Ph/Ices Realized

Ph/Ices Realized

-I I 1 ...• Ij .', :.- 1~ PH/ICES REALIZED ; " .. " ", , 1·.\ll.:\~14.1~:\-'rST.~1)I4.STlllt\ TI~11 Iun~I~\ -\\- 00n, •~~\ I..II·~Onx I.\ S.\TI-nn.-\\' .• JI-.xl~21 - sl-~n.\\- .J'-~I~ 2:;.2000 I .\ . - . ,'"' ....... ' .. --- ._...•...... " .' ~------- ~.... Day One - Lots 1001-1050 -H-~age3i --- ---. _!Q01 GENE SIMMONS KISS Prototype Guitar PSYCHO CIRCUS Tour, 1998-1999 -$.~_.L.200.00 i 1002 GENE SIMMONS KISS Stage Blood from PSYCHO CIRCUS Tour,1998-1999 $546.25 \. ~1003 Preliminary KISS Comic BookSketches, 1998 1 $218.50 i 1004 GENE SIMMONS KISS Costume from PSYCHO CIRCUS Tour, 1998-1999 I $3 2,200.00 j 11005 PAUL STANLEY Design Sketch, 1998 $230.00 11006 PAUL STANLEY Drawing,1998 $287.50 1007 KISS Costume PAUL STANLEY PSYCO CIRCUS Tour, 1998-1999 ! I $9 ,200.00 i 1008 KISS Costume ACE FREHLEYfrom PSYCHO CIRCUS Tour, 1998-1999 $10,350.00 1009 KISS Costume PETER CRISS from PSYCHO CIRCUS Tour, 1998-1999 $6.325.00 11012 KISS CD Cover Artwork Proof, 1996 $345.00 1: 1014-------KISS -Album-------Cover--Layout---- Design Comp, 1995 I ~345.001 :1015 KISS Prototype Album Cover Design Artwork, 1995 $632.50 ! 1021 KISS Bodysuit PAUL STANLEY EUROPE I AUSTRALIA Tour, 1980 I $4,025.00 I --- I i 1022 KISS CD Cover Artwork Proof, 1988 I $460.00. • ::: •• w 1 I 1024 Prototype KISS Album Cover,1984 ! i -..... -$~J~8.751 [-;025 KISS-Ai;;;;-';;C;;;;;;~Pai~tings,1980 $1 3 800.00 1026 GENE SIMMONS CASABLANCA RECORDS Desk Calendar Pad, 1978 $431.25 ,1027 KISS Vinyl 45s, Circa 19705 $1 725.00 i 1028 KISS Vinyl LPs, Circa 19705-1980s $1 495.00 \1029 GENE SIMMONS Flyer Art, 1999 $632.50 '1030 PAUL STANLEY Billboard Art, 1997 $632.50 1031 GENE SIMMONS Billboard Art, 1997 $805.00 1034 GENE SIMMONS and Signed Poster, 1992 $632.50 \1035 ERIC CARR Signed Advertisement Art, 1990 $805.00 11036 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1979 $1 495.00 i 1'037 KISS Posters, 1979 $747.50 I 1039 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 19n $632.50 : ! 1040 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 19n $920.00 I ~ 11041 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1976 $632.50 ,11042 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1976 $575.00 1043 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1975 $ 1 035.00 I 1044 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1975 $ 1 092.50 111045 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1975 $632.50 ,1046 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1975 $920.00 \1047 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1975 $977.50 1048 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Posters. 1975 $ 1 610.00 1049 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1975 $488.75 1050 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1975 $977.50 .,- . -.- ~ ------- ....-.--.--~--~.~ •.•....,.~ •-;. "... P.~;~~: •.::. : .. --...-:.---- -_ --'---=-~'-' -". ---,-- .•.. - -." -•. -, " -_ .••• -- -~·"I'·-:" -. .~..' r- --- - ! "--" '. "._---- -:...- .•... ~~. ,,-,. ---'"''---- .~.~-. I i I ! j i Day One Lots 1052-1 094 Page 4 I 1052 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1975 $546.25 J ! 1053 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1974 $546.25 ,:'i 1055 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1974 $977.50 / I 1056 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1974 $1 150.00 : I 1057 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1974 $460.00 ~ 1 , 1 1058 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1974 ; I $575.00 1059 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1974 $488.75 I 1059A GENE SIMMONS KISS Stage Design Ideas, 1990-1992 $1 035.00 I 1060 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1973 $920.00 1061 GENE SIMMONS and Signed KISS Concert Poster, 1973 $977.50 11062 GENE SIMMONS and Signed KISS Concert Poster, 1973 $977.50 11063 GENE SIMMONS KISS Concert Poster, 1973 $3 162.50 i 1064 GENE SIMMONS KISS Posters, Circa 19705 $4,312.50 I I 11065 GENE SIMMONS Concert Poster, 1969 I $690.00 1066 GENE SIMMONS Hand-drawn Flyer. 1966 J.160.00 1067 GENE SIMMONS Limited Edition Print, 1995 $2,070.00 1068 Signed GENE SIMMONS Publicity Photos, 1990 $345.00 I 1069 Signed ERIC CARR Publicity Photos, 1990 $690.00 1 1070 KISS Album Cover Photographs, 1983 $805.00 :1 1072 KISS Press Photo Negatives and Layout Designs, Circa 19705 $1.380.00 1073 KISS PUblicity Negatives and Design Layouts, Circa 19705 I $1,035.00 1074 PAUL STANLEY Photograph with Personal Message, 1979 $575.00 r I r 1075 GENE SIMMONS Photo Proof Sheet, 1978 $690.00 I 1077 GENE SIMMONS Photograph, 1973 $517.00 1078 GENE SIMMONS Photographs, 1973 $632.50 1079 GENE SIMMONS KISS Photograph, 1973 $575.00 1080 GENE SIMMONS KISS Publicity Photographs, 1973 $1 035.00 1081 GENE SIMMONS KISS Publicity Photograph, 1973 $1 265.00 J, 1082 GENE SIMMONS Photograph, 1973 $575.00 J j 1083 GENE SIMMONS Photograph of KISS, 1972 $690.00 J 1084 GENE SIMMONS Photographs of WICKED LESTER $805.00 1085 Lot no. 1085, Orignal GENE SIMMONS Photographs, 1971 $460.00 1086 GENE SIMMONS Photograph, 1969 $460.00 1087 PAUL STANLEY Photographs, 1968 $460.00 1088 GENE SIMMONS Photograph, 1966 $373.75 1089 GENE SIMMONS Photograph, 1967 $460.00 1090 KISS Guitar Tuner Used on Various Tours, Circa 1992-1999 $805.00 1094 PAUL STANLEY KISS Acoustic Guitar Amplifier, Circa 19905 $460.00 • .. ------- -.-~-.--....- ~---~-.~.~~~• ~'>~-'--' ---- ~.•.•~...~ • .•~.~- .•---.--;:----='"- ----..-.-.--.~.---.--.------- .~..., ...._- . i j ~---- --------------_._--_.-----------------,---------, :! i D~y On~__ L_O~T_S0_9_5.:._1__11- _4_2_ L Page 5 l i 1095 KISS Guitar Tuner Used on Various Tours, Orca 1992-1999 1 $862.50 i-;-095-G-EN-E S-IMMONS KISS Bass Amplifier, Circa 1996-1999 F- $632.50 ! 109~GENE SIMMONS KISS Bass Amplifier, Circa 1996-1999 $575.00 !}1093 GENE SIMMONS KISS Display Hack, Circa 1996 I $460.00 1 099 GENE SIMMONS Prototype Bass Amplifier Speaker, 1997 ! __ ~460.00 11100 GENE SIMMONS Prototype Bass Amplifier Speaker, 1997 ~$488.75 \1101 GENE SIMMONS Prototype Bass Amplifier Speaker, 1997 $488.75 I 11103 GENE SIMMONS Prototype Bass Amplifier, 1997 $345.00 .: :: ._1_~P9_~I~_S~-,:,~rage ~~! Used o_n_V_'_a_rio~u_'_s_T_o_ura_-_rc_a_1990s_'_s.'_, +- $.!..,.4_6::...::....,.00;0:"'-....i ;, "110 PAUL STANLEY KISS Guitar "Boat" Used on Various Tours, 1990-1997 i $1! 150.00 I -,,-,-, KISS Guitar "Boat"BRUCE KULICK and ACE FREHLEY 1990-1997 i $690.00 i _. -.-.--.--- --... -.--. - . -------_._._-----------------_._--'--- ~. _ .. - ._-----, '1112 KISS PAUL STANLEY Marshall Amplifier Rack 1990-1997 , $46000 '--- I 1113 KISS MarshaU Amplifier Rack Used On Various Tours, Circa 1990-1997 $373.75 1114 KISS Guitar Effects Units Used on Various Tours. Circa Early 19905 $632.50 1115 KISS MarshaU Amplifier Used on Various KISS Tours, Circa 1990s $632.50 1116 GENE SIMMONS Signed Prototype Bass Amplifier, 1998 $632.50 ~117 GENE SIMMONS Signed Prototype Bass Amplifier, 1998 $747.50 ~118 KISS OrumKit Played ERIC CARR ,1985-1986 $6,325.00 1121 KISS Drum Kit Played ERIC CARR, Circa 1984 $3.450.00 1122 KISS Electronic Kick Drum Pad ERIC CARR on Various Tours, arca 19805 - $488.75 1123 KISS Eleclronic Kick Drum Pads ERIC CARR on Various Tours. Circa 1980s $402.50 ,125 GENE SIMMONS Design Drawing, 1998 $4025.00 ! 126 GENE SIMMONS KISS Guitar Used on Various Tours, 1977-1998 $21,850.00 !128 GENE SIMMONS KISS Prototype Guitar, 1997 $16,100.00 \130 GENE SIMMONS KISS Guitar Various Tours, Circa 1985-1992 . $17250.00 1132 PAUL STANLEY KISS Guitar Used on Various Tours, 1983-1985 $10350.00 \133 PAUL STANLEY Guitar Used on Various Tours, 1983-1987 $5750.00 1135 PAl!L STANLEY KISS Guitar Used on \(ari~us .:r0urs, 1983-1987 $8,625.00 136 PAUL STANLEY KISS Guitar Used on Various Tours, 1980-1985 $61325.00 '137 PAUL STANLEY KISS Guitar Used on Various Tours, .1983-1986 $7475.00 ·139 KISS Marshall Speaker ALIVE WORLDWIDE REUNION Tour, 1996-1997 $373.75 :140 KISS Guitar Tuner ALlVEWORLDWlDE REUNION Tour, 1996-1997 $488.75 H1 KISS Beverage Cooler ALIVE WORLDWIDE REUNION Tour, 1996-1997 $488.75 ~2 KISS Beverage Cooler ALIVE WORLDWIDE REUNION Tour, 1996-1997 $431.25 ------- ----~----------------------~ I Day One LOTS 1143-1198 I Page 6 I 11143 GENE SIMMONS Bass Amplifier ALIVE WORLDWIDE Tour, 1996-1997 1 $920.00 1144 GENE SIMMONS Bass Amplifiers ALIVE WORLDWIDE Tour, 1996-1997 $1,150.00 , I 1145 GENE SIMMONS KISS Guitar ALIVE WORLDWIDE REUNION Tour, 1996-1997 $3,450.00 1 I 1147 KISS Rehearsal Song List, 1996 $316.25 I 1148 GENE SIMMONS Stage Design Drawing, 1996 $316.25 I 1149 KISS Lighting Design Print, 1996 $287.50 1150 KISS Lighting Design Print, 1996 $345.00 I 1153 KISS Backstage Pass Identification Sheet, 1996 $402.50 ! 1154 KISS Backstaqe Pass Identification Sheet, 1996 $402.50 ! 1157 KISS Costume GENE SIMMONS ALIVE WORLDWIDE Tour, 1996-1997 $16100.00 11158 KISS Platform Boots GENE SIMMONS ALIVE WORLDWIDE Tour, 1996-1997 $7,475.00 11159 PAUL STANLEY KISS Marshall ALIVE WORLDWIDE Tour, 1996-1997 1 $747.50 ; 1160 PAUL STANLEY KISS Marshall ALIVE WORLDWIDE Tour. 1996-1997 ! $632.50 : 1161 PAUL STANLEY KISS Marshall ALIVE WORLDWIDE Tour, 1996-1997 r= $690.00 i 1162 PAUL STANLEY KISS Marshall ALIVE WORLDWIDE Tour, 1996-1997 I $920.00 11163 PAUL STANLEY KISS Marshall ALIVE WORLDWIDE Tour, 1996-1997 i $862.50 I 1164 PAUL STANLEY KISS Marshall ALIVE WORLDWIDE Tour, 1996-1997 $345.00 I 1165 PAUL STANLEY KISS Guitar ALIVE WORLDWIDE REUNION TOUR, 1996-1997 $7475.00 1166 PAUL STANLEY KISS Guitar ALIVE WORLDWIDE Tour, Circa 1996-1997 $6.325.00 1167 PAUL STANLEY KISS Guitar ALIVE WORLDWIDE Tour, Circa 1996-1997 $6,325.00 I 1168 PAUL STANLEY KISS Guitar ALIVE WORLDWIDE REUNION Tour, 1996-1997 I $5 175.00 I I 1169 PAUL STANLEY KISS Guitar ALIVE WORLDWIDE REUNION Tour, 1996-1997 $18400.00 I ; 1171 Costume Bodysuit PAUL STANLEY ALIVE WORLDWIDE Tour, 1996-1997 $2 875.00 I 1175 KISS Costume Pants PAUL STANLEY ALIVE WORLDWIDE Tour, 1996-1997 I $1 495.00 1176 KISS Costume Belt PAUL STANLEY ALIVE WORLDWIDE

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