mmJWWHW'W' ' •mm r«iSikwt«iiS4*iSl^U«<^l>Wli~ow^ —v t .6 of forty-eight years. He was a mem­ street, died at her residence on June 0. New York, June 22, for Ireland. He la latter by the Oblate Fathers of Incha- O'SullIvan, chairman Urban District i native of Curraduff, County Galway. ber of an old and respected family of after six weeks' Illness. corc, Dublin. council, presided. Present: Right Rev. A goodi, time *Wtit» him among his Kllkeany. The friende of Miss M. Weldon, na­ Rev. M. Lynch, paator of Rosarevor Mgr. O'Leary, Kev. P. Hennessy, Rev. friends in the old land. On June 9 the remains of the lain tional schoolteacher. Rabin. Ballyllrnin Catholic church, has effected great Im­ C. McFetriuge, T. J. Canty, W. H. pfi-J. A. Vtoaghan, resident magis­ ^Ui¥t*t>vfAI»l**NING8-.qF INTER- Lieutenant Colonel ,Utuirles Butler of entertained her lately In .the school­ provements und Hue decoratioiM In the Fltssmnurlce, manager National bank; trate of the WlUfanui district, of Narra E8T IN THE. OLD COUNTRY. Ballyearron arrived, from London at room on bftr leaving for another sctioo. church. It now has two new and beau­ J. A. McCarthy, manuger Munater and gill, Australia, died jaeeeutly, deeply re­ Bansha for Interment In the family at Mallln, County Donegal tiful life sUe statues of the Sacred Leinster bank: T. Hill. John Herley. gretted. He was SOn of late George John Donovan. F. P. Buckley, T. vault at Kllaldriffe cemetery. KILKENNY.—The Kilkenny board of 'WM* It Bslng Don* by the Psople at Heart and St. Anthony. guardians has elected M. Sexton cUali Roughan, local government board In f -i^J H«Blt — Gossip From AM tht FERMANAQH^—Oeorfl* Gilroy, farm» O'Mahony, D. Donovan, Jerome Hur­ WATERFORD. — A walking match spector, Galway, and nephew of late ley, Charles Hurley, P. W. O'Donovan, between James Power and James Ken­ man; Mr. Murphy, who supported an Countiea of the Em#r- er, was fatully Injured by being thrown address to the king, was defeated. Father William Burke of the Society •id iale. from lils cart near Castlebalfour rail­ solicitor; D. MH'arthy, J. P. Collins. nedy of Waterfotd city took place on of Jesus. Jerome Kingston, town clerk; John The Kilkenny branch of the Gaelic way crossing on June 5. He died In Bunday, June 12, for a good sized purse An impreeeive ceremony took place Bplller, postmaster; J.P.tJlynn, Nation­ league Is organizing a fels and In the hospital at I-lsiiaakea. of money. The course was from the on the Feast of Corpus Christl In Gort al bank: W. H Hplller, clerk of Union. dustrlal exhibition in Kilkenny on AUK. The tenant* on the eatate of D'Arcy old castle, on the Tramore road, to Fea- There was u procession of the Most T. J. Canty proposed a resolution as 15. Messrs. E. Lennon and J. Sullivan Irvine, which includes tht- town uauied more and return, about twelve miles. Blessed Sacrament around the church follows: "Thut this meeting,representa­ are acting as secretaries of the or­ ' ANlTfUM.<--Tha aecond meeting of Irvhiestown. are negotiating for the I*ower won the race. Large numbers took part In the de­ tive of the people of Clonakllty, decide ganizing committee. the South Antrim Teachers* associa­ purchase of their farms, dwellings nn.I A shirt factory is being established In votions. The entrance was decorated to found an association to be named Miaa Kate OShee, late of Coleman, tion was held In the courthouse, Itao stores. It IK almost certain that un the city of W'atertord to he named the With great taste and with banners the Hie Clonakllty Industrial Development Clerlhau. dutl at the home of her nie«e. •aUlstown, lately, J. Neednum presiding. agreement satisfactory to all will be Waterford Shirt factory, limited. It w 111 Very Rev. Dr. Fahy officiating, assisted association." Mr , I'ltzinnurlce second Mrs William Townsend, Bally mack ^Present: Messrs. Needhuui, O'Grudy, arrived at soon. have a capiul of £l,hoo in one pound by the Rev. Fathers Gritfln, Carr and id the resolution. It was supported House, on May 2*5, aged seventy-two IHurl, Hustoo, Ncsbltt, Kyle, McCiinn, The death of Joseph McAloon, Esh- shares. the Hev. Father Cassldy. Beagh. by Rev P J Dowllng and several years Paul, Armstrong, I'ulJln, Mcllro.v ami nudarr.iKli. look place June >v nt the The funeral of Mra. Thomas Lark in other- In MTY good, practical speeches KING'S.—Denis Shell and Michael Wade and the Misses U'Dowd. McWll uge (if tlftv seven, after an Illness of tooK pl.ii e from her late lesidence, C Ion On June 5 a large and representative Campbell have been elected chairman Hams, McCroary, McConnlck. Donnel­ six weelix. Loinstor fert. Callallour. on May 211. mectlliK was held lu KIllaMllh'ii to ami s Ice chairman. respe< thely. of the ly, Craig, Wade and Xesbltt. Sewrul In Clones, on June 2, Owen Martin, Uiake arrangements for the erection of CARLOW.—A meeting of the mem­ Edendern district council L.EITRIM.—Forty-six ejectment de resolutions on affairs of great impor­ shopkeeper and road eoutrnctor, resld a iiK'iiiariitl to the late Thomas Barry bers of the Kvle hraiuh of tin- T'nlted LONGFORD.—John Manly took a cre«-s for nonpayment of rent were )b tance to the teaching fraternity wen- lllg 111 1 >en> lieei-o, near ltoslea. Ii.nl The Iter L Smlthwick presided Irish league was held June .">, with P farm named Demageas. on the I^ed tallied against tenants on the Totten adopted unanimously. been In the market during flic day. hiiv Among those [present were: Klllavtillt-u Grcudy presiding Present. J. Moloney. with property, near Bally mahon. some ham estate at Kiltydogher and Glen ing left Ills home in (.'nod health, lie CAVAN.~-The funeral of the late Mr. Kev Father I'otih}, Edward Buck It. Moloney. It. Moloney. T. Breen. P time ago on this farm others fann­ fame, at the Manorhamilton quarter transacted Ills liUMiliess atnl Has leav Arthur O'Keeffe, Billls, C'avan. took ley. Itiihurd Madden, John O'Kt-gau. Teln.n. J (.Miinl.in, M Phelan, "M Te ers had the privilege of their cattle sessions, the arrears due in each case lng for hoi' f when he complained of a r*i place on June 1 and was largely at­ president lulled Irish league; Patrnk him. M Maher. J. Scully and D. Plie grazing lu (he past, and the same was varying from three years to thirteen tended. pain hi IIIN back He went to I)r. K years' rent. Daly, John KUMMCII, John H O't.'onnor. lun. The following resolutions were continued to them by Muiilj How­ 1 Tlcrney IItid expired there In a few **>'lafeKGw^Mfr-ia*"-***** ^ Philip Madden, aged nine, con of John I'atrick O'Brien, Kenmdy Itochc Wll adopted: "That we tender to tht* fam­ ever, the people did not w.mt htm to At Manorhamilton quarter session* liadden, Kilualurl, ueur Klngscourt, minutes. get possession of the land and trouble lately Wilton Vaugh. subsheriff pre­ ,-fs Ham Iteii. Michael Nagle, K McCurthy, ilies of the lute 1. T. Kellv and Miss •was kicked dn the bead by a horse a ml MONAQHAN.—Rev. P. Keon, admin­ Patrick Mahouy. M Husscll. E. Burr;. Delaney our sinci -c condolence In their ensued. In iimnectloii with It Messrs sented Judge Waters with a pair of istrator, Moliagliail. hlii. beeu appidlili-il white gloves because of the absence died In Naran hospital May ^s. Michael Barry. <' Dalyw M. Km he, ./ li<-re.t\ eriietlt That any amendment of Mailon, Kenny. Merrlgau. Ball. Walsh Wrlti for one year's rent were aerved prior of Lough I>erK, In sin > I-MMOII to O'Brien. M. Itea, T Ken. H. White. N the land purchase act will not be satis and Mullen refused to gne ball ami of any business of a criminal nature recently on tenants on the Humphrey Very Hev. ('anon McKeuun. pastor of O'Connor The following ilelegutlons factory that w HI not gl\e compulsory were sentenced to two months' Impris This Is the seventh time in succession estate, Bawuboy. Judgment has been Brookhoro. who retired through 111 attended: Mallow Dr. W. J. Moym powers to the estates' commissioners to on men t lu Sllgo jail Thev were i-on white gloves have been presented afc*- marked against one of the principal health. The canon has performed the han, \S. O'Brien, patrhk Lyons, W. fls the selling price where landlord and veyctl by a strong escort of police to Manorhamlltoii. tenants. The tenants were negotiating duties on tin' Island during the past Lineliaii, John (Jolden, T. J. (iolilen, tenants fall to agree. Thut all negotla Sligo prison A meeting of the members of the Gort regarding the purchase of the estate. fifty jearn. The new prior Is son of solicitor, c IIa\es, engineer rural dis­ tions for sale before final arrangements J. P. Farreil, M. P., drove out to New- letteragh branch of the United Irish having offered twenty years' purchase, late Daniel Keon, ('ornahllhi trict ccaui'-ll, J Hassett, Laurence be submitted to the county council as towncashel to arbitrate In a dispute league was held lately. M. Murray pre­ the landlord demanding twenty six The death wu announced lately of O'Kelly, Albert Lymh. I». l-'olej. M J the local rating authority " over the Demageas farm. In connectlmi sided. Present. I'. Heslin, treasurer; the Very Hev.
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