Bibliograpl" and Selected Referencea

Bibliograpl" and Selected Referencea

~­ ~A., BibliograpL" and Breakins Free. Available from Mountain and Sea Books, Redondo Beach, California. '~I Brennan, joe. Duke ob Hawa ii. New York: Ballantine Books, 1968. Selected ReferenceA Burt, Rob. Surb City, Dras City. Dorse t, England: Blandford Press, 1986. "Glossary of Surfing Terms," p Ca lish, Ru s. Paumalu: A Story ob Modern Hawaii. San Clemente, CA: Pau malu Press, 1979, This section is divided into the following categories: Cam eron, Kirk, and Zack Hanle, Surber'6 Handbook. New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1968. Carroll, Corky, with joel Engel. Surb-Dos Day6 and Bitchin ' NiSht6: Conbe66ion6 ob One Ou traseou6 S. Book6 on Su rting Articl e6 in Oth er Record Album Lyric6 and Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1989. Periodi cal6 Liner Note6 Chan non, Bruce. Surbins Wild AU6tralia: Lookins bar Cnergy out on the Cdse. Mona Vale, New South CoaMal an d Ocean Boo k6 Australia : Australian Surfing World, 1984. Ne W6paper Article6 Surt Punk6 Book6 on Hawaiian Cl ea ry, William. Surbins: All the youns Wave Hunter6. Signet Book. New Yo rk: New American Library, I Language and Hawaiian Unpubli6hed Su rting £ngli6h Dictionarie6 Colendich, George. The Dins Repai r Scripture6- Th e Co mplete Guide to Surbboard Repair, Soque l, CA: Pidgi n £ngli6h Re6 earch Pap er6 Publicalions, 1986. "G lossary: A Few Key Terms," p. 88 Book6 on Sla ng Con way, john. Aduen ture Sport6 SUI·bins. Harrisbu rg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1988. Glossary, pp. 120-21. Su rt i ng Pe riodical6 Comic6 Mi6cellaneou6 Book6 Dalley, Robert j . Surbin' GUitar6- lnMrumental Surb Band6 ob the Sixtie6. Surf Publications, 1988. (62( Dr .. Az usa, CA 91702.) Boo"" 0 .. 5 .. ,.li"9 Dewey, Nelson. How to Body Surb· Sidney, British Columbia, Canada: Saltai re Pub lishing Co., 1970. Aaberg, Dennis, and john Milius. BiS Wedne6day. New York: Bantam Books, 1978. Glossa ry of Surfing Terms, Dixon, Peter L. The Complete Book ob Surbins. New York: Ballantine Books, 1965. Glossary, pp. 212-16. pp. 208-214. "From bail to wipe out: a unique gu ide to all great surfing term s." York: Co wa rd -McCa nn, 1967. Abbott, Rick. Th e Science ob Surbins. Cardiff, England: john jones Cardiff, july 1972. --- Men and Waue6: A Trea6ury ob Surbins. New Yo rk: Coward-McCann, 1966. Abbott, Rick, and Mike Baker. Start Su rbins. Melbourne, Australia: Stanley Pau l, 1980. Glossa ry, pp. 85-86. --- Where the Surbel'6 Are: A Guide to the World '6 Great Su rbins SPOt6. New York: Coward-McCan Ahren s, Chris. The Surber'6 Trauel Guide: A Handbook to Surb Paradi6e, Card iff-by-the-Sea, CA: Chubasco - __ Men Who Ride MOllntain6. New York: Ba nta m Books, 1969. Publishing Compa ny, 1995 Drummond, Ron ald Blake. Tile Art ob Wa ue Ridins. Hol lywood, CA: Cloister Press, 1931. ___ Joy rid e6: Surb Stori e6 Volume Two, Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA: Chubasco Publishi ng Company, 1999· Du ane, Dani el. Causht In6ide: A Su rber'6year on the Ca libo rnia Coau. New York: North Po int Press, I Allen, jim, Locked In, Su r bi ns bar Ube, Everyday handbooks se ri es; no. 316. Cranbury, Nj : A. S. Barnes and Co., 1970. Glossary, pp. 193-96. Edward s, Phil , with Bob Ottum. you Should Ha ue Been Here an Hour Aso: The Stoked Side ob Surbins ( Han s Ten throush Libe and Stay Happy. New Yo rk: Harper I.i Row, 1967. Anderson, Mi chae l V. The Bad. Rad. Not to Forset Way Cool Beach and Surb Di6c riptionary. Ocea nsid e, CA: Oceanside Printers, 1988. Southern California surfer talk. Farber, Thomas. On Water. Hopewell, Nj: The Ecco Press, 1994. Ball, Doc. C(llibornia Surbrider6. 19.6: A Scrapbook ob Surbins and Beach Stubb. 2nd ed. Redondo Beach, CA: -_ The Face ob the Deep. San Francisco, CA: Mercury House, 1998. Mountain and Sea Books, 1979. Originally published as Ba ll, john H. Surb Rider6 ob Calibornia. Los Angeles: Norman Wha le, 1947. Farrelly, Mi dge t, as told to Craig McG regor. The Surbins Libe. New York: Arco Publishing, 1967. "Glossary Term s," pp. 19-92. Blair, john. Th e II1u6lrated Di6cosraphy ob Surb MU6ic 1961- 1965. 2nd ed., rev. Ann Arbor, Ml : Pi erian Press, 1985. "A Su rfing Dictionary," pp . 123-25. Filosa, Gary Fairmont R., II. The Su rber'6 Almanac: An International Surbins Guide. New York: E. P. Dul "S urfer's International Lex icon," pp. 180-98. Blake, Tom. Hawaiian Surbboard. Honolulu, HI : Parad ise of the Pacific, 1935. Reprinted as Hawaiian Surbrider6 1935 by Mountain and Sea in 1983. Finney, Ben , and j ames D. Hou ston. Surbins- The Sport ob Hawaiian KinS6. Rutland, VT: Ch arles E. Tutti "Ancient Hawa iian Surfing Terms." pp. 105-106. ___ Hawaiian Surbridins: The Ancient and Roya l PaM im e. Flagstaff, AZ, 1961. ---Surbins: A HiMOIY ob the Ancient Hawaiian Sport. Sa n FranC iSCO, CA: Pomegranate Artbooks, I Bloomfield, john. Know-how in the Surb. Rutland, VT: Cha rl es E. Tuttle Co., 1965. "G lossary of Surfing Terms," pp. 203-205. Originally published in Sydney, Australia, 1959. Ga rdner, Rober!. The Art ob Body Surbins. Phi ladelphia: Chilton Book Co., 1972. 6 34 347 George, Sam. Sur~ins: A Way o~ Li~e, New York: Mallard Pre ss, 1990. Loveridge, Richard. A GUide to the Surb Beache6 o ~ Victoria. Melbourne, Australia: Globe Pre ss, '9 7. 8 Gleasner, Di ana C. llluurated Swimming, Diving and Sur~ins Dictionary ~or youns Peop l e. Englewood Cliffs, Nj: Lowdon, Bri an j ., and Margaret Lowdon, Ph .D., eds . Competitive Surbi ns- A Dedicated Approach. Torquay, V Prentice-Ha ll, 1980. Austra li a: Movement Publications, 1988. Glossa ry, pp. 293 - 95; Appendix A, "Manoeuvre Definitions: pp. 29 Grigg, Ricky, and Ron Church . Sur~er in Hawaii. Dana POint, CA: john Severson Publ icat ions, 1963. "Surf jargon Lu eras, Leona rd. Sur~ing: The Ultimate Plea6ure. An Emphasis International Book. New York: Workman Publii Glossary: pp. 64-65. Co., 1984. "A Su rf Film ography," pp. 216-221. Grissim, john. Pure Stoke. New York: Harper!j Row, 1982. Glossary, pp. 156-58. Lueras, Le onard and Lorca. Fie lding'6 Sur~in g Indone6i a. Redondo Beach , CA: Peri plus Editions, 1996. Halacy, jr., D. S. Sur~er! New York: Macmillan, 1965. "Surfing Glossary: pp. 213-17. MacLaren, james. Learn to Su rb. New Yo rk: The Lyo ns Press, '997. Hemmings, Fred. Surbing: Hawaii '6 G i~ t to the WO I'ld ob Sport6. New Yo rk: Grosset an d Dunlap, 1977. "Illustrated Marga n, Frank, and Ben R. Finney. A Pictoria l Hiuory ob SurUins. Dee Why West, New South Wales, Australia, Surfing Glossa ry." pp. 100-18. Haml yn, 1970. Glossa ry: "A General GUide Is: pp. 313- 19. ___ The Soul o~ Su r~ins . New York: Thunder's Mouth Press, '997. Ma sters, Ted. Su rUins Made £a6y. Van Nuys, CA, 1962. Holmes, Paul. Surbabout: Th e Complete Story o ~ P ro~e66 i ona l S ur~in s and th e World'6 Richeu Conteu. McC lellan d, Gord on. Rick Gri~~i/1. Surrey, Great Britain : Paper Tiger, 1980. Darlinghurst, New South Wa le s, Aus tralia: Sound tracts Publishing, 1980. McG inness, Laurie. Surbins Funda mental6. Terry Hills, Sydney, Australia: A. H. and A. W. Reed, 1978. Houslon, j ames D. A Native Son o~ the Golden Weu. New York: Dai ly Press, 197 1. McKi ss ick, Mi tch. Su rb Linso-A Complete GUide to a Totally Rad Vocab!. Balboa, CA: Coastline Press, 19 7. A How to Su rb ~or the Beginner. Honolulu: South Sea Sales, 1964. toon book with glossary, pp. 81-86. 8 jamieson, Noe l. Th e Sur~boar d Rider6 Repair Manua/. Avail ab le from Perigian Beach Su rf Shop, 1982. Morris, Vic and j oe Nelson. The Weather S ur~er: A GUide to Ocea nosraphy and Meteorology bor the World '6 Hunter6. Sa n Diego, CA: Gross mont Press, 1977. j arratt, Ph il. The Wave Game, Broadway, New Sou th Wales, Australia: Soundlracls Publishi ng, 1977- An insid e look al profess ional surfing. Muirhead, Desmond . Surbi ns i/1 Hawaii: A Per60nal MemOir. Flagstaff, AZ : Northland Press, 1962. With notes ( Ca lifornia, Au stralia, Peru, and other surfing countries. ___ Th e Su rbins Dictionary, Sun Books. South Melbourne, Australia: Macmillan, 1985. An illustrated cartoon book. Ne lson, Wi ll ia m Desmond. Surbing: A Handbook. Phi ladelphia: Auerbach Publishers, '97J. Glossary, pp. 9- 7. j enkins, Bruce. North Shore Ch ro n ic/e6. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, 1990. 21 2 Nentl, jerolyn An n. SurUing. Manka to, MN : Crestwood House, 197 . j ennar, Howard. Makins a Su r~board. the Complete Manua/. Darlinghurst, New Sout h Wales , Australia: Mason 8 Steward Publishing, 1985. Glossa ry, pp. 93-94. Noll, Greg, and Andrea Gabbard. Da Bull- Libe Ove r the £dge. Bozeman , MT: Bangtail Press, 1989. j ury, Mark. S ur~ins in So uthern A~rica. Struik Publishers, 1989. P.O. Box "44, Cape Town 8000, South Africa. Olney, Ross. Th e young Sport6man '6 GU ide to Surbing. New York: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 19 5. Chapter VIII, Talk," pp 86-94. 6 Kaha namoku, Duke, with j oe Brennan. Duke Kahanamoku '6 World ob Surbing. Cremorne, Sydney, Austra lia: Angus and Robertson, 1972. "Glossary of Surfing Terms: pp. 169-79. First published in New York: Grosset and Dunlap, Orbelian, George. £Mential Sur~ in s· 3rd ed .

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