MONDAY, MAY 26, 1952 Average Daily Net Preea Run PACE FOURYEEW For the Week BoOlag The Weather iKanrltfiatfr lEupithts leralb May »4. 1*81 F eieou t of D. 8. W o a t ^ BaiMW Anderson-Shea Auxiliary No. vJITe, was fined |IS on charges of Miss Janet Knofla of Munro Stop Light Crash, operating a motor vehtcla with de­ 10,573 street last yceek attended the flve' 2048, V rw , will meet tomorrow Toastniaster Pair, lUttn changn In tempera- , ^ o u t T o w i i "day niayovaUly -aotivlUea-lit Bates fective equipment and Improper .evening- at-A -oislock-Jt- Joint^e-. parking; Nrnest TR'ltcble. ' TSf oT| SPECIALIZING IN tore tonight an*-tomorrows -——" .College, Lewiston. Me., as the morlal..servlce''for deceased mem­ ..... Tleiinis hrFihe BttMM of Clrcnlfttlmig bers of the Post and Auxiliary will Meriden, forfeited a 825 bond on a Manchester—-A City of Village Charm A •bn born on May 23 at guest of Miss Thelma Dowling, atop algn violation charge Theo­ CUSTOM BUILT HOMES the St.' Ftancis Hoapltal to Mr. formerly of this towi), now a Jun­ be held immediately following the business session. All Pont and Arthur J. Blaney, 28, of 59 dore E. Dubois, 28, of Williinaiutc. and Mr*. Stephen Boland of 18 ior at Bates. was fined 8126 with 824 remitted ^ . GENERAL CONTRACTING Aahland atract. > Auxiliary member* are urged to Dougherty street was flned 828' VOL. LXXI, NO. 203 (Olaoolflod Advertlatng oa Paga-34) MANCHESTER, CONN,y TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1952 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIV^ CETNTS attend. Refreshments will be on a charge of operating a motor ' i REMODELING AND REPAIRING An open meeting for_dlscussion In Town Court this morning o.n a vehicle while his license was under The Girl Scout Laadar* Asso­ of business will be held by the Ho-' served by Mrs. Gertrude Bu-‘ suapensioh. Gayland R. Abraham- ciation 'vlll meat Wednesday eve­ tary Club tomOrrow night at the chanan,- chairman, gnd her com charge of violation of th: rulea of FREE ESTIMA-^S — MORTGAGES ARRANGED. the road groining opt of a three- son, 33, of 19 Golway atreet, v-aa ning at 7 o'clock at Camp Merri- Country Club. mlttee. v fined 830_on chargea of apcedtng, W ood.' Anyone rJeatrtnjr transpor­ car a-eeWent' ahortly before noon failure to a'lgh hl.s license and i'ail. tation to the camp should -be at .Airman third class Alton J, The 12 glee clubs from the ele- yeaterday at the traffic light at ure to wear glaaaes aa required. a the Center at 6:45. Cookie money Munste, son of Mr. and Mr*. J. V. mentsry schools of the town, will the Inter.'^ction of Broad and ^ ERNEST : RITCHIE may be turned In at this time. Munsle of 108 Russell street, re­ present their annusi concert to­ Center atreets, 15 LIBERTY ST. TEL. 8172, MANCHESTER lumed home last week for a 10 morrow evening In- the aodltoriiim Blaney told police he saw the day . leave, after .halng_ graduated .of .the Verplanck School under the ■itgh.yon.^. thAt.,tita.to9t k.iippT.'?. from ” 'lileffm nfcs' 'jCun'daitte^^ ^ipelViirtoh ~of-Wlsa Martha WKlle.- tilir the brAke~wheiv" he tried t*r -rwTi—TTW w*3z.»in»M.*-v ♦»T-eT.- xizixa.ifaai\nMe<vci!E4fva»vM.CQjM'J4CaaF>wnv;3hvi‘ai:^>»'mr.'4i:AaAi>i.uv<;^<'MswzMrtmb>'w««>rHi-i>wa'iyMnawiMV*a> . nor *a»*rtM«e • 1 e w. day night at 8 o’clock at the home and Airborne Radar Mechanica director of music. A tOtsl of 650 atop,, We..a.lr^If.k,„s.,.M^.,bel,ng,..pp-. ' • of m ™: 'lo w *»' rm m 6M ’SendST St■ KtfesTer Air Force b a w chiiiTre'n Trom' kttih*' «xth"igf»a(<s erate<1 by Richard ’ j. McCarthy, street. in Miaaiasippl. A graduate of In the local , public achools will 24, of 193 Woodlawn circle which Manchester High School, Munsle participate, under the direction of In turn struck an outom'obile driv­ worked Bs a draftanian at Pratt Mlsa White and -Mrs. Lee Dellert. en by William J. O'Brien. 6.8, of li— ■ and Whitney Aircraft in East OlaatonbUTy; both stopped at the Hartford after gradu.atton from Tlcketa are now available for light. Howell Cheney Technical School. the anpual spring dsnee to be PRESCRIPTIONS When he leaves here he will re­ About 8225 damage was done to given by Endteott .Iiinlor College the front /if the Blane.v car. Dam­ • ‘‘Vbs’* PROMP^Y to 4 out of 5^ a i n v o D C T r port for duty at Ramey Air Force Alumnae and Epsilon Sigma Al­ Carefully Compounded age to the other v.ehiclea was •mployod men wnd womon • • • IS Met. 18Moi; Base' In Puerto Rico. pha somrity on Friday. June 13, married or tingle. at the, Rockle'dge Country Club. slight. $271.29 $316.47 ArUwr Dfu{ Siores Company 1, MFD, will hold Its Tlcketa' may be p\irchase<l from Phone for a l-vi«it loant write, 403.08 475.80 Manchester Goes to GOI* Coiivepition rcgulsr drill tonight st 6:18 st the Miss Ruth Kottke of 23 Holl or come in. made over • Abav« payfflfcnti C6v«r tvarylhiagl Six Nations Fuse NATO Post hose houae at the comer of Main street or Miss Nancy Bunzel of *30 million loeni latt yeir! A loan of $100 cotN $?0.60 whan and Hilliard atreets. Lewis street. Loom $2S to $5(^ prompHy ftpoid in 12' eenitcvliv* ^Bush, Others montMf intlalinitntt of $10.05 aocA. Court Gases On Signoti»re Alono # fCown.l Headed Up The Buckland School collected Manchester Lodge No. 73. A.F\ John B. UetjuaUm ^ tHAT UKtS t o SAt.Jt.UZ....... MATTRESSES 136.38' Tor the Johanseft TAmily of and A'.M.. will bold a slated com­ Six cBsea -were dleposetl of - or M utual A id P act Adams street who recently were munication at the Masonic Temple John B. DeQuattro will be toast- continued In Town Court thla tvtriM ay It 18 lielter to have n Rood victims of • serious Are at their tomorrow night s f 7:30. A t the ma.ster at a te.atimonlal dinner of morning. Judge Jcxhn S- G. RotLner FINANCE CO. home. The money was given to conclusion of the business meet­ the Italian American 'Society Sun­ presided. 2nd Floor • JARVIS lUllOINO Paris, May 27— (/P)— Six nations signed today a treaty rebuilt mattress than a The continued ca.sea were those ■04 MAIN im iT (Ovor Weelwarfh'i) MANCHISnR, CONN. Mrs,.. Johansen last Tuesday, night ing, the memoors will have an op- day afternoon, Jiin«5 8, In the Ilal- ...... their forces.jnto a onS-uniform European arniy. The JCh£RP.JD!t.V one^ ~ y * of Barbara E. Moller, 21, of Bolton ----------- Dial 3430 - Fkilia I. JOnkini, Y4S MANefor-.--i—•-...... ...Paris, M«y 27—-</P)—-Gen. -lrr-H~Mc-Bet»acberlM4M?lpa+-«M4w-ff«M'LM»4ty..to-wJtnaa*.£hijw(inipJ.t.lk.. 'CeiTteT;"’aTr>ateit' aatiuttay'^ n d - big three western backed it up with the solemn decla-’ _Xidgway„__i:er. JHAgt.fnrd, Ma^’. £7«*-(/P)*».ThiL-RepubHcAri StAta ia M iv n t W ' make 'and'igleirnize all types school, cation of their degree work by the street when Attorney George C. Matthew,__B. Leaaner will he made an honorary charged with operating a inntor ration'lhaT"anTiTlacTroirW^lin7West Genfiany'or any'other turned to Europe today to named 22 national convention deletratea favorinir Gen. Dwight of mattresses. officers of .fohn Mather Chapter, vehicle without a license, contin­ p»rt of free Europe would be a> Order of DeMolay. Worshipful president, rtf the organization. Box of 12 - 39< take command of NATO Eiaenhower toda.v and gave thp nomination for United State* Manchester Chapter of Hsdss- ued for one wee'a- and Hahs J. ^'threat to their own aecurlty."' | sah wilt'tnstall Its- ntwofflcera at Mswtee We-lter-fi. Broadwell urges 'rerTsen,''48, "oi' 4fl5*'Mldfil*"tiirh" Regtdar, Junior orSuper tises "The 'decljiriitloh' waii' colhcldif'nt | fighting forces and declared Senator to W illiawA; Pnrttl V Naming^ of the '22 delegati* joRii furniture a meeting thla evening at 8 o'clock s good attendance to support the Mar.v B. Cheney Auxiliary, pike cast, operating a motor v'e- with the ceremonial alghing of the ' his experience in Korea con­ for Elsenhower mad* tho six Nawfi in Temple Beth Sholom. A fashion work of the Order of DeMolay, USWV, will meet In the State hic'le while under the IntoxiratiniJ army pact and related agreementa.l Reds Block England states prartically a solid revue, with Mrs.. Burton Knopp as which Is sponsored by Manchester vinced him a sound defense bloc for the general. Floor Covering Armory tonight at 8 o'clock. The Inf’iience of liquor or drugs, con­ by FVance, West Germany, Ital.v, I against Communism here narrator, will follow the ceremony. Lodge. There will be a aoctal hour program will Include a memorial tinued to Saturday. Belfpum. The Netherlanda and' Hours of conferences, however, •nd refreahmenta at the close of -rhsJWHAU CO. Texas Feud 36 Oak St. Tel. 2-1041 A social time with refrjfshments service for deceased members. William J. French, 38, of Rock- liiixethbouriz yvhlfh, when ratified, West Reich could be built from a _com- preceded the nomlnalibn by ac­ win be enjoyed, ... ' the meeting. will merce uveir armed forcei Into bination of many nations clamation nf th* 88-year-old^ Pur- -a . a(Kgla::amy: o f Am-:miUtDii: men-. .---Then,- *cc<>mpatuod; by- -.Geui teU,-. HarUtod.
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