• The evolution of mothering: Images & impact of the mother-figure in f(·minist utopian science-fiction Maureen C-LaPerrière (8804257) Oepartment of Comparative Literature McGiII University, Montreal Submitted: March, 1994 A Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial • fulfillment of the requirements of the Master's Degree (MA) © Maureen C-LaPerrière, 1994 • Nome MAUREEN C. LaPEPI<ŒEPE~~~ __~ ____~~ ________~ ()'Herl;;;;~n A~slrocls InlcrnolfOno/,s orronged by brood, gcneral sub,ect cotegorles Pleose select the one sub,ect wh,ch most ncorly dC~flbcs the conlpnt of your d,sserlot,on Enter the corrcspond,ng four-dI9,t code ln the spoces provldcd CU1PNWl'IVE LI'l'ERATUIŒ[-O~I-2 -, 9-15~1 U·M·I SU8JECT TIRM SU8JECT (ODE Subied Categories 'HE HUMJ;.NI'IES AND SOCIAL S1:IENCES COMMUNICATIONS AND THE ARrS Psyc~ 0525 PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION AND Anc.en' 0579 AfC h.1ec Ivre 0729 Réod"'9 0535 THEOLOGY Med.eval 0581 MH,,'ory 0377 Rel'9'o\" 0527 Ph.lo~hy OA22 Modern 0582 C.nema 0900 Sc.encM 071A Block 0328 Donc. 0378 Socon~ 0533 ReJ,~neral 0318 Afncon 0331 fille Am 0357 Soc .01 Sc .ences 0534 B.bl.cal Slud,cs 0321 Allo_ Aus'ral.a and Oceonla 0332 Informo',on Science 0723 Soc.oI'?{JY 01 0340 Cler9)' 0319 Canad,an 0334 Jour nal. VI'I 0391 Spec.al 0529 HlI'ory of 0320 European 0335 llbrory Science 0399 Teoc~ TrOlnlng 0530 Ph.losophy 01 0322 la',n Amellcon 0336 Mou Commun,w',ons 0708 Tech~ 0710 Theology OA69 Middle Easlern 0333 MuSIC 0413 Tel" 0 suremenl\ 0288 Unl,ed S'a'es 0337 Ch CommunlCO',on OA59 Voco',onol 0747 SOCIAL SCIENCES Hll'ary of Science 05135 coler 0465 Law 03">8 Amencan Slud'es 0323 PolollCal Science LANGUAGE, lITERA TURE AND Anthrop'ol~ EDUCATION LlNGUISTlCS ArchoeOogy 0324 General C615 ee""rol 0515 Interna'.onal Law ond Lan~ Cullvral 0326 Ad""nl\truhon 051A neral 0679 Physlcal 0327 Relaloans 0616 Adult and Conlonulng 0516 Ancien' 0289 Busoness Admlnls'rat.on Pu bloc Admln,s'ra',on 0617 AU"culrural 0517 LI09uls',cs 0290 General J310 Recreoloon 0814 Art 0273 MOdern 0291 Accounlong 0272 Social Work 0452 811'l1guol ond Mult,cuhural 0282 Bonk.ng 0770 Soclalogy l"eroture General Bvstnf'"S' 0688 Ger~fOl 0401 Managemen' 045A 0626 Co"'munlly College 0275 CloHlCai 029A Markelo"9 0338 Cllmlnolow ond Penology 0627 Cur"culum and In-Iruchon 0727 Compora'"e 029:> Co nad ,on Slud,es 0385 Dcmogropl~ 0938 [orly Ch,IJhood 0518 Medieval 0297 Economicl Ethnlc anô oClol 5,OO'es 0631 rlenlen'ory 0524 Modern 0298 General 0501 Ind,vldual and Fomlly Finance 0277 Afncan 0316 Agllcultural 0503 5'ud,es 0628 GUldonce and Coumelln9 0519 Amencan 0591 Commt'rce Bullllell 0505 Indus'"al and Lobor f~hh 0680 ASlon Fonance Rela',ans 0629 0305 0508 PubliC and Social Welfare lilo~er 0745 Canad,an !Engllsh) 0352 Hls'ary 0!>09 0630 Hll'ary 01 0520 Canad,an French) 0355 Lobor 0510 Social S'ruclvre and liomc f ( onomlCS 0278 E09hll 0593 Theory 0511 Developmen' 0700 Indul'nal 0521 GermanlC 0311 Folklore 0358 Theory and Mcthods 0344 lan~l)og" and l,'crolure 0279 Lalon Amellcan 0312 Geography 0366 TrQnsportaloon 0709 Mollcrn<.l'.( S 0280 Middle EOI'ern 0315 Geran'ology 0351 Urbon and R~d!,anol Plann'ng 0999 MUIIC 0522 Romance 0313 Hislary Women's S,u les 0453 J'I"lo1Oph y of 0998 SlavlC und EOI' Ec,ropeon 0314 General 0578 f'hyllcol 0523 THE SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING 1I0lOGIUl SCIlNCES Geodcsy 0370 Spe«h Pa.hology 0460 Englneenng Agflcul'ure Geology 0372 TaXicology 0383 General 0537 c...·neral 0473 Geopfiy"CI 0373 Home Ecanomlcs 0386 Aerospclce 0538 Agronomy OL85 ~dro~y 0388 Agrlcvlturol 0539 Arlllnoi Cvltu,e ond Ineralogy 0411 PHYSICAl 5C1lNCES Au'oma'lVe 0540 Nutrition 0475 Paleobotany 0345 Pure Sciences B,omMlcai 0541 Animai Purl1ology 0476 Paleoec e>Iogy 0426 Chemlstry Chemlcal 0542 Food s..,e"(~ and Paleon'~ 0418 C,v,1 0543 0985 General 0485 Tl'Chnol~ 0359 Paleoz~ Agr Icullural 0749 Elec'ronlCS and EIe<:lflcal 0544 Fore'e>: on wlldl,fe 0478 Polynol~ 042 7 Hecl and Thermodynamlcs 0348 Plunr ullvre OA79 Physlcal raphy 0368 Anolytlcal 0486 Hydraul,c 0545 Plon' Pothology 0480 PhyslCol Oceonography 0415 Blocfiemls'ry 0.:187 InduSlllol 0546 Inorr,0mc 0488 Manne Plun' Ph YI'oIogy 0817 Nue eor 0547 Ronqe Mal1agemenl 0777 HEALTH ~ND lNVIRONMENTAl 0738 MO'ellals Science 0794 OrgnnlC 0490 Mechanocol woOd Tl'<hnology 0746 S(f[NC(S Pharmoceulocal 0491 0548 81"I~y Envoronmen'al $c,ences 0768 0494 Me'allu r9)' 0743 -'nCfol 0300 Phr,slcal Mlnlng 0551 H<:ulth Sciences Poy.mer 0495 r Anolomy 0287 Generol 0566 IIOO,oloon Nuclee 0552 R.O\'u,,\hn 0308 0754 Pockoglng 0549 Audool~ 0300 Mo,hemo"cs 0405 Boluny 0309 Chcmo' IOpy 0992 Pe'ralevm 0765 C.. 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I>W'll~C und Surgery 0564 Moll'<.ulor 0307 A'omlc 0748 Menlol Hrohh 0347 E!c>(lronlC! and Ele<tll~ 0607 NrllrO~(IClXt 0317 Nur",,!! 0569 fSYCHOlOGY Elemen10ry Partlcles a General OcI'O~lnphy 0416 Nutrition 0570 0621 0433 H;ph Energy 0798 Behovlaral 0384 Phy"c>logy Ot"'e'''cs and Gy",,,<o~ 0380 Flui and J'lasma 0759 Rod,ot,on 0821 Occupoloonol tirol'h 0 CI,nlcal 0622 Ve,.,ron"ry Science 0778 Mole<ulor 0609 Dcvefopmen'ol 0620 Thcr°FrY 0354 Nucleor 0610 loo/ogy OA72 Ophtho moIogy 0381 OpIICl 0752 EAperlmen'al 0623 ~IOjlhy\.Cl Pothology 0571 Rad,a'.on 0756 Indus'nal 0624 ~r~rol 0786 l'hor mocOlogy 0419 5ot,d Stole Personal.,>, 0625 MtodlCal 0760 0611 PhYllol?9,col 0989 l'hor~ 0572 S'a""ICI 0.463 Psychob,alogy 0349 Phrrol apy 0382 lUTH SCIlN(ES Pu IC Hech" 0573 AppI.ed Sciences Psychome'rlc\ 0632 81CI9<':'X h",," Itry OA25 Rodlology 057A Applled MechonlCS 03.46 SOcial OA51 Geo.. hem 1\Ir)- 0996 lIeorohon 0575 Computer Science 098A • Table of Contents .. Abstract . .. " ................. Acknowledgements .. ............... ........ ......... ....... ii Introduction The Maternai Factor: Images and Impact on Utopian Feminist Science-Fiction ... 1 Chapter One Reproduclng Reproduction: The New Reproductive Technologies ln Reahty and in Mattapoisett . 17 Chapter Two Giving Blrth, Dealrng Death: Of War and Women . .. ................. 51 • Conclusion Feminrst Utopias: "Soft" Territories? . ............................... 85 Appendix A Appendlx B Appendlx C Bibliography • Abstract: Wlfhm the latitude of a sClence-flctlonal elsewhere and elsewl7B'n, women can establls/) • thelf ow" socIal norms af,J accepted praxIs w.lJere tne world of patnalcl7y IS questloned, contradlcted and remorJe/led, so are the norms and conducts of the partIcIpants Involved lf7 'motl7ermg' By cJefllJ/tllin SF must rncorporate the element of estrangement, hence If may eradlcate bOlllldafles wl)fch wlllm studled from the perspectIve of a pomt-zero empmcal spacetlme can only be blurred, ûna/yzed, (lI deplcted as mevltable The modifIcatIOns encountered tn alternLlte femlf71st spélcetlmes speclf/(;a/ly mcorpc.'ate many new IdeologIes con cern mg motherhood Central to 1I11s dISCUSSIon IS the means by whlch fem'IJ/st authors regard the mfJuences of patnarchal msfltut/Ons and the subsequent changes /11 socIety becaus(~ of, or III splte of, these changes The male-dommaled fIelds of teehn%glcal patnarchy (reproductIOn and ferflflty "speclallsts'J and the mllltary, for example, are areas upon wlllch feml/lIst authors speculaîc9 Three femmlst strategIes for copmg wlth a patnarchal socIal older, as seen III the wor/(s of sClence-llctlon, are entrance mto the male worl:j and attempts to change It, competItion III the patnarchal worl< f on ItS own terms and total retreat from an oppressIve SOCiety, accompùl1led IJy Ille creatIon of a femlnlSI utoplan otherworld These femmlst spacetlmes shale a numbel of convIctIons MO ...,t Important, conceptIOn IS never an unwlffed expenence The "maternalmstmct", IS rede fll1ed as a call1l1g WhlCh, lf7 some casp.s, extends to mdles and non-blologlcal mothers Tralfs tr,at are sallent /11 the elu/ct ra/sers are thase whlch are mlrrored by these altemate femmlst spacetlmes as a wllOle and Wtl1cfl contf/bute to thf.~ defllJ/tlon of these socletles as utoplas The treatment and/or possession of c/1IlcJlen as proPflrty is frowned upon /fI the novels Some pomts of dissent amongst fen7lf1lst SF authon~ mclllde the eXistence of technology m a utoplan or dystoplan future for motherhood, and whether or not males are oermlfted and/or encouraged tû partlclpate m socIety as a whole and more preclsely m the expertence of mothenng The dystopla, for ItS part, can thus be regarded as a warnmg agamst the encroachment of rampant patf/archal enterpnses through thelr representatlOn of the extrapolatIOn of male-contred value • systems Résumé" Afm d'établtr leurs propres normes et condUItes, les femmes dOivent oellvrer en des temps et des espaces différents A cet époque où le patnarcat est de plus en plus remis en question, contredit et remodelé, autant le sont les normes de condUite de ceux ou celles assumant le rôle de more La SF dOit en définition mtégrer le dépaysement complet, elle peut de plus donner un tout nouveau sons aux frontières actuelles Les espaces-temps alternatifs fémmlstes offrAnt plUSieurs nouvelles Idéolo(]Ies de la materntté Les pomts de mire de cette diSCUSSion sont certamement les regards quo nOSOllt los auteurs fémlntstes sur les mfluences que provoquent les mstdutlOns patnarcales ainSI quo slfr lours conséquences
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