Arkansas Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (ARCEMP) March 14, 2020 I Table of Contents PROMUGULATION LETTER I RECORD OF CHANGES V BASIC PLAN 1 GLOSSARY 26 ACRONYMS 39 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION #1 – TRANSPORTATION 43 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION #2 – COMMUNICATIONS 51 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION #3 – PUBLIC WORKS 61 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION #4 – FIREFIGHTING 71 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION #5 – EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 81 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION #6 - MASS CARE 91 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION (ESF) #7 – RESOURCE SUPPORT 101 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION #8 PUBLIC HEALTH AND MEDICAL SERVICES 106 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION #9 – SEARCH AND RESCUE 114 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION (ESF) #10 – OIL AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 120 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION #11- AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES 147 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION #12 – ENERGY 156 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION (ESF) #13 – PUBLIC SAFETY AND SECURITY 162 II EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION #14 PRIVATE SECTOR AND INFRASTRUCTURE 171 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION (ESF) #15 - EXTERNAL AFFAIRS 183 EMERGENCY SUPPORT FUNCTION (ESF) #16 - CYBERSECURITY 190 SUPPORT ANNEXES ANIMAL SUPPORT ANNEX 195 CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE (CI) SUPPORT ANNEX 202 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SUPPORT ANNEX 222 PREVENTION AND PROTECTION ANNEX 225 LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT SUPPORT ANNEX 231 PUBLIC AFFAIRS ANNEX 236 VOLUNTEER AND DONATIONS MANAGEMENT SUPPORT ANNEX 247 WORKER SAFETY AND HEALTH SUPPORT ANNEX 252 HAZARD, THREAT OR INCIDENT SPECIFIC ANNEXES ANNEX N 258 ANNEX V 265 BIOLOGICAL INCIDENT SUPPORT ANNEX 365 CATASTROPHIC INCIDENT ANNEX 375 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE INCIDENT ANNEX 389 MASS EVACUATION INCIDENT ANNEX 398 III TERRORISM ANNEX 406 RESPONSIBILTY MATRIX UNDER SEPARATE COVER MITIGATION ANNEX - STATE OF AR ALL-HAZARDS MITIGATION PLAN, Sept. 2018 UNDER SEPARATE COVER 2015/16 ARKANSAS STATE EOC PLAN UNDER SEPARATE COVER This plan is held and maintained by ADEM Operations Branch THE STATE OF ARKANSAS RECOVERY PLAN 2014 UNDER SEPARATE COVER This plan is held and maintained by ADEM Recovery Branch IV Arkansas Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Record of Changes Date of Change Location and Nature of Change 3/11/20 Critical Infrastructure Support Annex was revised to document the relationship between the State Recovery Plan and the CI Annex. 3/9/20 Basic Plan Section titled “Organization of the Arkansas Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan” was revised to create linkage between ARCEMP and companion plans to more specifically comply with EMAP Planning Standard 4.4. 2/25/20 Change to CI Support Annex to satisfy EMAP Standard 4..3 11/20/19 Basic Plan, Incident Response Section: Recognize the role of NRF lifeline construct in setting priorities. 8/26/19 Agency names have been updated for Act 910 of 2019 8/23/19 Removed ESF #14 – Recovery and replaced with ESF #14 – Private Sector and Infrastructure to be consistent with federal ESF structure. Recovery is addressed by the State Recovery Plan which is included in the ARCEMP by reference. 8/19/19 ESF #6 Annex – Made multiple additions to Authorities and References section. 8/15/19 A Plan Development and Maintenance section has been added to provide the level of detail required to meet EMAP Standard 4.4.2(7). 8/6/19 ESF #1 Annex – Removed the Record of Changes 8/6/19 Throughout the plan Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission is now referred to as the Arkansas Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Poultry Division. 8/6/19 Throughout the plan Arkansas Plant Board is now referred to as the Arkansas Department of Agriculture, Plant Industries Division. 8/6/19 Throughout the plan the Natural Resources Commission is now referred to as the Arkansas Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Division. 8/6/19 Throughout the plan Arkansas Forestry Commission is now referred to as the Arkansas Department of Agriculture, Forestry Division. 8/5/19 ESF #10 Annex – Added support functions and resources under Arkansas Geological Survey 8/5/19 ESF #2 Annex – Removed the Record of Changes 8/2/19 ESF #6 Annex – Addition of thirteen authorities/references to the list at the beginning of the annex. 7/11/19 ESF #4 Annex – Added support capabilities under Arkansas State Police 7/9/19 ESF #1 Annex - Added Arkansas Geographic Information Office to support agencies. 7/8/19 ESF #5 Annex - Added Arkansas Geographic Information Office to support agencies. 7/3/19 ESF #14 Annex – Changed Arkansas Natural Resources Commission to Arkansas Department of Agriculture. 7/3/19 ESF #5 Annex – Changed name to Arkansas Department of Agriculture and added subcategories under functions, combining what was deleted below. V Date of Change Location and Nature of Change 7/3/19 ESF #5 Annex – Deleted Arkansas Department of Agriculture, State Plant Board and Livestock and Poultry Commission. (Combined see above) 7/3/19 ESF #5 Annex – Under the functions column next to Arkansas Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers changed private to non-profit. 7/1/19 ESF #2 Annex – Primary Agency has been changed to the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management and the Arkansas Division of Information Systems has been moved to a support agency. 6/27/19 ESF #9 Annex- Removed Arkansas Division of Emergency Management and Arkansas Highway Police as Support Agencies. 6/27/19 ESF #9 Annex- Removed the Record of Changes 6/27/19 ESF #9 Annex- Changed the wording of lost persons to missing persons. 6/27/19 ESF #9 Annex- Added the Arkansas Search and Rescue Association as a Non- Governmental Support Agency. 9/21/18 Removed references to the AR Fireboats board in ESF #9. The Board no longer exists as a resource that could be used by the state. 9/12/18 Added a responsibilities matrix between the Basic Plan and the Glossary. 9/12/18 Removed references to the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) from the ESF #7 and #10 Annexes and from the Catastrophic Incident Annex because ADEM is the only agency able to authorize EMAC missions. 9/10/18 Volunteer and Donations Management Support Annex, added All Hands and Hearts Volunteers 9/10/18 Volunteer and Donations Management Support Annex, removed Division of Community Service and Nonprofit Support as Lead Coordinating Agency and added Arkansas Department of Human Service as Lead Coordinating Agency 9/7/18 Incorporated the Arkansas Recovery Plan by reference. 8/27/18 Added EO 18-11 An Executive Order Concerning the Implementation of Emergency Support Functions to the Basic Plan by reference. 8/23/18 CI Support Annex – Removed reference to BZPP Grant Program 8/9/18 Addition of the ESF #16 – Cybersecurity Annex and elimination of the Cyber Incident Annex made obsolete by the institution of a sixteenth emergency support function. 7/26/18 ESF #12 Annex – Removed Arkansas Economic Development Commission as Support Agency 3/6/18 Animal Support Annex – Added U of A Division of Agriculture – Cooperative Extension Service as State Support Agency with functions 11/16/17 ESF #4 Annex – Added information regarding interstate resources. 10/24/17 Revised Annexes involving Arkansas Department of Agriculture and associated commissions to reflect proper agency roles 9/19/17 Revised all occurrences of ‘Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department’ to ‘Arkansas Department of Transportation’ to reflect the change in the name of the agency. 9/19/17 ESF #9 Annex – addition of the Arkansas Fireboats Board as a support agency. 8/9/17 ESF #14 Annex – Addition of Arkansas Natural Resources Commission as a support agency VI Date of Change Location and Nature of Change 7/21/17 ESF #12 Annex - Add the Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission as a support agency 9/28/16 ESF #3 Annex – Addition of Arkansas Code Annotated 12-83-104 et al. to Authorities and References 9/22/16 ESF #11 Annex - ESF Coordinating Agency is changed to AR Agriculture Department. Plant Board is now a supporting agency. 9/23/16 ESF #7 Annex - Corrected Federal Surplus Property information and corrected citation of A.C.A. § 12-75-101 et seq.(Emergency Services Act of 1973) 9/19/16 ESF #2 Annex – Removed obsolete references and corrected citation of the Emergency Services Act of 1973. 8/4/16 CIKR Support Annex – Changed title to CI Support Annex and made changes throughout the document to reflect this change in terminology. 9/22/15 ESF 7 Annex – Changed title from Logistics Support to Resource Support 9/15/15 ESF 14 Annex – Updated the Salvation Army’s function, Arkansas Department of Economic Development has been corrected to the Arkansas Economic Development Commission, updated the functions for the Division of Arkansas Heritage to remove artifacts, added a function to the Arkansas Insurance Department 9/15/15 ESF 5 Annex – Updated DMDD to RRDD, updated the ARNG functions, moved the AR Forestry under the AR Agriculture Dept. 9/1/15 Basic Plan, pages 7-8: Added text about operational priorities to support 2013 EMAP Standard 4.11.2 8/25/15 ESF 3 Annex – Removed bullet 1 from AR Natural Resources Commission’s listed functions due to not being able to execute it 7/27/15 ESF 3 Annex – Updated functions for ASCE 7/24/15 ESF 3 Annex – Removed bullet 2 from Arkansas Department of Labor’s listed functions due to not being able to execute it 6/18/15 ESF 3 Annex – Arkansas Division of Information Systems /Arkansas Geographic Information Office has requested to be removed as a support agency due to no longer performing listed functions 6/18/15 ESF 3 Annex –Arkansas State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors has been corrected to Arkansas State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors, functions have been updated 6/4/15 Public Affairs Annex re-written per ADEM PIO 6/4/15 ESF 15 – Re-written per ADEM PIO 6/4/15 ESF 10 – Functions and resources changed for support agencies to reflect current agency functions 1/30/15 CIKR Annex revision to reflect changes in responsibilities due to creation of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Branch within ADEM 9/25/14 Annex V – Chapter 16 was added by AR Dept.
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