Monday, August 20, 1934 THE DAILY MIRROR Page 21 APPRENTICE RIDING LIKE A CHAMPION WOLVERHAMPTON PROBABLES RUNNERS AT WINDSOR FOR REDCAR 1.45-STANTON <S.) PLATE, £150; 5t. 2-15—SANO HILLS S, HANDICAP, £150: 51. 030 SL1EV.B DONAKB-(Briscoe), 5-8-13'i .11 Bo.TSley Colombo Go 222 TUTBIIJIY (.^toriel, 10-9-5 J Tavloi 120 KSUURIAL (SraallEyl, 5-8-13 '..,. Itay 142 PJNEAUULAR (Hentoiil. 8-9-1 E. Tos 212 LYIMDI,f;y (Kenton), 6-8-10 Culilwell in Leger Call-Over? 003 CELr.AllKTTJi; (II, Harligan) 4-8-10 MdJuiBan 000 MiSSFKLtOlTY (Bisg6odl,, 3-8-5 .-. S. Doiioelnie 121 SAURASIN (Drake), 4-8-1 .i Newtt Other-,, Entriesi—Sboiiebarrow,.' Pipemo, Monk Vendor, 000 CAl.S.M.Kl'TA (Laurence), 3-7-10 -.. Wing Alhertftii, Miss Wizard, MHJ' Law, OOO MUSICAL JEST (Barker), 3-7-7 L, Browu Betting F(ireoast.-6.4 assL Lyiidley: 5-2 Escuiia!, 3 Slieve TO-DAY¥1IINTS 000 I,EEMIKG LAME (Burn), 4-7-2 WHJuwriuiit Doiiard, T Miss Felicity. f'--^y^,^ 000 THK KOUMUA flioyd), -1-7-1 nines 2-lS-KINGSWINFORO S. HANDICAP, £150; Ini,* 000 ORE.I.'F.SA (Adams). 4-7-0 -. —- By BOUVERIE Other Entries.—Grandmaster, Arran Heg. No Jazz, IJa,r- 110 MIDI (\). Rogers), 8-9-7 .,,... ,..,„ -^ ONGRATULATIONS were not lacking at vest 1'iiiie, lleH.rl'.'a Coiilont, Hecna. Air I'ocket. Soiiie Pep, 340 ORPHIC IBissood), 5-5-5 .,'.: B'. Donogliiie C Windsor on Saturday when the small but Kirgstcv Park, Ol.vmpia, , 000 MUTE SWAN (Giltfit), 7-9-1 Graves Batting Forecast.—2 agst I't tbury, 11-4 SarrHtiin, 9-2 clever South African boy, Terry Ryan, won the Pineadular, 6 The Rormba, 8 Cellarette, 100-6 oliierK. 003 SAINTLY ORBS (W. Pavne), 6-8-13 Slough Selling Handicap on Verford. This was 2.45-BEAUMONT CLAIMING AND SELLING PLATE 000 GOLD SEAL (Rintoul), 7-8-12 Getiiin R.van's third success of the week out of five (T-Y-O), £150; 51. 000 liNTEGRiTY (Bflrt)iropp), 3-8-7 mounts, and his other happy efforts were on 204 MIBRETII (Briscop), 8-3 P. Deanley 000 GALLEY OF LORNE (G. Todd). 4-8-7 — Aquila at Folkestone and on Satiric on Friday. SLKIGlITHOIiME (Eisev), 8-3 Buiiock 244 DO.N'T .CARE (lliggs), 4-8-7 v... C,. Smirke Ryan is settling down into a fine jockey, and 000 BUZVORV (Beattyl, 8-0 Dines 003 NORWOOD HILL (Diok), 4-8-7 with the nursery season opening up we shall 44 ATTAINMENT (C. Leader). 8-0 Weston 001 MERELY (SmalleyL 3-8-3 ' ' Ray probably hear" more of him. 002 CASCADE (Vaseyl, 8-0 MrtJuigim 000 MARIA (I>,-PeDii37]tt, 3-8-1 , Ctirtis « * » 0 AWFULLY BOLD F (Storiel, 8-0 SleiilieiiBon 004LADY!GAY (Gilbert), 7-8-0 Two of the other races on the card went to 024 HOSSALBA F (Storie), 8-0 002 PIIALAROPE |II. Brown), 6-7-13 —— women owners, Mrs. Corlette Glorney taking Other Entries.—No Trumps, Nugget, E\o!bHai)t g, the Queen's Handicap with Effaceable and Terry Kyai Willi I'dde three winners In Ove Betting Foreeast,—9-4 agst Mibreth. 11-4 Sieigbtbolme, 002 VOITURKTTE (Riniell), Z-l-W ...i... W, Elliott mounts la&t weeK. 4 Attaimncnt, 9-2 Cascatle 10 oUiers. 000 NOLA (i<\ Hartiganl, 3-7-10- O. Richards Miss L. M. Talbot the "Test" Plate with Pordilia. And at Redcar Miss Pratt-Barlow 3.15-REDCAR HANDICAP, £600; lim 303 OVERFLOW (Dutton], 6-7-8 was successful in the Lowther Welter 401 THllAPSTON (G. Leader], 4-9 1 Wpston 000 WAUDLAW (II, Brov.-n), 4-7« 212 LIGHT 0' LOVE |T. E. Leade |, 6-8-5 .... Perryman Other EntriBS.—Coroiimiidel Plutotrat, SOD gasax pence, Handicap with Winsome Prince. Since the pre­ BEST FROM THE BOOK Ma'm'selle Ojo, Cliaiicery I,ane, Come Closer, sent flat racing season began nearly 100 women 123 LKICESTEK f.AP^E (It. J. Colling). 5-7-13 ., P. Evans Betting Forecast,—3 agst Merely, 4 Midi. 5 Don't Care, After iiis poiivincing display at Haydock. 320 ELDORAUO (Stotie), 6-7-5 Cbristie 11-2 Orphic, 7 PhalOirope, 8 Mute Swan and Voiturette, 10 owners have had their colours carried to the Nola and Lady Gay, iOO-8 Saintly Orbs, 100-6 others, front 112 ABBOT'S FERRY (Dick), 5 7-5 Dines 2.45~-STAFF0RDSHIRE HANDICAP, £200; 6t. will he, dillictiit to ov<ircome In the Wlitoo 404 THE STALKER (T. Greetl), 6-7 4 . R. Smith 000 HAREM (Lawson), 3-8-1 S, Donoglme Maiden Stakes at Eedciir. PAGE BOV. 013 COLONEL (;AU^T (M. Peii(^0(;k), 3-7-2 ,. A, Roberta Owner's Luck Other Entries.—Disarmament, Ailsa Craig, Piiradc, 124 EAGLERAY (V. Hobbs), 6-7-13 ..: Mrs. Corlette Glorney certainly made a most Betting Forecast,—5-2 agst Light o' Love, 7-2 'I'linipston, 023 TOM BOWLING iStcdali), 3-7-12 Sirett judicious purchase when she gave 560 guineas 9-2 Leicester Lane, 7 Abl ots Ferry ami Colonel Giiiint, 121 SUSPICION (I'', ilarliesn), 9-7-11 G Rieliards but I shall not look beyond Tiberius. He is lOO-S ottiors. 000 MARY M.\C (U, Smvlill, 7-7-10 Packliam for Effaceable after she had won at Lingfield well up to the weight and will want a lot of 3.45-GnEAT NATIONAL BREEDERS FOAL PLATE in May of last year. The filly won for her new (3Y-0>, £700; lini. 004 DUSK IWestlake), 3-7-8 F. Pox stopping. owner at the first-time of asking, and later in 041 lliONCREV (TempIemaJi), 10-0 500 DOUBLE DI (HoHaiid), 4-7-7 C. Richards the season was again successful at Newmarket. 124 TIBEKICS (Lawson), 10-0 R. A, Jtaiee 031 PARADISE LOST (M. Marsh), 3-7-7 Barber *' Horses for courses " has been working out This .year Effaceable captured the Newmarket 041 MONEYBOX (M Peacock). 9-7 NcTHt 002 BLANDINH (Snow), 3-7-4 — well lately. Light o' Love knows his way over Handicap of £545 and tliQ Robert Wilinot Han­ 000 MALLIN iThralo), 8-7 , Dines 534 TELLER (Rimell), 4-7-2 W.' Elliott the Redcar track and should carry Peii-yman dicap of £588 at Windsor in June. And so we 40 ROSETTA (C, Leader), 8-4 Weston 100 ALT3JS.SE (OonlHiwaiLe), 4-7-0 M. Hunter tc success in the Redcar Handicap. Abbots find Mrs. Glorney winning five handicaps with Perry won over the course in May and will be 000 SILVER FOX (Hhey,. 8-4 Cbristie 323 CHERRY PIE (II. Smylb), 3-7-0 a horse bought out of a seller. ridden by Dines, and danger is expected from Other Entries.—AI'islon, Noble Star c, Veniista f. 040 VAIN BACHELOR {H. Stevens), 6-7-0 * * * Colonel Gaunt. But Light 0' Love's running Betting Forecast,—6-4 on Tiberius, 4 sgst R.osetta, 6 000 SYBIL GREEN (Dutt*n), 4-7-0 Miss Talbot bought Pordilia as a yearling behind Young Native in the Brighton Cup indi­ Moneybox, 10 Irongrey, 100-6 others. 014 SOCIAL EVENT (BrRime), 5-7-0 Richardson at Newmarket for 680 guineas. When making cates that he wiH require a deafof beating. 4 15-ZETLAND MAIDEN HANDICAP, £150; Im. 000 LUCIAN (Braime). 3-7-0 her debut on One Thousand Guineas day Por­ » * * , 001 SILVER SVLPII (Fred Butters). 3-8-9 .... W. Rickabj Other Entries.—Paddington, Maid o! Essex, All-a'Fire, dilia finished last of ali in the race won by 040 GROClC (Persse), 3-8-5 Gonlea Golden King, <!ela, Ballinliiig, The Leopard, Tree Shadow, Over a score of horses remain in the Summer 000 fIO?JEY BUN (M, Peacock], 3-8 2 JSevett April, Pomposo, Cambridge Blue, Shepherd's Warming, Gynerium, and she was again well beaten at', Handicap at Wolverhampton, but the race will Borneo, Belo.vnl, Chelsea Reach, Chimes, Shimmer. the Newmarket Second Spring Meeting. But 330 LIGHT OF" MORNING IPersfe), 3-8-0 Betting, Forecast,—3 agst Blanding, 4 Suspicion, 9-2 third time paid for all at Windsor. It was not: not want a lot of winning and advices are POLYDAMAS (Dundas), 3-7-15 Stephenson Eaglerav. 6 Double Di, 7 Paradise Lost and Mary Mae,' favourable, regarding Yellow Peril. When GLORIA MIA (.1, Reardon), 4-7-13 8 Cherry Pie 10 Vain Bachelor and Social Event, 100-7 by any means an easy victory, as it was only . beaten by Venery at Salisbury he did not have others. from the distance that she came on the scene the best of luck, but he came out on the right 02 SONiSKSPRING (Elsev), 3-7-12 , Bnlloek 3.15-DUNSTALL PLATE (T-Y-O), £200; 5t and succeeded in outstaying Priority and The side in his race at Chepstow. He is in to-day's 033 HURRAH PEGGY (Reader), 4-7-11 Dnckenflolfl 001 BRECKNOCK (S. Darling), 9-1 Trend gelding, race at an attractive weight and should com­ 021 NICO llSotterill), 3-7-9 , Weaton 041 GLENLEE (DuLlon), 8-] 2 — ft it K pensate followers. 0 CIIEEB GIRL (Bellerbv), 4-7-7 ChiiBtie 004 PENNY FARTHtiSG (Renton), 4-7-7 Bpecre 001 APPIAN WAY (M. Hartigan), 8-12 G. Richards In practically every race at Redcar there was X » * 000 UATliOR (T. Green), 3-7-5 • 000 SIR CALIDOiiE (LawsOn), 8-5 , F. Fox keen, rivalry between northern and southern. For my £20 postcard prize this week the race LET LIVE C (Bc'dle), 8-5 Simpson stables. Adonis did not make the long trip chosen is the Middlesbrough Welter Handicap 00 BANNERET (.1.
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