Portland Public Library Portland Public Library Digital Commons Casco Bay Weekly (1990) Casco Bay Weekly 3-8-1990 Casco Bay Weekly : 8 March 1990 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/cbw_1990 Recommended Citation "Casco Bay Weekly : 8 March 1990" (1990). Casco Bay Weekly (1990). 8. http://digitalcommons.portlandlibrary.com/cbw_1990/8 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Casco Bay Weekly at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Casco Bay Weekly (1990) by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Greater Portland's news and arts weekly FlEE - , l~I Benjamin Smith a .... lucy .......Iton w.1tz acNIS the d.nce floor during • lesson .t ~ .......room D.. e. CBWfTonee Harbert An invitation to the dance By Brenda Chandler With a little nudge you might be tempted mitzvah to escort a battle-ax aunt onto the to think you'd been beamed back to the floor. We think (oh, agony!) of being ap­ You open the door on a long wood-floored heyday of dance hall mania. And you'd not proached by a rum-sodden uncle at some room. The walls are pink. A stretch of mirrors be too far wrong. But this is now and this is humid wedding and of shuffling our feet to broadens the effect. The slow seductive Congress Street and the people you see glid­ the wheeze of an accordion. We think mostly sounds of ''Moon River" surround you. As ing across the boards are not your grandpar­ of old folk doiI\g their own slow thing under you close the door behind you, the music ents. the chandeliers. swings into "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" and The people, in fact, are the surprise. We should ftlink again. the couples swing with it. Mood and move­ For many of us, ballroom dancing conjures ment do a smooth segue from waltz to jazzy up images of what we might call"old fogies." jitterbug. We think of being prodded at a cousin's bar Continued on page 8 There were 899 sexual assaults reported to Maine rape crisis centers during the 1989 statistic year, which runs from July to June. From those alleged assaults, there were 44 arrests, and only 21 convic­ VIEWS page 2 tions. UPDATES page 4 The Maine Coalition on Rape spent most of last COVER/ISSUES page 7 year lobbying for changes in sexual assault laws. As COVER/ARTS page 8 a result, the word rape no longerappearsin the Maine CALENDAR page 10 NEW WORDS, state laws. All unwanted sexual acts are now called SCREEN page 12 gross sexual assaults. STAGE page 14 But those and other legal changes have only trick­ OLD PROBLEMS led into the courtroom, and have yet to rain on the ART page 15 streets. SPORT page 16 ERNIE POOK page 16 By Kelly Nelson Continued on page 7 CLASSIFIEDS page 17 PUZZLE page 19 Seepage 5. 2 Casco &oy Weelcbj CoscoBov March b,1990 -3 VVEEKLY THE CUTTING EDGE Cable NetlllVolrk VIEWS WELCOMES week of 3191!10 773·1999 146 Ocean St., South Portland . Tel. 799-SAVE Living Tapestries: HOLLY Elder Images and Style (1/2 hr.) Uscd & Out-of-Print Books In Ihe Gallery: HOFFMAN Wc buy hooks, too. Dueling Artists (1/2 hr.) KEVIN formerly at the Our Changing Region: COSTNER "Hair Exchange" Tue. to Fri. 11-5, Sat. 12-4 Guest: Jane Amero (R) (112 hr.) Other times by chance ... IN Sebago Magazine: Casco Bay Weekly is an instrument Irish Archetect who bui~ French "Not the whole story" Churches (R) (1 hr.) of community understanding. Health Views: Recently I was one of the subjects of a story you ran,"Classified Living with Your Teenager (R) (1 hr.) Romance" (CBW 2.7.90) and several weeks later the subject of a March 8,1990 Mass Irom Holy Martyrs - Sun. al scathingletterbyCynthiaAlbertofPortland(CBW 3.1.9O)objecting Volume 3, Number 10 9:00 a.m. to my views on the subject of personal ads. I would like to resopond Focus to Cynthia by saying that I did indeed make all those statements Publsher Programs premiere Fri. 7-10pm, attributed to me but over the course of the interview I also said a lot Gary Santaniello and are repeated Sal. - Mon. more things that would have put me in a more favorable light. To 100% Cotton. Button Cuffs 1-4 &7-10pm and Tues., Wed ., &Thurs . gam-noon. brand me as "sexist, shallow, callous, and not too bright" without Stop in for a few minutes, $28.00 Editor Lower Lobby even talking to me is the same type of reasoning process that those or browse for hours. 10 Exchange St•• Portland, ME Cable Channel3? in Portland, So. Port­ Monte Paulsen 151 Midd Ie St. who place personals have to use when all they have is a letter or a PoI1land, Maine Eniov! .772-4080. land, Cape Elizabeth, Falmouth, & Scar­ AssocIate Edltor/News 38 Market st. • Portland • 773-4050 h. Channel varies in Gorham . voice on the phone to go by. Andy Newman In the Old Port, across from the Regency And that's what happens when only the salient parts of a Associate Editor/Arts conversation are presented and not the whole story. AnnSitomer ProductIon Manager ~)2~ Elissa Conger Bill Shouse Production ~0J>& IS pI\~~'1~ Portland MIlrtha Clary Think COME CELEBRATE WITH US AT FILM DEVELOPING SALE! ,. CIrculation Manager WEDNESDAY, PLACE A FREE "Angered, surprised and apalled" Robert Lord TALKING PERSONAL N) Reprints & Enlargements Circulation of it as MARCH 14 TO APPEAR IN THE I was angered, surprised and apalled that a "progressive" paper E/ke Rosenberg, Dan Tonini MARCH22ND with "principles" such as CBW would put itself in a hypocritical Morning CASCO BAY WEEKLY poSition by publishing the "Startling Confessions" ad for men. I OffIce Manager 9PM'TIL REGISTER TO WIN Mo2fE would like to propose that you publish an article on the exploitation Robyn Barnes Radio MIDNIGHT T/CKETSTO 7( LOW PRICES 20 of women in our society. ... SHAWNEE PEAK ... - Offer available through April 7, 1990- for ... THE MOVIES ... Sale appbes to 3!11" ~Ints hom 35mm. DIsc, no & 126 color ~ only and ro 5. 7 and axlO enl¥gements Display Advertising from cotor negatr~s Of slides. Cann<X be combined WIth any oth~ sa~ offer 425 FORE STREET ... PORTlAND STAGE Rose Greely, Annie Lewis, OLD PORT THE MOON grownups. L W B COMPANY ... FREE FILM pIus FREE 2nd SET of PRINTS HoUyLynn Brenda A. Miller Everyday of Portland the Week with.. ~WBIG DEALI• Classified Advertblng Mark Kelleher 71 us. Route I Convenient Hours TRUST THE PROS fP~:rillw~mMa~fJ.{E~ Jim Crocker FINE HOMES Scarborough, Me Mon-Fr; 7:3~ AT BPS PHOTO Contributing Editors 883-7363 Saturday 9:()()'1 EXPRESSI More "Room at the Top" and Bruce Campbell are Port­ Tonee Harbert/photography land's favorite morning radio team. Please do a little more research on your movie trivia. Simone Toki Oshima/illustration Signoret does not play the boss's deaughterin "Room at the Top" - Morgan Shepard/stage Why? Because they put a grown-up she is, however, seduced by Laurence Harvey. The story is one of a Leslie MoriSlJn/art perspective on the events and issues of the day. And because their sup­ love triangle - Mr. Harvey falls for Simone Signoret (married) but Mike Quinn/sport he also seduces the boss's daughter, gets her pregnant, thus having porting cast includes Maine's best to marry her. Meanwhile Ms. Signoret finds out about all this Contributors radio news staff, award-winning WE'VE sportscasts, the most accura te hoopla, gets progressively drunk and depressed then loses control Lynda Barry, Brenda Chandler, weather forecasts, the country'S only of her car and dies. The price Mr. Harvey pays to get his room at the Mary lLll Crawley, Dare MaTsh, Australian astrological prognosti­ top. Maybe you can find out who the boss's daughter is played by. Hilary McComb Nangle, cator and a guest list that reads like a GOT KeUy Nelson, Mike Quinn, 'Who's Who in Maine." Try us for a Roland Sweet, Dan Tonini, FROM $37,750* ~J~ month-we're sure it will change the Don Rubin, Matt Wuerker -Capes -Colonials -Ranches -Split Levels Johanna Moore way you start your day! Or custom your own plans 2x6 Construction, HW Baseboard Heat, Thermal Pane Windows, WN/ Carpet JAZZ. Portland Casco Bay Weekly distributes 20.000 pzpers free of charge roery Thursday. 10,000 free plastic bricks No person mIl'f f4ke more than one of eru:h issue without the permission MAINE AMADEUS Congratulations on your "Down the Drain" cover story (CBW of Casco Bay Weekly. Additional TRADITIONS, INC. 3.1.90): it does a great job of reminding all of us that the solutions to copies of the cummt issue and/or Portland's NewsfTalk Station MUSIC , . many of our environmental problems are in our own hands. While uncommon records some back issues mIl'f be purchased "The Tradition of Home Ownership at an Unordinary Price" significant water savings can be realized by adding a displacement tapes & C.D.'s for $1 eru:h at the Casco Bay Weekly 646-2902 device to your toilet tank, we caution your readers to consider office. Domestic subscriptions are In the Old Port - 332 Fore Street something other than a brick. Many bricks, especially the old ones Call for our free brochure • Out of lown 1·800·244·2902 ' mailed 3rd class and are $36fyear, RDute One, Wells, Maine Portland - 772-8416 common to the Portland area, tend to break up after long exposure payable in advance.
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