E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2001 No. 116 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was alternate recognition between the par- Italy, he directed the NATO air combat called to order by the Speaker pro tem- ties, with each party limited to not to operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina that pore (Mr. PETRI). exceed 30 minutes, and each Member directly contributed to the Dayton f except the majority leader, the minor- peace accords. He was the head of the ity leader or the minority whip limited Air Force at the time when we used the DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER to not to exceed 5 minutes. B–2 bomber to great effectiveness in PRO TEMPORE The Chair recognizes the gentleman that war. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- from Texas (Mr. SAM JOHNSON) for 5 General Ryan is a command pilot fore the House the following commu- minutes. with more than 4,100 hours flying time nication from the Speaker: f in seven different aircraft, including 153 combat missions. WASHINGTON, DC, A TRIBUTE TO GENERAL MICHAEL September 10, 2001. His decorations and medals include: E. RYAN I hereby appoint the Honorable THOMAS E. the Defense Distinguished Service PETRI to act as Speaker pro tempore on this Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Medal with oak leaf cluster; the Distin- day. Speaker, this morning I would like to guished Service Medal; the Legion of J. DENNIS HASTERT, rise to pay tribute to a great Amer- Merit with two oak leaf clusters; the Speaker of the House of Representatives. ican, General Michael E. Ryan, the Distinguished Flying Cross; the Meri- f chief of staff of the United States Air torious Service Medal with two oak MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Force. His departure on September 6 leaf clusters; the Air Medal with 11 oak last week from active duty signaled an leaf clusters; the Air Force Commenda- A message from the Senate by Mr. evolutionary change: the first time in tion Medal with two oak leaf clusters; Monahan, one of its clerks, announced 63 years, if you can believe that, that a and the Vietnam Service Medal with that the Senate has passed with an Ryan is absent from the roles of the three service stars. amendment in which the concurrence United States Air Force. His father, After serving as the commander of of the House is requested, a bill of the General John Ryan, also served as a the United States Air Force in Europe House of the following title: senior uniformed Air Force officer. and commander of the allied air forces H.R. 1885. An act to expand the class of General Mike Ryan’s career spanned in central Europe, General Ryan took beneficiaries who may apply for adjustment over 3 decades during which he distin- the stick of the Air Force as its 16th of status under section 245(i) of the Immigra- tion and Nationality Act by extending the guished himself as an airman leader chief of staff. deadline for classification petition and labor and trusted advisor to both the Presi- He has exemplified the quiet dignity certification filings, and for other purposes. dent and the United States Congress. and honor of that office. His leadership, The message also announced that the After graduating from the Air Force integrity and foresight set the right Senate has passed a bill and a concur- Academy in 1965, General Ryan began vector for our 21st century Air Force, rent resolution of the following title in his illustrious career of faithful service and his expeditionary force concept is which the concurrence of the House is to this Nation. now in being. requested: During his 36 years of service, he History has proven that a true leader commanded at the squadron, wing, sets the right vector and then clears S. 149. An act to provide authority to con- numbered air force and major com- trol exports, and for other purposes. the path to allow his commanders to S. Con. Res. 58. Concurrent resolution ex- mand levels. He flew combat missions truly command their units. pressing support for the tenth annual meet- in southeast Asia, including 100 mis- General Ryan personifies this type of ing of the Asia Pacific Parliamentary sions over north Vietnam. leader, and I quote, ‘‘I do not think Forum. He was a fighter pilot, I can tell you leadership should be personalized. Good f that. I was one, too; and he was a fight- ideas are best when they do not have a er pilot’s fighter pilot. single identity. Leadership is a team MORNING HOUR DEBATES He also served in key assignments at effort.’’ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the major command level, head- I want to take a moment, if I can, to ant to the order of the House of Janu- quarters of the United States Air Force identify the remarkable accomplish- ary 3, 2001, the Chair will now recog- and the joint staff right here in Wash- ments of General Ryan’s team effort. nize Members from lists submitted by ington, DC. He and his leadership team have suc- the majority and minority leaders for As commander of the 16th Air Force cessfully arrested the Air Force readi- morning hour debates. The Chair will and allied forces southern Europe in ness decline of the last decade. They b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5457 . VerDate 31-AUG-2001 03:42 Sep 11, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10SE7.000 pfrm02 PsN: H10PT1 H5458 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 10, 2001 have built stability into the expedi- b 1400 dictators practicing their dema- tionary operations our Nation demands goguery, hopefully to the detriment of AFTER RECESS by reorganizing the United States Air Israel. Force. The recess having expired, the House He further suggests that the con- He has led the Air Force retention was called to order by the Speaker pro ference had the trappings reminiscent and recruiting effort that ensured qual- tempore (Mr. ISAKSON) at 2 p.m. of pre-World War II in Nazi Germany, a ity was never sacrificed for quantity in f Nuremberg rally, if you will, and these an all-volunteer force competing in a PRAYER same dictators were pointing indirectly strong job market. or directly accusatory fingers at the He led the effort to provide lifetime The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. United States because of our friendship health care and a retirement system Coughlin, offered the following prayer: with Israel. that properly compensates the mem- Out of the depths, David cries to You, This sort of activity serves no good ber’s service to his country. He was a O Lord, in Psalm 130. purpose, and President Bush is to be people person, and he believed in the Lord, on an ordinary September Mon- commended for his refusal to legiti- people that were in the United States day, caught up in routine, it may be mize or dignify the disgrace in Durbin. Air Force. difficult for us to be in touch with our In a period of leadership challenges, depths. f General Ryan led our Air Force Yet when aware of the pain in some AMERICA NEEDS IMMEDIATE through 4 tumultuous years, balancing hearts or when we truly face the com- CAPITAL GAINS TAX RELIEF reduction in force with increased oper- plexity of issues overshadowing our re- (Mr. PENCE asked and was given per- ational tasking. sponsibilities, we need Your mercy. mission to address the House for 1 Without question, the United States Help us to sense Your forgiveness be- minute and to revise and extend his re- Air Force is the world’s premier aero- hind every mistaken judgment of the marks.) space force, and our country owes a past. Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, today the debt of gratitude to General Mike Guide our decisions today and United States is burdened with one of Ryan. throughout this week, that much may the highest capital gains taxes of any One key contributor to the U.S. Air be accomplished and be recognized as industrial nation. The effect puts our Force ‘‘One family, one Air Force’’ and Your providential care behind every country’s companies and workers at a a person General Ryan owes much of event. severe disadvantage. his success to is his wife, Jane Ryan, For it is Your justice and Your peace On average, the capital of U.S. busi- who was instrumental in dealing with which holds the aspirations of the nesses and farmers is taxed 80 percent the personnel problems of the military American people together. higher than our foreign competitors. throughout the Air Force. Longing for Your presence, O Lord, The economy needs and those who we With dignity and grace, she selflessly make us watchful for Your movements represent deserve immediate capital gave her time and attention to the men and personal reflection and in honest gains tax relief. and women of the Air Force family. discussion, so Your glory may be evi- The capital gains tax is an assault on Her sacrifice and devotion served as an dent in our deeds. the American dream. For many low- example and inspiration for others.
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