nftluoob Serving fhe islands that make Beautiful British Columbia Beautiful Sixteenth Year, No. 27 GANGES, British Columbia Wednesday, July 16, 1975 $5.00 per year in Canada, 15$ copy i His clock is on the tower ON SALT SPRING ISLAND Watershed lots are 10 acres — FOLLOWING BALLOTING Minimum lot size in desig- Change on the by-law con- nated watershed area on Salt forms to the change approved Spring Island has been chang- in the official community plar ed. In the new Salt Spring Is- and the 10-acre minimum is land Subdivision by-law, the now binding on island property size indicated is a minimum owners. of 10 acres. Final draft of the subdivision The change from the earli- by-law ha? not yet been pre- er limit of five acres has been pared. Islanders and profes- brought about by the Salt sional planners are engaged Spring Island branch of the in a series of meetings to iron Society of Pollution and En- vironmental Control. SPEC it out. made the proposal last year. The society asked the Capital Regional Board to make the change and the Board passed POLICE the plea on to the Salt Spring Island Community Planning Association. OFFICE The association co-operat- ed with the board in present- ing a series of ballots in Drift- wood, inviting island voters GROWING What time is it? Look at your fire hall.,.others do and set their clocks by it. to express an opinion. Response showed some ?l°/o Change has been made in the RCMP office on Salt Sprinj • He's a man with a way with one of a number of brothers furniture for children and theii¥ in favour of making the elders. ::'i change. Island. : a clock. who came from the east to The residential part of the That's Roy Cronin,, live on the island. He had He explains that his wife ¥ The minimum lot sizes had and two children are both his :•: been discussed at a number of federal building has been tak- And on the Ganges Fire hall been studying engineering at en over as part of the main •... that's his clock. Toronto. Woodworking on Salt helpers and his critics. meetings on the island. Regional Director George office. ;: New clock in the hose tow- Spring appealed to him more The fire hall is not his first ¥ Officer in charge, Cpl, Ray •• er at the Ganges Hall was de- and he stayed with it, for the venture in time-keeping. He ¥ Heinekey told Driftwood that he had stated tiiat he would Stelter, has moved into his li signed by Henry Schubart, the past five years. has already made yew and :•: new home and is no longer > Scott Road architect who de- maple burl clocks. That is ¥ take the result of the straw Cronin has tried everything vote to Victoria and make the living in the accommodation :• signed the fire hall. It was probably why the architect in-:j: on Ganges Hill. '•: built by the Ontario-born small and the clock is his big- vited him to make a bid on :•: appropriate recommendations- ••_ Cronin. gest project. He has worked the fire tower clock. :• Even at that, Cronin did with wood, from splitting it tc carving/it; he's been a carpen- Not only did he get paid for* FALL FAIR NEXT MONTH •: not do the job alone. He re- ter and he has specialized in it, but he thoroughly enjoyed ¥ :|fers to "generous help" from carving wooden toys for chil- doing it. j;Fire Chief Kelly Hanke, Les d ren. His particular joy was i:Wagg and volunteers at the making rocking horses. And to prove that he is all :•: :;fire hall. that he claims to be, Roy has ¥ First half-century for Mayne •: Roy Cronin is no newcomer The clockmaker has also a display of his work at Art- :•: :|to Salt Spring Island. He is looked at adults. He has built craft 7 5. Plans are well under way for evening from 6pm to 10pm. the 50th Anniversary of the Entry forms must be at the Mayne Island Fall Fair to be hall Tuesday, August 12 and held Saturday, August 16. Wednesday, August 13. David Stupich, Minister of This 50th year is a very im- Agriculture, will be on hand portant year for the Annual STUDY GROUP WANTS YOUR HELP to open the event. Programs Fall Fair and the Society is and entry forms will be avail- hoping for a good attendance The Islands Trust and the of Donald R. Benn have been be sent to persons on request. able shortly. as well as lots of exhibits. Nature Conservancy of Can- working since the beginning People with a knowledge of This year, children's entries For further information con- ada are sponsoring an invent- of May consulting various re- appropriate areas are invited will be received on Friday, tact Marjorie Haggart, Betty ory to identify the most val- ports, "agencies and individu- to contact Mr. Benn, c/o August 15 in the afternoon as Fry or Pearl Brail. uable and vulnerable nature als and will be conducting Islands Trust, Parliament well as art exhibits. Other resources in the Gulf Islands field work throughout the Buildings, Victoria. entries will close on Friday Trust Area. Trust area in July and August. Three qualified university They recognize that many AVERAGE students under the direction residents of southwestern Brit- ish Columbia have consider- FIRE DESTROYS POSSESSIONS able knowledge of the area and it is expected that the Fire early on Saturday morn duplex at Cusheon Lake occu- WEATHER COUGAR IS public will contribute signifi- ing destroyed the half of a pied by Linda Grindle and cantly to the findings of the Randy Blanchette. Staying study. with them was Paul Heap. All FOR JUNE REPORTED three lost all their clothing am. Upon completion of the in- possessions. ISLAND ventory, the study team will FIRE June brought average rain- make recommendations to the fall to Salt Spring Island, with Islands Trust and the Nature Neighbours have launched an most of fee month cloudy and Report was heard on Salt Conservancy of Canada late MEETING appeal for help. The fire vic- ending up warm, according to Spring Island last week of a in 1975 concerning the preser- tims are in need of clothing, the summary by Howard Carl- baby cougar. Islander was vation and protection of signi- bedding and baby cothes. in, Ganges weather observer. confident that the animal ficant areas and sites. Any donations may be left at Mercury went up to 83 and seen was a small cougar. TUESDAY Driftwood for the next week. Natural features such as down to 42. Maximum mean RCMP have noted the com- rare or representative plants, was 67.5 and minimum mean, laint but no further evidence opportunities to observe wild- Annual meeting of Salt 47.6. Precipitation amounted as been found. The fire broke out in the to L 01 inches. The temperat- E life, coastal and marine re- Spring Island Fire Protection early hours of the morning and District will be held in the ures are all given in fahren- Baby cougars are unusual on sources and unique landforms by 5.50 am, the Salt Spring heit; the old-fashioned meth- Salt Spring Island. Majority are of prime importance. Legion Hall at Ganges on Tues Island Fire Department was on day evening, July 22. od of recording temperatures. of cougars found here are ad- the scene. The outside of the Statistics- for previous years ult males. In past years few Historic, cultural and aes- Meeting will hear the annu- building was saved, but the thetic features will also be in- al reports of the fire depart- are also given by Mr. Carlin females have come to Salt interior was extensively dam- as follows: Spring Island. The predators ventoried. The area of study ment. Summary of fires and aged. are not now native to Salt includes all the Gulf Islands demands on the department 1974: 81; 43; 0.88 ins.; as well as Hornby, Denman will be given by Fire Chief 1973: 86, 43,1.41 ins. 1972, Spring Island and swim across 76,46; 1971, 73, 42, 2.33 from Vancouver Island. and Lasqueti Islands to the Kelly Hanke. Duplex on the lakeshore is north and Bowen, Gambier Details of the department's owned by T. Boesgaard and ins.; 1970, 84, 45. 0.78 ins.; Hunters of cougar have fre- and other islands in Howe financial position and the the building was covered by 1969, 86, 48, 0.90 ins.; 1968 quently commented on the Sound. costs of operation will be dis- insurance. The possessions of 72, 43, 1.88 ins.; 87, 42, fact that any shot here have The study team has prepar- cussed and trustees will be the occupants were not cover- 0.56 ins.; 1966, 86, 42, 1. 53 been males. ed a questionnaire which will elected for the coming year. ed, and they lost everything. ins.; 84, 41. 0.28 ins. Page Two Gulf Islands DRIFTWOOD Wednesday, July 16, 1975 WANT TO STAY ALIVE ? TAKE CARE WHEN OUT IN BOAT Bird-sitters In bad weather the best into the wind at reduced At night, foi their protection thing for boaters to do is to speed. against cats sneaking about in stay in port, advises the Can If the motor should fail, or search of just such a tiny mor- ada Safety Council. How- if the sea is so strong that no lose three sel, he puts boards; ovet the box ever, here's what should be headway can be made, att- and 1 remove them about 6 am, done if a boater is caught on ach a sea anchor from the Up above, the parents watch the water and the weather bow so as to keep the boat from the telephone wire wait- turns rough.
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