> A O E T W E M T X WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1961 iNanrhfBtpr £itraing Hirralb : Manchester Stores Open Tonight for Christmas Shopping Until 9 o^Ctock A ^ u t Town Bupertnt«nd«nt o f Sctioola wtl> ATMBgelDail^NerPrw^ Ham H. <^rtia will apeak at an For the Week Ended orientation meeting for newly Xovember 11, 1991 elected achool board members in tbe ^ rtford . area and north cen­ tra] parts of the state Monday 13,487 in Windsor. The meeting in Member of the Audit scheduled to begin with a social Burenn of Circulation hour at 5 p.m. at Carville's Res­ taurant, a dinner at d, and the tmalnees session at Til 5. VOL. LXXXI, NO., 46 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES-rlN TWO SECTIONS) The Tall Cedars Band will'pro- MANCIfESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1961 (Claaalfled Advertltlng on Page, 26.) PRICE FIVE CENTS vide musical entertainment at the Five-Mile, Road Race tomorrow morning. Bandsmen are asked to report in front of the Main Barn­ ard School building at 9:45 ready to play at 10 o'clock. There will be no training aea- Bion for. BrOwnie leaders on Fri­ day at Center Congregational Bones of Amelia Earhart Church because of the Thanksgiv­ ing holiday. The next and last ses­ sion will hi on Friday. Dec. 1, at 9:30 a_m. at Center Church. lisssons for junior squu-e danc- era, sponsored by the Manchester Reneation Department, will be Believed Found on Saipan canceled this week because of the ‘thanksgiving holiday. Classes will resume Thursday, Nov. 30. The Stein Club will hold a dance State News Soviet P i 'eiTiier; at the VF\\' Post Home on Satur­ Flier, Aide day from 9 p.m. ft) 1 a.m. Music Rocky Holds Hope will be provided by Lou Gagnon's Says Neutral orchestra. Roundup Lost in ’37 Members of the Manchester Finland Vital Missing Son Alive WATES will meet at the Newkirk and Whitney Funeral Home, 318 Fireman Saves Mo.scow, Nov. 24 (/Pi—Pre­ World Hop Burnside Ave., East Hartford. | to­ BV ROBERT .MVERS « night at 7:15 to pay respects' to mier Khrti.slu'liev told Finnish where Michael disappeared five Crippled Mother MerauKC, .New Giimea, Nov. 24 ' days ago? the late Mrs. Lewis Nixort, a mem-- Pre.sident Urho Kekkonen to­ Guam, N'ov. 24 {fP)— Skele­ her of the organization. '.T*' ■ Gov .Nelson A Rockefeller; Why do many Dutch govern­ 4 And Aged Uncle day the Soviet L'nion "can no said today he is still hopeftil hi.« ment official.s’ insist he could still tal reniaii^s of two bodies, p o ^ Robert J. Browm. 28E Garden Dr . longer regard the noith of son Michael is alive and that he; be alive despite no woi d of him sibiy those of famed Ameri­ will remain in New Guinea a few ! and John Haberern Jr , 230 McKee 'I'orrinfrton. .Nov. 24 (/P)— Europe as an aica of peace The dirty, green and muddy can aviatrix Amelia Earhart St., are serving on the arrange­ and Iranriuility" i)ecause of more days. brown world of Dutch New Guin- volunteer fireman rescued his But the New York governor In­ and her navigator, Fred Noo­ ments committee for a dinner- the activity of West Cei'inan ea'.s southern shore - known as dance to be sponsored by Epsilon crip|)led motlier and hed-rid- dicated the chances of his son's ■A.smat - - seem.s to boast itj de­ nan, who disappeared over Alpha Zeta. honorai-y business fra­ den uncle ye.slerday as flames militar.v leaders, lie declared survival weie slim, saying: "lam fiance to a passing airplane or the Pacific during a round the ternity at the University of Hart­ wrecked the rear wing of a it is essential to take meas­ a realist and 1 know what he fac es ship, .seems to defy one to pene­ w'orld flight in 1937, were ford, on Dec. 9 at the Shriner's ures “befoi'e it is too late." if he reached that,jungle.' ' trate its mangrove swamps and ex­ found recently iff a grave on Oasis Club in East Hartford. house occupied by Mr. and Khrushchev and Kekkonen con­ (A dispatch from Hollandia. the i pansive mud flats. Mrs. Peter Modarsky, 1871 ferred in a cottage at remote N’o- capital of Dutch New Guinea on ^ Did Michael reach the shore and Saipan island, it was (disclosed Advertiaement- Torrington St. vo.sibirsk In Siberia where I^k- the north coast of the island, said I perish in the jungle, or did he today. The hero wa.s Andrew Modar.sky. konen sought direct word fiTtm Goy. Rockefeller was expected-to' reach a remote native village? The remains, including dental Next Year at This Time a member of the Biirn'ille Volun­ the .Soviet leader on whi^ is be­ return there Sunday and to leave! Or was he pulled out to sea by plates and bones discovered In you'll be glad you opened' a teer Fire Department, who discov­ hind hi.s demand for military con- for New York via Tokyo on Moii-,i ;he .swift cuiTenLs pla.ving along September, were in a box being ' CHRISTMAS CLUB ACCOUNT ered the fire .when he left his next -sultations with the little North da.v). » > ■ I the coast of Flamiqgo Bay on this flowfi. today to the University .of at CONNECmciTT BANK AND door home to bring the folks some European country. Michael set out to swim rnore, Indian Ocean shore of the island? California at Berkeley for an­ I'HUST COMPANY because the Thanksgiving pumpkin pie. than two miles through shark-in- Gov. Rockefeller flew over the thropological study. fun of shopping for the holidays The result of his talks was still His first job was to carry out a guarded secret. fested waters for shore after hia 1 tangled vegetation for a personal The box was on a Pan American la enhanced when ready cash is his mother, who is partially crip­ catamaran raft capsized last! search of the area Ie.s.s than an plane d'ue In Honolulq at 4:06 p.m. available. You'll be welcomed at pled from arthritis. The atmosphere in diplomatic hO)ir after arriving in Merauke EST. circles, fearful that Finland's neu- weekend in treaeherou.s currenl.s 893 Main Street, 15 North Main Then he went through choking Tuesday. WUIis Snyder, Pan American dis­ or the Parkade. Women Chase Men for Five Miles Tralily might be menaced by a off the wild jungle coast. No trace Running oh the inside, Chris McKenzie, 30, and mather of a 2-year-old daughter, leads a trio of smoke to rescue his 84-year-old of him ha-s been found. j He and his daughter, Mrs. Mary trict manager at Guam, related Uncle, Thomas Alodarsky, bed-rid­ Soviet demand for military ba.ses, Slrawbridge, Michael's twin, women around the course In yesterday’s 25th Five Mile Road Race over Manchester's streets. The governor and his doughter i that those who recovered the re­ den in a back room. was brightened somewhat by a watched the terrain irisobvious di.s- mains said they included dental Miss Julia Chase, center, and Mias Dianne Lechausse, with Airs. McKenzie, finished the run as un­ joint communique issued after the Mary rushed by plane from New ' official entries. Johnny Kelley of the Boston A.A. paced the field of 138 men to win the event "I Just couldn’t inake it at first." may as the DC3 cover^the coast plates. explained Andrew, "but then I conference. York to help In the search. from the village of AIeraul(e to the DENTURE STAINS? for the fifth time. Complete details on sports pages. (Herald Photo by Satemis). Clinging to hope, the governor The plates and bones were being knew he would die in there if I It said the talks were held "in village of Agats. , sent to Dr. Theodore D. McCown, said: "We W'ant to be on hand cleaner didn't get him, so I fought my way a spirit of open-mindedness, mu­ The governor and his daughter professor of ' anthropology at the : NOW! A DENTURE : tual understanding and sincere to move at a moment's notice.” ^VITN GUARANTEED RESULTS!; To Show Freedom from U.S. through.” traded a pair of 50-posver bihpe- University of California, for study. Probers Seek Crews from headquarters, and confidence.” But whiit sort of a place is it, At Berkeley. ,Dr. McCown, who SMMQVES: the Torrington and Burrville Volun­ The communique said the tw-o this sw'ampy, muddy jungle coast (Continued on Page Five) ^ a s just leaving on a weekend ■ •Ume. Tartar Depealtsj teer Fire Departments fought the leadens met in "a hearty and trip, said he had been Informed fire. Chief Henry J. Rougeot said friendly atmosphere.” • •AH Rood Stalna To Unveil New orthe discovery, but knew nothing the cause was undetermined.* No But a report by Tass; official about the bones or dental platee. * •Tobacco Tar Stalna Brazil Renews Ties damage estimate was given. Soviet news agency, on Khrush­ In Medford, Mass., Mrs, Albert Immediate R^uHs\ ^Walker Case’ chev's speech at a luncheon given Kennedy, Aides Talk Morrissej’, Amelia’s ^ t e r said she Fatally Injured for Kekkonen Immediately after had been advised of the Guam find­ SMoney Back Guarantee! Chicago, Nov. 24 (Ah—The Chi­ Nwga^^Nov. 24 iJPi—A Massa- the talks emphasized that the So­ ing but exprq^d little confidence With Soviet Union chiSWttWroman was fatally Injured 'vlet leader has not changed his that it was that of her sister.
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