© Sociedad Española de Malacología Iberus, 15 (1): 1-4, 1997 How many species of Candidula (Gastropoda: Hygromii- dae) in northern Portugal? ¿Cuantas especies de Candidula (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae) habitan en el norte de Portugal? Cristian R. ALTABA* Recibido el 6-II-1996. Aceptado el 24-IV-1996 ABSTRACT Two species of Candidula Kobelt, 1871 (Pulmonata: Hygromiidae) endemic to Portugal are reported from the northern part of the country. C. belemensis (Servain, 1880) is consi- dered a valid species similar to, but different from the widespread C. intersecta (Poiret, 1801). C. olisippensis (Servain, 1880) is distinctive, having a shell with very small, round umbilicus, a long spermathecal duct, and a short flagellum. RESUMEN Se citan para el norte de Portugal dos especies endémicas en este país pertenecientes al género Candidula Kobelt, 1871 (Pulmonata: Hygromiidae). C. belemensis (Servain, 1880) es considerada como una especie válida similar, pero diferente, a la ampliamente distribuidaC. intersecta (Poiret, 1801). C. olisippensis (Servain, 1880) es de fácil distin- ción, al tener una concha con un ombligo redondeado y pequeño, un largo conducto de la espermateca y un corto flagelo. KEY WORDS: Gastropoda, Hygromiidae, Candidula, Portugal, distribution, taxonomy. PALABRAS CLAVE: Gastropoda, Hygromiidae, Candidula, Portugal, distribución, taxonomía. INTRODUCTION The genus Candidula Kobelt, 1871 the internal anatomy or in the shells. comprises several species of hygromiid The species of Candidula living in Portu- land snails living in Western Europe. In gal are still poorly known, yet this the Iberian Peninsula this genus has un- country has at least four endemics (AL- dergone a remarkable diversification, TIMIRA, 1969; GITTENBERGER, 1985, 1993). particularly along the Atlantic drainages This note is a contribution towards a re- (ALTONAGA, GÓMEZ, MARTÍN, PRIETO, vision of the genus in the Iberian Penin- PUENTE AND RALLO, 1994). The taxo- sula (Ondina and Altaba, in prep.). nomy of this genus is complex because Two little-known, apparently rare the diagnostic characters of the various species of Candidula are reported here, species are not conspicuous, either in collected during a field trip in April *Institut Mediterrani d’Estudis Avançats (CSIC-UIB). Ctra. de Valldemossa, Km 7. 5, 07071 Palma de Mallorca. 1 Iberus, 15 (1), 1997 1994 in northern Portugal. These species chological and anatomical data indicate were described by SERVAIN (1880), and that the species studied here are indeed subsequently ignored for over a century distinct taxa. The specimens are kept in (NOBRE, 1930, 1941; SEIXAS, 1992). Con- the author’s malacological collection. RESULTS Family HYGROMIIDAE Tryon, 1866 Genus Candidula Kobelt, 1871 Candidula belemensis (Servain, 1880) (Figs. 1, 2) C. belemensis was known up to date MERON, 1979; GITTENBERGER, 1993; AL- only from the original locality (Lisbon) TONAGA et al., 1994). C. belemensis differs and three other sites further south (GIT- conchologically from the latter in having TENBERGER, 1993). A single fresh shell a more depressed shell with a broader was found at the base of the old city aperture, a wide and slightly eccentric walls of Valença do Minho, at the nort- umbilicus, and a much shallower sculp- hern border of Portugal (UTM 29T ture of radial ribs and minute spiral NG25; Figs. 1, 2). This locality represents striae (GITTENBERGER, 1993). a considerable extension of the species’ Anatomically it differs from NW-Euro- known range. It is likely, however, that pean C. intersecta in the relatively longer C. belemensis lives also further north, in flagellum, which is about half the length Galicia, where specimens having a long of the epiphallus (GITTENBERGER, 1993). flagellum have been reported as C. inter- However, populations of C. intersecta from secta by CASTILLEJO (1986). NW-Iberia have a flagellum shorter than This species is probably closely rela- half the length of the epiphallus, as is ted to C. intersecta (Poiret, 1801), which typical of that species (MANGA GONZÁ- ranges discontinuously throughout LEZ, 1979). Thus, the available evidence Atlantic Europe, from southern Portugal suggests that C. belemensis is not conspe- to southern Sweden (KERNEY AND CA- cific with co-occurring C. intersecta. Candidula olisippensis (Servain, 1880) (Figs. 3-6) Two subadult specimens were col- penis. The bursa is small, oblong and in- lected under bolders in the vicinity of distinctly united to its duct, which lies the Sanctuary of Sameiro, near Braga appressed to the spermoviduct throug- (UTM 29T NF59; Figs. 3, 4). Although hout and is exceedingly long, measuring the aperture edge of their shells was still almost twice the length of the penis and tender and became damaged, it bears a epiphallus combined. There are no glan- conspicuous whitish internal rib. The dulae mucosae, their location being oc- radulae have one central, and 22 and 24 cupied instead by a moderate swelling lateral teeth. These numbers fall within at the proximal end of the vagina. The the range of other Candidula species dart sac appears partially developed, from northwestern Iberia (MANGA GON- being only a large medial swelling of the ZÁLEZ, 1979). vagina with no trace of a dart, but exhi- The genitalia (still immature) of both biting two large internal longitudinal specimens are shown in Figures 5 and 6. folds adjacent to two shallow invagina- The flagellum is distinct, proximally na- tions, the lower one bordered by a few rrow, and very short, measuring about papillae. This internal structure can be 1 /4 the length of the epiphallus, which is interpreted as an immature stage of that somewhat shorter and thinner than the described for other species of Candidula 2 ALTABA: How many species of Candidula in northern Portugal? 3 1 2 4 Figures 1-4. Shells of Candidula from northern Portugal. 1, 2: C. belemensis from Valença do Minho (CRA 4895); 3, 4: C. olisippensis from Sameiro, near Braga (CRA 4866-1). Scale bar 5 mm. Figuras 1-4. Conchas de Candidula del norte de Portugal. 1, 2: C. belemensis de Valença do Minho (CRA 4895); 3, 4: C. olisippensis de Sameiro, cerca de Braga (CRA 4866-1). Escala 5 mm. sd m 5 sd v v so d e d vd p s f f e a so vd 6 a p m Figures 5, 6. Proximal genitalia of two immature specimens of Candidula olisippensis. Abbreviations. A: atrium; E: epiphallus; F: flagellum; M: penial retractor muscle; P: penis; S: bursa copulatrix; SD: duct of the bursa; SO: spermoviduct; V: vagina; VD: vas deferens. Scale bar 2 mm. Figuras 5, 6. Genitalia proximal de dos especimenes inmaduros de Candidula olisippensis. Abreviaturas. A: atrio; E: epifalo; F: flagelo; M: músculo retractor peneal; P: pene; S: bursa copulatrix; SD: conducto de la bursa; SO: espermoviducto; V: vagina; VD: vaso deferente. Escala 2 mm. 3 Iberus, 15 (1), 1997 (HAUSDORF, 1988, 1991), confirming the rounded or slightly angular periphery, generic assignation by GITTENBERGER very narrow roundish umbilicus, spire (1993), who examined a dried specimen formed by flattened whorls separated in poor condition. by an indented suture, radial sculpture Several nominal species described moderately developed, and microspiral by LOCARD (1899) are probably sy- striae well marked (GITTENBERGER, nonyms of Helix olisippensis Servain 1993). Candidula olisippensis is appa- 1880. The general shape of the shell in rently endemic to Portugal. The current this species (or species complex) is fairly finding represents the northern limit of variable, yet it is always fairly thin, with its known range. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My wife Catalina Ponsell helped in Galicia. Paz Ondina, Carlos Prieto, Án- the field and provided the necessary gel A. Luque, and two anonymous conditions for the preparation of the reviewers kindly provided helpful com- manuscript. We are indebted to Or- ments. This work was partially suppor- lando Moreira and his family for in- ted by Research Project PB93-0055 of comparable hospitality in Portugal and DGICYT. BIBLIOGRAPHY ALTIMIRA, C., 1969. Notas malacológicas. Pu- KERNEY, M. P. AND CAMERON, R. A. D., 1979. blicaciones del Instituto de Biología Aplicada, A field guide to the land snails of Britain and 46: 91-113. north-west Europe. Collins, London, 288 pp. ALTONAGA, K.; GÓMEZ, B.; MARTÍN, R.; PRIETO, LOCARD, A., 1899. Conchyliologie Portugaise. C. R.; PUENTE, A. I. AND RALLO, A., 1994. Es- Les coquilles terrestres, des eaux douces et tudio faunístico y biogeográfico de los moluscos saumâtres. Archives du Muséum de Lyon, 7 terrestres del norte de la Península Ibérica. Eusko (1): i-xi, 1-303. Legebiltzarra, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 505 pp. MANGA GONZÁLEZ, Y., 1979. Sobre las espe- CASTILLEJO, J., 1986. 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