Colchester - Sudbury - Bury St Edmunds 750/751/752/753/754/756/758 Monday to Friday (Except Bank Holidays) Service 753 753 753 753 753 753 751 752 752 758 753 754 750 750 754 753 750 754 753 753 750 754 754 753 754 753 753 753 Operator CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH Service Restrictions Sch Sch NSch NSch Sch ColSch NCol Sch NSch Col NCol ColSch NSch NCol Sch Sch Notes ST ST Colchester Town Centre, Osborne Street (Stop Ad) 0745 0904 then 04 until 1304 1359 Colchester Town Centre, Head Street (Stop Ed) 0749 0908 at 08 1308 1403 Colchester, Railway Station Layby (Stand Ea) 0753 0912 these 12 1312 1408 West Bergholt, Treble Tile (adj) 0800 0920 mins 20 1320 1415 Wormingford, Church Road (adj) 0809 0927 past 27 1327 1422 Bures, Church (opp) 0653 0708 0728 0728 0818 0934 each 34 1334 1429 Little Cornard, Spout Lane (opp) 0700 0713 0733 0733 0825 0938 hour 38 1338 1433 Great Cornard, Rugby Road (opp) 0705 0720 0729 0738 0738 0834 0947 47 1347 1442 Great Cornard, Broom Street (adj) 0707 0720 0730 0741 0741 0836 0849 0949 49 1349 1444 Great Cornard, Rede Way (opp) 0628 Great Cornard, Queensway (adj) 0631 0708 0721 0731 0743 0743 0837 0851 0950 50 1350 1445 Sudbury, Homebase (opp) 0737 0750 0750 Sudbury, Bus Station (C) 0638 0640 0715 0720 0728 0730 0742 0821 0848 0855 0855 0859 0915 0935 0959 1005 05 35 59 1359 1405 1454 1500 1500 1500 Sudbury, Homebase (opp) 0859 0859 0939 39 Sudbury, Tesco (adj) 0902 0902 0942 42 Long Melford, Post Office (adj) 0650 0733 0740 0757 0801 0801 0830 0907 0907 0925 0947 1015 15 47 1415 1510 1510 1510 Long Melford, Shaw Road (opp) 0650 0733 0740 0818 0830 0925 1015 15 1415 1510 1510 1510 Acton, Queensway (opp) 0657 0741 0747 0826 0837 0932 1022 22 1422 1517 1517 1517 Great Waldingfield, Bowls & Social Club (opp) 0700 0745 0750 0829 0840 0935 1025 25 1425 1520 1520 1520 Sudbury, Homebase (opp) 0838 Great Cornard, Thomas Gainsborough School (o/s) 0842 Lavenham, The Swan (opp) 0710 0754 0800 0851 0946 1036 36 1436 1531 1531 1531 Cross Green, Old Hall Lane (opp) 0720 0803 0810 0900 0955 1045 45 1445 1540 1540 1540 Alpheton, Tye Green (o/s) 0806 0811 0811 0915 0915 0955 55 Hoggards Green, Shelter (adj) 0725 0807 0815 0812 0904 0923 0923 1003 03 1544 1544 1544 Great Whelnetham, Raynsford Road (opp) 0730 0813 0820 0818 0909 0928 0928 1008 08 1549 1549 1549 Sicklesmere, Post Office (adj) 0731 0814 0821 0820 0821 0821 0910 0929 0929 1002 1009 1052 52 09 1452 1550 1550 1550 Bury St Edmunds, West Suffolk Hospital (adj) 0738 0826 0828 0917 1009 1059 59 1459 1557 1557 1557 Bury St Edmunds, West Suffolk Hospital (Entrance) 0937 0937 1017 17 Bury St Edmunds, Arc Shopping Centre (o/s) 0743 0833 0833 0835 0924 0944 0944 1015 1024 1105 05 24 1505 1604 1604 Bury St Edmunds, King Edward VI School (SE-bound) 0842 Bury St Edmunds, West Suffolk College (adj) 1604 Bury St Edmunds, Bus Station (Stand 6) 0747 0835 0835 0926 0946 0946 1019 1026 1109 09 26 1509 1610 1606 1606 Bury St Edmunds, West Suffolk College (opp) 0840 0840 0951 Bury St Edmunds, St Benedicts Catholic School (o/s) 0847 0848 0848 NOTES Col West Suffolk College Days Only NCol Not West Suffolk College Days NSch Not School Days Sch School Days Only ST For school students only. OPERATORS CH Chambers 03301 020801 Suffolk 12/04/2021 24 Colchester - Sudbury - Bury St Edmunds 750/751/752/753/754/756/758 Monday to Friday (Except Bank Holidays) Saturday Service 753 753 754 754 753 756 754 753 754 753 754 753 753 753 753 754 750 754 753 750 754 753 753 750 754 754 753 754 Operator CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH Service Restrictions Sch NSch NSch1 Sch1 Sch Colchester, Norman Way Schools (o/s) 1554 Colchester Town Centre, Osborne Street (Stop Ad) 1534 1620 1705 1840 0745 0904 then 04until 1304 1359 Colchester Town Centre, Head Street (Stop Ed) 1538 1605 1624 1709 1844 0749 0908 at 08 1308 1403 Colchester, Railway Station Layby (Stand Ea) 1542 1611 1628 1713 1848 0753 0912 these 12 1312 1408 West Bergholt, The Queens Head (opp) 1622 mins West Bergholt, Treble Tile (adj) 1550 1636 1721 1856 0800 0920 past 20 1320 1415 Wormingford, Church Road (adj) 1557 1629 1643 1728 1903 0809 0927 each 27 1327 1422 Bures, Church (opp) 1604 1636 1650 1735 1910 0708 0818 0934 hour 34 1334 1429 Little Cornard, Spout Lane (opp) 1608 1640 1654 1739 1914 0713 0825 0938 38 1338 1433 Great Cornard, Rugby Road (opp) 1617 1649 1703 1748 1922 0720 0834 0947 47 1347 1442 Great Cornard, Thomas Gainsborough School (o/s) 1621 1651 Great Cornard, Broom Street (adj) 1619 1622 1652 1705 1749 1923 0720 0836 0849 0949 49 1349 1444 Great Cornard, Queensway (adj) 1620 1623 1653 1706 1750 1924 0721 0837 0851 0950 50 1350 1445 Sudbury, Bus Station (C) 1537 1540 1628 1630 1637 1700 1715 1717 1758 1823 1932 0640 0728 0730 0821 0848 0855 0859 0915 0935 0959 1005 05 35 59 1359 1405 1454 Sudbury, Homebase (opp) 0859 0939 39 Sudbury, Tesco (adj) 0902 0942 42 Long Melford, Post Office (adj) 1550 1550 1647 1727 1833 0650 0740 0830 0907 0925 0947 1015 15 47 1415 Long Melford, Shaw Road (opp) 1550 1550 1647 1727 1833 0650 0740 0830 0925 1015 15 1415 Acton, Queensway (opp) 1557 1557 1654 1734 1841 0657 0747 0837 0932 1022 22 1422 Great Waldingfield, Bowls & Social Club (opp) 1600 1600 1657 1737 1845 0700 0750 0840 0935 1025 25 1425 Lavenham, The Swan (opp) 1610 1610 1708 1748 0710 0800 0851 0946 1036 36 1436 Cross Green, Old Hall Lane (opp) 1619 1619 1717 1758 0720 0810 0900 0955 1045 45 1445 Alpheton, Tye Green (o/s) 0915 0955 55 Hoggards Green, Shelter (adj) 1623 1623 1721 1803 0725 0815 0904 0923 1003 03 Great Whelnetham, Raynsford Road (opp) 1628 1628 1726 1808 0730 0820 0909 0928 1008 08 Sicklesmere, Post Office (adj) 1629 1629 1727 1809 0731 0821 0910 0929 1002 1009 1052 52 09 1452 Bury St Edmunds, West Suffolk Hospital (adj) 1636 1636 1734 1816 0738 0828 0917 1009 1059 59 1459 Bury St Edmunds, West Suffolk Hospital (Entrance) 0937 1017 17 Bury St Edmunds, Arc Shopping Centre (o/s) 1642 1642 1741 1821 0743 0833 0924 0944 1015 1024 1105 05 24 1505 Bury St Edmunds, Bus Station (Stand 6) 1646 1646 1743 1823 0747 0835 0926 0946 1019 1026 1109 09 26 1509 NOTES NSch Not School Days NSch1 Operates when Thomas Gainsbrough school is closed Sch School Days Only Sch1 Operates when Thomas Gainsborough School is open OPERATORS CH Chambers 03301 020801 Suffolk 12/04/2021 25 Colchester - Sudbury - Bury St Edmunds 750/751/752/753/754/756/758 Saturday Sunday Service 753 753 754 753 754 753 754 753 754 no service Operator CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH Colchester Town Centre, Osborne Street (Stop Ad) 1534 1620 1705 1840 Colchester Town Centre, Head Street (Stop Ed) 1538 1624 1709 1844 Colchester, Railway Station Layby (Stand Ea) 1542 1628 1713 1848 West Bergholt, Treble Tile (adj) 1550 1636 1721 1856 Wormingford, Church Road (adj) 1557 1643 1728 1903 Bures, Church (opp) 1604 1650 1735 1910 Little Cornard, Spout Lane (opp) 1608 1654 1739 1914 Great Cornard, Rugby Road (opp) 1617 1703 1748 1922 Great Cornard, Broom Street (adj) 1619 1705 1749 1923 Great Cornard, Queensway (adj) 1620 1706 1750 1924 Sudbury, Bus Station (C) 1500 1540 1628 1637 1715 1717 1758 1823 1932 Long Melford, Post Office (adj) 1510 1550 1647 1727 1833 Long Melford, Shaw Road (opp) 1510 1550 1647 1727 1833 Acton, Queensway (opp) 1517 1557 1654 1734 1841 Great Waldingfield, Bowls & Social Club (opp) 1520 1600 1657 1737 1845 Lavenham, The Swan (opp) 1531 1610 1708 1748 Cross Green, Old Hall Lane (opp) 1540 1619 1717 1758 Hoggards Green, Shelter (adj) 1544 1623 1721 1803 Great Whelnetham, Raynsford Road (opp) 1549 1628 1726 1808 Sicklesmere, Post Office (adj) 1550 1629 1727 1809 Bury St Edmunds, West Suffolk Hospital (adj) 1557 1636 1734 1816 Bury St Edmunds, Arc Shopping Centre (o/s) 1604 1642 1741 1821 Bury St Edmunds, Bus Station (Stand 6) 1606 1646 1743 1823 OPERATORS CH Chambers 03301 020801 Suffolk 12/04/2021 26 Bury St Edmunds - Sudbury - Colchester 750/751/752/753/754/756/758 Monday to Friday (Except Bank Holidays) Service 754 754 756 754 754 754 754 754 753 754 750 750 753 754 754 750 753 753 754 753 750 754 754 753 753 754 754 751 Operator CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH Service Restrictions Sch NSch NSch Sch NSch NSch Sch Sch1 NSch1 NCol Col Sch1 NSch1 Sch Notes ST Bury St Edmunds, West Suffolk College (adj) 1504 Bury St Edmunds, Bus Station (Stand 6) 0750 0910 0925 then 10 25until 1325 1405 1415 1512 1512 Bury St Edmunds, King Edward VI School (SE-bound) at 1550 Bury St Edmunds, Arc Shopping Centre (opp) 0752 0912 0927 these 12 27 1327 1407 1417 1514 1514 1555 Bury St Edmunds, West Suffolk Hospital (Entrance) 0919 mins 19 1424 Bury St Edmunds, West Suffolk Hospital (opp) 0757 0932 past 32 1332 1412 1519 1519 Sicklesmere, Post Office (opp) 0804 0926 0939 each 26 39 1339 1419 1431 1527 1527 1607 Great Whelnetham, Raynsford Road (adj) 0805 0927 hour 27 1432 1528 1528 1608 Hoggards Green, Shelter (opp) 0809 0931 31 1436 1533 1533 1614 Alpheton, Tye Green (o/s) 0940 40 1445 1624 Cross Green, Old Hall Lane (adj) 0700 0814 0946 46 1346 1426 1538 1538 Lavenham, The Swan (adj) 0710 0710 0824 0956 56 1356 1436 1548 1548 Great Waldingfield, White Horse (o/s) 0622 Great Waldingfield, Bowls & Social Club (o/s) 0624 0720 0720 0834 1006 06 1406 1446 1558 1558 Long Melford, Bull Lane Farm (opp) 0632 0730 0730 0840 0946 1014 14 1414 1454 1606 1606 Long Melford, Post Office (opp) 0635 0710 0733 0733 0843 0949 0949 1017 49 17 1417 1457 1454 1609 1609 1632 Sudbury, Tesco (adj) 0954 0954 54 1459 Sudbury, Homebase (opp) 0956
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