October 26, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1457 Mountain View building on Taylor Drive. As duty. As an engineering duty officer, he served The American people are outraged by Presi- Wayne Township continued to expand, a sec- at the Naval Ship Engineering Center, Chief of dent Xi’s depraved behavior toward Christians. ond building was added on Hamburg Turn- Naval Development, Naval Intelligence Center, It must stop now. We should make that part of pike, giving the township two facilities at oppo- Naval Surface Warfare Center, and United any future discussions. China is ruled by a site ends of town. An addition of bay areas to States Naval Academy. Captain Veazey re- brutal dictatorship. In fact, the so-called Peo- the Hamburg Turnpike facility took place in tired after 24 years of honorable service. ple’s Republic of China doesn’t have any 1992, and proved to be of great value, espe- Following naval service, he worked within democratic institutions. We must tell President cially after fire destroyed the Mountain View industry supporting the Navy, and as an entre- Xi that the people and government of the building and all equipment had to be moved preneur and developer. He held 19 patents. A United States will not give China trade bene- and stored. vibrant member of the civic community, he fits until the anti-Christian attacks stop. The first ambulance for the Wayne squad served as President of the King George The people of communist China want free- was a 1942 recycled Buick hearse, which was Chamber of Commerce, founding member of dom. There are millions of Christians in that obtained from Chicago. In 1954, a 1952 Cad- the County Historical Society, and members of country-but its atheist dictatorship rules over illac became the second ambulance for the the Lions Club and Military Officers Associa- people with an iron fist. We the people of the corps, and the original Buick was replaced by tion of America. United States condemn the Chinese Com- another Cadillac. The first two rescue vehicles Ed Veazey is survived by his wife Joy; sons munist Party for their bloody attacks on their were a Jeep wagon and a Chevrolet truck, Ted and Warren; daughters Karen and Ginger; own citizens. President Xi must end this inhu- which could transport personnel and equip- daughters-in-law Kristin and Jenna; sons-in- man and cruel persecution of Christians and ment but could not carry patients from an acci- law Joseph and Wes; and ten grandchildren. allow religious freedom before the world will dent site. This problem was solved with the I extend my deepest condolences to his family accept China as a civilized country. addition of a Multi-Carry Rescue (MCR) vehi- members and anyone who had the privilege of Chinese state media falsely claim that its cle in the early 1970’s, and later by a rescue knowing this fine gentleman. He was a very citizens enjoy freedom of religion. In fact, their truck with a custom-designed box on a Ford loved man whose service both to his commu- constitution states: ‘‘No state organ, public or- diesel chassis obtained in 1987. nity and our Nation, will be dearly missed. ganization or individual may compel citizens to The organization that started out with only a Mr. Speaker, I implore you and my col- believe in, or not to believe in, any religion; handful of people has now grown to over 80 leagues to join me as we honor the memory nor may they discriminate against citizens who trained Emergency Medical Technicians of Captain Ed Veazey. believe in, or do not believe in, any religion.’’ (EMTs). All members receive this type of train- f Ever since Xi Jinping became president of ing, and may also complete courses with the China, in 2012, he has consolidated and cen- State Police in heavy rescue work. The estab- CHINESE CHRISTIANS DECLARE tralized his power and cultivated a cult of per- lishing of the Youth Squad in 1973 allowed WITH ONE VOICE OPPOSITION TO sonality like Mao. ‘‘Xi Jinping Thought’’ has youngsters 16 to 18 years of age to serve in RELIGIOUS OPPRESSION even been added to China’s constitution—a an auxiliary capacity, and many went on to be- status reserved only for Mao Zedong and come members of the squad. Now known as HON. DANA ROHRABACHER Deng Xiaoping previously. This means that the Cadet Corps, active members are still OF CALIFORNIA any challenge to President Xi’s policies—in- being sought. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cluding his assault on Christians—may now be The Squad has come a long way in the Friday, October 26, 2018 regarded as a threat to Communist Party rule. more than sixty-five years since the original More than 70 million Catholics and Protes- ‘‘hearse’’ responded to its first call. Modern Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Speaker, last tants live in China, which means that China equipment, consisting of five modular ambu- month, nearly 300 Chinese Christian pastors will have the world’s largest Christian popu- lances and a state of the art rescue truck, publicly signed ‘‘A Declaration for the Sake of lation in a few decades. I call on all of Amer- highly-trained volunteers, and efficient commu- the Christian Faith.’’ In so doing, they have ica’s Christian leaders—and religious leaders nication systems, provide Wayne and sur- risked severe persecution, imprisonment, and of all faiths—to join with President Trump and rounding municipalities and the County of Pas- even death in China’s vast network of horri- all Americans in condemning China’s hateful saic, with the finest service by men and fying re-education and forced-labor camps. acts and praying that Chinese Christians will women who give much time and effort to These courageous champions for Jesus one day be able to live in China in freedom, serve others. Christ, the Christian faith, and religious free- in justice, and in religious liberty for all. Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and our col- dom have shocked and shamed China’s com- I include in the RECORD a Joint Statement leagues join me in congratulating the Wayne munist regime before the world. by Pastors; A Declaration for the Sake of the Township Memorial First Aid Squad, on the I regret to inform the people of the United Christian Faith: occasion of its 75th Anniversary. States that a terrifying new round of attacks On the morning of Saturday, September 1, f on Christians has been taking place in China. 2018, one of China’s leading house churches, And earlier this year, President Xi Jinping in- Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, IN REMEMBRANCE OF CAPTAIN troduced a five-year plan to ‘‘Sinicize’’ all that posted a joint statement on Facebook declar- SIDNEY EDWIN VEAZEY country ’s religions by blending them with ing its stance on the new religious regula- ‘‘Chinese characteristics’’ such as loyalty to tions. So far, the document has been signed the Communist Party. by 116 church leaders* across the country HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN and the call for signatures remains open. OF VIRGINIA Over the past several months, the govern- This is an interesting and important docu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment has taken violent steps to fulfill this plan ment for the ongoing development of the by closing and razing hundreds of Christian Friday, October 26, 2018 house church’s response to the new regula- churches and seizing Bibles. Under the new tions, particularly as the church continues Mr. WITTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in crackdown, children and Communist Party to reflect on and articulate its theology of solemn remembrance of the life of Captain members are banned from churches in some the gospel and the kingdom, rather than re- Sidney Edwin ‘‘Ed’’ Veazey, a retired Navy areas, and Party officials have forced Chris- sorting to language of liberty and rights. veteran, husband, father, and grandfather from tians to replace posters of Jesus with portraits Along with Early Rain’s 95 Theses, docu- ments like this are important for the history King George, Virginia. Ed Veazey admirably of President Xi Jinping. Reports have also of the church in China and should encourage served in the U.S. Navy and will be remem- confirmed that numerous Chinese Christians Christians across the globe. bered for his selfless devotion to his commu- were sentenced to up to 13 years in jail for in- We are a group of Chinese Christians, cho- nity. volvement in the so-called ‘‘cult’’ known as sen by the Most High God to be His humble Captain Veazey was born in September Christianity. servants, serving as pastors for Christian 1937 in Wilmington, North Carolina and after President Trump is standing for freedom churches throughout various towns and cit- receiving his early education there and at An- and doing what is right rather than kowtowing ies. We believe and are obligated to teach the dover Academy, Massachusetts; he studied to Chinese President Xi Jinping. He is de- world that the one true and living Triune God is the Creator of the universe, of the engineering at the United States Naval Acad- manding that China end its appalling persecu- world, and of all people. All men should wor- emy and earned a PhD from Duke University tion of Christians and other religious minori- ship God and not any man or thing. We be- in physics. Captain Veazey excelled aboard ties—and I am proud to be shoulder-to-shoul- lieve and are obligated to teach the world submarines for seven years during the Cold der with him in the fight to stop this infamous that all men, from national leaders to beg- War and converted to submarine engineering case of communist terror.
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