The Orthodox Church and Eschatological Frenzy The Recent Proliferation of “Antichristology”and Its Perilous Side-Effects Proposals for Curing the Eschatological Fear of Marks (Seals) and Numbers —o— A Memorandum from the Special Commission to the Holy Synod in Resistance October 2010 First Treatise First The Orthodox Church and Eschatological Frenzy Eschatological and Church Orthodox The Contents • Apolytikion and Icon of St. John the Theologian 4 • Introductory Reflections 5 • A Prayer of Supplication 8 A. Recent Antichristology and Its Symptomatology 9 ■ A1. Antichristology and Antichristologists 11 ■ A2. The Pathology of Antichristology 12 B. The Eschatology of the American Millenarians 13 ■ B1. Its Indiscriminate Importation [into Greece] and the Tragic Consequences 15 ■ B2. Steps Towards Disengagement 16 C. The Book of Revelation and the “Mark of the Beast” 17 ■ C1. The “Antichrist” Has Not Yet Been Revealed 19 ■ C2. “Blot Out the Marks” 22 ■ C3. The Procedure for Imposing the “Mark” 24 ■ C4. The Symbolic “Mark” and the Spiritual Procedure for Imposing It 26 ■ C5. The “Seal of the Lamb” and the “Mark” 32 ■ C6. The Number 666 Is Neutral 35 ■ C7. The Number 666 Is Not the Symbol of the Antichrist 38 ■ C8. Demystification of the Number 666 40 ■ C9. The Number 666 Is Not, and Does Not Function As, a “Preliminary Mark” 49 ■ C10. A Message of Edification, Consolation, and Hope 55 ■ C11. An Attempt at an “Ecclesiastical Reading” of the Apocalypse 62 • Bibliographical Clarification 68 They Sing the Song of the Lamb (Revelation 15:3) On the commemoration of the Dormition of the Holy and glorious Apostle and Evangelist, Virgin, Bosom Friend, and Beloved Disciple of the Lord, John the Theologian 26 September Another Apolytikion* Third Tone. Τὴν ὡραιότητα (Awed by the beauty of thy virginity...) Thou didst fall upon the breast of thy Teacher, from Whom thou didst draw the Light of Grace, becom- ing a model for theologians, O John; thou didst proclaim the Incarnation of the Word, O Blessed one, and by thy writings thou didst shed abroad the Three-Sunned Light; and now thou guidest unto the Light those who cry: Rejoice, O initiate of inef- fable mysteries. ——————— * Composed by the Holy Monastery of Sts. Cyprian and Justina, Phyle, Attica (18 December 2005). Introductory Reflections Since 1995, the Holy Synod in Resistance in nature—on the basis of scientific specifica- 1 has, by way of a special commission, close- tions regarding the production and operation ly followed and studied the contemporary prolif- of bar codes. Therefore, we had good reason eration of “Antichristology” (issues surrounding to expect that, by announcing the truth that the “Antichrist”) and its dangerous side- effects. bar codes have absolutely no connection with A fruit of this study is the detailed memorandum the number 666, we could provide the faith- of some seventy pages that was approved by the ful with a feeling of relief that would, in turn, Holy Synod in 2000, though, in anticipation of diminish the intensity of their agony. more auspicious circumstances, it was not judged b. Nevertheless, our investigation helped us to expedient to publish it forthwith. realize very quickly that the disquiet of the In submitting this memorandum, now, faithful did not pertain exclusively to the re- 2 to the judgment of the conscience of the lationship between bar codes (and, more Church, we deem it necessary to offer some in- broadly, identity cards) and the number 666, troductory thoughts, in order, but that this question was simply the cen- • on the one hand, to clarify the reasons for ter around which there revolved a series of the relatively long delay in presenting our find- connected problems and anxieties. If we did ings; not deal with them as a whole, and give a • and, on the other hand, to promote a fuller common answer to them, we knew that we awareness of the gravity of contemporary escha- would not, in the end, be helping our flock tological anxieties and the immediate danger that to emerge from the confusion into which it authentic Orthodox eschatology will be altered, had fallen, or protecting it from similar situ- should the reasons for, and mentality underlying, ations in the future. such anxieties gain acceptance. c. Another very serious factor which delayed Thus, in the first place, with regard to our our work was that, with the passage of time, 3 delay, we would like to make it clear that these related problems, which needed to be the original instructions given to the special com- addressed in common, were rapidly and con- mission were to investigate the putative connec- tinually proliferating and were, furthermore, tion between bar codes and the number 666, becoming so bedeviled by arbitrary twists since the new national identity cards [in Greece, and turns that new horizons for investigation that is] then in the production process were to and scrutiny were constantly opening up in carry bar codes. our endeavor to arrive at a fuller cognizance a. It was, however, very easy to clarify this issue, and understanding of this truly unprecedent- that is, the existence or non-existence of “666” ed, many-sided, and very complex ecclesias- on bar codes—which is purely technological tical and social phenomenon. Introductory Reflections In the second place, and as a corollary to tense Roman Catholic propaganda, and pro- 4 the foregoing, with true anguish in Christ, found theological influence especially from and falling down prayerfully before the guiding the Protestant West) contributed to a new at- Grace of the Most Blessed Theotokos, we have tempt to distort Orthodox eschatology. come face to face with the great seriousness of • During this period, attention was focussed on contemporary eschatological frenzy and with Chapter 13 of the Apocalypse, which was like- the soteriological dangers entailed by an uncriti- wise given a literal interpretation. The Pope cal acceptance of all of the misinterpretations, as and Papism and Mohammed and Islam (Lat- well as the extra-ecclesiastical factors, that such ins and Turks) were seen as the two “Beasts,” frenzy entails. or even the Antichrist himself. Their destruc- a. Our investigation has made it abundant- tion and the simultaneous resurrection of the ly clear that, after two millennia of its life, Orthodox Greek Empire were again awaited our Most Holy Orthodox Church is pass- as a thousand-year reign or interregnum. At a ing through a period of what may be called a popular level, prominent figures in the Greek “Third Wave of Eschatology,” which confirms nation cultivated these ideas as authentic rev- with particular intensity the many-sided cri- elations. sis facing the Body of the Church and the dis- Our study of the pathology of the contem- tressing realization that It has lost, or is liable 5 porary “Third Wave of Eschatology” last- to lose, those charismatic criteria that would ed for two decades (1980-2000), and has dem- enable it to diagnose correctly and confront onstrated its kinship, mutatis mutandis, with the successfully the challenges of history. two preceding waves: now it is overwhelming his- b. By way of clarification, the period of the so- torical challenges (a dizzying advance in scientif- called “First Wave of Eschatology” covers the ic achievements and their practical applications, first three centuries of Christianity: at that the unification of the world by way of globaliza- time, the historical challenges (severe perse- tion at many levels, the free circulation of ideas, cutions, the grave danger posed by the ma- the rapid expansion of non-Christian beliefs and ny-branched heresy of Gnosticism, the laxity morals, polymorphous syncretism, a profound and secularization of Christian morality, and secularization among Christians, the shattering the acceptance of divergent Messianic ideas of age-old social norms, and a slavish acceptance from Judaism) contributed to an adulteration of eschatological ideas from Protestantism) that of Orthodox eschatology. are contributing to a renewed effort to corrupt • During this period, Chapter 20 of the Apoc- Orthodox eschatology. alypse was interpreted literally, and Chris- • During this period, Chapter 13 of the Apoc- tians awaited the thousand-year reign, or in- alypse has yet again been accorded a literal in- terregnum [of Christ], as the redemptive terpretation. Attention is now directed to the conclusion [of history]. Eminent figures in “mark” and the “number” of the Beast, and bar the Church unwittingly advocated Chiliasm codes and kindred automated electronic systems (Millennialism) as a fundamental teaching are seen as inaugurating the era of the Antichrist, of the new Faith (Sts. Papias, Justin, Irenæus, in which a moneyless economic system will pre- Methodios, Hippolytos, Victorinus, et al.). vail. In the context of such a system, any card c. The period of the so-called “Second Wave whatsoever will supposedly function as a “mark” of Eschatology” covers the gloomy centu- and “number of the Beast”; the European Union ries of the Turkish Yoke: then, too, historical will become the first “Beast,” and the super-com- challenges (the collapse of the Christian em- puter in Brussels the second “Beast,” while the pire, slavery, degradation, Islamization, in- Antichrist will be the President of the European 6 Introductory Reflections Union, etc. who, by God’s mercy, are grounded in the He- It is noteworthy that the following are com- sychastic and Eucharistic ethos of the Church— 6 mon characteristics of all three waves of es- a fruitful opportunity to act in a therapeutic spir- chatology: it and to deliver the faithful from eschatological a. A misunderstanding of the true nature of anxiety through the promotion of Orthodox es- the Apocalypse; namely, its metaphorical and chatology, which sheds peace and which is cen- spiritual meaning. tered on the renewal and preservation of the Seal b.
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