I, ) 1 I )\' '*~~*~*** t·~tfiftf~f5 DIGIT 02900 241 01/31/96 If 25 f:.la JEWISH ~II~TORIC~L 4SSQCIA 130 3E'.:'3IONS '3L - - - l- Rhode I.•~ rRCVIDENCE RI o~9o& JI - - ·-- - ~ - Arts & Entertainment HERALD PAGES 10 & 11 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXVI, NUMBER 9 TEVET 26, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1996 35f PER COPY 'We Know What Our Jewish Character Is' by Alison Smith posed of personnel from both Herald Editor Rhode Is land H ospital and The Steve B11ron, president and Miriam, and the present com­ CEO of The Miriam Hospital, mitment to maintain a n even came in from a snowy afternoon, representation should bein force welcomed meintohisoffice,and fo r the next five years. sat d own at a big oval glass table Baron says, "The people w ho to talk about The Miriam. gave [to The Miriam] gave be­ It was o f concern to him that cause they had trus t in the the Jewish community know institution ... It takes time to how The Miriam wasdoing,and transfer that trust to Lifespan." that it had not forgotten its Jew­ As months go by, and the ish roots and commitment. One Jewish community sees that the of the first things he said was, hospital is still there for them, "We know what our Jewish the trust that was once enjoyed character is." byTheMiriamshouldspread to He pointed out tha t there is a include the w ho le Lifespan mezu zah on every doorway, structure. Baron points out, "The that The Miriam is consta ntly Lifespan board has acted in the working on its relationship with best interests of this [the Jewish rabbis in the community, that community." kosher food is always available Consolidation was necessary to patients - they just have to for a number of reasons. One of ask for it, and that events and them was the most effi cient and BARON AT THE CONTROLS-Steve Baron, president and CEO of The Miriam Hospital, pauses meetings a t The Miriam are prudent use of resources. Baron at the desk in the_emergen cy room during a tour of the facility. Herald pltoto by Alison Smitlt scheduled with the Jewish cal­ says, "If we're going to be here to endar and clock in mind. take care of the patients, we need In fact, he said, si nee the con­ to be as cost-effecti ve as we can." One of the biggest coronary solidation with Rhod e Island An important new addition killers is denial..."There's noth­ Rabbi One of Hospital took place, the staff at to The Miriam is its set-up on ing wrong with me but a little The Miriam has become even the ground floor to handle emer­ indigestion" ..."T his will pass" ... more aware of its Jewis h iden­ gency patients, particularly car­ " I don't w a nt to bo the r First Five Heroes tity and been more sensitive to diac patients, with no d elays. anyone.. .They'll think I'm a hy­ it. Everyone knows tha t this is a Baron promises, "We can get pochondriac." Providence College Presi- thepublicservice institute"pre­ thing that cannot be ta ken for yourightin,andgetyouchecked Baron urges us to take action dent Rev. Philip A. Smith, O .P. cisely because he values our granted - that it mus t be out, and send you on your if someone we love may be hav­ officially inaugurated the "Hall philosophy of education and guarded and nurtured. w ay .. .ifthere'snothingwrong." ing a heart attack, and deJ1ying o f Heroes" at the college's cherishes our mission of com­ He said, "Now you (the s taff) This system will actually save it. Get them to The Miriam's Feinstein Institute for Public munity service." are preserving what was for­ the Ji ves of those who might em ergency room. If there's Service in a recent ceremony The Providence College merly assumed ... " have delayed going to an old­ nothing wrong, the patient will and announced its first induct- Feinstein Institute for Public Before the consolida tion, fa shioned emergency room, know that in minutes. ees- a universally recognized Service offers the only d egree w hen Miriam became part of where they would have to sit If there is something seri­ champion of the poor and a program in the nation in public Lifespan, 10 to 15 Jewish hospi­ a nd wait for several hours, until ously wrong, The Miriam will group of relatively unknown, - anc:j community service studies. tals that had already.undergone it was too la te. whisk him or her into the next but heroic, military chaplains. For his p art, Feinstein re- consolidation were studied. A If people in distress know that unit and utilize the latest tech­ The Hall of Heroes was the marked : "Thanks to all of you stateme nt of principles was the philosophy at The Miriam is nology to limit or reverse life­ idea of Cranston, R.I., philan- who share my heart and my drawn up which spoke directly "no waiting for emergency care" threatening events. thropist Alan Shawn Feinstein, concern that the greatest gift of to the maintenance of Jewish they are more likely to see a Steve Baron wants you to formerly of Sharon, Mass., who all is to better the lives of 0th­ tradition and principles. d o~tor while he can still prevent know The Miriam is still your funded the establishment of the ers." The Lifespa n board is com- permanent or fa tal damage. hospital. Feinstein Ins titute for Public Invited guests who partici­ Service a t Providence College pated in the ceremony included through a $5 million grant in Helen Dillon, board member of 1993. The hall is designed to the C hapel of the Four Chap­ honorthosewhohavededicated lains in Valley Forge, Pa.; two their lives to the service of oth- representatives from the Mis­ ers. sionaries of Charity in Boston, Smith noted thal Feinstein Sr. Marie Michelle and Sr. Paul selected Providence College for (Contin~ed on rage 19) Palestinian Prisoners Released by Naomi Segal JERUSALEM QT A)-In a move ca lied for under the terms of the agreement it signed with the Pa lestinia ns in September, l~rael freed more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners recently. Soon more tha n 100 more prisoners are expected to be released. Most of !he prisoners have been convicted of committing secu­ ri ty offenses against Israel. Among those released were Palesti n­ ians w ho had been convicted for attacking fellow Arabs suspected of collaborating with Israeli authorities. Israeli officials said none of those released had been convicted of murdering Israelis. THE HALL OF HEROES is officially established with the induction of Mother Teresa of Calcutta An earlier wave of prisoner releases took place in the fall, a fter and the Four Chaplains of World War II fame. Present at the ceremony were, from the left, Helen Israel and the Palesti ne Libera tion Organization signed the Interim Dillon, Alan Shawn Fei nstein, Sister Paul Jose, Rev. Philip A. Smith,O.P., Rebecca Dunphey,and Agreement in Washington for extending West Bank autonomy. Sister Marie Michelle. -'Til'E'RHODE' IStAND'JEWISH HERALD; THt.JRSDA Y, JANUARY 1-&, 1996 INSIDE THE OCEAN STATE Sharpen Those Old See 'Another View of the Driving Skills RESOLVE Peace Process' at Touro The American Associa lion of Parkvvay. An instructor to be Tries Afreevideoprogramentitled A discussion session, lead by letired Persons is sponsoring a nnounced will teach. Call "Another View of the Peace Pro­ Rabbi Dr. Chaim Shapiro, will nother round of 55 Alive/Ma- Claudia, at 463-3474. cess" will beheld at 7p.m. in the fo llow the viewing of the two 11re DrivngCourses, as follows. In Cranston on Feb. 1 and 8 to Help 'fouro Synagogue Community films on Israel which co nstitute In Coventry on Jan. 22 and from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Cranston Center, 85 Touro St., Newport, this presentation. 3, from 10 a.rn. to 3 p.m., at the Senior Services, 1070 Cranston RESOLVE of the Ocean State on Jan. 24. For further information, ca ll :oventry Senior Center, 50 St. An instructor to be an­ will offer a spring 1996 educa­ This project is being con­ thesynagogueofficeat847-4794. · nounced will teach. Call Mary Vood St. Instructor Bernard tional series on infertility. ~ ducted aspartoftheAdultEdu­ This program was originall y :ettel will teach. The phone Ann, at 461-1000, ext. 6216. RESOLVE educational pro­ cation Program and all are wel­ scheduled for Jan. 22. lumber is 822-9175. In Warwick on Feb. 6 and 13 grams are a good way to learn come. In Warwick, J<!n. 23 and 30 from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., at But­ more about topics surrounding rom noon to 4 p.m., at the Pil­ tonwood Senior Services, 3027 infertility and an opportunity to rim Senior Center, 27 Pilgrim West Shore Road. An instructor meet other people who under­ Sprinkle A Little Bit Of to be announced wi ll teach. Call stand exactly what you are go­ ing through. Israel On Your Walks All are welcome, including [l"he Gatehouse to by Alison Smith so they knew they were onto those personally affected by i~ Herald Editor something good. fertility, friends, relatives, and Spotlight Maxwell Mays The first thing that interested The after-effects of common health professionals. us, at the Herald , about MAG ice melters on metal, concrete, appearance to discuss his work. A special program combin­ A donation of $3/person or (magnesium chloride), a re­ vegetation, pets and humanskin Six Maxwell Mays prints will be ng food and art is being planned $5/couple is appreciated from cently introduced de-icer, ~as are well known.
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