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(EIGHTEEN PAGES) Pennsy Infant Dies Mark Aviation’s Birthplace . reOLlEY HTIS KELLOGG P A Q i- PREPARED TO SETTLE AirrO; STARTS Victim O f Witchcraft HELD BACK BY * <} % DISPUTE IN BOLIVIA y J s C i r a SERIES Lebanon, Pa., Dec. 20.— The have called in a "pow-wow” doc­ BIG N M BILL attention of authorities today was tor. * Pan-American Conference- focused anew on the “ pow-wow- After several visits of the witch doctor who was said to reside at .A AFGHANISTAN Love Lane Accident Finally iug” activities of individuals in Hamlin, Yerks county, the child Opponents Say They W3I south-central Pennsylvania when failed to rally and died. Coroner J. > Lays Ground Work for an an infant, said to have been a vic­ H. Manbeck, of Lebanon county, Affects Two Other Trol- tim of witchcraft, was found dead said the child succumbed to mal­ Start Filibuster Until the CAPITAL HED Arbitration Treaty Be­ i of malnutrition. nutrition. The child, Verliug Davis, son of Manbeck said that apparently leys and Autos and a Mo- Verna Davis of Fredericksburg, the child had not suffered from the Senate Takes Its Christ­ BY THE KING tween South American Re­ had been ill for some time and aft­ treatment administer by the “ pow- er a regular physician , had been Avow” doctor, but that death was mas Recess Saturday. torman; None Badly Hurt. called without effecting a cure the caused by lack of medical atten­ publics— To Hold Plena­ mother was said by authorities to tion and proper care. ....... Insurgents Unable to Cap­ ry Session Tomorrow. Three one-man trolley cars and Washington, Dec. 20-—The ad­ an automobile participated as ministration's plan to force action ture City— Revolt Eager­ major factors and two other auto­ DOCTOR FINDS PINWORMS on the “ Big NaA'y” bill, prior to Washington. Dec. 20—With the ratification of the Kellogg anti-war mobiles and a motorman and his ly Watched by Great Brit­ machinery of the special mediation lunch box as minor factors in a pe­ treaty, today threatened to provoke committee of the Pan-American culiar series of accidents at the CAUSE OF APPENDICITIS a tumultuos parlimentary session ain and Soviet Russia. Conference moving slowly toward a junction of Love Lane and East in the Senate. pacific solution of the Boliviah- Center street, Twin Hills vicinity, Opponents of the “ Big Navy” bill have announced they will block I Paraguayan border dispute, activ­ early last evening. The succession Revolutionary Discovery Is action on the measure until after Moscow. Dec. 20.— King Amanul- ities of the conference proper began of CA-ents resulted in the Avrecking R U EPIDEMIC the Senate has acted on the treaty, lah’s loyal troops still hold Kabul, laying the groundwork for ■ an of the automobile most seriously ’ay which some fifty nations combine capital of Afghanistan, according to arbitration treaty today. iiiA'Olved and in crushing one of the Made After Study of Dis­ with the United States in denounc­ a radiogram direct from that city A plenary session of the arbitra-, trolley cars so that repairing it Avill ing war and in pledging themselves tion committee probably will be be an expensive job. if any. Several INMID-WEST; to the arbitration of all differences. today. After an interruption of called for tomorrow to receive the Connecticut Company patrons Avere ease for 25 Years— Can In the face of this opposition, if was more than 24..hours wireless com­ tentative draft of a convention be­ pretty Avell shaken up and one or apparent that final action on both munication Avith Kabul Avas estab­ ing prepared by Victor M. Maurtua, the bill and the treaty will- be post­ two complained of minor injuries Be Prevented." COMING EAST lished by the Tashkent station at of Peru, and Enrique Olaya.'of Col­ but neither hospitals nor nearby poned until after the Christmas re­ umbia. the reporteurs. cess. 2:50 o’clock this morning, doctors received any of the passen­ r- Already they have agreed upon ,a gers. so it Avas concluded that no­ Parlimentary Tangle Back to the scene of the first successful airplane flight— the wind­ j number of exceptions to questions body Avas .seriously injured. The Perth Amboy, N. J., Dec. 20.— Officials Estimate Three Mil­ The treaty situation presented a swept sand dunes of Kitty HaAvk. N. C.— came OrAulle Wright the other I.MPOKTAXT COUNTRY. I which AA'ould be submitted to arbi­ niotorman Avith the lunchbox had .A mysterious parasite, the “ pln- unique parlimentary tangle. The day to take part in celebrating the tAventy-fifth anniversary of this London, Dec. 20.— Important in tration. which are said to represent administration supporters, led by memorable event. Part of the croAvd that Avatched the ceremonies is a narrow squeak from being Avorm,” so small that an army of ternational events may result from j tjjg vie\A"s of a majority of delegates, badly hurt but escaped Avith a dent Senator Borah, (R) of Idaho, were pictured above, crossing the barren hills. Below are the aviation pio­ the outcome of the reA'olt under j'phe reporteurs Avere charged with Them could pass abreast through the lion Cases at Present; in favor of postponing action on it neer, left, and Senator Hiram Bingham of Connecticut, at the unveiling in his lunchbox. way today in the isolated mountain j obtaining 'the views of the other eye of a needle, is responsible for u’Jtil the new year. So too, were of the tablet Avhich noAv marks the birthplacd of lieavier-than-air flying. kingdom of Afghanistan. j delegates to guide them in making ,\t Tra.gic Spot. leaders of the Irrenconcilable group , > At 5:25 o’clock a Chrysler road­ iippendicitis, America’s most preva­ WiU Have Run Its Course Both England and Soviet Russia a draft for discussion. which is fighting its unconditional are keen rivals for the. friendship The F'Irst Results ster belonging to John H. Mazarsk lent major-operation disease. ratification. On the other hand, an of 274 Park street. Hartford, Avas of the Afhan government because The first realitest of South Amer-. This revolutionary theory, sup­ Late in March. Insurgent-Democratic coalition op­ Day O f Small Churches of the country’s strategic impor­ ican diplomacy vs. North Am’erican j-roceeding north on Love Lane aii.i ported by practical observations posed to enactment of the “ Big is expected to come Avhen the fvt’ll Am tlie point of emerging onto East tance upen the Indian-Russian Navy” bill-^so.ught to force its Im­ frontier. Even before the Coni- committee meets, unless circumr Center street, it was being driven and research work over a period of 25 years, Avas revealed to Interna­ Washington, Dec. 2 0— Three mil­ mediate con.sideration. This coali­ Is Over In Big Cities mnnists gained control in Russia .stances make it advisable to ap'- by Reginald SAvift of 29 HaAvthorne tion was led by Senators Norris (Ri the old imperial Russian govern­ point a sub-committee to thrash put street. Hartford. Avith Mazarsk rid- tional NeAvs Service todav by Dr. lion cases of influenza by Christmas of Nebraska, and King (D) of Utah, Frank C. Henry, eminent surgson ment had coveted Afghanistan as a the matter, as was done in the case f ing .IS a passenger. Mr. Mazarsk eve A va s the gloomy prospect for the both of whom favor ratification of and authority on appendicits. New York, Dec. 20.— The day offcburch by the vast business sky-, “ friendly gateAvay to the south.” r of the conciliation committee. A had reason to recognize the dangers holidays faced by America today. the treaty. Not onl.v is Dr. Henry convinced the small church is over in New scrapers that have grown up about Fragmentary reports, based | sub-committee of the latter is now of that spot, for at that very inter­ As the Senate assembled, the sup­ it. I mainly upon rumors current in preparing a draft conA-entidn for section his sister Avas killed in a that this black prince of bacteria is Public health bureau officials said porters and opponents of the naval York City, and in other large cities, He asserted that Dr. Reisner had , Peshawar Bombav and other in-j submission to the full committee, collision with a trolley car in July the cause of appendicitis but he be­ that if the epidemic continues to in­ measure planned a parliamentary lieves that the affliction can he tire- in the opinion of John D. Rocke­ solved the big c(ty church problem dian cities, said fighting was still in | There was some conjecture today 19 25. So Swift approached the in­ crease at the rate observed since race. The navy men planned to feller. Jr., who is actively working progress near Kabul and Jalalabad; as o what Avoilfd be the attitude vented. if the proper educational sponsor a motion calling for im­ through the' proposed" erection of tersection AA'ith caution. There Avas December 1. Officially reported the temple. He said skyscraper between the Shinwaris (native! the Amierican delegates, Secre-, a lot of east bound traffic and he campaign is Avaged.
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