain R4, in which less than 2 per cent of the females clevclop spontaneous mainmary cancer. Of 0 inales and 4 females thus treated, all dc\,eloped mamniary carcinoma exceljt one male which died from an abscess of the nrostate. A bil)liography is appended, in which the aiithor’s original papers on this suhject are incluclcd. [For abstracts, see Am. J. Cancer 20: 883, 1934; 21: 868, 1034; 23: 358, 350, 19.15.] There are no illustrations. CHL1Rl.ES .A. \]‘.41,TM11N So-called Teratomas of the Testicle Produced Experimentally by Zinc, 1’. I,J VHA(;A. Sui cosidetti teratomi speriiTicntali del testicolo da zinco, I’nthologica 26: 726-735, 1934. The author calls attention to the spontaneous teratoid tumors of hirds and Iiriefly reviews the literature on testicular tumors caused by zinc. lie reports a brief series of esperirnents in which 5 per cent and 10 per cent aqueous solutions of zinc chloride were injected into the testicles of young roosters in varying dosage. Tunicfaction of the testicle, general cachexia, and a quick death resulted in several cases, the findings being those of necrosis, orchitis, and 1)eriorchitis. Other birds developed cachexia and testicular tumors but survived several months. Advanced necrosis with some deposi- tion of calcium salts was the rnain feature of these tumors, with the develol)riient of fistulous tracts along which the products of decomposition were discharged. Islands of cartilage and bone and striated muscle fibers were found in two of the tumors. ,.1 he author does not consider these tumors true teratomas. He I)elieves that infection and necrosis due to the presence of the caustic agent explain the picture. ’I’he fact that the processes of destruction are so l)re\.alent over those of growth in the tumors supports this hypothesis. The series is too srnall, however, to supl)ort definite conclusions. Photoriiicrographs illustrate the histological description. [Hagg has inore receiitly descrilwd the production of testicular teratoina in fowls by injections of zinc chloride after functional stimulation of the testis by prolonged hormone injections. See LA~ii.J. Cancer 26: 69, 1936.1 JEANNETTEniuNKo Comparison of the Growth of the Jensen Rat Sarcoma in Subcutaneous and Intra- muscular Transplants, \V. R. EARLEAND CAKL\~OE(,TI,IN. Sat. Inst. lleal~liBull. NO. 164: 47-58, 1935. In thc course of sonic earlier work with the Jenseii rat sarcoma it wa5 found that whereas the tumors resulting from suI)cutaneous inoculation were definitely eiicap- sulated, those that followed intramuscular implantation had no distinct capsule but grew invasively into the surrounding tissues; moreover, these latter tumors were larger and showed less tendency to necrosis. 139 1.10 ABSTRACTS 'I'hc advantages of intriimiiscular inoculation seemed so clear that this method of tr~insl)lantationhas I)eeri wed ever sirice in the authors' lalmratory. 'lliv prcscwt papc~d rilm a rcpctition and extension of the first experiments. 'flic t iiiiiors cnii)loyctl were the Jenseii rat sarcoma and the Walker rat carcinoma 256, aritl t lie rats inoculated I)elonged to an inllred strain olitained from the State lnstitiitr (or the Study of Rlalignant Ilisease, at Buffalo, in 1030, and since then continued I)y t hc iiii tliors. 'I'hc. earliclr findings arc confirmed, and it is pointed out that these in\.asi\,e intra- muscnl;ir growths simtilatc sl)ontaneous ncwpl;isms more closely than do the encapsulated s~it~c~itaneonstiintors gcsnerally i~mployed in experimental cancer research. On the other h;iind, thcy have the disadvantage that they cannot tie so accurately charted. 'l'lic pa1)cr is illustratctl I)y eight I)liotomicrogral,hs. [I .r\.in, also, has pointcd ont the difference Iietwecn sul)cutaneous tumors and thosc. rcsiiltiiig from inoculation into an organ and has recommended the latter on account of t lic.ir rlriscr 1)iological rcscml)lance to neo])lasms in the hnman subject. See J. Ksper. nic(i. 16: 1.55, 1012.1 b'M. €1. 1Voc;l.onl Melanosis in Transplants of Galliera Sarcoma. Oncological Classificatiorl of Melano- sarcoma, Ci. RI,\zzAcrrvA. klclanosi in alcuni impianti di sarconla Galliera. Sulla classificazione oncologica tiel iiieIairosarToirta, Arch. ital. di chir. 37: 635-659, 1034. In a rat that had received an intrahcpatic injection of the cells of Galliera sarconia siisl)cw(lcd in saline, se\,eral ~iniisualfeatures were found at autopsy. The peritoneal c;t\.ity contained many mctastatic xtodulcs. 'l'herc were also tumor nodules in the livcsr, in the retropcritoncal tissues, and in the lungs. Ti1 the siit)cutaneous tissue of t tie aldominiil wvall in the umbilical region was a tumor nodule which on section was II to contain a nnnil)er of I)lark dots. Histological study showed that these wero ti of collections of sniall granules of pigment, grouped around I)lood-vessels, ;id gi\.iiig the staining reactions of melanin. In t lie conrsc' of estcirsivc experience with transplanting the (ialliera sarconia, which is a sliindle-ccll tumor, the author had never before observed the development of inclanin. Iii the hope of again eliciting the phenomenon, he gave 10 rats intrapulmonary iriociilatioiis of the sarconra. I)ut in none of the tumors which developed was nielaniii ol)scr\wi. He then inociilatcd a similar series of rats intraperitoneally. In one of the t niiiors which de\doped in this gronl) of animals melanin was observed. In a third group of 10 rats that were given intrahepatic- inoculations, melanin was found in two of the tumors which de\~clopcd. These two melanotic tumors were used to make the t iinior susl)cnsion with which a fourth group of 10 rats were inoculatrd intraperitoncally. In tlirw of the anisiials of this groul) melanotic tumors develope?. 'l'lw author I)elie\.es that lie has de\.eloped a strain of melanotic sarcoma. Seven ])hotoniicrographs are presented. c. 1). k[AA(;EN Effect of Certain Bacterial Products upon the Growth of Mouse Tumor, 1.. C. Foix;. 1'nI)lic flcalth Reports 51: 56-64, 1036. 'I~li(~~ilcolic~l-insoliil~Ir fraction from various bacilli (13. protrzis, H. /yphovrr.s, H. cdi, /j. /~yoc-ycirrc~rr.s,U. protligiosus), when injected into mice bearing sarcoma 180, cniised lroiiiorrhirgc, edema, and necrosis in the tumor, often followed by its cornl)letc regression (in 42 1wr cent of 550 mice). The best ults were obtained with the fraction front H. (oli (60 lrer cent complete recessions in 73 mice) hiit the niortalitp was high (2.3 prr writ). r\ similar eJfect wits produced hy heat-killed cultures of H.protzzrs iipon sarcoiiia 180, siirconia 37, and carcinonia 63, I>ut no spontancwiis tumors regressed as ii result of the t rc%t ment . ,.I hc. reaction resenil)leti that dcscrihed by previous investigators using Iiacterial liltratrs (( ;ratia and I.inz, Shwartznian, I)uran-ICeynals, and others). Even tumors that (lid not i-c~~Iesliowcd definite histological effects from the treatment. '1'11c ~ilroliol-insc~lul~lcfraction from B. protrus inhibited the growth of sarconia 180 in tissue ciiltnre also, hit liad little effcct upon the proliferatim of the iiorrnal cells uscd as controls. IVhf. EI. \\'O(;I,O!d EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES 141 Cancerization of Tissues Cultivated in Vitro, A. CAI0. La cancerimazione dei tcssuti coltiTati in \itro, 13011 d. lega ital. per la lotta contro il cancro 9. 8-13, 193.5. The author injected 14 chickens aith 0 2 c c. of tar intra\enousll once a week. After two, four, six, eight and ten weeb5 of this tieatnient the chickens were ~XS~II- guinated. In the plasma thus obtained cnil~rvoii~lchicken heart arid sllleen were cultivatetl. >2fter from t\\o to nine tiansfers these cultures were injected into the pectoral inuwlcs of normal adult chicLens. In none of the 24 chicleiis thus injected did a tumoi dekelop c. 1). HAA(.EXSEN Ultrafiltration Experiments on the Filtrable Agent of Rous Chicken Sarcoma, H. YAOI ANI) \v. ~AKAHAl~a.[iann 29: 222-231, 1035. illso in Jap. J. Exper. hlcd. 13: 757-765, 193.5. 13y means of the graded collodion mcnil)ranes of Elford (J. Path. & I3act. 34: 505, 1Wl), the authors carried out iiltrafiltration experiments on the filtrable agent of Rous rhicken sarcoma. The membranes with a pore diameter averaging 0.2 niicron were permcalAe to the Kous agent, hut mcnil)ranes with an alrerage pore diameter of 0.14 micron completely retained the agent. It was concluded, therefore, that tlie Row sarcoma agent has a diameter of less than 0.1 micron, and should be beyond the limits of resolution 1)y \,isiI~)lelight. l’hotograplis of tlie apparatus and of two of the tumors prodiiccd are inclitded. li.
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