Vol. 124 (2013) ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A No. 2 Special Anniversary Issue: Professor Jan Czochralski Year 2013 Invited Paper Czochralski Method of Crystal Growth in the Scientic Literature: An Informetric Study K. Sangwal∗ Department of Applied Physics, Lublin University of Technology Nadbystrzycka 38, 20-618 Lublin, Poland Bibliometric data on the growth dynamics of papers devoted to the Czochralski method of crystal growth and citations to these papers published in the scientic literature are analyzed using mathematical functions based on progressive nucleation mechanism and power-law approaches. It is shown that the basic concepts of progressive nucleation mechanism originally developed for crystal growth can satisfactorily be applied to explain the citation behavior of papers published on the Czochralski method of crystal growth. It is also found that: (1) cumulative number N(t) of papers and cumulative number L(t) of citations to them at time t are mutually related, and (2) as determined by the plot of the parameter L(t)=t2 against the number ∆N(t) of papers published per year, the citation behavior of papers published on the Czochralski method follows three distinct periods: 19541988, 1988 2001 and 20012012, which are related to the dependence of the number ∆N(t) of papers published per year on publication time t. DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.124.173 PACS: 81.10.Aj, 89.20.−a, 89.90.+n 1. Introduction determination and vision, he became a renowned metal- lurgist in Germany and during 19241929 was president Early fties of the 20th century witnessed the publica- of the German Society for Metals Science. Later, Presi- tion of three scientic contributions: (1) a paper entitled dent of Poland Ignacy Mo±cicki, inter alia, persuaded him Growth of germanium single crystals by Teal and Lit- to return to Poland. In 1928 he was appointed professor tle [1], (2) a paper entitled The growth of crystals and of metallurgy and metals science in Warsaw University the equilibrium structure of their surfaces by Burton, of Technology, which also conferred on him the title of Cabrera and Frank [2], and (3) a monograph entitled doctor honoris causa in 1929. The outbreak of the Sec- Crystal Growth by Buckley [3]. These contributions ond World War interrupted his diverse scientic activi- provided enormous impetus to research activities in the ties. After the war the new communist regime blamed eld of crystal growth and served as percursors for the him of collaboration with the Nazis and in line with the nucleation and development of various subelds of crystal political propaganda the Warsaw University of Technol- growth. For example, in later years the paper by Teal and ogy stripped him of his job. Thereafter he returned to Little [1] on the growth of germanium became a reference his native Kcynia where he died in 1953. In the article point for the growth of a variety of materials from the entitled: Professor Jan Czochralski (18851953) and his melt by the method introduced by Jan Czochralski, and contribution to the art and science of crystal growth, the paper by Burton et al. [2] became a central point for Tomaszewski [5] briey describes the life and achieve- the investigation of the kinetics and mechanism of growth ments of Jan Czochralski in chronological order. Re- of crystals from dierent phases and the growth morphol- cently, Tomaszewski published a documented biography ogy of crystals. For a long time Buckley's monograph [3] of his life and achievements [6]. also remained a valuable source of literature on crystal growth and a source of inspiration in the investigations In Poland Czochralski's name remained condemned of the eect of impurities on the growth morphology of during the communist regime but, thanks to his method, crystals from solutions. In this monograph the method his name steadily grew in fame with the continuously used by Czochralski was called crystal pulling. How- increasing number of scientic papers devoted to the ever, since early nineteen fties it is usually referred to growth and characterization of crystals of various ma- as Czochralski method of crystal growth although this terials. This caused the appearance of publications in name of the method (i.e. Czochralski method) has been nineteen eighties praising the contribution of Czochral- used before in 1921 as noted by Wilke and Bohm [4]. ski as a Pole [7], but the Polish academic community re- Jan Czochralski was a self-made man. Formally, he did mained unconcerned with his after-war fate. After the not have University education but thanks to hard work, transformation of the political system in 1989, it oc- curred to the present author during his stay in Spain in 1990 to organize a crystal growth society in Poland. The concept of founding the society in Poland originated ∗e-mail: [email protected] from crystal growth societies, with not large number of members, functioning in Spain and Italy and organiz- (173) 174 K. Sangwal ing crystal growth meetings at national levels. In May particular period it attains a saturation value. If one con- 1991 the present author organized in Cz¦stochowa, where siders the growth of items per year (i.e. their number in he was then working, the rst inaugural meeting/confer- successive years), one observes that this growth occurs ence of Polish Society for Crystal Growth with about 20 at a relatively slow rate initially, followed by an expo- active crystal growers from the country. It was in this nential increase, and, in some cases, nally the growth Conference that the rst, inaugural lecture, conceived declines after a certain time, giving rise to a sigmoidal as Czochralski Lecture, was initiated, despite the ac- shaped (S-shaped) curve. Among the dierent equations cepted condemnation in academic circles stretching since of various models to analyze the above type of growth 1945, in recognition of the scientic contribution of Pro- behavior of items, power-law, exponential and logistic fessor Jan Czochralski as a great Polish Scientist. This functions are commonly used [1015]. Recently, Sangwal Czochralski Lecture is now a traditional feature of every [8, 9, 16] proposed a new equation, based on progressive Polish Conference on Crystal Growth. nucleation mechanism (PNM) of a solid phase during its Since its foundation in 1991 Polish Society for Crys- crystallization in a closed liquid system of xed volume. tal Growth, with immense involvement, among others, The aim of this paper is to analyze the bibliomet- of Professor Anna Paj¡czkowska, had been making every ric data on the growth dynamics of papers devoted to eort to restore the good name of Professor Jan Czochral- the Czochralski method of crystal growth and citations ski. Two recent events, one at the academic level and the to these papers published in the scientic literature us- other at the national level, are very important steps in ing mathematic functions based on progressive nucleation this direction. In June 2011 the Senate of the Warsaw mechanism and power-law approaches. The structure of University of Technology adopted a resolution to restore the paper is as follows: the basic concepts of progressive the dignity of Professor Jan Czochralski and the place he nucleation mechanism and the basic equations as applied deserves in the academic community. On December 7, to citation analysis are described in Sects. 2 and 3, respec- 2012 Polish Parliament adopted a resolution declaring tively, the appropriate bibliometric data for the analysis 2013 as Year of Czochralski. These two resolutions are are presented in Sect. 4, whereas the time dependence of marks of tributes to Czochralski as a patriot. The present the growth of papers and their citations and the relation- issue of Acta Physica Polonica A is dedicated to com- ship between the number of citations and the number of memorate this Year of Czochralski. papers fetching them are discussed in Sects. 5 and 6, re- The present author has the honor of being invited spectively. Finally, the main conclusions drawn from the by the Guest Editors of the planned special issue of study are given in Sect. 7. Acta Phys. Pol. A to contribute a paper on Czochral- ski method. Since 1968 the author has been associated 2. Basic concepts of progressive nucleation with crystal growth but regretfully he never grew crys- mechanism tals by the Czochralski method. Therefore, when the author received the invitation, he had the choice of re- In overall crystallization of a solid phase occurring fusing it and thereby not contributing anything to the in a closed liquid system of xed volume it is assumed special issue. However, in view of the author's fascina- [17] that nucleation of the solid phase occurs on a to- tion for Professor Czochralski as a scientist, the author tal number Na of active centers present in the crystal- decided to accept the invitation and pay a tribute to him lizing medium and each nucleus grows independently of by contributing a paper on the growth of the scientic the other nucleating and growing crystallites. The num- literature bearing his imprint. ber of active centers is exhausted progressively during The number of scientic papers devoted to growth the nucleation process, thereby determining the time de- and characterization of crystals of various materials by pendence of nucleation on active centers and nally the the Czochralski method and their citations has grown overall crystallization of the solid phase resulting from steadily since the publication of the paper by Teal and the growth of the nuclei by the attachment of growth Little [1]. In recent years about 400 papers based on units occurs in the liquid phase. This type of growth is Czochralski method are published every year, which re- known as progressive nucleation mechanism.
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