Shopping Map of Salado, Pages 4-5B Salado VVillageillage VVoiceoice Vol. XXXI, Number 5 Thursday, May 22, 2008 254/947-5321 fax 254/947-9479 www.saladovillagevoice.com 50¢ Dr. Robert Denton named SISD interim superintendent BY TIM FLEISCHER ISD in 2006. Darrell Street to interview EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dr. Battershell said Denton and come back that she wanted to recom- with a recommendation. Salado school trustees mend an interim superin- Dr. Denton was Dr. Bat- named local resident Dr. tendent who is “someone tershell’s recommendation Robert “Bob” Denton as who lives here. I wanted for the interim position. the interim superintendent someone who has been an The criteria that the and narrowed the superin- interim, because it is a dif- board felt were important tendent search firms to a ferent experience than be- in choosing an interim list of three that the board ing the permanent superin- were these: will interview later this tendent. I wanted someone • Not interested in ap- month in special session. who is active in the school plying for the permanent The board voted unani- district. I wanted someone position mously to follow the rec- who would jibe with our • Experience ommendation of Dr. Robin staff... who would take • Availability Battershell in naming Dr. care of them, support them • Agreement with pay (PHOTOS BY MARILYN FLEISCHER) Denton as the interim su- and love them.” • Willingness to main- A storm blew through Salado last week leaving structural damage throughout different perintendent. “I am 100 percent sure tain status quo in the dis- spots in the village, including this damage at Carriage Place Square on Main St. Dr. Denton has lived in that he is the right person,” trict. Salado for three years. He Dr. Battershell added, “es- “We are not wanting is the former superinten- pecially to take care of someone to come in and put Village, residents continue dent of two school districts: the expertise that we have their stamp on the school Drippings Springs I.S.D. (a here.” in the months that they are 3A school) and Sherman The board, knowing that here,” Seaton said. cleaning up after storms I.S.D. (a 5A school dis- it will take months to find a Seaton gave the motion, trict). He served as interim permanent superintendent, which received a second BY TIM FLEISCHER some relief.” been reported. superintendent for Temple assigned Chris Seaton and SEE INTERIM, PAGE 11A EDITOR-IN-CHIEF If you would like to ar- Bell County Commis- range to have your debris sioner met in an emergen- Lift trucks and trailers picked up for the $500 cy meeting May 15 and de- will come through Salado contract price, contact the clared that the storm, wind Memorial Day Service set on May 24 to clean debris Village of Salado by noon and flood damage of May left by the storms of May on May 22. A second day 14 presents an “imminent May 26 at Salado Cemetery 14-15 through an arrange- of pick-up may be neces- threat to public health, due The Annual Memo- rial Day by Scouts led by Honorable Merle Stalcup, ment with the Village of sary on May 28 and will be to reasonably unforeseen rial Day Service will be Scoutmaster Lyle Rade- Mayor of the Village of Salado and Bell County posted on the Village web- situation.” The Village of held at Salado Cemetery baugh, and two groups of Salado. government. site, www.villageofsalado. Salado has met twice to on Monday, May 26 be- students from Salado High The Roll Call will be The trucks will haul off org. discuss the clean-up. ginning at 9:30 a.m. This School led by Teacher Jen- done by George Bushee, debris that is at the roadside For the past week, prop- Salado ISD closed the will be the 19th Annual nifer Berumen and Coach Financial Officer, and Jim for a fee payable through erty owners have been dig- schools May 14 due to Service with emphasis on Rocky Boaz. Bush, a Trustee for Salado the Village of Salado of ging themselves out from the damage. SISD applied honoring Veterans buried The Honorable Timo- Cemetery Association. $500 per property. beneath downed trees. The to the Texas Education in the cemetery. thy Brown, Bell County The Farewell will include According to Mayor streets are lined with piles Agency for an emergency Flags being flown Commissioner Pct. 2, will the 21 gun Salute by Bell Merle Stalcup, the cost to of dead limbs. waiver for the day so that will include the Ameri- serve as Master of Cer- County Honor Guard, Sgt. the Village of having the The old Bell County students will not have to can, Texas, Confederate, emonies. The invocation Perry Moose, Command- equipment is $5,400 per landfill on Landfill Rd. off attend school on May 26. P.O.W., and the Royal Ca- will be given by the Rev. er. TAPS will be sounded day. of FM 1123 (between Hol- Look for an announcement nadian Air Force. Ameri- Leroy Kemp of the First by a Sheriff’s Deputy. Stalcup said that on May land and Little River Acad- from the school of whether can flags will be placed on Baptist Church (Ret.). The Commemorative 14-15, the Village contract- emy) is open 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. school will be in session. graves of all the Veterans. Nick Classen will serve as Air Force, led by Col. ed to have trees and other through May 31 to handle The High School suf- A Texas flag will be placed piper. (Ret.) Bill Powers, Lead debris cleared out of road- debris from the storm only. fered a great deal of dam- on graves of Veterans who The Colors will be post- Pilot, will follow the Roll ways. To-date the Village There will be no charge to age during the storm. The fought in the Texas Revo- ed by a Company from Ft. Call with the Fly Over in has spent $11,000 on the county residents to take brick veneer of the gym- lutionary War. Confeder- Hood. Ben Lazcano, Youth the Missing Man Forma- effort to clean up after the their debris to the landfill, nasium collapsed on top of ate flags will be placed on Minister for the Salado tion. The Colors will then storm. where it will be chipped the foyer roof. The foyer the graves of Confeder- Church of Christ, will lead be retired. The benedic- Stalcup said that the Vil- and eventually burned. and gymnasium are both ate Veterans. The RCAF the audience in singing tion will close the service lage is offering this service A storm cell ripped closed for safety reasons. flag will be placed on the the National Anthem and with Major Classen pip- to property owners. “If through Salado about 6 Mill Creek and much grave of a young man from in reciting the Pledge of ing “Amazing Grace” and they can find a way to have a.m. May 14, tearing a of the business district, in- Salado who served in that Allegiance. The audience Ben Lazcano leading the it done that is less costly, path of damage through the cluding Salado Plaza and army. will be welcomed by Dr. Audience in singing “God then they should do so,” he downtown area and Mill the west side of I-35 were The flags will be put Steven Ervin, President Bless America”. said, “but if they can’t, then Creek subdivision, but without power for up to in place before Memo- of the Salado Cemetery Public is invited. this will hopefully provide no injuries or deaths have two days. Association, and by the INSIDE Mill Creek Community Bulk Rate U.S. Postage Paid ALENDAR OF VENTS C E 2B Permit No. 50 CLASSIFIEDS 1C Association Clean Up Day Salado, TX 76571 FORUM 2A has been rescheduled OFF THE RECORD 2A Subscribe SHOPPING MAP 4B for June 21. Today Rooted in Salado SPORTS 8A Since 1979 254/947-5321 Page 2A, SALADO Village Voice, May 22, 2008 Column offers both parties advice on how to win; Obama victory within 118 FORUMFORUM Not wanting to be left out of the c­urrent punditorial “Prognostic­ators” Off the An Open Exchange of Ideas parade, this c­olumn has c­ome up with Record some c­rystal-gazing results that deal spec­ific­ally with how either one of the by Ken Clapp two “major” politic­al parties might win the Presidenc­y in November. Demo groups together, thereby giving Naturally we would expec­t to be Repubs a sound - well, you know what! assigned a less notable position in the REPUBLICANS ONE CHANCE proc­ession, behind the “bumptious” However, all is not totally lost for talking heads and sc­ribbling gurus - of Republic­ans, despite the “worry-wallow- TV and print notoriety. ing” going on over the depths to whic­h Fact is we’d be happy to “bring- their leader has “bush-whacked” them. up-the-rear” while proudly carrying Beginning with a “no-win” war; raging the “Myopic Soothsaying” banner, gasoline-food pric­es; an ec­onomy on a as we lead our weary band of near- slippery rec­essional slope. And to c­ap off sighted seers, who are unfortunately the deepening dismay of loyal GOPers - more numerous than accurate. their “presumptive” nominee for President TRADITIONAL is both a Republic­an “maveric­k-hero” and WARNINGS-TIPS a politic­al “free-floater” - all at the same How Hillary Became a Social Conservative (Sort Of) The “full-moon” entrails-readings time.
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