NEWSLETTER OF THE CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT COUNCIL Controlling Invasive Sea Lavender 4 Comprehensive island restoration in Mexico 6 Stop the spread of weeds and soil pathogens 8 Managed relocation under a changing climate 10 2018 Cal-IPC Symposium 11 Snapshots from the field 12 VOLUME 26 NUMBER 1 SPRING 2018 FROM THE DIRECTOR’S DESK Working the halls in Sacramento By Executive Director Doug Johnson ach spring, Cal-IPC visits Sacra- tion has made it onto the radar screen of mento with the goal of renewing elected officials. 1442-A Walnut Street, #462 funding for Weed Management An Invasive Species Summit was held Berkeley, CA 94709 E ph (510) 843-3902 fax (510) 217-3500 Areas (WMAs), local efforts where land in the capitol in January, bringing togeth- cal-ipc.org [email protected] management partners work collab- er experts from government, industry, Protecting California’s environment and oratively to stop the spread of invasive academia, and conservation groups to economy from invasive plants plants. In 2014, we worked with Assem- discuss ways to speed implementation of STAFF bly Member Joan Buchanan to get AB the state’s framework on invasive species. Doug Johnson, Executive Director Agustín Luna, Director of Finance, 2402 passed. Though the bill succeeded The framework was created by the state’s Operations & Administration in updating the program design, it failed Invasive Species Advisory Committee Bertha McKinley, Program Assistant Claire F. Meyler, Communications & Marketing Manager to secure funding. Last year, we worked (CISAC) and interagency Invasive Species Dana Morawitz, Conservation Program Manager with Assembly Member Jim Wood on Council (ISCC) in 2012. Mona Robison, Science Program Manager a budget request for the program, but Hundreds of implementation actions BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Gina Darin, Cal. Dept. of Water Resources were again unsuccessful in securing fund- were identified at the summit, with several Vice President: Doug Gibson, San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy ing. The program has been supported critical needs rising to the top. Among them Treasurer: Steve Schoenig, Schoenig Consulting through General Fund dollars in the past, were (1) formalizing the interagency council Secretary: Tim Buonaccorsi, RECON Environmental, Inc. Past President: Jutta Burger, Irvine Ranch Conservancy and that funding is in high demand. and advisory committee in statute, and (2) Jason Casanova, Council for Watershed Health This year, we are trying again with fresh renewing funding for Weed Management Valerie Cook-Fletcher, Cal. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Juan de Dios Villarino, California State Parks opportunities. One significant shift is that Areas. Cal-IPC is co-sponsoring a bill that Jason Giessow, Dendra, Inc. Cal-IPC, with the financial support of addresses these two needs, AB 2470 from William Hoyer, US Navy Drew Kerr, Invasive Spartina Project members and special donors, has hired an Assembly Member Tim Grayson. Marla Knight, Klamath National Forest (retired) environmental lobbying firm to guide our We have seen in the past how difficult it Julia Parish, Catalina Island Conservancy Ed King, Placer Co. Ag. Commissioner’s Office efforts, strengthening our ability to navi- is to secure WMA funding. Though most Laura Pavliscak, Tejon Ranch Conservancy gate Sacramento’s political ecosystem. legislators are convinced that invasive Heather Schneider, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden Elections this November will also choose plant management is a wise, cost-effec- Baldeo Singh, Sacramento Conservation Corps Lynn Sweet, UC Riverside Palm Desert Center a new governor, whose appointees will tive investment in protecting the state’s Marcos Trinidad, Audubon Center at Debs Park direct the state’s environmental protection resources, political reality makes it difficult STUDENT LIAISONS efforts. Though the current administration to carve out room in the budget with so Guy Gabriel Hernandez, Cal Poly Pomona Marina LaForgia, UC Davis cares about the goals of increasing climate many competing needs. Allocations from Antil Marlee, Cal Poly Pomona resiliency and protecting biodiversity, that the two potential funding sources — the Noah Teller, UC Riverside has not yet resulted in renewed funding state’s General Fund and the Greenhouse Affiliations for identification purposes only. for WMAs, one of the best investments Gas Reduction Fund from cap-and-trade Cal‑IPC Dispatch the state can make in meeting these proceeds — will be made by the legisla- Spring 2018 - Vol. 26, No. 1 Editor: Doug Johnson goals. As Governor Brown and his ad- ture through extensive discussions weigh- Associate Editor: Claire F. Meyler ministration, including Secretary of Food ing the myriad requests. Designed by Melanie Haage Published by the California Invasive Plant Council. and Agriculture Karen Ross and Secretary The advocacy road is long, and we do Articles may be reprinted with permission. Previous issues are of Natural Resources John Laird, work to not know what turns it will take, but we archived at cal-ipc.org. Mention of commercial products does not imply endorsement by Cal-IPC. Submissions are welcome. secure their legacy, they may finally act on are working from multiple angles toward We reserve the right to edit content. this pressing need. a solution. Part of that will be building a Follow us: Another element is the visible impact of coalition. We already have fifty organiza- invasive species in California. Nutria, the tions supporting AB 2470, and we will South American rodent that has caused so keep working to make sure their voice much damage in wetlands in Gulf Coast is heard on this issue. Please join us in On the cover: Teams record data points during a survey of the states, has been found near the Sacra- trying to renew funding for WMAs by Carpentaria salt marsh to map endangered plants mento/San Joaquin River Delta and made sending a letter of support for AB 2470! and proximity to invasive plants. Photo courtesy of Channel Islands Restoration headlines. As street trees die in Southern Go to cal-ipc.org/AB2470 for a sample California, the shot hole borer infesta- letter and instructions. 2 Spring 2018 | DISPATCH cal-ipc.org CAL -IPC UPDATES 2018 Cal-IPC Symposium. Join us Wildland Weed News Nov. 7-10 in Monterey. Registration Resiliency Fund at WCB, and AB2054 opens May 1. Abstracts for presenters The (Gonzalez Fletcher) to address invasive Nature due June 1. Discounted room block tree-damaging shot hole borers. first come/first served through Oct. 7. of Americans See page 11 for more information. CDFA lawsuit – Anti-pesticide groups Profound changes are have successfully sued CDFA over the occurring in the American Support AB2470 – We need Programmatic Environmental Impact Re- public’s connections to nature, organizations across the state to support port for its pest management programs. the outdoors, and wildlife. To bet- Jones by Ryan Illustration WMA funding. The bill will be heard in A court has ordered CDFA to stop all ter understand and foster Americans’ multiple committees over the legislative pest management using pesticides until relationship with nature, Dr. Stephen Kel- session, and each needs to hear our deficiencies in the PEIR are fixed. CDFA lert and DJ Case & Associates conducted support. See cal-ipc.org/AB2470. has appealed, asking for a timeline over an unprecedented study of nearly 12,000 adults, children and parents across the Invasive sea lavender – We are begin- which to fix the PEIR while pest manage- United States in 2015-16. ning year 3 of removal efforts across San ment programs continue. The study’s findings can be distilled Francisco Bay, with funding from the Na- Glyhposate – A federal court has down to eight major points: (1) Ameri- tional Fish & Wildlife Foundation (NFWF). found that the California cannot compel cans face a significant gap between Desert knapweed – Minimal rains in Monsanto to place warning labels on their interests in nature and their efforts, the desert made this a year for mapping products containing glyphosate, such as abilities, and opportunities to pursue distribution around Borrego Spring. We are Roundup. California’s Prop. 65 mandates those interests in their lives; (2) Experi- organizing partners to fully scope the infes- labels for all products found to be po- ences in nature are deeply social; (3) tation in Newport Bay. Funded by NFWF. tentially carcinogenic by an international adults and children differ in where they cancer panel. However, many entities, North Coast – Humboldt and Del Norte locate unforgettable, authentic nature; including the US EPA, disagree with the county partners are gearing up for year (4) access to nature is as much about findings of the international panel. 4 of removing knotweeds, Arundo, rush the quality of places as their quantity; (5) skeletonweed, and shiny geranium. 50 worst invasives – The Western Gov- Americans value nature in remarkably Funding from the California Wildlife Con- ernor’s Association published a list of the broad, diverse ways; (6) Americans sup- servation Board (WCB). 50 worst invasive species in the Western port nature-related programming, fund- ing, and conservation; (7) Americans’ South Central Coast – San Luis Obispo US. Top three: tamarisk, cheatgrass and relationship with nature is complex and and Santa Barbara county partners are in Canada thistle. Feral cats made the list at nuanced; and (8) Americans perceive year 2 of removal efforts on Japanese dod- #13. For aquatics, the top three are Eur- tremendous benefit from experiences in der, Canada thistle, elyumus farctus, and asian watermilfoil, quagga/zebra mussels, nature. The report includes 22 recom- invasive sea lavender, while tracking spiny and New Zealand mudsnails. mendations based on these findings. emex and stinkwort. Funding from WCB. Forest Service regulatory streamlining (Full study: natureofamericans.org) Arundo mapping – Using aerial imagery, – The agency has launched an effort to maps have been completed for the Great improve efficiency of their environmental Valley, covering more than 10% of the analysis and decision making. Lack of NEPA state.
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