APRIL, 1940 of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity In This Issue: Celebrations Mark Founders Day Vital Issues Up at Convention M~R~HANDI~~ MAD~ or sponsored by the L. G. BALFOUR COMP ANY INSIGNIA .. * Pled ge, Recogni- tion, Badges, guard pins, officet·s' in­ signia, keys. Felt, ch enille, leather. GIFTS .. Your coat of at·ms adds the distinction that only a fraternity man or woman may give. Shown in COLOR in 194 0 Blue Book. @~fflya Rings Bill Folds Lock ets Cuff Links .Ato u#/Mn/(?/)ttJ o/ Bracelets Ch arms Compacts K ey Cha ins Vi 1\appa Alpha FAVORS . Write fot· sp ecial suggestions, ad vi s ing party date, quantity, budget, organization, and f)fficial Jeweler­ pat·ty them e. Sp ecial discounts. * PAPER PRODUCTS TO ACQ UA I NT YOU WITH THE SUP E RIORJTY OF BALFO UR SERVICE : Stationet·y, Invitations, Programs, 1. Located in the h eart of the jewelry manufacturing Memher ship cards and certificates, indu try, the Balfou•· factories a re the largest in the world d evoted to the manufacture of fine fraternity chartet·s, award cet·tific ates, cita­ jewelry. tions, etc. 2. Balfour Service cover s the North Anterican Continent --48 Branch Sale Offices are located throughout the country from the Pacific Coast to the Atlantic AWARDS • Medals, trophies, Seaboard. ' ------- 75 R e presentativ e s-college m en especially plaques, hollow ware, cups, m edal­ t•·ained in fraternity and sorority n eed s-call on your chapter r egularly during the year to give lions, belt buckles. Write for catalog. you prompt, PERSONAL service. In Ca nada-visit or write your n earest Birk's P'aste on post card, sign natne, a nd ntail store. 3. The Balfour Guarantee-Merchandise exactly a s r ep­ ...................................................................... resented , complete satisfaction, or money r efunded • FREE PUBLICATIONS 4 • Our sincere desire to please. 0 1940 BLUE BOOK of gifts D Trophies by Balfour Samples to prospective purcha ers L.f7. UALt=() u l2 D Sta tion ery D Dance Program s CUM VA~.., D Invita tions ATTLEBORO, MA S S ACH USETTS ----------------------------------------Fraternity OF NATIONAL OFFICERS AND DISTRICT PRESIDENTS SUPREME COUNCIL OTHER NATIONAL OFFICERS National President .............................................. Freeman H. Hart, I Honorary Life President.. .............................. Robert A. Smythe, t.. 310 Commercial Exchange Bldg .. Atlanta, Ga. Hampden-Sydney College. Hampden-Sydney, Va. National CounseL. ............................................. }ohn L. Packer, BA National Vice President... .....................................T. M. Beaird, BO 1603 Law & Finance Bldg .• Pittsburgh, Pa. University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. National Editor.. ............................................. K. D. Pulcipher, BH 740 Fisher Rd .. Grosse Pointe Farms. Mich. National Treasurer ................................................ D. T. Oertel. BB National Historian .... .................................Dr . Freeman H. Hart, I Room 508. 1930 Wilshir.e Blvd .. Los Angeles. Calif. Hampden-Sydney College. Hampden-Sydnev.. Va. National Secretary..................... ............... Fred A. Anderson, Jr. ri National Chaplain ............................................Dr . U. S. Gordon. e First Presbyterian Church, Gainesville, Fla. Amite Co. Bank Bldg .. Gloster. Miss. National Educational Advisor ........................ Dr. U. S. Gordon, e National Alumni Secretary ........................ Roy D. Hickman, B6 First Presbyterian Church . Gainesville, Fla. Alabama Engraving Co .. Birmingham, Ala. National Rushing Chainnan ................ ..... Stanton M. Peterson, rN P. 0 . Box 362, Iowa City. Iowa GENERAL OFFICE Executive Secretary ................................ R. M. McFarland, Jr., A6 503 Commercial Exchange Bldg .................................... .Atlanta, Ga. A ssistant Executive Secretary ............. .................. }. F. Malone, BO Telephone MAin 1868 503 Commercial Exchange Bldg .. Atlanta , Ga. DISTRICTS AND DISTRICT PRESIDENTS DISTRICT No. 1-New England. rM; Delaware; DISTRICT No. 6-Fiorida. AH: Georgia. All . DISTRICT No. 12- lowa, A<l>, I'N: Minnesota; New Jersey. A'i'; New York. AX. Be. rT; AM . BK. B'i'. W iscon5in , B::! . Pennsylvania, east of Williamsport, BIT. rA. Districit President: Horace S. Smith. Jr .. BK . District President: Leo A. Hoegh. · rN. First State Bank Bldg .. Chariton, Ia. District President: S. Roy Smith, A'I'. 101 Penn. Mutual Life Ins. Co . Rhodes-Haverty Fairview Ave .. South Orange, N . J. Bldg .. Atlanta. Ga. DISTRICT No. 13- Kansas. A!l .B r : Nebra•ka . rB: Colorado, BT. rr. a nd Kansas City, Mo. DISTRICT No. 7-lllinois. BH, rP; Indiana, B<l>; District President: Alexander McKie. Jr .. rB . DISTRICT No. 2-Pennsylvania, west of Wil­ Michigan. 805 First Natl. Bk . Bldg .. Omaha. Neb. liamsport. BA. B~ . r~. West V irginia east of Little Kanawha River. Ae. District President: Charles E. Craw. B~ . 310 N . 5th St .. Lafayette, Ind. DISTRICT No. 14- Arkansas . AZ; Oklahoma. District · President: J. S. Lloyd. BA. Riverside BO . rT. rx: Texas. BZ. BM. Heights. Verona. Pa. District President: Herbert H. Scott. BO . Uni­ DlSTRICT No. 8- Kentucky. K. !l, AA: Tennessee. versity of Oklahoma. Norman. Okla. z. e. ~- DISTRICT No. 3-0hio. A:::. AP. BE. rz. ro; District President: J. Harold Trinner. e . 941 DISTRICT No. 15- New Mexico. BA: Arizona. West V irginia. West of Little Kanawha Sterick Bldg .. Memphis. Tenn. r~ . and EI Paso. Texas. River. District President: E. C. Locklear, BK . Box DISTRICT No. 9-Alabama, A,T. Ail . rA . 401. Prescott. Ariz. District President: Kent H. Meyers, AX. AP. 947 Union Commerce Bldg .. Cleveland, 0. District President: A. H. Knight. AJT. 511-14 DISTRICT No. 16-Utah . AT .rE: W yoming. Title Guarantee Bldg .. Birmingham. Ala. District President: J. Grant Iverson. AT . 509 First National Bank Bldg .. Salt La ke City . DISTRICT No. 4-District of Columbia: Mary­ DISTRICT No. 10-Missouri, except Kansas City. Utah. land: Virginia, A. r. I. 0 . II . AK. AN. BA . District President: Don H. Jones, B:E:. AN . DISTRICT No. 17- California. A~ . rH: Nevada. District President: Guy A. Borkey. 0. Virginia District President: Arnold R. Ternquist. rH. Elec. & Power Co .. Richmond. Va. School of Journalism. Univ. of Missouri. Co­ lumbia. Mo. Nelson & Ternquist, 58 Sutter St .. Sa n Fran­ cisco. Calif. DISTRICT No. 5-North Carolina. B. T. AA. DISTRICT No. !!-Louisiana. H. Ar: Mississip­ DISTRICT No. 18-ldaho: Montana . rK: Oregon. AE. r<l>; South Carolina, M. :::. pi. AI. re. n . rrr : Washington . BB. J'Z . District President: Zeb V . Long. Jr .. B. Box District President: A. Brown Moore. H . 104-5 District President: John J. Kennett. BB . 2202 7i. Statesville . N. C. Marine Bldg .. New Orleans. La. Smith T ower. Seattle. Wash. Endowment Fund Trustees Scholarship Honor Roll Pi Kappa Alpha Endowment Fund-(See Committee Below) Winners of Pi Kappa Alpha Scholarship Cup. provided by the Charles K. Dunn, !l; Weldon U. Howell, BZ; Wm. G. Nash, AA . 1915 Convention. for the Chapter with the best yearly average. Shield and Diamond Endowment Fund Session 1916-17-Aipha-Sigma Chapter-Average 90.39o/o. D. C. Powers. Z. Chairman and Treasurer; L. Brooks Ragen. Session 1917-20-( No award during war period. ) BN. Secretary: Dr. W. D. Haden. A. Session 1920-21-Beta-Nu Chapter-Average 83.30o/o. Standing Committees Session 1921-22-Beta-Nu Chapter-Average 87.00o/o. National Publicity Committee Session 1922-23-Gamma Chapte r-Average 85.24o/o. Harold E. Rainville, rP, Chairman. 39 S. LaSalle St .. Chicago, Session 1923-24-Beta-Mu Chapter-Average 88.33o/o. Ill. Session 1921-25-Beta Chapter-Average 87. 15o/o. Chapter House Loan Committee Session 1925-26-Gamma-Epsilon Chapter-Average 87.10 o/o. Ernest E. McKeen, BB. Chairman; Frederick K. Glynn. AX: Session 1926-27-Gamma-Epsilon Chapter-Average 86.25o/o. Everett M . Oxley. All. D. T. Oertel. BB . National Treasurer. ex officio. Session 1927-28-Aipha-Tau Chapte'r-Average 89.88o/o. Pi Kappa Alpha Endowment Fund Session 1928-29-Ga mma-Epsi lon Chapter- Average 86.82o/o . Committee: Charles K. Dunn, !l, Chairman: Weldon U. Howell, Session 1929-30-Gamma-Epsilon Chapter-Average 86.83o/o . BZ: William G. Nash. AA: Charles A. Allen, BIT; George D. Session 1930-31-Aipha-T au Chapter-Average 86.37o/o. Finnie, BE. Session 1931-32-Gamma-Epsilon Chapter-Average 88.92o/o . Session 1932-33-Beta-Pi Chapter-Average 92.87o/o . 1940 Convention Committees Session 1933-34-Gamma-Rho Chapter-Average 88.64o/o. General Committee: John W. Ladd, BJ:, Chairman. Program: Kenneth H. Pauley, AP. Chairman; A. Brown Moore. Session 1934-35-Gamma-Rho Chapter-Average 88.70 o/o. H. Co-Chairman; John J. McVay. B:E:: Ellis 0. Mayfield, BM: Session 1935-36-Aipha-Lambda Chapter- Average 86.26o/o. W . B. McGehee. T: Wm. E. Wilgus. Jr .. BA: Bruce A. Gustin. Session 1936-37-Aipha-lota Chapter (Millsaps )- Average 1.0686. Jr .. BT. Nominating: Guy Van Buskirk. A9. Chairman; Elberr P. Tuttle. Robert A. Smythe Trophy Be; D. C. Powers. Z. For efficiency in chapter reports Diamond Jubilee Commission 1937-38-Aipha-Kappa (Missouri School of Mines) . Col. LeRoy Hodges. II . and Maj. K. D. Pulcipher. BH. Co-Chair­ Committee: H . A. Smith. AT; J. Pike Power, Jr., Z. A; John C. men: John L. Packer. BA: G. A. Borkey. 0 : Clifford J. Cook. BA. Lilienthal. J'Z. THE SH IELD AND DIAMOND is published five times a year at 114 E. Second St .. Little Rock. Ark .. in October. December. February, April and June by the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. Entered as second class matter. October 14 . 1937. at the Pos t Office at Little Rock . Ark .. under Act of March 3 . 1897. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103. Act of October 3. 1917. authorized June 16 . 1918. This Month's Cover t AT EL P AsO , TEx .. R . Randolph Jones, The SHIELD & DIAMOND veteran public schools superintendent and former Grand Councilor of IIKA, was Official Magazine of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity presented with a Golden chapter certificate (upper left) . In the group are (left to right): H. H. Johnson, H . T. Etheridge, The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity was founded at the University of Virginia Jr., Golden Member Jones, James Hinyard, on March I.
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