How to Start and Maintain a Grotto by the Internal Organizations Committee of the National Speleological Society A rough analysis shows that about half of the vice to disadvantaged or emotionally disturbed grottos active in the NSS are small, that is, they children in developing self-reliance through the are entitled to only two delegates at the Con- mastery of the skills of outdoor living. The bet- gress of Grottos, which means they have no ter programs will probably welcome an oppor- more than 15 NSS members. Many of these tunity to tell you about what they do and per- groups have maintained a successful existence haps will offer you a chance to become involved for many years; quality is obviously more im- if you are interested.) portant than quantity. One determined caver can start and maintain a grotto. Are you that per- Also, a grotto offers a structure through which son? cavers can work more effectively for conserva- tion and safety. It’s often quality, not quantity, that counts. An outfitter is more likely to refer neophytes Some of the best cavers in the United States buying caving equipment to a club than to an are active in small grottos. Believe that you can individual caver. The same is true in making make a net positive contribution to speleofogy presentations to school officials or youth group and keep the faith. representatives. In contacts with environmen- tal groups, when you seek allies, you have more Starting a Grotto: The Initial Phases status as a grotto representative. Here you are in a new community, by yourself. Having persuaded yourself that you would like If there are other cavers here, you don’t know to start a grotto, what next? First, doublecheck it. The NSS Members Manual and the NSS the possibility of an existing grotto especially if website lists no grotto near you. You have been you live near a state line. There may be a nearby an active caver up until now and you suspect grotto in the adjoining state. The second step that there are caves within reasonable week- may be to ask the I/0 Committee; if there is an end commuting distance (if not nearer). existing grotto they will so inform you. Then, if you can join the existing grotto, you will avoid Forming an NSS grotto would be useful, to line all the hassle of having to start your own group. up some caving buddies, if for no other less If road blocks seem to be thrown in the way of selfserving reason. your joining, why is this? If you would like to It will also help NSS. Whenever there is a vis- join the existing grotto, but are discouraged, ask ible NSS organization, others who become in- the I/O Committee Chair to help. Are they just terested in caving will know where to turn and older and hesitant to take in young people? will end up being exposed to NSS philosophy Have they doubts about your attitude toward in such fields as safety and conservation. it may safety and conservation? Have they a major cut down on the development of substandard commitment to a particular cave project and do caving practices in our communities, ones that they feel uneasy about accepting newcomers stress adventure rather than safety and con- in the project at this point? Are they “turned off’ servation. (Not that every advertised caving pro- by lifestyles that differ from theirs? If it appears gram is substandard, however; some include clear that your application for membership in very careful training periods and offer a real ser- their group is not welcome, perhaps you can recruit their help in offering training to a new tant to issue you a charter if an existing grotto grotto and also providing some programs for in the area is uneasy about a second grotto. Be your meetings. Try to maintain a friendly rela- sensitive to the need for maintaining a good re- tionship with them, recognizing the valid rea- lationship with the existing group as you pro- sons for difference. ceed and do not “poach” on their territory. If you are now ready to make plans to start a The Next Step: The Organizational Meetings grotto, develop a list of potential members. Check the most recent NSS directory that lists Find a time and place for an initial meeting that NSS members by states; if it’s more than a year is convenient for a substantial proportion of the old, check the names against the more recent people to whom you have talked. You are un- alphabetical directory to see if they’re still living likely to attract more than twenty people; a pri- near you. Write to the NSS office asking if they vate home would do for the first meeting unless can supply you with an up to date list of mem- you have ready access to a pleasant meeting bers living in specified ZIP code areas, and put room in a public building such as a library or you in touch with a member of the NSS mem- civic center. As socialization will be a prime in- bership committee in case there have been in- gredient of this meeting, a home may be ideal. quiries from prospective cavers in your area. Make the rounds of any local sporting goods Communicate the time and place to everyone outfitters to find out whether they stock caving you think might be interested, with a telephone equipment/literature and, if so, whether they can number or two where they can ask for informa- put purchasers in touch with you. Tell them of tion. (Some will call to express interest and re- your plans so they can refer people in the fu- gret that they cannot come this time.) ture. Advertise the gathering in the calendar portion Is caving on the agenda of local youth groups of the local newspaper(s). You just want a small or science classes or high school/college out- notice that some people may see. Experience ing clubs? Get names of contact people in such has shown that even fairly blatant publicity does groups. Put a hard hat with a lamp bracket on not result in huge crowds and, after all, you’re the back seat or shelf of your car and you’ll be not inviting people to go caving, but to come to surprised: people who cave will distinguish it a meeting of cavers. from a construction or motorcycle helmet and speak to you. Pass the word along to the outfitters, the sci- Be sure to have an NSS decal or tag (or the ence teachers, the Chamber of Commerce in- ever popular bat sticker) on your vehicle; more formation desk, the public library, the museum than one grotto has gotten started when two if it has a science section, etc. NSS members identified one another this way. If you mail a notice to everyone, it will cost Hopefully through this process you have found money. How much is it worth to you to organize a nucleus of at least half a dozen people who a caving grotto? Chances are, most successful say they would like to start an NSS grotto. You attempts to start a grotto did involve the contri- may even have come across an existing infor- bution of startup funds by one or two interested mal caving club that will join you. people. NSS does not budget funds for devel- We are assuming that the existing NS S grotto, oping new grottos but will supply some bro- if there is one, was of the low profile type that chures and membership applications. You can has done no active recruiting and therefore your minimize the cost factor by telephoning, taking efforts will not be competitive. NSS may be hesi- notices drawn with a markalot pen on paper to -2- various key points like the outfitters, giving the By the time of the organizational meeting, you story to the newspaper and radio stations, and should have received the NSS application leaving out any individual mailings. If you can packet, which includes the formal application afford to have beverages and munchies on hand document for charter members of your group to for the initial meeting, fine., If you can’t, pass sign, a copy of the NSS Internal Organizations the word along to “bring your own beverages Policy, and a set of guidelines for writing up your and munchies.“ Or the initial meeting may be in own constitution and bylaws. Many grottos op- a public building and you adjourn to a nearby erate very successfully with only the very simple pizza parlor and everyone buys their own dur- sample constitution proposed by the NSS for ing the social period. About all that you plan to grottos. If you need a copy of the NSS constitu- accomplish at this first meeting is formal agree- tion and bylaws for reference, it is to be found ment that it would be good to start an NSS in the annual NSS Members Manual. grotto. Some who are not NSS members may be ready to complete individual NSS applica- At the organization meeting and subsequent tions (have some on hand), Also, discuss how meetings you need to do the following things. to reach other possible cavers in the commu- nity; some may take a responsibility for specific contacts. Learn something about the talents and 1. Become familiar with the I/O Manual backgrounds of those interested in starting the grotto. It’s probably premature, however, to The I/O Committee has produced an I/O make specific plans for trips or training.
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