m: 5, 194s ~ MEAT8. PAT8, tt' ota.,. lilt I~ro ... Z2 ......11 • • Partly Cloudy on ..aOCEIIS'., roo.,., ~I.e " •• po Nt Ihr'.J~ Z' .nd ". I~ ••••II HI ••,. ..... /lUG"., b.d f ••••lam, ..._ for 'I". ...... .11 ....._ ".... 11'. IIUOEII, IOWA: •• IU~ el •• d., wUh __ ...... alr.",...... ,. I, t aa. , J'" I ••• n.h•• , . ....wen .................. GAIOLINI. Ja-A. M ••••••••• f.r I •• r ,aJleaa .ach I••••• ~ J ••• II a.' ......" e ...... e-, .... f •• , Ne tIeeWei ebaai"e iA f ... ,all... o.. lt . ""IL OIL. ,........ Ibro.,b ,. .. DAlLY IOWAN THE teJQuatueL ... ,... Ir'" talMI_ A.,. ,.; ta" ,t.u'. ~.r". '.. r .~. ft ••••• , ........ e ••ln a'a • . 31. Iowa City'. Morning Newspaper c~CENTS ;:========:~==,.=a==.~====T=D==~========~==~==========IO==VV=A===c=n=t=.~k)~~==A=======VV£D==~NES===DA==Y=,=nINE~==6=,=1?~=-5======================~"==='=S·=S=2~An.==~~==~====~¥=OL==~~~X=XI~==~NUMB~~ER2~ ~============~======= Allied (ouncil BLOOD PLASMA AT THE FRONT ;Takes (ontrol Ne.ws Blackouton Okinawa Of Germany Country Stripped Of Arms, Conquests Hints at End of Resistance By Four Powe" WASHINGTON (AP)-An allied council took form.1 ('om­ Japs Abandon Veto-Voting Issue­ - Reporllgnores mand of shattered Germany Yeliterday, slashed the nil! ion down to its pre-1937 size l,md as· Side Againsf lumed sweeping rellpon ibility Four Towns France to Russia Ground Action for its military, civiliall and -------------------------------------- peon(lmic administrati.on. SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-The treaty ties with the Sovkts. He 411 nations resulted In unanJm0u8 United Nations conference looked predicted Russia would lose by a approval of Denmark's IdmlasJoQ. Nimitz Discloses Ordered stripped of aJ! lIrm Chinese Force Nips to Washincton, London and M06· 45 to 5 ballot. with only U1ualnia, A deteat ot such proportions tor Scattered Operations and Hitleri~ conqucsts, the na ­ Out of Hong Kong cow y terday lor cuJdance toward White Ruasle, Cuchollovaltla and the Sovletl, Paul-Boncpur aa.1d in tion ·was reduced virtually to I solution of the Imotty veto Issue, Yugoslavia bac:klnc her. In interview, might ~danger the Agains. Jap Shipping tbe stahlR of a pro!ectorete. Ot Industrial Areas on which France made known Ilhe whole conference by caulln, Rus· That line-up prauppoMd the sday ( AP)­ all Hitler's acquisitions only th ~ would vote with the United State sla to walk out. GUAlI, Wedn HUNGKlNG (A P)- Japane a&ailllt RUISla. admission of Denmark to the con· Secretary of State StettlnJus AdmjraJ h trW. Nimitz in Saar basin which Germany WOn ference as its 50th member, and through a plebiscite remains even troops have abandoned (our big ,n. At II take is the right ot free dis­ considered the QU ..Uon so vital an unu u 1 ommuniqu today the executive committee met ye - that he SQUlbt a decisJon trom delayed beyond its u ual hour, technically a part of the ~ch dustrial towns in the Hong Konjl cussion of events threatening peace terday to arrange It. oday. Moreover lhe way '110'11/1 lett within the security council of a PrHident Truman on wJ1eUvr the for the tim omitted all orea in contraction of their hold· lirst open for further territorial revls­ new world league. Russia says the Members of the It-nation com· American /lelelatJon should push meJltion ot ground op ration ings along the vulnerable, inva­ mlttee said they voted unani· i008. Big Five - hers~tf, France, the the veto quntion to a ~t. Okinawa and report d only sion·th at ned south China coast, mously to IHt Denmark at the on A ~1~_&Ioa. _UN at _­ United Sta~ , BrItain and Chlna­ Lord Halifax, the British dele­ seatter d air a tion again t CAPT. J"1I18 R. Buron, Corpus Christi, Tel(., I elven blood pia 111& Chine e reports said yesterday. conter nee. The Danes already ration chief, checked with Prime pre_ laeactquarten ~ Paris ",141 must have the right to block such en my hipping and be e ex­ Uae llUed control 001111.11 ___- b:r .trollt-Uae alel men alter beln, wounded by a Japanese snJper on Thr hundred and forty roll s have a three·man deleration here. MlnisteJ;' Churchill. The Russians dlscu ion. tb , pOMd of representatives of the Okinawa. Thl. Is a United States army I,nal corps photo. northwest, Chinese troops swept But lh preponderance of opine The action will be reported to a already had referred th Issue back tending to ma.inland aod U.lted Statel, 81'1\8111, B_ta and within 21 miles of imperil d Llu­ Ion and vot In th conference steering committee, but Forel,gn to Moscow, alon, with word of TCor a. chow and lnunched a new encir· appear d to be aaainst her. Mlni.sler J on Masaryk of Czecho­ unrelenting opposition from the ( uch an pxtraordinary omig­ cling threat to th former Amerl· ])eleratlon Chairman J 0 S e p h slovakia 8aid "Denmark Is In.'' rest of the Bii-Four to the barriO, , ion might m an that a p cial F:.t~~:~:':::~;~:: .French Ask Big Five 10 Mediale can nirbase city, an American an­ Paul·B 0 nco u r definitely put A few hours later, the secretary of mere dlscuulons of dlsput In communiqu i. in the offing. u.e) nouncement. dlsclo ed. France Into the opposition In the ,eneral of the conference, Alger the security council by th vote of perhaps 81l1nallln, the expected event of a Ihowdown, despite her HIas, announced that a poll of all a linrle bii nation. The declaration assuminr this ]n an ar a 55 miles west of Honr end of enemy re tance on lhe is­ E 'S M1ddl E I Q ,. Kong, the Japane e were reported -----=-- land.) ~~~~~E;:~h~!~~t:r\:~i:it~ n Ire I e- as ues Ion to have pulled out. of Holping, Sze· The near t the communique States, Marshal Zhukov tor Russia, ping, Sunqul nnd Toishan, all lying At a Glance- cam to reportlnl th situation on Field Marshal Montgomery for betw n 43 miles southw t of 37th Division Makes I Fires Rage in Kobe Okinawa, wher the Japan e have Britain and Gen. de Latlre de Tas· LONDON (AP)- Prime Minister Pacific war, Moscow has expre sed Canton and 19 miles from th south been compr ed Into th southern ny for France, the announce· Churchill stood firm yesterday for hope that the Levant crL IS would China s a. 13th portJon of th island, was In 1m'mediate me d I t Ion of the Six-Mile Advance After 8-29 Strike nt said. a be etUed quickly. The Kremlin The Japan e also were ralllng say In, there was "adverse" Syrian-Lebane e dispute by the n'mmediately afterward the four has made no specific lIugge tlons back under Chinese pressure along roday's Eight Superfom I.oIt w other which prevented enemy United Stales, Britain and France ;rgllitary leaders with their princl­ on the form the negolia lions should China's east const north of lhe Dou8h~oys Approach air activity Monday. in the «ace of a formal French res P.t political and military assistants take. Japan I land of Form06a. Showdown BaHles In Blow at Japan's In brief, this is what todaY'll d the tlrst mee.tini of the Q.;tad­ quest for a "Big Five" conference commUnique aid: i _partite aUied control council on the entire middle·east question, With blunt words Churchill de­ The biuest battle In China raged Iowan Largest Seaport nied De Gaulle's allegations ot tor po esslon of Lluchow, 400 For Cagayan Valley ~ eanler ulanelt ", the hich will govern occupied Ger. with Russia and China also sitting Unlte4 ia.les Paclfle neet de· last Saturday thnt the British hod mlleli southeast of Chun,klng. Two MANILA, Wednesday (AP) ­ GUAM, Wednesday (AP) ­ ny. in. * * * "ro,ed five fl'oundecl en e m y J, stirred up the Syrians. Chine e armies were closing on the ShQwdown battles for north rn NI!W* blaekout of operations In Great fires raaed In Kobe yester. The _Hili' elided abruptly, The action of the French council planet on the aklshlma. IsIanu, "Far from slirring up agitation city on an expandlnr 1BO-mlle Luzon's vital Cagayan valley were lIouthern Okinawa hlnlt at end dlY houri after approximately 4110 however, w h e D the AlDerkan, of mini:sters in Paris in opproving lOuUtemm h e RfUkylW, in the Levant state', our whole in· front and the Chine e command believed nearer y terday as the of resl tance lhere. SuperfortrHlH atruck their heavi­ toft General De Goulle'g proposal tor ...UIsh &lid French reprenn&aUveI! est blow at this sixth cIty and Su.nda:r. learned 'hat the Soviet member of a "Bjg P iye" meeting will neceSsl· lluence h~· been u~ed In pr ci ely said Chin. veterans were xes result of the 37th division', six· the other direction," he declared. cutlng on nveloplnr movement to Four- power council takes con- largest POrt of J apan at a cost of Search privaL rs of Fleet Air 1M MuDdl, Mal'llhal Zhukov, was ta~e a formal reply {rom each ot mil advance up hlibway No. II Win, One blew up a larie enemy "Most. slrenuou lind succe ful f· ncircle the Kwail I province rail lrol of G rmany. eltht bombers. _, empowered to do more than the tour "atiollll to be inviLed, but ~ nd the captu~ of Aritao village oller, l ank thr mall cargo ship Il&n th& fleel&rUIon and did no' thercappeared to be lillie doubt forts had been made by the Brit· hub.
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