Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC May 1965 Daily Egyptian 1965 5-21-1965 The aiD ly Egyptian, May 21, 1965 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_May1965 Volume 46, Issue 150 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, May 21, 1965." (May 1965). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1965 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in May 1965 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~~~,~; ~·~~!)n.:D1ES 15 Chosen for Sphinx Meimber;h'tp . J)~ , - ':.",5 Fifteen students were of SIU; the Outstanding Male ~ R ,8¥erz, Laurie J. Brown, tapped for membership in the and Female Freshmen and. Jo·iI#l~ F. Wilhelm, Kathy ~!. Sphinx Club at the Honors Day Sophomores were named; and' w~Htk; and the· late F: arl 1I.like Convocation Thursday in the the University Student Council C arson (accepted by·. i\lrs. Arena. award was presented. Jananne Carson). Neariy 400 students and New members of the Sphinx Sphinx Club members from faculty members were cited Club, special interest acth'i- the Edwardsville campus in­ for hOlPrs for activities on ties honorary were: Richard clude Lawrence F. Ashley, EGYPTIAN campus at the convocation. L. Cox, Warren steinborn, R. Helen F. Black, Charles A. Fifteen coeds were tapped Daniel Crumbaugh, William Buchana, Roger B. Burch, SfUlltlteJUl, 9t 1Ut4i4 'Z(fIiq.,,,~ into Cap and Tassel; one facul- Murphy, Joseph K. Beer, Cheryl R. Cobbel, Daniel L. ty member was awarded the Charolette K. Thompson, Corben, Curtis Galloway, Mi­ Carbondal., Illinois Faculty Sphinx; three srudents Dorothy A. Hill, Donald R. chael L. Hurt, Ella G. Johnson, were named as outstanding Grant, Robert P. Quail, Tony Johnson, Anita J. Volu ... .c6 Friday, May 21, 1965 Humber 15U communicators of the name Charles B. Lounsbury, James (Continued on Page 11)'1 SIU to Train 400 Teachers for u.s. Action* Party* Will Run Crash Program To Pick Slate For 'Proiect Head Start' SIU has signed a $72,000 orientation to a million under­ contract to conduct a crash privileged youngsters before For Council training program for 400 the opening of school in the The Action Party, a newly elementary school teachers fall. organized political party at as leaders in "Project Head Financed by the OEO and SIU, will meet in convention Stan" for preschool children. hometown sponsoring agen­ form at 6:30 p.m. today in Raymond H. Dey, dean of cies, the eight-week programs the University Center River the Division of University Ex­ in thousands of communities Rooms. tension, said SIU's contract are designed to prepare the On the agenda is nomination with the U.S. Office of Eco­ children for the experiences of candidates for officers and nomic Opportunity is forthree to be encountered in kinder­ Student Council members in six-day schools for the garten or first grade. the upcoming student govern­ teacher-leaders. ment election. Through this preparation it The shon courses will begin is hoped the children of low The proposed date for the June 14, 21 and 28, he said, election of officers has been income families can enter with 225 teachers receiving school more nearly on a par set by the Student Council as training at the Carbondale June 3, but thiS date is yet with youngsters of higher JI­ campus and 175 at East St. come homes. subject to appro\'al of Uni­ Louis. Thomas E. Jordan, versity officials. professor of Special EdUcation Training of the professional The Student Council set the and GUidance, will be in charge leaders at the University will date following approval of a of the training. I a r gel y consist of the bill which determined that the Training of the leaders, Dey me~hanics for setting up counctl would operate in the said, is the first step in a hometown Head Start Centers, same procedures as the past program to bring school room Dey said. After six days of for at least one more year. this training the leaders will The elections have been held return to their homes and early in May previously. Dinner Is Served start a one-week intensive Candidates to be nominated training course for com munity by the Action Party include At Tlwmpson Point volunteer workers who will student body president and then be ready to staff the com­ vice president, and persons (lfYou Wear Shoes) munity preschool centers. to fill the 12 Student Council Earlier this week Rep. Ken­ seats that will be vacated It's okay to show up for neth Gray, D-West Frank­ this fall. JFK MEMORIAL - The Thompson Point nag pole was dedicated Sunday dinner at Lentz Hall fort, had announced that some Also on the agenda for Thursday to the memory of the late President John F. Kennedy. without a coat, but you'd better 1,601 children would be en­ nominations will be candidates Taking part were (left to right) J.D. Templeton, Dale Miller, be wearing shoes or you'n go rolled in 10 Head Start pro­ for the Executive Committee Charlotte Hentz and Mike Peck. Peck is TP president. away hungry. jects in seven southern Illi­ of the Action Party. The com­ Flag From Capitol A new dress code distrib­ nois counties. minee members will serve a uted at Thompson POint, ex­ Gray said the pre-school one year term. plains that because of warm nurseries for cl!lturally dis­ The Executive Committee Thompson Point Dedicates weather men are not required advantaged children who will will appo!nt a party chair­ to wear sportcoats to Sunday attend kindergarten this fall man at a later date. The and special dinners as long would cost $270,563. chairman will also serve for Flagpole to John Kennedy as they wear a shin and tie. one year. The present acting But it stressed that no The seven counties involved ch1irman of the Action Party Residents of Thompson office, dedicate the Thompson resident will be allowed in are Jackson, Williamson, Sa­ is Alan C. Punis. Point dedicated their flagpole Point flagpole in memory of Lentz Hall's dining area With­ line, Gallatin, puaski, Perry In connection with the to the memory of the late this great man and Pres­ out some type of foot apparel. and Massac. nominations, David Carter, President John F. Kennedy in ident." And thongs or shower clogs In the breakdown of Jack­ Acnon party member, said, ceremonies Thursday morn­ Members of the AFROTC don't count. son County projects, Gray said "I think we hav;; represema­ ing. Honor Guard assisted in the For those With an informal Southern would hire three pro .. tives from many facets of the Pl'esident Delyte W. Morris ceremony. bent, it's all right to wear fessionals to teach 15 chil­ C ni versity student body, and raised the flag, which had once President MorriS, housing "cut-offs" as long as they are dren at one center. The SIt· (Continued on Page 13) flown atop the Capitol Building officials and members of the hemmed and rolled up at the project will have one paid in Washington, D.C. Thompson Point Executive legs. Girls will be permitted neighborhood resident and The flag was obtained from Council ate breakfast together to wear levis, the T.P. Pointer one volunteer worker, the an­ Gus Bode St::n. Everett M. Dirksen, R.­ following the ceremony. reported. nouncement said. m., by SIU's Zeta Nu chapte:­ of Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity. Fraternity president, Jerry Coeds Check, but Not the Beds F. Pickar, presented the nag By Pam Gleaton Even the inventive coeds in missing list is 15 beds of as­ to Michael G. Peck, Thompson Woody couldn't walk off With sorted types. Everyone knows POint president. On a recent ramble through some of the things that are that a dormitory is supposed James D. Templeton, fra­ Woody Hall, it seemed as missing. to have beds. but what kind of ternity member and resident though so,nething was missing. For example, at the top of dorm would let its beds get of Thompson POint, presented According to the latest in­ the list are two rugs, one away? Peck With a letter of verifi­ ventory report, there are, in 14xlS feet and the other 9xl9 This item is particularly cation. fact, 108 fewer items of fur­ feet. Included in the listing disrressinr in light of the fact Richard L. Cox, Thompson niture in Woody than there are pads to go with the rugs. that earlier in the school year Point senator, read the should be. Now, just Who would want Woody was over-assigned by proclamation, which stated in Just how much ofthis miss­ such a rug? The girls in Woody the Housing Office. What did part: ing furniture can be written wouldn't, because their rooms those poor girls sleep on, "Be it resolved that: The off as theft is hard to say. aren't big enough to use (much sleeping bags? residents of the Thompson Some girls delight in furnish­ less hide) the rugs. Admitted, As with the rugs, the logical Point living area of Southern ing their rooms with a table, they would be nice in an apart­ conclusion is that someone Illinois University, fully ap­ a smoking stand and an extra ment, but how would you ex­ has misplaced the beds. Per­ preciating the tremendous im­ chair if they can find the room plain to the head resident that haps instead of checking to pact that John Kennedy had for it.
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