WINTER 2018-2019 Vol. 6, No. 1 Business IT’S BETTER TO FIGHT Manager’s FOR SOMETHING THAN Letter From James F. Coyne LIVE FOR NOTHING! Greetings Brothers and Sisters, Thank you for your assistance with this We will keep you apprised of significant I hope you and your families are well critical matter. At least for the moment, developments and next steps. and enjoyed the holiday season. As you members can rest assured that this state’s In the spring Local 130’s in-house decades-long policy requiring licensure go through the newsletter you will see apprentice competition took place at of the plumbing contractors, plumbers highlights from several special events Chicago’s Training Center. I would like to and apprentices entrusted with the hosted by Local 130 during the fourth congratulate our own Kyle Tenney who responsibility to safely install water supply quarter. However, as you know from union is Local 130’s #1 Apprentice. I wish Kyle systems will continue unabated. correspondence, Senate Bill 1226 has been good luck as he moves on to the UA State our main focus for sometime. But our work on this issue will not cease. Apprentice Plumber Competition in March Lawmakers convened the 101st General 2019. This legislation, if passed, would have Assembly on Jan. 9th and launched their In closing, as always please remember put the health of all citizens at risk by spring legislative session. We expect the that we can succeed and thrive based on establishing a separate plumbing code proposal embodied by SB 1226, or some how each and every member participates thereby allowing unlicensed, untrained variation of it, will return – and it will be and supports Local 130. Please continue and unqualified individuals to install our our responsibility to vigorously educate to read through the newsletter for current drinking water systems. lawmakers, including many who are new to news and information. I look forward to The Illinois House adjourned its final the legislature, about the peril of adopting seeing you at the next meeting. As always, day of the 100th General Assembly without such a measure. I wish you good health and prosperity, taking any action on Senate Bill 1226, as We must remain vigilant and engaged to steady employment and happiness. amended by House Amendment 4, and we ensure elected officials adopt sensible laws, credit your efforts to communicate our especially when it comes to protecting In Solidarity, opposition to local lawmakers – by phone, and preserving the integrity of the Illinois email and in person – with helping to seal Plumbing Code and the health of men, that hostile measure’s fate. women and children throughout our state. IN THIS ISSUE: DATES TO REMEMBER: • Political Rally, October 9, 2018 - p2-3 • JAC 2019 Apprenticeship Applications - January 22nd through February 21st • Football Smoker, November 4, 2018 - p4-5 • Membership Meeting, Plumbers @ Chicago Hall – February 12th • November Meeting, Turkey Raffle and • Technical Engineers’ Membership Meeting @ Chicago Hall - February 14th ASSE Product Show, November 20, 2019 - p6-7 • Consolidated Primary Election - February 26th • Boy Scouts’ Merit Badges - JAC Training Center - p8 • Consolidated General Election - April 2nd • Scholarship Information - p9 • Combined Plumbers and Tech Engineer’s March Membership • Distinguished Building Honor Award to Meeting @ Chicago Hall - March 7th - (New Date) Plumbers Local 130’s JAC Training Center - p9 th • Reminders from the Union Office - p10 • Local 130’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade – Saturday, March 16 th • Pension and Welfare Benefit Office - p10 • Membership Meeting, Plumbers @ Chicago Hall - April 9 • JAC Apprentice Application Information - p11 • Technical Engineers’ Membership Meeting @ Chicago Hall – April 11th • City of Chicago’s Written & Practical Exams - p12 • Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago’s Dinner @ Chicago Hall – April 25th • Parade Invitation - p12 • Volunteer Day: Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago – Saturday, April 27th POLITICAL RALLY - OCTOBER 9, 2018 Plumbers Local 130’s offi cers and membership hosted and lies with sincere enthusiasm, I believe it was an incentive for welcomed many guests to a Political Rally held in the Chica- our future leaders and lawmakers to want to protect the work- go Hall on October 9th. Governor J.B. Pritzker, Speaker of the ingmen and women of Plumbers Local 130. Going to the Polls House Michael Madigan, Senator John J. Cullerton, Attorney and voting for specifi c labor-friendly politicians is another General Kwame Raoul, Comptroller Susana Mendoza and Sec- form of job protection. The November election proved that retary of State Jesse White were among the political dignitar- OUR VOTE MATTERS! Please take the time to read the ies. It was a full house. After guests witnessed their audience; comments from a few guests who attended. plumbers still in their work clothes, retirees, and young fami- Business Manager James F. Coyne, Governor J.B. Pritzker, Local 130’s Director of Political and Municipal Aff airs Michael T. Tierney. Local 130 retired members John Bojan and Dick Morin. Rick Terven, Jr., Legislative & Political Aff airs Director, Illinois Pipe Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul. Trades Association, George Marcinak, Business Agent, Sprinkler Fitters Local 281 UA, William (Bill) Meyers, UA International Representative. Illinois Senate President John J. Cullerton. “Thank you Local 130! Labor is the back- “The November 2018 election was one “The energy at Plumbers Hall was elec- bone of the middle class. Unions are the of the most important elections of our tric! I have no doubt, the enthusiasm folks who gave you the weekend. He time. Unions are under attack and our at the Political Rally helped to drive, also said that it is his intention to create plumbing licenses are under attack. We turnout and increase volunteer capac- union jobs, enforce prevailing wages, need to get informed and involved more ity. Boots on the ground are more im- and ban the words “Right to Work, and than ever! We need to stand together portant than ever in winning elections. guaranteed that Local 130 will have a and fi ght back!” Plumbers Local 130 runs one of the best John D’Amico, seat at the table!” political programs in the country. Their Illinois State Representative Governor J.B. Pritzker efforts have been critical electing ev- eryone from governors down to judges. They are a political powerhouse.” “I perish the thought of what will happen “Growing up as the daughter of a union without the support and involvement of Russ Breckenridge, pipefi tter, my dad showed me that Illinois’ hard-working labor leaders and Senior Legislative Assistant, workers standing together in solidar- their memberships. I applaud them! It is UA of Journeymen and Apprentices of ity are a force to be reckoned with. In imperative that the membership is en- the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry 2018, the Chicago Journeymen Plumb- couraged to participate in elections and of the United States and Canada. ers Local Union 130 showed why that is stay involved.” true. Together, we stood against Bruce Jesse White, Illinois Secretary of State Rauner, Darlene Senger - their radical anti-worker’s agenda, and put legisla- “Business Manager James Coyne, offi - tors in Springfi eld on notice that we “I know Plumbers Local 130’s Political cers and membership of Plumbers Local won’t tolerate attacks on workers’ rights. Rally on October 9th not only inspired 130 rose up to defeat so-called Right to The over 6,000 workingmen and women the membership to elect our friends Work. Working men and women heard of Local 130 were instrumental in our and allies in November, but also ener- their voices, and the true defenders of fi ght and our victories. Thank you so gized our endorsed candidates as they the working class prevail. We voted to- much for your support and I hope to have marched towards a successful Election gether and we won together!” you standing with me in the future!” Day. I was honored to take part!” Matthew J. Kelly, Business Manager, Susana A. Mendoza, Robert Reiter, Financial Secretary-Treasurer, Plumbers Comptroller of Illinois President-Chicago Federation of Labor & Pipefi tters Local 149, Savoy, IL From Left: UA Senior Legislative Assistant Russ Breckenridge, Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White. District 15 Representative and Local 130 member John D’Amico, Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza, Senate President John Cullerton, Business Manager James F. Coyne and Chicago Federation of Labor President Robert Reiter. Annual Football Smoker Political Action Committee On Sunday, November 4 Plumbers Local 130 hosted their annual political action fundraiser at the Stephen M. Bailey Audi- torium. As in previous years, 1,200 tickets were available and all sold. The Bears played against the Buffalo Bills and dominated the entire game winning 41 to 9. It was a great game and everyone enjoyed themselves, met old and new friends, and had plenty to eat. For the 25th consecutive year, Speaker of the House Michael Madigan pulled the winning $10,000.00 ticket. Congratulations to: • Grand Prize Winner ($10,000) - Alan Klick - (ticket sold by Ryan Kelly.) • 2nd Prize Winner ($2,500) - Evan Milinac - (ticket sold by Paul Tucker.) • With an additional 20 winners, each receiving $130.00 Local 130’s Marilyn Noel and Family. Business Manager James F. Coyne, with Coyne Family and Friends. Michael Tierney, Local 130's Director of Political & Municipal Aff airs, Doornbos family and friends. Michael Frerichs, Illinois Treasurer and James F. Coyne, Business Manager. 2018 St. Patrick's Day Parade Queen & Court members (from l - r) Catherine Coghlan, Madeline Mitchell, Queen Mary Kate Manion and Dan Majerowicz, Ian Reidy and George Gordon. Nicole Coghlan. November Meeting - “Turkey Raffl e & ASSE Product Show” And Congratulations to 2018 #1 Appretice Kyle Tenney On Tuesday, November 20th Plumbers Local 130’s monthly extremely grateful for his willingness and ability to pass on meeting was held at the Chicago Hall.
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