SATURDAY, OCTOBER 84,1941 SODKniBIt The WeatlMr "'M r«ir FoiecMt eg 0 . a. Weothei Mr. uid Mm . W. Earl* C3»«m- 7,637 inla ending aaily 4Me Furt^®rrrobe *o8t Offic^ Crow/PeevedJ ler tanlgMt bcM and daushter, Earlyn*. have Hospital Ball' ember . # tks Aqdt. ' A b o n lT o w u moved from Spilrigfleld, M a ^ , to Heard Alof^ Main Street 0 274 Hamilton •trtet, RochvlUe diUSO Sites Over Lack of Publicity N M a t ; T. ICoBtinia wlio Centre, Long leland, N. T. Mm . " November 27 on Some o f ^(fmchetier^s Side Stree$$t Top: Manche$ter-»^A \Ciiy o f VUlage Charm gr th* Al«UKl«r ChambeM ie the former Mtea Viola ,to mm- lUtloaMi I^rtUe, at Manchester. "So they hava a talking efosi^-over thta uneducated c 'tw that m a n c r Rs t e r , c o n n „ MONDAY, Oc t o b e r 2$, i$ 4 i (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE < 'C, 18th 9m. Tickets Will Be Ready Deapite the patriotic inc]Uni^-upTn^aidr**n>ey can Jiiat aa well Local Group to Ipyc VOL. U qL, NO. 22 Water, left running ia'Ii sink in up in WiUington,’ aaked Adelbeto, He might have Kw«» K«t«chjr. tlotia which yoii are no doubt har­ work oh a night shift." He’s a gate FacilitiM Be{ » r c the Haitford Oourant office In the • In Few Days for the boring at the present time, we bright fellow, but it hadh’t peg, the Post Office crow, ‘T ^ t ’a P°**i^Ulties and we could, per- State theater bhildlng, overflowed curred to him that women mlusf io a ta use him in the place o# our might offer a word of caution to Taking Action. really ia something but look here" departed Arst basso. But w* last night. It seeped through the Season^o Big Event. those who own csM, better term­ get some aieep sbmetime. ■ he aald, "right over there are two celling in the Francis BMy Jewel­ should have stayed at homa. That New York’f Navy Day Parade ed Jalopies, which might be mla- The meeting of the Bunchester membem of my glee cKib... .'and ry stoM doing some damage. Mrs. David M. Caldwell, chair­ construed for ah articTe'■sTe to be do- .The group of local Red Men who gifted ones, too.” j bird can ta lk ....lik e a married Committee whichywas sched­ m an... .when he gets the tdiancs. man of the Ballroom committee nated to Jhe current semp m etal, own -the Sports Centw on Wells VBO What Adalbert was peeved drive. Although we received it\a ■toeet are eald to be worrying uled for next MoAda;^at 8 p. m. "After a little more investlgat- for the Women'B. Auxiliary, Man­ about was the lack of publicity ing we decided to com* home and trifle tale, tt aUll inakes an amita^ , “ bout when nhey wUl get paid by during toe past two days. He i M a n ch ester chester Memorial boepltal, reports in the Municipal bu llin g has been -torv. ' * government for the use o f the acted as though be saw a scare­ } on th* way back swooped ovar /• indefinitely postponed and the I Depot Square. Imagine our di^ 1941 procurement of the grand ball­ Many persona In town probably | P|“ce m a bamclu ^ loc^ m U- crow and waa hard to talk to. I)e appointmept when we stopped off D a te B ook room at the Hotel Bond, for the noticed^the Immense pile of scrap ^ d le M . Th* bulliUng inembera of the committee wlU be ^man4ed to know why we neg­ metalrnetm%n on the grounds of the Na- was strlpp^ o f-a U Its Interior notified later as/to tbe date when at the Am house and fouM them CARS seml-formal affair to be held on ^uipment to make it ready for the lected to write apythlng about bis playing Old Maid Instaad aat- Toaight than^ale school on .Spruce street. it will be heldy^' new Job, testing tbe rubber on at November 27. ’The dance haa been In fact. The Herald ran a story soldlOM M d even the boxing ring back. -Even the Are laddies a n Ladles’ Night, Tall OedaM o f held there for the last eeveral con­ was taken out. The poatpoilement was decided windshield wipere. Getting him Lebanon, Masonic Temple. with picture on the subject In gotiiK tony tbeee days. IN I mnCK SEDAN secutive years, and is again as- Now the soldiers are out of the on at a- m etin g last night of the somewhat moIUAed this writer " ^ f o r e we leave for tbe aouth Monday, October 28 that pile of (wrap Ilea the remains officere, Marion 'Dnker asked him about the glee club. Radio and Heater aured o f succesa by the coopera­ of a car which was not Intended building, and the ownere have IdiiB of pta will ptii on a concert but I Wnman’s Auxiliary meeting in tion of Willard B. Rogers, presi­ nothing to\^show for the fact that the Y. M. U. A. And Miaa Hazel "That,” he said, "1# my pride In Stalingrad Street 'wish that you could do aomethlng In Axis Desert Line for that purpoee— at least not ao the ehamber o f Oommero*. office, they were aver quartered there. Robins^ of the Center church aad Joy. Several of the o th ^ INI dent o f the Hotel Bond CorpOM- soon. It belongs to a local, well- about the Wlllington crow. He’s 8 o’clock. tion, and a popular resident of They can’t eVen And the boxing 18-88 Club, who comprise a pro- members at the club bold degreto CADILLAC SBDANET Tnesday. Oetobar ST known ro d e n t of the East Side aa Imposter. Wen,** .^flnlshsd ring. It seents that the ownere grem ^b-commlttee. from neerby eoUeges but untU I Adelbert, *TU be seeing yott.’? ' Radio Cooking School at SUta Thea­ who made the drastic mistake of failed to Ale a I^ase. or any kind o f took them over they were Just Infantry, Tanks and Mo­ leaving .he somewhat tattered To Inveatigats Farther , Soviets Hold-'' Fast in ter at 1 p.m. paper showing an agreement with TH e posotbilitles for increasing crows of a Aock. One day last Eight Bombers Cost bile Artillery Are 1941 BUICK SEDANET Wednesday. October 38 looking car In plain sight of those the government summer while pastlming up In Fadrtory Which Nazis American Bombers patriotic, enthusiastic children tl^ local facilities for entertaining Heater Ainerican Legion Home, 10 to No doubt the ^vem m ent will toe soldiere,, stationed In Mancbea- Bolton I heerd them humming Moved Forward for who were in search of Just such 4:30 ^ m . — Work on Red Croaa pay the owners for the use of the u r was discussed by the commit­ and immediately got in contact CONTRACT Had Taken Yw|ter- IN I PACKARD a u i-g i^ dressings. A stmxllng in- acMp. property, but they abp wondering, tee with representativea o f the with them. / Expected Test of^* The boys decided to remove the day; Soldiers Fight HiiHong Kong Hard Of Attacks on Italy CONVERTIBLE vitatlon^to all women to assist in if they will have to wait until tlta Army and Navy^'Club, Local 63, "O f course you know,’’ he said, BRIDGE ton or so of auto to their grow­ Strength Widi Rom-^ Radio and Heater this worto-while effort for our war Is over. T h ey shouldn't feW TWVA and Lieut. Henry C. Pend- “ that I’m a graduate of Manches­ ing Hand to Hand; armed forces. Come at any hour of ing pile of metal .at the Nathan too badly If they never dib get any zick, regimental special service ter High and Connecticut Univer­ Group H of Center Church mePs Main Forces; I N I OLDSMOBILE the day mokt cbnveiuent Hale school. Draining the ga^ out remuneration. It waa a patriotic officer. The delay was voted so sity. ' But that is beside the Women announces s new In Another Sector of the car (which the ownpr was Second A s s t^ Japou Lauds Done to VotC OH Draft S a t u r ^ . CmloliM’ 81 gesture to turn the building over that Lieutenant Penzick can In­ pojrii. Right there,” he contin- Much o f Battle Is Still CLUB COUPE ' probably thankful for at least) course of lessons in Con­ 200 Germans KUled 24 Hours Made Early Irar Industries and Radio and Heater Annual Halloween parties at to the Army anyway. vestigate further the faculties of jtad, ‘T knew I had something tract Bridge, Mrs. H. B. various schools \t>y the American they all pushed togetltar and In new. There is no swing in the Being Fought in Air. leas time than It takes to tell tbe various local organizationa whlclv DeWolfe, instructor, begin- In Their Own Trenches Today; Smash Again INI OLDSMOBILE ^ Legioo. \ One local woman, a rpaident .of have previously -been made avstt- songs that they get rid of. In Fresh Units To Wait Until/ l/rV Sunday, N ^ r^ b er 1 car was resting between several niiig in November. If in­ At Japanese Airdrome. Smashing Offensive, SEDANET Irving street, isn't w orr^g about able to the soldiers, and to djscuss fact its all ctaasical... .or some­ Cairo, Oct.
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