FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1972 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 37 N Number 24 E Pages 2637-2737 _ PART I *1934 (Part i begins on page 2731) HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published In this Issue. Detailed table of contents appears Inside. HEART DISEASE-Presidential proclamation designating February as American Heart Month.. 2643 ECONOMIC STABILIZATION-Cost of Living Council miscellaneous amendments to the rules on economic units; effective 2-3-72 .................. 2678 PEANUTS-USDA reissuance of 1972 acreage allotments and marketing quotas; effective 2- 4-72 ........ 2645 SUGAR- USDA amendment adjusting the 1972 domes- tic requirements and quotas; effective 2- 1-72 .. ...... ..............2659 USDA notice announcing hearing on 2-29- 72 to evaluate import weighing procedures...- 2686 MEAT INSPECTION-USDA amendments strengthening the regulations -on TB infected carcasses; effective 2-14-72 2661 AIR CARRIER PRICE STABILIZATION--CAB amendment requiring certain information with rate increase proposals' effective 2-1-72 ....... 2664 COMMUNITY PLANNING ASSISTANCE-HUD regulations for the filing of grant applications; effective 2-4-72 ......... 2665 CIVIL DEFENSE CONSTRUCTION- DoD regulations fixing the terms and conditions for Federal contributions,......---------------- 2672 DoD labor standards for Federally assisted contracts; effective 1-30-72 ......................... 2673 VETERANS INFORMATION-VA clarification of access and release policy; effective 1-28-72._ 2676 (Continued Inside) No. 21-1* 1-1 Now Available LIST OF CFR SECTIONS AFFECTED 1949-1963 This volume contains a compilation of the "List of Sections Af- fected" for all titles of the Code of Federal Regulations for the years 1949 through 1963. All sections of the CFR which have been ex- pressly affected by documents published in the daily Federal Reg- ister are enumerated. Reference to this list will enable the user to find the precise text of CFR provisions which were in force and effect on any given date during the period covered. Price: $6.75 Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Efil T Published daily. Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondaya, or on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Rcglator, Natlonal S Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Waslngton, D.C. 20408, Ares Code 202 ohoe 962-8626 pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 20, 10 (49 Stat. Z00, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 15), under regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Ro,ltor, alp- proved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution Is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The FEDrn R,nz=sa will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $2.50 per month or $25 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies is 20 cents for each Issue, or 20 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Romit oheoL* or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the ConE or F:bEsAL Rcmr.ATioNs, which is published, under 60 titles, pur'tlaut to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended (44 U.S.C. 1510). The CooE o FEDEAL RGuLATioS is sold by the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of new books are listed in the first PEnEAL RscrsTrn issue of each month. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the FEDERAL RrGisTEE or the CooE Or FEDERAL roRoLATIOUJ. HIGHLIGHTS--Continued INSECTICIDES-EPA establishment of tolerance DRUGS- for a chemical used on rice; effective 2-4-72__,_ 2676 FDA amendments repealing certification re- quirements for certain penicillin combination ALASKA CLAIMS SETTLEMENT-Interior Dept. and other antibiotic drugs (2 documents); ef- proposed rules for the preparation of a roll of na- fective 11-18-71 and 12-6-71 ..................- 2665 tives; comments within 30 days................... 2679 FDA notices of intent to withdraw approval of certain applications (2 documents) ----------2688, 2689 OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH VESSELS-- DoT FDA notice withdrawing approval of an applica- proposal to allow remote control pumps as an al- tion .. ................---------- 2688 ternative method of fire control; comments within 45 days ..................................... .............. 2682 DOMESTIC PUBLIC RADIO-FCC list of applica- tions accepted for filing .............. ___.......... 2692 AIRCRAFT PILOTS-FAA withdrawal of proposal for new command route and airport qualification WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH-FCC time exten- p rocedures ...................................................... 2684 sion to 2-23-72 for comments on the proposed office consolidation .... ..................... 2694 AGRICULTURAL WORKERS' HOUSING-Labor Dept. notice of policy on inspections made during EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION-USDA-FDA co- rule making ----------.-.--------..--------------........ ---2684 operative agreement of administration and en- LIVESTOCK GRAZING-Interior Dept. 1972 forcement ..................... .. ...... ..... ........ 2686- schedule of fees for use of public lands .............. 2685 MINIMUM WAGES-Labor Dept. determinations OIL AND GAS FIELDS-Interior Dept. geological for Federal and federally assisted construction survey information ------------------------.------------ ...... 2685 in specified areas (2 documents) ................. 2702, 2703 GLASS IMPORT INVESTIGATION-Tariff Com- ENVIRONMENT-EPA publication of 1972 model mission notice making known findings ............ 2702 year motor vehicle emission test results .............. 2731 Contents ARMY DEPARTMENT Notices THE PRESIDENT AlI U.S. and fore]gn carriers; order See Civil Defense Oflce. regarding stabilization of fares, PROCLAMATION rates, and charges for pass-en- American Heart Month, 1972 --- 2643- ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR gers and property------- 2694 PLANNING COMMUNITY OFFICE EXECUTIVE AND MANAGEMENT OFf:ICE CIVIL DEFENSE AGENCIES Rules and Regulations AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION Rules and Regulations Contributions for civil defense construction-__. _ 26-72 AND CONSERVATION Comprehensive planning assit- equipment; 2665 Labor standards for federally as- SERVICE ance ---------------------- sisted contracts; miscellaneous 2673 Rules and Regulations ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION amendments Peanuts; acreage allotments and COAST GUARD marketing quotas, 1972 and sub- Notices sequent crop years ---------- 2645 Trustees of Columbia University, Proposed Rule Making Sugar; requirements, quotas, and city of New York; reconvened Certain ports of documentation; quota deficits for 1972 -------- 2659 proceeding 2694 desinnations and revocations_ 2681 Notices Westinghouse Electric Corp.; 1i- Oceanographic research vessels; cense termination ----........ ------- 2682 Imported sugar; hearing regard- 2691 fire main system ing weighing of shipments --- 2686 Notices CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARID Lifesaving, firefighting and mis- AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT cellaneous equipment, construc- Rules and Regulations tion, and materials; approvlm See Agricultural Stabilization and and termination of approval Conservation Service; Consumer Air carriers; submission of infor- (2 documents) . 2690 and Marketing Service; Rural mation accompanying tariffs Electrification Administration. proposing price increaes... 26G4 age)29 1 2639 2610 CONTENTS CONSUMER AND MARKETING FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND SERVICE COMMISSION WELFARE DEPARTMENT Notices , See Food and Drug Administra- Rules and Regulations tion. Meat inspection; tuberculosis in- Common carrier serv ces informa- fected carcasses ------------ 266 l tion; domestic public radio serv- HOUSING AND URBAN Oranges grown in Florida; ship- ices applications accepted for - ments limitation ------------ 2660 filing -------------------- 2692 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Notices Western Union Telegraph Co.; See Assistant Secretary for Com- order extending time for com- munity Planning and Manage- Egg products inspection; coopera- ments on proposed office consol- ment Office. tive agreement of administra- idation ------------------- 2694 tion and enforcement between INDIAN AFFAIRS BUREAU Consumer and Marketing Serv- FEDERAL MARITIME ice and the Food and Drug Ad- Proposed Rule Making ministration --------------- COMMISSION 2686 Alaska natives enrollment; appli- COST OF LIVING COUNCIL Notices cations, preparation and ap- Independent ocean freight for- proval of roll --------------- 2070 Rules and Regulations warder licenses; revocations: Economic stabilization; miscel- T. J. Hanon, Inc----------- 2694 INTERIOR DEPARTMENT laneous amendments --------- 1678 Lang & Marshall Co., Inc ------ 2695 See aLso Geological Survey: In- Notices Port of Oakland and Sea-Land, dian Affah-s Bureau; Land Delegations of authority: Inc.; agreement filed --------- 2695 Management Bureau; National Chlairman, Pay Boar. ------- 2727 Mitsui OS.K. Lines (Passenger), Park Service; Reclamation Bureau. Chairman, Price Commission__- 272I7 Ltd. and Mitsui O.S.. Lines, Secretary of the Treasury ---- 272 7 Ltd; revocation certificates of Rules and Regulations financial responsibility ------- 2695 CUSTOMS BUREAU Oil Import Appeals Board; avail- ability of final opinions and Rules and
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