View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Chalmers Research E 8 in N= 8 supergravity in four dimensions Downloaded from: https://research.chalmers.se, 2019-05-11 18:56 UTC Citation for the original published paper (version of record): Ananth, S., Brink, L., Majumdar, S. (2018) E 8 in N= 8 supergravity in four dimensions Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(1) http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/JHEP01(2018)024 N.B. When citing this work, cite the original published paper. research.chalmers.se offers the possibility of retrieving research publications produced at Chalmers University of Technology. It covers all kind of research output: articles, dissertations, conference papers, reports etc. since 2004. research.chalmers.se is administrated and maintained by Chalmers Library (article starts on next page) Published for SISSA by Springer Received: November 30, 2017 Accepted: December 23, 2017 Published: January 8, 2018 E8 in N = 8 supergravity in four dimensions Sudarshan Ananth,a Lars Brinkb,c and Sucheta Majumdara aIndian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune 411008, India bDepartment of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, S-41296 G¨oteborg, Sweden cDivision of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, 637371, Singapore E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract: We argue that = 8 supergravity in four dimensions exhibits an exceptional N E8(8) symmetry, enhanced from the known E7(7) invariance. Our procedure to demonstrate this involves dimensional reduction of the = 8 theory to d = 3, a field redefinition to N render the E8(8) invariance manifest, followed by dimensional oxidation back to d = 4. Keywords: Supergravity Models, Superspaces, Field Theories in Lower Dimensions ArXiv ePrint: 1711.09110 Open Access, c The Authors. https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP01(2018)024 Article funded by SCOAP3. Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 (N = 8, d = 4) supergravity in light-cone superspace 2 2.1 E7(7) symmetry 4 3 Maximal supergravity in d = 3 — version I 5 4 Maximal supergravity in d = 3 — version II 5 4.1 E8(8) symmetry 6 5 Relating the two different versions of three-dimensional maximal super- gravity 7 5.1 The field redefinition 7 5.2 SO(16) symmetry revisited 7 6 Oxidation back to d = 4 preserving the E8(8) symmetry 8 7 Conclusions 9 A Verification of field redefinition 10 B SO(16)-invariance of the new Lagrangian 11 C E8 invariance 12 1 Introduction Gravity with maximal supersymmetry in four dimensions, = 8 supergravity, exhibits N both = 8 supersymmetry and the exceptional E symmetry [1]. This theory is known N 7(7) to be better behaved in the ultraviolet than pure gravity and has recently been shown to be finite up to four loops [2]. There is mounting evidence from these calculations and others that points to unexpected cancellations and hence an underlying enhanced symmetry. Using light-cone superspace, the Hamiltonian of maximal supergravity, in d = 4, is constructed as a power series in the coupling constant and this has been achieved up to the four-point coupling. In an earlier paper [3], we showed that “oxidation” [4] of the = 8 theory to d = 11, suggests that there is an E symmetry in eleven dimensions. N 7(7) This result has been shown to first order in the coupling constant. Since the the states of the d = 11 theory are not representations of the linearly realized maximal subgroup SU(8) – 1 – of the E7(7) symmetry they have to be broken up into such representations to see the symmetry. This is accomplished by using the same superfield in all dimensions (note that the number of states is always 128 bosons + 128 fermions.) By writing the Hamiltonian in this formulation we can prove the symmetry to the lowest order in the gravitational coupling constant. Motivated by this, we describe in this paper an entire process involving dimensional reduction, field redefinitions and dimensional oxidation that leads us to conclude that = 8 supergravity in d = 4 exhibits an exceptional E symmetry, at least to second N 8(8) order in the coupling constant, enhanced from E7(7). In section 2, we review the formulation of ( = 8, d = 4) supergravity in light- N cone superspace. We dimensionally reduce this d = 4 theory in a straightforward way to arrive at an action, in three dimensions, which mimics the four-dimensional one but with only one transverse derivative. This formulation thus inherits a three-point coupling and cannot exhibit the maximal subgroup of E8(8), SO(16), in a linear fashion since under this symmetry, the states of the theory transform as 128-dimensional spinors. Three such states cannot form a scalar. In the following section, we present a field redefinition that maps this three-dimensional theory, with a cubic vertex to a three-dimensional theory without one. This form of the three-dimensional theory exhibits both SO(16) invariance and a full E8(8) symmetry [5]. We can then go back to the first formulation and indeed find the SO(16) symmetry there, now realized non-linearly. We then “oxidize” the second formulation back to four dimensions in a manner that preserves all the symmetries discussed earlier, thus arriving at a four-dimensional maximally supersymmetric theory with E8(8) invariance to that order. Our formulation uses only the real degrees of freedom of the theory. This means that we lose a lot of the covariance usually found in gravity theories, since many of the symmetries are non-linearly realized. In a sense the formulation is packed with symmetries, some of which are difficult to see. By making various field redefinitions we can make particular symmetries visible but one formulation will never be enough to find all the symmetries. We strongly believe that maximal supergravity and Yang-Mills theories have as many symmetries as one can pack into one theory, and this is why they have unique quantum properties. 2 (N = 8, d = 4) supergravity in light-cone superspace With the metric ( , +, +, +), the light-cone coordinates are − 1 1 x± = ( x0 x3 ) x = ( x1 + i x2 )x ¯ = (x)∗ , (2.1) √2 ± √2 with the corresponding derivatives being ∂∓, ∂¯ and ∂. The = 8 superspace is spanned m N by the Grassmann variables θ and θ¯m (m = 1 ... 8 ), the 8 and 8¯ of SU(8) respectively. – 2 – All 256 physical degrees of freedom in the theory are captured by the superfield [6] 1 m 1 i m n 1 φ ( y ) = h (y) + i θ ψ¯m (y) + θ θ A¯mn (y) , ∂+2 ∂+2 2 ∂+ 1 1 1 θm θn θp χ¯ (y) θm θn θp θq C¯ (y) , − 3! ∂+ mnp − 4! mnpq i + θm θn θp θq θr ǫ χstu (y) , 5! mnpqrstu i + θm θn θp θq θr θs ǫ ∂+ Atu (y) , 6! mnpqrstu 1 + θm θn θp θq θr θs θt ǫ ∂+ ψu (y) , 7! mnpqrstu 4 + θm θn θp θq θr θs θt θu ǫ ∂+2 h¯ (y) , (2.2) 8! mnpqrstu ¯ ¯ 3 ¯ where h and h represent the graviton, ψm the 8 spin- 2 gravitinos, Amn the 28 gauge fields, χ¯mnp the 56 gauginos and C¯mnpq the 70 real scalars. These fields are local in the coordinates i y = x, x,¯ x+, y− x− θm θ¯ . (2.3) ≡ − √2 m The superfield φ and its complex conjugate φ¯ satisfy 8 m 1 (d ) d φ ( y ) = 0 ; d¯n φ¯ ( y ) = 0 , φ = φ¯ , (2.4) 4 ∂+4 where m ∂ i m + ¯ ∂ i ¯ + 8 1 2 8 d = θ ∂ ; dn = n + θn ∂ , (d ) d d . d . (2.5) − ∂ θ¯m − √2 ∂ θ √2 ≡ The kinematical, spectrum generating, supersymmetry generators are [7], m ∂ i m + ∂ i ¯ + q + = + θ ∂ ;q ¯+n = n θn ∂ , (2.6) − ∂ θ¯m √2 ∂ θ − √2 satisfying qm , q¯ = i√2δm∂+, while the dynamical ones are given by { + +n} n ¯ m ∂ m ∂ q = q , q¯− = q¯ . (2.7) − ∂+ + n ∂+ +n These satisfy the free = 8 supersymmetry algebra closing to the Hamiltonian generator N ¯ m m ∂∂ q , q¯− = i√2δ . (2.8) { − n} n ∂+ In the interacting theory, the dynamical generators pick up corrections order by order thus generating the interacting Hamiltonian. – 3 – The action to order κ To order κ, the action for = 8 supergravity reads [8] N β d4x d8θ d8θ¯ , (2.9) L Z Z where β = 1 and − 64 ✷ 4 1 1 = φ¯ φ + κ φ¯∂¯∂φ∂¯ +2φ φ∂¯ +∂φ∂¯ +∂φ¯ + c.c. (2.10) L − ∂+4 3 +4 − +4 ∂ ∂ The d’Alembertian is ✷ = 2 ( ∂ ∂¯ ∂ ∂− ) , (2.11) − + κ = √8 π G and Grassmann integration is normalized such that d8θ (θ)8 = 1. The correction to the dynamical supersymmetry generator at this order is R (κ) 1 +2 + + q¯− φ = (∂¯q¯ φ∂ φ ∂ q¯ φ∂ ∂φ¯ ) , (2.12) m ∂+ m − m where the + sign on the kinematic supersymmetery generators is no longer shown. 2.1 E7(7) symmetry The non-linear E7(7)/SU(8) transformations to order κ are given by [9] 2 δφ = θklmn Ξ − κ klmn κ 1 1 + Ξmnpq d φ ∂+3φ 4 d φ d ∂+2φ + 3 d ∂+φ d ∂+φ , (2.13) 4! ∂+2 mnpq ∂+ − mnp q mn pq klmn k l m n ¯ ¯ 1 pqrs where θ = θ θ θ θ , dm1...mn = dm1 ....dmn and Ξklmn = 2 ǫklmnpqrs Ξ , a constant. These 70 coset transformations along with the linear SU(8) transformations m i m 1 m p m p p m m p T n = q q¯n δ n q q¯p ;[ T n ,T q ] = δ n T q δ q T n , (2.14) 2√2 ∂+ − 8 − constitute the entire E7(7) algebra.
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