WESTCHESTER’S OLDEST AND MOST RESPECTED NEWSPAPERS PRESORT-STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID White Plains, NY Permit #7164 Vol 11 Number 50 www.RisingMediaGroup.com Friday, December 12, 2014 Knights of Columbus Remind Westchester Demonstrates Against Of Reason for the Season Non-Indictment in Garner Death By Dan Murphy Claus?” asked Steve. Several billboards across Westchester feature “Nothing,” the rabbi responded as he picked a message from the Knights of Columbus West- up a napkin. “Santa is a Christmas character.” chester-Putnam that read, “Keep Christ in Christ- “But he’s a secular figure,” said Steve. “Don’t mas.” you even let the kids get presents from Santa so Demonstrators in White Plains protest against a Grand Jury’s decision not to indict the Originally organized by the Christian Moth- they won’t feel left out?” police officer being blamed for the death of Eric Garner. ers of Milwaukee, later know as Council of Cath- “No,” responded the rabbi. “We don’t worry olic Women in Milwaukee, Wisc., the effort was about that. In fact, I think your Christians ought to Protestors in White Plains and Yonkers White Plains to highlight the “continued crim- originally known as “Put Christ Back into Christ- keep Christ in Christmas.” marched to express their outrage regarding inalization of black and brown people with im- mas.” Following that effort, the KOC adopted the “Did I hear you right?” Steve countered. the decision not to indict New York Police De- punity,” and the “killing of black people and “Keep Christ in Christmas” program in the early “Absolutely,” said the rabbi. “As Jews, we partment officers in the death of Eric Garner. people of color here in Westchester.” 1960s, and has been actively promoting it since. don’t secularize our holidays. It amazes me when WESPAC, a progressive organization aimed at State Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins, “In a society where Christmas has often be- Christians water down their message with things social change, held a “die-in” on the streets of Continued on Page 8 come shorthand for shopping, many who celebrate that have nothing to do with their faith. I actually Christmas can lose sight of its true meaning,” said deliver a ‘keep Christ in Christmas’ message ev- Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. “Those who cel- ery couple of years to my congregation as a lesson ebrate Christmas give gifts to each other because it about not diluting our faith with non-Jewish im- 2015 Westchester Budgets is the day on which we celebrate the greatest gift: ages and celebrations.” God’s gift of his son to the world. Christmas is Later, Steve relayed: “As the conversation about ‘peace on earth toward people of good will’ went on, my attitude shifted from amazement to Stay Below Tax Cap and we think that’s a message worth remember- admiration as my friend, the rabbi, unintention- ing.” ally taught me some lessons about Christmas – and A conversation between an area resident, about being Christian.” Steve, and a rabbi from New Jersey relates to the Billboards from Atheists organizations have KOC’s efforts: been highlighted on some national newscasts but “Hey, rabbi, what do Jews think about Santa do not appear in Westchester. Fleetwood Neighbors Light Christmas Tree in Mt. Vernon Eastchester Town Supervisor Harrison Town Supervisor Ron Belmont Anthony S. Colavita By Dan Murphy was unanimously adopted Dec. 2. Stating that A review of several towns and localities the town is in “excellent fiscal condition,” Co- in Westchester that are preparing their budgets lavita’s $34.49 million budget is below the tax for 2015 show that despite continued state man- cap, and will result in a 2.7 percent tax increase dates without relief – and a 2015 tax cap that for town residents. has actually fallen below the 2 percent level due The town government in Eastchester con- to low inflation (1.56 percent) – budgets will re- tinues to monitor its spending and is able to ac- main in compliance and under the cap. cumulate and use its fund balance to help keep Editor’s note: Many budgets have not been taxes low at the end of each year. This year, formally adopted as of press time. Eastchester will use its $3.2 million fund bal- Town of Harrison: Supervisor Ron Bel- ance in the 2015 budget, which is slightly less mont recently presented his budget, which in- than was used for 2014. cluded good financial news for the village and The town’s bond rating remains AA1. town. There were no layoffs in Eastchester’s ad- Kids and officials join Sen. Jeff Klein in celebrating the Fleetwood Neighborhood Harrison was notified that Moody’s has opted budget; one position was not filled after Association tree lighting. raised its bond rating from Aa2 to Aa1, which is a retirement. Contracts were provided to town State Sen. Jeff Klein, in partnership with the who delighted the crowd with popular holiday one notch below the highest designated rating, employees and fees were not increased for Lake Fleetwood Neighborhood Association, hosted the carols like “Let it Snow,” “Jingle Bell Rock” and triple A. Harrison’s rating has significantly im- Isle. first tree lighting in Fleetwood Playground on “A Holly Jolly Christmas.” The event featured a proved over the course of the last several years, Greenburgh Supervisor Paul Feiner also Dec. 7. The inaugural event was attended by local 7-foot-tall Christmas tree, donated by Klein’s of- increasing from Aa3 in 2011 to the current Aa1 recently presented his budget, which increases elected officials, community leaders, families and fice, which was lit shortly thereafter. rating. the tax rate by 1.75 percent. Spending in the seniors, and featured holiday treats, live Christmas A special appearance was made by Santa Moody’s cites several factors for this year’s $17.7 million budget for Greenburgh increased music and an appearance by a special guest from Claus, who visited with local families and chil- rating rationale: The village’s improved finan- by $400,000. the North Pole. dren, passed out candy canes and wished everyone cial position, a sizeable and affluent tax base, “The strong stock market had a significant “The holidays are a wonderful time of year a merry Christmas. which is expected to benefit from commercial positive impact on the NYS Employee Retire- for everyone,” said Klein. “Families, children and “Our first annual tree lighting in Fleetwood development in the near term and a manageable ment System in 2014 and the NYS Police and loved ones all come together to share in this joyous was spectacular – I had a wonderful time tonight debt burden with a lower-than-average pension Fire Retirement System,” said Feiner. “The time and I am thrilled to be out here tonight, light- celebrating the season with friends, family and the liability. Moody’s also cites, as strengths, Har- town will benefit through a projected decline ing the tree in Fleetwood Playground, and spread- entire community,” said Michael Justino, president rison’s large tax base, which is also expected to in ERS and PFRS contribution rates for 2015. ing holiday cheer.” of the Fleetwood Neighborhood Association. “A benefit from commercial development, and the We expect 2015 ERS to decline by $683,000, The tree lighting festivities commenced in special thanks to Sen. Klein for his help putting municipality’s healthy financial position bol- from $5,043,302 in 2014, and PFRS to decline the late afternoon with live Christmas music from together tonight’s tree lighting, and of course, to all stered by recent reserve growth. by $207,000, from $3,605,597 in 2014. talented guitar duo Andrea and James Rohlehr, those who came out and joined in the festivities.” “I am encouraged by this recent report and “Future years’ pension contribution rates am confident that Harrison will continue along will be subject to the trusts’ investment perfor- this very steady and favorable trajectory,” said mance,” said Feiner, who points to one factor Belmont. “I would like to thank town person- that affects all local government and school nel for all their hard work in preparing for this district budgets: A strong performance from review.” the NYS pension fund’s investments provided In other good news, at the Dec. 4 Town short-term relief to local governments’ skyrock- Board meeting, the board adopted the final bud- eting pensions costs over the past decade. get for 2015. Once again, Harrison is within In New Rochelle, City Manager Charles the tax cap mandated by Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Strome proposed a $156.5 million budget, For the 2015 tax year, the Town of Harrison’s which will increase taxes by 2.9 percent, which tax rate is 1.98 percent. What this means to the is permitted and considered below the tax cap average taxpayer in Harrison is, if the assessed because of allowances and exemptions. value of your home is between $650,000 and Other budget and tax increases include: $700,000, your increase is less than $7 a month. North Castle, with a $21.779 proposed “You will still be receiving exceptional mu- budget, below the tax cap and allowable tax nicipal services,” said Belmont. “As in previous levy. years, Harrison will not be utilizing a New York The City of Rye has a $50.8 million bud- State program that allows local municipalities get, which raises property taxes by 3.1 percent to borrow in order to pay their pension bills. and is below the tax cap. Additional firefighters Harrison will once again be paying the entire will be hired and road and energy-saving im- bill, at the end of 2015, without borrowing.” provements are part of the budget, including a In the Town of Eastchester, Supervisor An- second television studio, all proposed with a $9 thony S.
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