480000 500000 520000 540000 GOODRIDGE r e v Rge.2 i KEY MAP R d n a S B e aver River reek lC e Twp.62 ri Rge.5 Rge.4 u Rge.10 Rge.8 A L B E R TA Rge.3 M Rge.11 Rge.9 Rge.7 Rge.6 à L o w e r Ä W4M 63 B e a v e r R i v e r à S u b - b a s i n Ä 36 Moos e L ake R à i Ä ver ARDMORE 55 COLD LAKE (! 0 0 Forsyth Lake à 0 Ä S A S K A T C H E W A N 0 0 0 0 à 0 VU881 41 Ä 892 2 VU 2 0 28 (! BONNYVILLE 0 6 6 Ã Ä Ã 18 Ä S (! t. 28 L SMOKY LAKE in a C FORT KENT Muriel C k ree (! r ! ( à e olum Ä e C bine C ST. PAUL k reek (! ELK POINT COLD LAKE 149 38 Ã Ä Ã (! BRUDERHEIM 29 Ä C e n t r a l B e a v e r (! 41 ST. LINA LAMONT Ã Ã Ä TWO HILLS Ã Ä R i v e r S u b - b a s i n (! Ä 15 ANSHAW 45 17 (! Rge.3 Twp.61 DURLINGVILLE VU660 Moose Lake VU867 Provincial Park à PELICAN Ä FRANCHERE NARROWS 28 VU659 BONNYVILLE Grassy Franchere Charlotte Lake Island r Bay PRA ive Lake R ke la Jessie Lake in GLENDON h T Ernestina Lake Moose Lake FRESNOY THERIEN VU897 BONNYVILLE BEACH Ã Ä M u r i e l L a k e 28 VU882 S u b - b a s i n Denning Lake MALLAIG MURIEL LAKE Landry Lake Beartrap BEAVERDAM Lake Angling Lake ek re M o o s e L a k e C a it Twp.60 Yelling Creek S u b - b a s i n Re Ã Ä RIFE HOSELAW 28 BEACON CORNER R e i t a Lower Mann C r e e k Lake S u b - b a s i n llin e g C Y r eek Upper Mann S i n k i n g Lake NA Bangs Lake ST. VINCENT BOSCOMBE L a k e Muriel 0 Lake PRA 0 0 0 0 S u b - b a s i n 0 0 Muriel Lake 0 0 Sinking Lake 0 0 Upper W h i t e f i s h 0 6 Mann Lake 6 GURNEYVILLE L a k e Reita Lake BAYVIEW BEACH BLICAEA ENVIRONMENTALVER RIVER W STEWARDSATERSHED ALLIANCE S u b - b a s i n Mallaig PRA LICA, a community-based not-for-profit association registered under the Alberta Societies Act is a Synergy Group, Watershed Planning and Advisory M WHO WE ARE n i g and Advisory Councils (WPAC) in Alberta, and is P HORSESHOE BAY 881 Council (WPAC) for the Beaver River Watershed and Airshed Zone with a focus on environmental monitoring, environmental management, and 4 VU InTdhep Beenadveenrt RSitvaenrd Winga tCerosmhemdi tAtelleia onfc teh e(B LRaWkeAla) nisd oIndeu osft reyl eavnedn C Woamtemrushneityd APslasnoncinatgio ann (dL AICdAv)is. oWryP CACousn acriels d(eWsPigAnCat)e idn Abylb tehreta G, aonvde rinsm aennt 951 4 : R e i t a 4 Independent Standing Committee of the Lakeland Industry and Community Association (LICA). WPACs are designated by the Government of 3 Acommunitylberta to ca educationrry out pla andnnin outreach.g and edHu LICAOcLaYOtiKo Efacilitatesn function alls t hstakeholders’rough the W avoicester for whenLife S addressingtrategy (20 0issues3) wh oconcerningse goals a rthee: environment in our region. : 5 Alberta to carry out planning and education functions through the Water for Life Strategy (2003) whose goals aCrer: e e k : 1. Healthy aquatic ecosystems, T Vincent Lake A 1. Healthy aquatic ecosystems, 2. Reliable, quality water supplies for a sustainable economy, and S u b - b a s i n 6 2 2Watershed. Reliable, q uPlanningality water andsupp Advisorylies for a s uCouncilstainable (WPAC) econom yfor, an thed Beaver River Watershed - 3. A safe secure drinking water supply. 4 ABILENE 0 3. A safe secure drinking water supply. - WPACs represent an inclusive gathering of stakeholders who have an interest in regionally governed water management. This partnership 7 1 950 0 WpromotesHAT WE active DO participation and collaborates to jointly define issues, identify knowledge gaps, set priorities and implement change in order to 2 : Twp.59 1W. RHeApTo Wrt pEe DrioOdically on the state of the watershed. Last report completed in 2013. 224 N achieve a healthy watershed. Within the WPAC, members contribute to a greater understanding of the watershed and add regional considerations O 1. Report periodically on the state of the watershed. Last report completed in 2013. 2. Coordinate the development of an Integrated Wat9e5r4shed Management Plan (IWMP). Plan to be completed in 2017. D 2. Coordinate the development of an Integrated Watershed Management Plan (IWMP). Plan to be completed in 2017. E Chickehill 3and. Co localmple valueste proje intocVUt6s57 twatershedo fill knowl emanagementdge gaps rel adecisions.ted to water resources. T Lake N 3. Complete projects to fill knowledge gaps related to water resources. I KEHIWIN 123 4. Provide education and outreach to communities in the watershed. Flat Lake R 4Watershed. Provide emanagementducation and recognizes outreach t othat com landmu nuseitie spractices in the w aplayters haned important. role in the overall health of the aquatic environment - and that P Snail Kehiwin d Lake Lake many jurisdictions, agencies and user groups within a watershed have the potential to affect water quality and quantity. Watershed management x à OUR WATERSHED 779 Ä 2 m . OUR WATERSHED 41 1. In Alberta, the Beaver River watershed is approximately 22,000 km , occupying 3% of the province. 897 A also recognizes that no single agency or authority has the capacity to take2 action to ensure overall health of VUa watershed. For this reason, water- v 1. In Alberta, the Beaver River watershed is approximately 22,000 km , occupying 3% of the province. e 2. The population of the Beaver River Watershed is approximately 38,000. R 2shed. Th emanagement population o employsf the Bea anve rintegrated River Wa tlandersh eandd is water appro usexim aapproachtely 38,0 0that0. involves all user groups making recommendations to the appropriate _ 3. Two-thirds of the watershed is upland, consisting of forests and agricultural land. The remaining one-third is wetland or open water lakes. 2 2 3. Two-thirds of the watershed is upland, consisting of forests and agricultural land. The remaining one-third is wetland or open water lakes. x OWLSEYE 4decision-making. The Beaver Riv eauthoritiesr starts at Bandea vundertakinger Lake nea actionsr Lac La that Bic hbenefite and Alberta’sruns for 2 watersheds.50 km in Alb eTherta intentto the ofSa havingskatch eaw regionalan bord WPACer. is to reach a 4 3 54.. T Thhee BBeeaavveerr R Riviveerr c sotnanrtesc atst Btoe athvee rC Lhaukrceh nilel aRri vLearc i nL aS aBsickhaetc ahnewd arunn asn fdo re 2v5e0n tkumal lyin f Alolwbesr toa Htou tdhseo Sn aBsakya.tchewan border. _ p balance between ecological values and a sustainable economy that will contribute to a healthyCushin overallg Lake community. The organization is designed to a 5. The Beaver River connects to the Churchill River in Saskatchewan and eventually flows to Hudson Bay. Owlseye Lake M _ Fachieveor mor eAlberta’s informa “Watertion vi sforit oLifeur wStrategy”ebsite w whichww.be strategicallyaverriverwa lookstersh toed ensure.ca water availability for future generations. The three main goals of the d 4 e For more information visit our website www.beaverriverwatershed.ca h Or find us on Facebook at Beaver River W tershed Alliance. s Water for Life Strategy are: r e Or find us on Facebook at Beaver River Watershed Alliance. t a 1. Safe, secure drinking water W _ LEGEND e Bently k Lake 2. Healthy aquatic ecosystems a Kehiwin PRA L HAMLET BEAVER RIVER WATERSHED SUB-BASIN _ e 3. Reliable, quality water supplies for a sustainable economy s o Julien Lake PRIMARY HIGHWAY INDIAN RESERVE o à M Ä _ A 36 SECONDARY HIGHWAY METIS SETTLEMENT W LEGEND R Twp.58 Boucan LOCAL ROAD PARK / PROTECTED AREA B Lake _ 0 HAMLET BEAVER RIVER WATERSHED SUB-BASIN 0 0 WATERCOURSE POPULATED PLACE 4 _ PRIMARY HIGHWAY INDIAN RESERVE 3 0 BLUE QUILLS BEAVER RIVER WATERSHED WATERBODY 0 FIRST NATION 0 SECONDARY HIGHWAY METIS SETTLEMENT 0 INDIAN RESERVE 4 0 10 20 3 1 LOCAL ROAD PARK / PROTECTED AREA 0 1 \ Ã Ä g Ã Ä Ã Ä WATERCOURSE POPULATED PLACE n i 29 p 29 29 Bullet p 1:100,000 KILOMETRES a ST. PAUL BEAVER RIVER WATERSHEDLake WATERBODY M A REFEREN0CE(S) 10 20 W R BEAVER RIVER WATERSHED AND SUB-BASIN, AND LICA BOUNDARY DATA OBTAINED FROM ALBERTA ENVIRONMENT, NOVEMBER 21, 2016. ALBERTA TOWNSHIP SYSTEM, B \ MILITARY BOUNDARIES, AND POPULATED PLACE DATA OBTAINED FROM ALTALIS LTD. © GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA 2015. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ALBERTA PAFRISKHISN GA LNADKE D X PROTECTED AREAS OBTAINED FROM ALBERTA PARKS, GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA. ALBERTA FIRST NATIONS, GRAZING RESERVES, AND HYDROGRAPHY, AND METIS M SETTLEMENT 0 0 \ SASKATCHEWAN HYDROGRAPHY MILITARY BOUNDARIES, AND PARKS DATA OBTAINED FROM IHS ENERGY INC. PROVINCIAL BOUNDARIES, ALBERTA HYDROGRAPHY A 0 0 g 1:100,000 KILOMETRES 0 0 n PUSKIAKIWENIN i TRANSPORTATION, AND SASKATCHEWAN TRANSPORTATION DATA OBTAINED FROM GEOGRATIS, © DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES CANADA. ALL RIGHTS 0 Upper 0 p k 122 8 e 8 p re 9 Therien RESERVED. 9 a C l 5 5 Lake e M PROJECTION: UTM ZONE 12 DATUM: NAD 83 e \ h 3 à d 0 Ä e REFERENCE(S) 0 k o REV.
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