FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 33 • NUMBER 26 Wednesday, February 7,1968 • Washington, D.C. Pages 2619-2684 Agencies in this issue— The President Agency for International Development Agricultural Research Service Agriculture Department Atomic Energy Commission Civil Aeronautics Board Civil Service Commission Commodity Credit Corporation Consumer and Marketing Service Customs Bureau Federal Aviation Administration Federal Communications Commission Federal Power Commission Federal Reserve System Federal Water Pollution Control Administration Food and Drug Administration Interior Department Interstate Commerce Commission Land Management Bureau Post Office Department Public Health Service Securities and Exchange Commission Detailed list o f Contents appears inside. Just Released LIST OF CFR SECTIONS AFFECTED (ANNUAL CODIFICATION GUIDE—1967) The List o f CFR, Sections Affected is published monthly on a cumulative basis. It lists by number the titles, parts, and sections of the Code of Federal Regu­ lations amended or otherwise affected by documents published in the F e d e r a l R e g i s t e r during 1967. Entries indicate the exact nature of all changes effected. This cumulative list of CFR sections affected is supplemented by the current lists o f C FR parts affected which are carried in each daily F e d e r a l R e g i s t e r . Individually priced: 20 cents a copy Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 Note to subscribers: The Annual 1967 List of CFR Sections Affected was mailed free of charge to FR subscribers on January 26,1968. Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on'Bundays, Mondays, or FEDEMLHfcREGISTER[ on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Area Code 202 Phone 962-8626 Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration (mail address National Archives Building, Washington, D.C. 20408), pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 8 B ), under regulations prescribed by the Admin­ istrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I ). Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The Federal Register will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies varies in proportion to the size of the issue (15 cents for the first 80 pages and 5 cents tor each additional group of 40 pages, as actually bound). Remit check or money order, made payable'to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code op Federal Regulations, which is published, under 50 titles, p«1' suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended. The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first Federal Register issue of each month. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal Register or the Code op Federal R egulations. Contents THE PRESIDENT CUSTOMS. BUREAU FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rules and Regulations Notices PROCLAMATION Countervailing duties; sugar con­ National Power Survey Executive Red Cross Month, 1968--------------- 2623 tent of certain articles from Advisory Committee; determin­ Australia______________________ 2633 ation regarding continuance___ 2668 Notices Hearings, etc.: EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Atlantic Richfield Co. et al_____ 2666 Pish; tariff-rate quota for calen­ Brooks Gas Corp______________ 2667 AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL dar year 1968_________________ 2643 Buckeye Power, Inc., and Ohio DEVELOPMENT Power Co_______________ 2668 FEDERAL AVIATION Illinois Power Co. and Missis­ Notices ADMINISTRATION sippi R i v e r Transmission C o r p ________ i ______________ 2668 Mousing projects in Latin Amer­ Rules and Regulations ican countries; change of dates Lone Star Gas Co_____________ 2669 for acceptance of applications— 2643 Airworthiness directives: Michigan Wisconsin Pipe Line General Electric Aircraft en- Co. (2 documents)________ 2669 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH gines________________________ 2626 Missouri Utilities Co. and Nat­ Vickers Viscount Models 744, ural Gas Pipeline Company of SERVICE 745D, and 810 Series air- A m erica____________________ 2670 Rules and Regulations planes__________________- - - - - 2626 Morganza, La., village of, and Brucellosis; modified certified- Alterations: Texas Eastern Transmission areas.,_________________________ 2625 Control zone__________________ 2628 C o r p ________________ 2670 Hog cholera and other communi­ Control zones and transition New Roads, La., town of, and cable swine diseases; approved areas (2 documents)________ 2627 Texas Eastern Transmission modified live virus vaccines____ 2625 Transition areas (5 docu­ C o r p _______ 2670 ments) _________ . __ ___ 2628,2629 Otter Tail Power Co___________ 2670 AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Designations; transition areas (4 Southern Natural Gas Co. (2 See also Agricultural Research documents)________ 2630 docum ents)________ - _______ 2671 Service; Commodity Credit Proposed Rule Making Southwest Gas Corp_________ _ _ 2671 Corporation; Consumer and Airworthiness directive ; Piper Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Marketing Service, . Aircraft_______________________ 2639 Corp i ______________________ 2672 Notices Control zones and transition Wisconsin Gas Co. and Michi­ Kansas; designation of areas for areas; alterations (2 docu­ gan Wisconsin Pipe Line Co_ 2672 emergency loans______________ 2664 m ents)________ ____________ 2639 Federal airways; alteration and FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION revocation_____------------------------ 2640 Notices Notices Objects interfering with air navi­ Northwest Bancorporation; ap­ Philadelphia Electric Co. et al.; gation facilities; proposed con­ proval of application under issuance of provisional con­ struction or alteration; exten­ Bank Holding Company Act------ 2672 struction permits (2 docu­ sion of comment period— .— _ 2642 ments)___________ ____________* 2664 Transition areas : FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION Alterations (3 documents) _ 2640, 2641 CONTROL ADMINISTRATION CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Designation___________________ 2641 Rules and Regulations Notices FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Water quality standards; pro­ Denver-Twin Cities service in­ cedures for’ adoption and pro­ vestigation; postponement of COMMISSION mulgation of State standards 2632 hearing_______________________ 2664 Notices CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Hearings, etc.: FOOD AND DRUG Holes and Regulations Azalea Corp. et al-------------------- 2664 ADMINISTRATION CATV of Rockford, Inc., et al__ 2665 Employee grievances and admin­ Rulgs and Regulations istrative appeals; coverage; Court House Broadcasting Co. Antibiotic drugs, cephalosporin; correction________________ ____ 2625 and Family Broadcasting Co., cephaloridine_____________ T— 2634 Inc _________________« ______ 2665 Food additives and antibiotic COMMODITY CREDIT Lebanon Broadcasting Co. and drugs; buquinolate, procaine CORPORATION Risner Broadcasting, Inc____ 2665 penicillin, zinc bacitracin, baci­ Notices Powers Ferry American and tracin methylene disalicylate— 2633 Rudolph G. Paolucci________ 2665 Oleandom ycin; miscellaneous Sales of certain commodities; am endm ents-------------------- - - - - 2635 February sales list____________ 2660 Tele-Ception of Winchester, I n c _______ 2665 CONSUMER AND MARKETING HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND Tri-Cities Broadcasting Corp. WELFARE DEPARTMENT SERVICE and Palmer-Dykes Broad­ Proposed Rule Making casting Co----------- 2665 See Food and Drug Administra­ tion; Public Health Service. Dried prunes produced in Cali­ West Michigan Telecasters, Inc. 2666 fornia; handling______________ 2638 Young, John Dee______________ 2666 {Continued, on next page) 2621 2622 CONTENTS INTERIOR DEPARTMENT LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE "See also Federal Water Pollution Notices COMMISSION Control Administration ; Land . Alaska; termination of proposed Rules and Regulations Management Bureau. withdrawal and reservation of Notices Conduct of members and em­ la n d s_________ ________________ 2643 ployees; miscellaneous amend­ Elections to receive cash for scrip Statement of changes in finan­ ments ------------------------------------ 2631 cial interests; Ellerton E. Wall- 2643 cla im s________________________ 2643 Proposed Rule Making INTERSTATE COMMERCE POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Public Utility Holding Company COMMISSION Rules and Regulations Act of 1935; definition of “ac­ quire” ; preliminary agreements. 2642 Notices International mail directory; mis­ cellaneous amendments________ 2636 Fourth section applications for STATE DEPARTMENT relief ________________________ 2672 Proposed Rule Making Solicitations in the guise of bills or See Agency for International De­ Motor carriers; velopment. Alternate route deviation no­ statements of account_________ 2638 tices _______________________ 2675 Applications and certain other PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT proceedings_________________ 2677 Notices See Federal Aviation Adminis­ Intrastate applications________ 2673 Biological products______________ 2644 tration.
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