PAGE TWENTY-FOUR s MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 lUanrhtBttr Entntng lltn tlit AYBrasE Dailjr N et Pn h Ron Mto n ta Week "Rfinff VFW Auxiliary will meet to­ ' Little Theater Show Case will A bout Town morrow at 7 :30 at the VFW rehearse each evening this ^noe 88. 1866 The Weather Port Home. Memibers are re­ Towns Study Group To Take New Look Urld Lodge o l Maeons will week at 8 at the workshop at 22 minded to bring articles for a bold its first meeting of the sea­ Oak St. The chorus end princi­ Partly cloudy, breezy and cool mmmage sale Wednesday start­ pals for "Carousel’ ’ will re­ 15,459 son at the Uasonlc Temple In Sewer Swap At Downtown Renewal through Wednesday with ooca- Merrow on Saturday at 7:30 ing at 9 e^.m. at the post home. hearse Wednesday at 8 p.iti, at aional gusty winds. Low toiifglit Burton’s Dance Studio. Town Manager Robert Weiss p.m. Ibg' Entered Apprentice Officials of the Town of kton-' referendum on Oct. 8, 1968. The y City of Vittore Charm in SOs. High tomorrow ixbxxut TO. The meeting of Local 991 of has scheduled a morning meet­ $2 million was to have been the / vox- LXXXm i, NO. 289 degree wfil be con fcrr^ by the cheater and ‘the Town of Soutji (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONiS) officers of Eastern Star Lodge the Manchester Town Employes Mrs.- Harold Porcheron. lead­ ing for Sept. 18, to coordinate town’s share In a $16.6 niiUlon that was scheduled for Tinker Windsor will meet tomorrow MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1969 of WlUimaiftic. T he meeting will er of Girl Scout Mariners, Ship propose, with the $14.6 mllllmi (Cteasifled Advertfstag om Page, ig ) Hull tonight has been canceled. night, to consider a swap of all efforts and activities aimed PRICE TEN CENTS 'be preceded by a corned beef 4, win except donations of Girl dUferenoe to be in federal and The group will meet on Monday, at Downtown Renewal. and cabbage dinner to be served Scout uniforms to swap or sell .'.anltary-sewer hookups. it^te contributions. by the Nathan Hale Square Club Oct. 6 at 7 p.m. In Tinker Hall. In an exchange project. Call The meeting, postponed from Everett T. Keith, chairman of Ih late 1967, former MRA at 6:80 p.m. Those planning to Mrs. Kenneth Brown of 36 Madl- Aug. 19, will be at 7:30 p.m., the Manchester Renewal Agen­ executive director Edward Hurricane Slams attend, are requested to make The North, Manchester AI- £on St. for more information. in the South Windsor Town c y (M RA); and Mrs. Ruth M. Rybezyk" acknowledged that he reservations with any officer of Anon family grroup will meet Hall. best the town could hope for in Wednesday at 8 p.m. In the Par­ Staum, Its acting executive di­ Uriel Lodge no later than tomor- Edgar a r c le of South United The proposed sewer swap rector, will brief those present federal funds was $3.7 million. S.E. New England^ iah House of the Second Con- Methodist Church will meet at would be in boundary areas He said then, and events have Israeli Units on a recent planning study for gregatiohal Church. The Thurs­ where the contour of the land 9:30 tomorrow morning cut the the proposed project, undertak­ proved him right? that feder­ b o s t o n (AP)_Hurri. ‘The Hartford Branch of the day group will meet at 8 p.m. Is OMiducive to gravity flow. Susannah Wesley House. There en by ttte MRA. al funds for redeveopment GROTON, Conn. (AP) __ Connecticut Association of In­ In the Pathfinders Club at 102 It would do awa^ with the need cane Gerda, a fast-moving will be a workshop for the The meeting will be at 8 a.m., projects were tight, and that Schools In IHs soutfaeasteni dustrial Nurses will hold a din­ Norman St. Both groups meet church fair; members are asked of pumping stations in the non- there was no assurance that the AT IHB PABKADB Storm bom almost over- weekly, and are -open to friends In the Municipal Building Hear­ lught off the South Atlan­ Oonnecttcuiit diordhie omn- Enter Egypt ner meeting tomorrow at 6 to bring scisaors; and a baby­ gravity areas. 406 MIDDLB TFKE.' ing Room. $3.7 million would be forthcom­ I6 G E H DRUG munMy cloeed at noon today p.m. at Frank’s Restaurant on and relatives of a person with sitter wUl. be available. The Tomorrow’s meeting is for tic coast, slammed into Invited to attend are: FhiUp ing. He Mamed the shortage of as a preoaultion In case o t a severe drinking problem. meeting is open to anyone wish­ Asylum St., Hartford. A movie briefing the Manchester Board Harrlsmi, president of the Man­ renewal funds on the cost of southeastern New Eng­ heavy weather from HuuiTl- TEL AVIV (AP) — Israeli aircraft and armored ing to Join the morning circle. of Directors and the South from the American Oanoer So­ chester Chamrber of Commerce; the Vietnam War. land today, catching the cane Gerda. units thrust into Egypt across the Gulf of Suez today ciety on "The Odyssey of Dr. Members of the Manchester For further information, call Windsor Town Council on plans 3 . Grant Swank, executive vice TTie Board of Directors, imtil region only half prepared. Morning tidea were one to m a raid on Egyptian army positions, the Israeli armv Pap” will be shown; Civic Orchestra are reminded Mrs. V. Mary Patorini, 87 Con­ already prepared by the engi­ president of the chamber; Wil- late last year, decHned to con­ two feet higher than normal announced. —— ------------------ _l. that the first regular rehearsal stance I>r. neering staffs of both towns. The storm bore down first on Uam Sleith, chairman ^ the sider a new propoeal for Down­ as tile hururtoahe aproached, It was the biggest action re- at the southern end of the Suez St. James’ Church Aduit Choir of the season will be held next p lc t u ^ u e Cape Cod. and next One of the Manchester areas Downtown Committee of the town Renewal until such time obeervere reported. Genla ported on the Rgyptlan-Israell Canal. will resume rehearsals tom or- Monday In the band room at Epwoith Circle, South Unit­ which may be serviced by was to turn its fury on eastern CTiamher; Hobert Fuller, chair­ as North End Renewal neared Maine. was reported to be nearing front since the 1967 Middle Bast row at 7:48 p.m. in the church. Manchester High School at 7:48 ed Methodist Church, has can­ South Windsor faciliitles is in The raid came on the heels of man of PROb (Promote Re­ completion. the Cape Cod area as the war. p.m. celed its meeting originally NOTICE Gerda d e v e l t ^ on such a sea battle..... In the same (vnenugeneral Now members are invited to at­ the vridnlty of the Burr’s Oor- development Of Downtown), on Now that the latter project Is tide went out'bere. tend. For more information, scheduled for tonight nere S h o p ^ g Center. And, one short notice and traveled so Th^ 10-hour operatton .ranged Monday. In that enerngo- arm of the chamber; Lyman approaching ito last stages, the Gale wBitxings went liito af- yAv* a BA.. 11 — k. _ s 877 A n $ f a w m a I .,^1 _ j _ _ . • contact Ralph Maocarone of 32 Regina D’ltalla Society wlU of the South Windsor areas Flushing of the Water Mains of the quickly that officials feared pro­ over a SO-mlle stretch of the ment, Israel claimed to have Hoops, former president of the board has ‘consented to consider foct for eastern Long lalhiid Egyptian shore, a military sunk two Egyptian torped bosU. Hawthorne at. hold Its first meeting of the sea­ Mldgiet Pony Football Aux­ which may be serviced by Man- new propoeals for Downtown perty damage would be ex- chamber and now chairman of trem ^y heavy. Sound of New Haven. spokesman reported. sunk two Eigyptlan torpedo son tonight at 7:30 at the Ital- iliary will hold its first meeting cherier facilities Is In the vici­ Town of Mandiester Water Dept w ill the C-DAP Agency. Main St., without committing It­ DoatM, Oilro aald one E^gypUan Bentley School PTA executive lan-American Club. nity of Avery Heights. self. “We Just can’t move fast One Israeli plane waa lost aixl of the season tonight at 8:80 Also, David H. Oomlns, chair­ boat w9as hit but not sunk and board viill meet tomorrow at Still under consideration, and begin the night of August 2^ ejwugh,” said one police officer the pilot parachuted Into the p.m. at the home of Mns. Brad­ man of the Manchester Parking 8 p.m. at the school library. In Hyaimis, on Cape Cod. Gulf of Suez, he said. naserted the Egyptians sank fan Motherhood of' Mary Circle ley Parllman, 180 Scott Dr. to be followed up at a future Authority; Town Planner J. IsnicU veeael. from 9 p.ni. to 3 a.m. Flushing witl "W e’re moving families into the In Cairo, the military- com ­ will hold a potluck tonight at dat^ Is a propoeal for a tie- Ehtc Potter; Police Chief James Knox Honors General x4.ction Light Daughters of Liberty, LOLI, 8:80 followed by the first meet­ achx)ol, and they’re having to In the latest raid, the Israelis William Gamey, son of Mr.
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