DOLENTIUM HOMINUM No. 78 – year XXVII – No. 1, 2012 JOURNAL OF THE PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS (FOR HEALTH PASTORAL CARE) Proceedings of the XXVI International Conference Organised by the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers Pastoral Care in Health at the Service of Life in the Light of the Magisterium of the Blessed John Paul II 24-25-26 November 2011 New Synod Hall Vatican City ARCHBISHOP ZYGMUNT ZIMOWSKI, Editor-in-Chief CORRESPONDENTS MONSIGNOR JEAN-MARIE MUPENDAWATU, Executive Editor REV. MATEO BAUTISTA, BOLIVIA MONSIGNOR JAMES CASSIDY, U.S.A. REV. RUDE DELGADO, SPAIN REV. RAMON FERRERO, MOZAMBIQUE REV. BENOIT GOUDOTE, IVORY COAST EDITORIAL BOARD PROFESSOR SALVINO LEONE, ITALY REV. JORGE PALENCIA, MEXICO REV. CIRO BENEDETTINI REV. GEORGE PEREIRA, INDIA DR. LILIANA BOLIS MRS. AN VERLINDE, BELGIUM SR. AURELIA CUADRON PROFESSOR ROBERT WALLEY, CANADA REV. GIOVANNI D’ERCOLE, F.D.P DR. MAYA EL-HACHEM REV. GIANFRANCO GRIECO REV. BONIfaCIO HONINGS MONS. JESÚS IRIGOYEN EDITORIAL STAFF REV. JOSEPH JOBLIN REV. VITO MAGNO, R.C.I DR. COLETTE CHALON DR. DINA NEROZZI-FRAJESE MRS. STEfaNIA CASABIANCA DR. FRANCO PLACIDI DR. ANTONELLA FARINA REV. LUCIANO SANDRIN DR. MATTHEW FFORDE MONSIGNOR ITALO TADDEI DR. GUILLERMO QWISTGAARD Editorial and Business Offices: PONTIFICAL COUNCIL FOR HEALTH CARE WORKERS (FOR HEALTH PASTORAL CARE) VATICAN CITY; TEL. 06.698.83138, 06.698.84720, 06.698.84799 - FAX: 06.698.83139 e-mail: [email protected] www.holyseeforhealth.org Published three times a year. Subscription rate: 32 € postage included Printed by Editrice VELAR, Gorle (BG) Cover: Glass window Rev. Costantino Ruggeri Poste Italiane s.p.a. Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale - D.L. 353/2003 (conv. In L. 27/02/2004 nº 46) art. 1, comma 2, DCB Roma DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 78-2012 3 Contents 6 Speech of Greeting 37 The Concern of the Blessed John Paul II H.E. Msgr. Zygmunt Zimowski for the Sick and for Health-Care Workers in his Addresses to those Taking Part 7 Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI in the International Conferences to Participants in the XXVI International Organised by the Pontifical Council Conference Organized by the Pontifical for Health Care Workers Council for Health Care Workers Fr. Felice Ruffini, M.I. 42 The Pastoral Tandem THURSDAY 24 NOVEMBER ‘Do Good Through Suffering’ and ‘Do Good to Those Who Suffer’ 9 John Paul II: Intrepid Defender of Life in the Messages H.E. Msgr. Zygmunt Zimowski of the Blessed John Paul II for the World Days of the Sick 11 Curate infirmos: Evangelisation Fr. Angelo Brusco M.I. His Eminence Cardinal Fiorenzo Angelini 45 The Mass Media 15 The Blessed John Paul II: and their Perception of the Pain a Suffering Man of the Blessed John Paul II amongst the Suffering Fr. Federico Lombardi, S.J. His Eminence Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz 49 The Contribution of the Church 18 The Wounded Healer: Christ, to Pro-life Policies and Legislation Physician of Bodies and Souls Msgr. Angel Rodríguez Luño Frà Enzo Bianchi 51 ROUND TABLE 22 The Role of Institutions and Welcoming and Care for the Patient Governments in the Defence of Life as a Person: Experiences of Members Dr. John Dalli of the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church and the Protestant Community 24 The Sacrament of Anointing as a Medicine of Salvation 51 Presentation of the Round Table Fr. Eugenio Sapori, M.I. Prof. Filippo M. Boscia H.E. Msgr. Jorge Enrique Serpa Pérez 27 The Eucharist: Fr. Stavros Kofinas Medicine of Immortality Rev. Alfred Krauth His Eminence Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera 59 ROUND TABLE Health-Care Workers at the School 31 The Measure of Humanity is Essentially of Christ the Physician and the Witness Determined in Relationship to Suffering of the Blessed John Paul II and to the Sufferer. A Pastoral Theological Reflection on the Encyclical 59 Presentation of the Round Table Spe salvi of Benedict XVI H.E. Msgr. Rafael Palmero Ramos Msgr. Andrea Pio Cristiani Prof. Kuo-Inn Tsou, M.D. 34 The Suffering and Glorious Face Mrs Maria de Jesús Vilchez Z. of the Lord in the Faces of the Sick in Dr. José María Rubio Rubio the Teaching of the Blessed John Paul II Baron Albrecht von Boeselager Fr. Luigi Ferlauto Dr. Rosa Merola 4 DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 78-2012 FRIDAY 24 NOVEMBER SATURDAY 24 NOVEMBER 71 The Role of Associations and 119 The Thought of Catholic Doctors Organisations of the Lay Faithful of the Rome Branch in the Promotion of Life and Some Working Proposals Fr. Ján Dˇ acˇok, SJ Prof. Luca Massimo Chinni 75 Hospitals: Places of Mission and Care 120 Testimonies of Exponents of H.E. Msgr. José Luis Redrado, O.H. Catholic Health-Care Associationism Mr. Donatus M. Akpan 83 The Family as a Setting for Care for the Sick Person 123 Pastoral Care in Health Fr. Gianfranco Grieco in the Magisterium of Benedict XVI: a Call to Follow the Work of Jesus, 87 ROUND TABLE the Good Samaritan Bearing Witness to the Gospel of Life: Msgr. Krzysztof Nykiel the Experiences of Ministers of the Church and Health-Care Workers 127 The Church Proclaims the Gospel Fr. José Nuno Ferreira da Silva of Suffering and Life Mr. Yvon Pinson H.E. Msgr Piergiuseppe Vacchelli General Vito Ferrara Mrs. Ana Lucía Claux de Tola 131 ROUND TABLE Mrs. Bonnie Phipps The Figures of Distinguished and Heroic Health-Care Workers, 98 The ‘Good Samaritan’ Foundation Servants of Life as a Providential Gift of the Blessed John Paul II to the Sick 131 1. The Blessed Don Carlo Gnocchi Fr. Pietro Bongiovanni (1902-1956) Msgr. Angelo Bazzari 101 Love and Service to Life in the Great Religions: Judaism 134 2. The Servant of God Jérôme Lejeune Prof. Enrico Mairov Prof. Jean-Marie Le Méné 103 Love and Service to Life 136 3. The Six Sisters of the Little Sisters in the Great Religions: Islam of the Poor who Died in the Ebola Dr. Khaled El-Bassel Epidemic in 1995 in Kikwit, the Congo Sr. Charlotte Madiambu 105 Concern for the Sick and the Pastoral Office of a Bishop 138 4. Salving Tinsay H.E. Msgr. Sergio Pintor Mrs Agnes Tinsay-Jalandoni 107 Consecrated Women: Custodians of Life 141 5. Zilda Arns and Pastoral Care Mother Maria Maurizia Biancucci for Children with the Human Promotion of Mothers and their Families 110 Pastoral Care for the Sick in Parishes His Eminence Cardinal Geraldo Msgr. Jerzy Karbownik Majella Agnelo 116 Marian Sanctuaries: Places Where 143 Conclusions and Recommendations the Maternal Concern of Mary Fr. Ján Dˇ acˇok, SJ for the Sick is Manifested Prof. Massimo Petrini H. E. Msgr. Jacques Perrier Msgr. Pierre Jean Welsch Proceedings of the XXVI International Conference Pastoral Care in Health at the Service of Life in the Light of the Magisterium of the Blessed John Paul II 24-25-26 November 2011 New Synod Hall Vatican City 6 DOLENTIUM HOMINUM N. 78-2012 Speech of Greeting H.E. MSGR. care in health that is truly at the deavour, lastly, we organised a ZYGMUNT ZIMOWSKI service of life and for each per- concert entitled ‘The Cross, Mer- President of the Pontifical son, given that each person is in cy, the Glory’. This was an ap- Council for Health Care the image of God. pointment understood as homage Workers, This 2011 edition of our inter- to you, who this year celebrated the Holy See. national conference was preceded the sixtieth anniversary of your by the first meeting, also organ- priestly ordination, and as a me- ised by our Pontifical Council, to mento of John Paul II’s teaching ost Blessed Father, be dedicated to bishops respon- on suffering: a hymn to life and MIt is with filial devotion and sible for pastoral care in health at the same time a celebratory act gratitude that we thank you for within their respective bishops’ of the Supreme Pontiff whom you wanting to receive us at the end conferences. beatified on 1 May of this year. of the deliberations of our twen- The subjects on the agenda have Bishops and experts from var- ty-sixth International conference, been: ‘Gender Ideology and Re- ious disciplines concerned with which has addressed a subject of productive Health: Doctrinal, Leg- the subject, together with social/ great contemporary relevance: islative and Pastoral Aspects’; ‘Co- health-care workers and work- ‘Pastoral Care in Health at the operation between the Church and ers from the field of pastoral care Service of Life in the Light of the States in the Field of Health Care’; in health, took part in these three Magisterium of the Blessed John and ‘The Organisation of Pastoral events. They all came together to Paul II’. Care in Health in the Church’. express their gratitude once again In these three days of study The leading theme of all the pa- for the beatification of the Servant we have sought to remember the pers that have been given has been of God John Paul II. greatness of your predecessor on without doubt what you, Most In view of the Year of Faith and St. Peter’s throne, inspired, as Blessed Father, emphasised in the next Synod, which will be on well, by the words that you pro- your encyclical Deus Caritas Est, the subject ‘The New Evangelisa- nounced on the occasion of your in particular as regards the prin- tion’, we believe that it is suitable Christmas greetings to the Ro- ciple of subsidiarity: ‘There is no that our next international confer- man Curia in 2005 when you re- ordering of the State so just that it ence should also be on the gen- membered the Blessed John Paul can eliminate the need for a service eral subject: ‘Hospitals: Places of II: ‘he gave us great things; but of love.
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