v», .' ■f- A FRroAT, M)VEMB«fR *0,194t 7 Rmtfhrffltr Etiniitto En Averagt Daily CtrealatioB ' : 2 i For the Month ad October, 160 ■^Tlia Waathir/'' is .the third annual affair to be ad O. a. WaMtf^ ■ «■ ■ sponsored by the local union. This “ r,696 . About Town Union Leader year’s party however, promises to be best It will sUrt at 6:30 p. m. Member «f the Aadit bitomiittaat Rghb'iahi aad eold- Following la the commiUee for HELP YOU Bnieaa ad ClwialatiMia todays caUer tahlght. T o Speak Here the occaaion: Albert Toat chair­ ,HI «• Mt. aiHl man, Michael Kleinschmidt James Manehei tcr i A City of VM go Charm HeimB, i# W Pwk- Fogarty, Helen Gleason, David ito. .1 . «r William Pollock, Na­ Caraon, Frank Murphy, Thomas (OtosMaed Advarttatog aa Page U) Trotter and Michael Haberen. VOL. LXII„ NO. 4S MANCHESTER, C O ^ ^ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CBNt$ fr t M ii B. Dm oom ^ ■on or tional Officer of TWUA — ^ ■nr I fn . FruteU H. Dmcomm, oT To Attend Xmas Party -<$> i a « OonUr atMot, onllatad ^ V. B. Navy Thuwday and wUl Paragon Type ‘Mrs. ^n t a ’ to Rescue )Mv« Monday morning tor Naval Local «3, T. W. U. A. will hold Recreation training. Toung Dancoaoo, IT, was a Chrietmae party on Saturday, ROBES Offensive to Wipe December 19 at Tinker Hall, Main Armored Units Close a studont in ManchoMar Trado atreet. Center Items Being Sought aekooL Frank Reilly, president of the For Christmas, Gifts A t tha Zypaer Club dance to* union reported • that William Pol­ Today: lock, general secretary-treasurer Out Japan’s Bases As Chairman morrow avening at the clubhouae 6-9—Junior boys’ game room All Wool Flannel Robes on Brainard place a drawing will of the National Textile Workers Union of America, will be guest open, E, S. and W. S. With German Force; taka place on the Thankeglvlng 6-6:45 — Rockel.s’ ibasketball Powder Blue and Rose. ^ O Q speaker at the party, Union mem­ Vi Republican Leaders Are turkey and other artlclee. It la Im- bers look forward to his presence piactice period, E. 3. Sizes 12 to 4 0 ................................. aP 1 vF . 5 / 0 aortaat that retume be made on On Solomons Near with pleasure. 6- 7—Small gym open for hand­ Sifting Party Ranlks an tlcketa thle evening at the club. The party will consist of a ban­ ball, B. S. quet with dancing following. En­ 7- 8 —Small gym open for box­ Fine French Flannel Robes For New He^ of Na­ M n. Minnie GalU at ISt Bleaell tertainment will also be provided. ing. E. S. Part wool and rayon. Wine and Royal Terrific D«lrucllon NotlOn N ccds British Racing West ■met, who underwent a major Music for dancing will be supplied 7-g—Polisn American Club bas­ Blu«. Size* 12 to 40. tional Committee Now. onaratlon at the Hartford boeplUl by the orchestra of the Coast Ar­ ketball practice period, E. S. $12.98 Enemy Troops and. _ two weeke ago, hae returned to tillery, Regiment s.-tioned here. 7- 8—Women's plunge period. Washington, Nov. 21—(JP—Re- bar home and la making good Ships Appears to FuturC FloW Eighth Army Hurls For-For­ C / s / j i q 9 wj^ Opening Phases of Full- To Serve Turkey Dinner E. 8. publlcsh leaders, sifting party The banquet will consist of a 8- 9—Men's plunge period. » . 8. Extra Sizes In Wool ward Elements Against; Scale Assault of To­ turkey dinner with Osano as the 7-10—Bowling alleys ro.serveii Clinch United States G f D o c t o r S ranks for a new National commit­ Bboutmaeter Francie Pecken* caterer. Tickets for the affair will for Mr. Peloquin's group, B. 8. Flannel Robes Hold on Guadalcanal; tee chairman, were on the lookout Rearguard at Ageda-! To Halt Use bruk-Like Arc o f De­ bam. of Troop 15. who i« aoon to be sold by members of the commit­ Size* 42 to 46. today for aometbing akin to a po­ ba called Into service, wae pre- tee and by shop chairmen of each Tomorrow; Half Jap Force Killed* litical paragon who could: bia; Apparently Mak-; a ww a fenses Within Whidt aented with a pen and pencU set, department hi Cheney’s. Tude 1-10—Bowling aHeya epca, E. S. $13.98 at the last meeting oT the Troop. Vince, secretary of Local 68, will Army Surgeon General 1. Keep the various party fac­ ing Effort Id Pre-! Of Att Army Axis Has Been Driv­ Washington, Nov. 21.— (JP) tions “pacified,” also have them for sale at the Say$ Supply Must Not vent Organization . of Sunset arcle or Pnet Noble Union headquarters in the Tink­ Corduroy Robes — An American drive to wipe 2. Devote his time to building en with Back to Grands of Sunset Rebekah l/>dge, er building. out remaining Japanese bases up the party organization, and in line wale. Rose and Blue. Sizes IS Be Curtailed; New 3. Refrain from boosting the Defense Positions in McNair Predicts Tac­ Sea, Around Bizerte will meet Monday evening at the The Christmas party scheduled TALL CEDARS to 40. in the Solomon islands ap­ booM of Mrs. Etta Loveland. 41 cause of any individual for the Problems for Students El Agheila Sector. tics Will Be More And Tunis Areas. n r o atreet The hoateaa wUl be aa* $8.98 peared near at hand today as 1944 presidential nomination^. alsted ^ Mra. Grace Lathrop. Mrs. TONIGHT B terrific’ destruction of enemy Despite these admittedly stiff Potent Pactor Than qualifications. Republican chief­ Cairo, Nov. 21.— (/P)— Rac­ NeUie Lull and Mrs. Beatrice 8:00 O’clock troops and ships seemed to Chicago, Nov. 21— (/P) —Brig. Bulletin! Shoulderettes Gen. Charles C. Hillman, surgeon tains were sorting out a dozen or ing westward at a speed un- Mhmilag. A social time win foi- Washable Chenille Robes clinch the United States hold Mere Military Strength Ijindon, Nov. 21 ^— more possibilities as candidates for equaled in modem desert HUSKING BEE Orange Hall Rose, Blue, and Wine. Sisea 12 to on Guadalcanal. Announcing general of the U. 8. Army, aays the Job of Joseph W. Martin, Jr., Three British subma^nes I in beautiful shades: Pink, Coral, 42. that the supply of future physi­ who is resigning to give all his warfare, the British Eighth Fort Knox, Ky., Nov. 21—(/P)— Gaotge T. Gray, J7, at iT Madi- HOLLISTER ST. SCHOOL Blue, Orchid, and for the flrat time that the Ameri­ have sunk an Axis destroyer 20 Reg. Gaines At can grip on the prized island and cians required for both the mili­ dutjes as House minority leader. Army today hurled its for­ Warning that a shipping bottle­ ■OB atreet waa arrested yesterday $8.98 tary and civilian effort "must not and an Axis tanker and prob­ by Omeer David Galllgan and TONIGHT Black ....................... ita strategic airbase is “now very Will Meet Dec. 7 ward elements against Mar­ $3 a Game (or 25c $ be curtailed at the source.” The committee will meet Dec. 7 neck probably will prevent this ably have sunk a second de­ ■barged with the operation oT aa N 1.39 secure,” Secretary of Navy Knox shal Rommel’s rearguard at Explaining that the lowering of In St. Louis to select Martin’s suc­ country from bringing ita full ■BTiglatered awtor vehicle. The PRIZE AWARDS 2 Free Gamcsl Candlewick Robes reported yesterday that half of a stroyer and another Axis force of 1,500 Nipponese landed the draft age to 18 created new cessor. • Agedabia, some 70 miles power to bear against the Axis ■aae win be heard bi town oourt White, Blue, Aqua, and Rose. Sizes problems to medical and pre-medi­ overseas, the commanding general supply ship in the M editem - Modem and Old-Fashioned on Guadalcanal had been slaugh­ Although there has been consid­ from the harrow El Agheila Saturday aMcning. 7 Specials! 12 to 20. cal students. General Hillman ex­ nean, the Admiralty an­ 6 Knitted Wool tered and the rest routed. erable maneuvering behlnO. the The manpower shortage has evfn hit the Santa Claus business, defile. 17)6 British, apparently of the Army Ground Forces today DAN aNG $4.29 and $7.98 pressed hope that the War depart­ scenes by friends and foes of Wen­ so here's "Mrs. Santa” pinch-hitting) in a Chicago department store. making a supreme effort to keep predicted that tactics would be a nounced today. A aon waa bom yesterday at tlM Sweepstake! No DnpUmtion in Bepoito ment would work out comprehen­ dell Willkle, the 1940 presidential more potent factor than "mere .Martford hospital to Mr. aad Mra. Adm. (ine. tax) — 50e. Apparently It goes over Just as well with the children. Rommel from organizing a de­ Possibility of duplication In the sive plans to assure a continuous nominee, party leaders like Sen­ militaiV strength" In winning the London, Nov. 21.—(flV "-' lU l^ Birdaey oT Wapping Cen­ Aaspiesa S t BrMgeFa Obaroh. $5 Door Prize! supply of new physicians for es­ fense at El Agheila, pressed on O Bed Jackets Navy’s reports of enemy ships ate Minority Leader McNary of Without pause at the heels of the war. ter. Mrs. Birdaey, prevloua to her Beacon Robes lost in the great American sea sential industries and civilian Oregon, were reported favoring, a In a speech prepared for deliv­ Allied armored forces streanto ^—lB *i1age. waa^lOae bOnicent Pet­ Warm and washable cotton. Sizes 16 communities.
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