ViC,(;I~IA, ~.~'., .,bL L I I IMI I I , I I ~ TERRACE:KITIMAT ' .hL aid i I I VOLUME 72 No. 102 20 e .t .. " FRIDAY, MAY 26, ~978 'ii Native housing problem •( Surveyed in .Terrace Native people living" in although response Ms been. 8/;ca. forced to take poor ac- lh'neearesubjuct to a poor small so far, the surveyers Thehardest hit group to be commodation and ~ I~h housMg situation coupled are finding the situation is singie mothers, the director rents for what they are with hiah rent and poor "very •poor," Gellenbeck said, because landlords gettin~ because they caunot lmdiord-tsnsnt .relations, said. discrimiuate against afford better housing. ~ecerdl~ to Vl Gelleaheck, She explained that the children. Mothers on a fixed executive director for the friendship centre on Greig income are in a particularly Many of these plac~ are in Kermode Friendehip Centre. Avenue gets a let of hod bind. very bad repair, she said, ~aitre has re, catty enquiries from natives "Society owes people a because landlords don't unde0aken a survey of the looking for accommodation hotter chance than that," bother to maintain the Kermede Four Wheelers presented a $1~ donation to ~i~ situation for Indians pluses. Strlcland of the Salvation Army and Robert Reay, and so it was decided to Gelienbeck said. ' the Salvation Army in Terrdce following a recent raffle public relations person for the Four Wheelers. in the community, and investh~ato housing in the Three hundred survey The attitudes of many draw sponsored by the club. At left is Lt. Jack forms were sent to natives •landlords is."they're a bunch living in Terrace asldi~ Indians, they don't look questions concerning in. after anything-If I fix it it,ll Smither's trial come; amount of rent, Just. get ,broken again," condlUona of the house, and Gellonbech said. French withdraw from Zaire any problems they have with The direetw se/cl once the tainted the house and the landlord. PARIS (AP) -- French Word of the withdrawal VANCOUVER (CP) get a lak'trinl once their statistics on housing are replaced by Zairinn army The French troops British Columbia Supreme case was resumed. Although only about a complied, the centre will Foreign "Legion paratroops/ came on the heels of a forces "reinforced by about abandoned theh pureult of Court Juatica J. G. Gould Thomas Dchm, a former quarter of the survey forms make a prase~talion to tl~ begantheirwithdrawaffrom Bel~inn propesal for an all- 100 Moroccan troops." "fleeing rebels Wednesday Wednesday prohibitqd a have been returned so far, government In an att~npt to .southern Zaire today, less African poacekecpin~ forne The 600 legionnaires para. night, althoagh five or six B.C. Supreme Com~ judge Gellenbeck said they in- Bet some f~m of subsidized than a week .after recap- to ensure an uninterrupted provincial court Judge In and'counsel for the Crown chuted Into Kolwezi Friday companies, of rebel forces dieate that natives are bonsin~ In'Terrace. ~ the city of Kelwesi flow of Zaire's mineral and Saturday~ Four of them equipped with heavy Smflhore, B.C., from con- and Judge Cook, a~'ced that from invading rebels and wealthto the West. tinuing with a trial because some practices were ' were killed In fighting with weapons r+~tnined in an the rebels who overran the be tumdlnd the case ira. unorthodox but centmded A ,defmce ministry area about 10 ~om~-es prep~!y. Close Encounters trapped foreigners, the spokesman said the French city nearly two weeks ago, west of Kolwezi, the the Judge didit to protect !~ defence ministry announced, garrison in Kolwezi will be Justice Gould said Judge court a~d the Indians from the defence ministry said. spokesman sald~. A. S. K. Cook'strlal against abuse. "Maintenance of security 12 native people beosme' ec in theKolwezi area/rein new with extranecm and He said 'Judge Cook was in Kitimat: on is up to the Z@iFearmy," kadmisonble evidence that prepared to order a stay c~ Kitimat RCMP re~rt nt~erous c~dls .Wed- Indian activists found he said. he risked not giving the procendings on the charges if ne~day niglit concerning unusual sightings in the TROOPS TO REST Indians a fair Irinl. , the inquiry showed the The paratroops will spmd Eleven persons were fisheries department wus Nechako area skies, With the heJp Of the in., about three days with- charged under the Federal ruing the court to force the formation given by. callers the police were able not' guilty in Calif. drawing by road to I: Fiala~es Act with illegally Indians into signing ,th~ toassertain the ori~in...~of the 9bjq~ts seen. Lulmmbeshi, the capital of agreement. 'LOS ANGELES (AP) -- From the 0utoet, Skyhorse, out-of-state escape .and the province, where they will ! fish caught In non- -mer_c were uniaeotified flying objects in the After the longest trial in tidal waters; the /other ~3, and Mohawk, 27, had robbery warrants. Mohawk be allowed to rest before Justice Gould, in ordering sky, accor _~fing.to. local residents. California history, American !'! perimn was charged with claimed their proeecutlen was ordered to return to being flown back to France, the case taken away from The police found, afar _investigating the Indian Movement activists was politically motivate~ court June 1 to face a drug. catching fish in non- Judge Cook, said the judge's the spokesman' said. matter, that a local aeronautical engineerin ghe Paul ~yhoree and Richard and was an attempt to possession charge for Lulmmbnshi is about 3m tidal waters. eamabase inquiry in the Mohawk have been found not Stuart .Rush, N~hako area had launche d two lighter-than-air discredit the AIM. allegedly, having heroin In kilometres southeast of middle of a criminal trial guilty in the tortureda~ing "Your frame-up didn't Vontura County Jail. for the Indians "was wholly unsown to the crafts. Kolwesi. of, a cab driver at an AIM work," Skyhorse said But bail was arranged and Meanwhile, "Belgium here, told Justice Gould that law.': The objects were constructed of plastic and encampment. the main procedural error defiantly as he stood up and the pair were released. urged the creation of a wood and were fueled by a partly flammable The verdict Wednesday glared at proseeuter Louis They were arrested in Western-supported all. oceln~d when Judge Cook was greeted trot by scat- ini~rruptnd the trial to held a substance suspended beneath the crafts. Samonsky after the verdict. October, 1974, shortly after African peacekespln8 force separate inquiry into "Steady win~, toge~er with_a local ~p-drafl, tared sobbing by supporters RESCINDS ORDER the brutal murder of George to prevent another attack 2 jailed in the tense, tightly guarded ' Superior Court Judge Ai~l, 27, inBox Canyon in into Zaire's Sheba province possible abuses of the court resulted in spectacular areobaties and numerous cou~m. Then, as jurors by the fisheries department. MAN SENTENCED ea]]s " envS ~lioe ' Floyd Dedson told Skyhorse Vantum County. The case and guarantee the continued ....• Hawan ted to investigate ..VANCOUVER (CP) , Th ' "'*'J "~• "~~" ' ....... ' were polled and each af- to sit down, but he refused was transferred, to Los flow of ore from the mineral- I :fi.t~ed the ver..dict, ~e and the judge or~r. ed him Angel m because of we-trlal rich region. ~ent was ,using the ~i~'~d~t~ :~ t~.'4':X.l" L~ltl 't e ~ ~le~t ti'~t~e*loe'_'_'_'_~ylNayll~lalovle, _c~r..gas to pressure the .y~.arsin Jail for the beating ~io~e ~noo~lltqrs of the Third Kind. ch.eerwg am clenchnd.Att troom. That .touched off a Three other pereens--two _~' ,os~utes; hitter exchange between a Indimm and a white rJ~',,/~,.s~.~,s,~z,e. • suman mm signing an ~ a roomins,houae uci~ber Further lannchings have been suspended due Pre-trial . proceedingv defenco lawyer and Dodson. woman--were charged with P'P" t::;/~,M~t~M -o ~q~'sesnent on a policing who suffered permanent to safety reasons. problem in the area, Rush brain damage in the in. alone lasted 2½ years. The Dodssn then rescinded his the murder, but they turned said. eldest. Vincent Quesnel, 20, trial took 13 months and order, state's evidence, named ~|Ollci'y" with 'f~F UP FILE was also found guilty and produced 17,000 pages of The two remained in ~yhorec and Mohawk and He said the Judge also will be sentenced later this Opposition to transcript, custody for a brief time on were granted immunity, sunny periods. refused to allow the lawyer W(M~k. for ~ indians to read a JAILED IN DEATH Warming letter he received through FORT ST. JAMES (CP) -- r tbe Crovm dealing with the Alfred Felix, 24, of Tackle, Hydro work Public-pr iVate wage tendancies. allegations, and ,created a wossentencedTuesdeytolS. VANCOUVER (CP) -7- A The meeting, wl~ch starts secret sub.file on the In- months in jail for killing his three-day public meeting June ~, is spomored by the diaps' court case. wife Aug. 28. He pleaded" will be held next weekend in Kootenay-Columbin • link proposed !• Rush._ said these guilty Feb. 28 to a .man: Invermore, B.C., to discuss Coalition, a conservation procedures Were a breech of slaughter charge laid after British Columbia Hy&o's organization formed to OTTAWA (CP) -- The gov- and'privato sectors, the natural tuntica and doubted the obonttng death of his wife propoasd Kcotsnay divernion oppose the project, ernment's proposal to link There was general The Commons committee raked wholl~ the Indians could Rito.
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