~ E,u,bn,h, „ 2.1,1882. rot, SATURDAY H,__PORTLAND. MORNING. NOVEMBER 27. I860. $s.oo pm- annum, i» ■ HO l'oruanu * iLss REMOVALS. BEAL ESTATE. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCBLLAJNEOOS. Brail Sc rue at a rvegra Caaip Prarvx- Is published every day (Sundays excepted) by THE DAILY PRESS Meeting. the TO LO a N—On first clast in DAILY PRESS. | mortgages, One of the droll scenes of the war and one, REMOVAL! sums to suit. GEO. B. THE AMERICAN Portland Publishing Co%% MONEY DAVIS * CoT Real on the which was in and Molasses and BUSINESS whole, rather Jolly the Estate Mortgage Brokers, No. 1 Brown’s Block, Sugar! DIRECTORY. PORTLAND 109 Exchange To Horae corner Brown and CongretB streets. nov22dlw monotonies of camp life, was the meetings— At Street, Portland. Owners! Button-Hole and “Over-Seaming” ia dance, half prayer-meeting—of the ne Terms:—Eight Dollars a Year in advance. removed from Preble to st., SALE—Good House 11 -.AND We invite the attention of both and groes. One of these little has HAVINGFrderal Mireet, shall be to see mv 2$ story (new), rooms, 200 ilhds. Prime Musco- City Saturday November 27,1869. gatherings pleased FIBgas. hard and soft tor two tami- Sagua Morning, been deftly Iriends—Horseman—and others interested in Hobse water, arranged SEWING sketched by Col. rfigginson, down nes, within five minutes walk of for vado Molasses. MACHINE COMBINED. readers to the list of Port- at in Tlio Maine State Press Shoeing Having had a number ot years experi- City Hall, $4000. Country following Beaulort, December 1802: ence in Dbiying l»l«nc. *300 per year. GEO. R. alter shoeing Tback and Fancy liAmmsWjW This evening, via & CO.. No. 1 Biown’s cor. t 40 II lids Good The fr'uurral or Ur*. Peabody la West* working themselves up is published Horses in Massachusetts, I leel confident that I Block, ongress Grocery Sugars. land BUSINESS HOUSES, which are among a every Thursday Morning at and Brown streets. nov22dlw to the highest pitch, party rushed a it can please those who may lav or me with tbe'.r pat- niinoter Abbey. suddenly $2.50 year; paid in at $2.00 a 100 Boxes Good a and mounted advance, one Grocery Sugars. the most in the off, got barrel, some man up year. ronage. Any Having speedcutting, inteitering reliable establishments City. [ From The Loudon News of Nor. or give my work a trial. STORY COTTAGE—7 rooms, 12.J on who said, “Gib anoder song, and over-reaching horses, please aQ gas,hard FOR SALE BY it, boys, uol7-d2«* G. P. MEHBILL. 11 ^ and soft w -ter, on Cedar street. $600 * * * * Kates .-i Before the departure of the I’se gib you a speech!” of Advertising.—One inch ofspace, caah; *30 per year. DEO. R. DAVIS & Co., cor- Advertising Agency. and ner Conerets and AT WELL, & a After some hesitation, sundry shout, JUJ‘1 °* r°ln*un constitutes a Brow* streets, Brown’s Block. CO., 174 Middle Street. funeral procession very considerable number square.” V nov22dlw JOHJV D. LORD, of‘-Rise de somebody!” and •***-o0 per square first week. 75 cents ]{ E M O A L in front of Sir Curtis slug, Stan’up daily of persons assembled for in the per week three or Jesus, brialder!” irreverently put by after; insertions, less, $1.00; FOR SALE—On street in Jo. Agricultural Implements A Seeds. 80 Eaton nearly every 11-2 Union Wharf* residence, No. square, soon the John Brown continuing every other dav after first week, 50 HOUSESthe and vicinity. Bonds and SAWYER & No. 119 St. Lampson’s Juveniles, they got upon WE SHALL OPES OUB city Mortgages, Nov 23.-d 3 w * WOODFORD, Exchange a cents. Notes bought and told. (1. B. DAVIi & oO., Real j where Mr. Peadodydied, and there w as a still song, always a favorite, adding jubilant Estate ana verse Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; Mortgage Brokers, No. 1 Brown’s Block, entrance to the which 1 had never before heard: “We’ll corner Auctioneer. larger mus'er at the western one week, $1.00; 50 ceuts per week afteL Congress ana Brown streets. nov22dlw Raisins and beat Beauregard on de clare battlefield.” New Store 49 Syrnp. The funeral was of the most Special Notices, one third additional. Exchange St, C. W. HOLMES, No. 327 Congress Street. Ab'ey. cortege Then came the promised speech; and then Under head ot Farm for Sale in at a unostentatious character. The hearse, which seven “Amusements,’-’ $2.00 per ON Brunswick, other speeches, by as many men, on a or less was followed square per week; three insertions $1.50. lOO BOXES NEW LAYERS. Agencies for Sewing machines. was drawn by four horses, by variety of barrels. The most “Maine Bargain. eloquent, Advertisements inserted in the 200 Bezel Old five by the mourn- was The residence of the late JOHN Layers. CHAPIN & EATON, 86 Exchange Street, (Weed.) mourning coaches,occupied peihaps, my Corporal Lambkin, just State. Press” (which has a large circulation Monday, Hoy. and to these succeeded a ine of car- 15th, U. LARKABfcE, situated on the SYRUP ia Barrels, Half Barrels aad W. S. ers, long arrived from who evident in every part oi the State) for $1.00 per square Our DYER, 158, Middle St over H. H. Hay’a. Kemandina, Durham road, 3 miles from Bruns- combination machine works Button-Holes, riages, including those of her Majesty the had a for first insertion, and 50 cents per square for wick 100 Kegs. ly previous reputation among WITH A GOOD STOCK OF village, containing acres; By Holes, does Embroidery, makes the “Orer- the Prince of the Lord each insertion. has is well and-cTcr’’ Queen, Wales, Mayor, them. His historical relerences were subsequent mi wood-lot; watered, and For sale by THOMAS LYNCH & CO., Hitch lor sheets, &c, and does Hemming, Bakers. to has a Mineral House two with all the Sheriffs and under Sheriffs, Sir C. Lamp- interesting. He reminded them that he Address all communications Spring. story, L. nov20d I w 139 Commercial Street. Felling, Cording, Tu-king, Braiding, Binding,Gatli- very and W, C. COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street. Mr. Charles M. Miss Burdett PORTLAND PUBLISHING fluished; wood-shed, carriage-house and large barn, ering, sewing en, Ac. son, Reed, P., had this war ever since Freemont’s CO. in good Machine predicted repair. Every warranted. Over 200 in use in JOHN B MASTERTON, 22 Anderson Street. the American Minister, Lady Frank- which some of the crowd toots and Portland Coutts, time, to assented; Farming hay can be had with the farm and vic-nity. &c. There was lin, the Duchess of Somerset, l-e then a account FURNITURE! If wanted. Apply to Mrs. MARTHA C. LAKRA- New St. Louis Flour! New Machine (asma as combination— gave very intelligent |ot witnout and Rubbers. no of in the streets, BUSINESS CARDS BEB, Administratrix, on the premises, or huttoo-ho'e) which does evebt thing any Boots, Shoes, great gathering people that Presicential campaign; and then de- W. H. JKRUIS, other machine .-an do. with cover, too. J. W. BOUCHER & No. 358 Street. but as the mourn iul passed alo.ig secret have ju8t received tome NEW WHITE Price, CO., Congress procession scribed most impressively the anxiety Real Estate Agent, Cahoon next east of Macuines gold od Call and see silent Block, City WEWHEAT FLOURS, from <t. Louis whbh aie partial nayments. it was everywhere greeted with express- of the slaves in Florida to know all about Presi and Class Ware, Hall. nov22eod&w2w* 'he“- Sotd at 133 1-3 middle atair Crockery excellent, among them that excelsior flour at., ap *, B4>ots and Shoes—Gents Custom Work. ions ol respect and regret. The blinds ot all DR. CHARLES E. Portland, Me. s. K. MaBSTON, Gen. Agent. dent Lincoln’s election, and told how they all WEBSTER, “ in the houses in Eaton square were drawn down, FOR THE FALMOUTlt!” «ver7 town. Apply at 283 WALTER BERRY, No. 101 Middle Street. Jefused to work on the 4th of March, ex and Residence NALE1 Washington st, Boston Mass. tcl4<l&w2m the windows of Buckingham Palace were sim- freedom to date from Office Xo. 2il Con- We also have some choice GRAHAM FLOUR pectmg their that day. CARPETS, &c., &c., very lew householders the made at toe celebrated “Roger Williams** ilarly veiled, and along He out one of the lew gress street. DWELLING two stories suita- mtylsof Booksellers and Stationers. finally brought very HOUSE, high, irom Pure White in barrels line of road failed to this mark of respect ble for one near the Providence, Wheat, pay really impressive appeals lor the American Y/HIOH WE WILL BELL AT IHE A family, p'easantiv situated, and half barrels. HOYT. FOGO & 92 Middle Street. (Next to Fiist Parish corner ot Dan orih ana Brackett streets. Lot 30 BREED, to the illustrious dead. that 1 have ever heard: Church) by O’BRION, PVBRCB Sc CO. flag 100 feet. Price $25<K), ot which $1000 can stand on Choice Within the the sceue was most im- “Our mis’rs hab lib de nov9 POET .AND. lm* [ Portland. £ug. 16,1669. dtt Abbey dey under flag, day a mortgage tor a term of years. Security! Book-Binders. and Almost of pressive every part ot imposing. got dere wealth under it, aDd eberytiug beau- Lowest Cash Prices ! Enquire SMALL the sacred edifice was tilled with WILLlAtt W. DAVIS & DRUMMOND, & SHACKFGRD, No. G2 Exchange Street. spectators— tiful for dere cbil’en. Under it dey hab grind DCANlf, Seven Per Cent.
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