HONMOUTJICOUNTY HiSTOR I.CAL ASSO FREEHOLD, S . J. L h . l S • • • Envisions Added Matawan Contract - M. B. Lambertson Bids - Stetler Says Offices, " Garbage Collection : Member National Editorial Association —- Now Jersey Press. Association — Monmouth .County Press Association Gym and Auditorium Job At $7000 But Hitch Could Be Utilized For Develops Afterwards 82nd YEAR — 26th WEEK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1950 Single, Copy Six Cents Emergency Period Matawan -Borough Council last A .plnn onvlakmlnu n rcvnmplnH ... jjlght acted to override a reconv New Record of the school /ucllltled a t M atawon mendatioii of its - street com- lo moot llio nocda ot larger onroll- mlttee that Millard B. Lambert* The Matawan Pott Office re­ m cnt y et al tho Bomo tim o hold ;K>D, Hobart St, Keyport, be ported this morning Ih il during to a minimum-Investment In mater, awarded the garbage' contract Appoints Loscoe She pre-Christmas period be* Crashes listed lulu and construction during tho In that borough for 1051 for tween Dec. 13*24 over 163.000 wai- emergency period wo* sub­ $7000 an d aw arded it to E a rl ilems oi niaU were cancelled, t mitted to Mutuwan Township vE. t Enunons,. present „Mataw.9P.. Assistant Grid Coach subptsniial increase. m t . last Police Called To Probe Board oMiductitlnn by Rtiwell A. .- contractor* a t ' $5100< • * Is Named; District yeer's record handle. Several Pre*Christmas 0, Stotlor, suppi-vlulng principal, Mr. Lambertspn's bid was higher Clerk; Starts Duties According lo Posbnasier Accidents In Bayshore u n d e r dn'lo of Dcc. 11, ........... ; than either those' of Mr. Emmons Charles J . Haseman. revsnue of Mr, Stetlcr'4 plan would utlllro ol1 Edward Jones, another Matawan On Jan. 1 the local oflice showed a gain Section ' tho tiymnuslum for cluurooms and re s id e n t M r, Jo n es bid $3400, ju st of appioxlmaiely 10 'per cent tho miditorlum of tho high school G eorge L qscoc was named dis­ Keyport State Polico were called $100 m ore th a n ; w h a t is paid M r. builditiK for physical education trict cicrk of thc Matawan Town­ over 1949. This waa attributed to nine accidcnt cases in this area ■' 'J^npn^now / In -eonferenco with lo lhe Inereasa In ibe use of air. purpose*, placo tho prlnclpat'H ship Board .ofEducationata special overman, eight-hour period, the .Frl- iKe^streetcbnirM tteeQfth^ffoun-- midi and, air ^arcel poik because olTlcos in u iini'-iilnry olTlcc build- m eeting : "of th a t •- bo d y -• M onday day Jwfore Chri^mM. T he^ ln« to litr locnled; between ll» high- cil; Mr. Jones acknowledged his night Mr. Loscoe, a long-term of ihe railroad strike. Sale b! a number of other coUisionr in­ bid underestimated ^ one Item, arid lhree-cenl stamps 'alto increased’, 'und~gi‘ammur.'tcliool bulldlngi, and resident -of Matawan and a gradu­ vestigated during thc holiday week­ he; withdrew it ................ while there was a slight decrease convert tlio present officca to ciniu- ate of Matavran High School,. re­ end. Most were of a minor nature, i i.ini um'n. The litiriiry of th e high ♦ The street Commlttce then con- In the number of iwo-ceni 5 places Mrs. Georgiannft L. Johnson- but injuries to four persons woro ncliool building would alao be made "fl3erea~ir'bM “ from~Mr7-£mmons.' sbto'Who'Tesigned*-Novr-30r -lastr stamps sold. .reported ______ ■ ■ Mr. Haseman commended ifie” Inin two schoolroom#,., ... He stipulated he would collect Mrs. Johnson said at tho time, she Grover Johnson, Volley Rd., garbage, fo r $5000 if th e borough co-operation of ihe public., hi 7T7>ini?r-iichlw'tilKli wbool {jan was resigning . after filling the Matawan, was taken to Perth Am* would bo ■ liitroduiRxl ln keeping bility shall be upon the' borough." observing early* nailing ploa* ptfsltioh o . little less than . two boy General Hospital suffering with theac changeH with thc «ov- .The committee interpreted this.to and lhe eflldency of his office's years, bccause she “could not ■get from a fractured knee and possible cnth nml eighth grades irmved Into "'"SflS&irttn responsibility for provid- siaff Joj makinfl li pc8»ibl? io along with" Russell A. GlSletler, internal.; injuries wiien^ Iiis’- car tho high school building; Tlio ' Ing fill . dirt to: cove*. garbage clear ell Christmas malt by supervising principal of Matawan came, into ^hcad'on collision with CliftwomU/ixlh iiradu would -bo -damped should be a borough Saturday night, thus eliminating Township ~ schools. one drivch by WJliiam Kowalski, m uceti 'tu i Mil tn wnn Q raintnat'' matter and rejected the Emxnons Sunday deliveries ln 'effect in Perth Amboy, on Morganville* School,' ’ - bid on the grounds it would in thc Mra, Johnson replaced Edwin H. many ares communities. Dominick and since hdr resignation Tennent Rd., Marlboro Township. Plan Outlined - end amount to much more than Mr. KoWalskl told.Btate police he $7000. - . the position was filled by Mrs. In detail II19 Dlim uutllued In Christine C.» Lamborn, a member was blinded by lights of an on* M r, Stetloi'n wonlM In followa; 'The—commlttcc—took-lunder_ad=. ^jf“the-board-of-*ducation,—who an~ com ing ca r. ' (1) G J'nm nshuu~iil«C b n , floor vlsement -bid of Mr, -Lambcrtson^ nounced that she was taking over Olive Stilwe]]. a teachor in made, in two forms. The Keyport nt3nvo~tho-prcaenHlno|-nt~n'holght— only-on-an-Interim basis-until, a Matawan schools, had her car. run millwblu for vlaatriniin purposo^ iho ~ man stipulated he would collcct permanent succcssor to Mrs. John­ into at Old Bridge traffic circle ltiwcr pmllon tn |ju ullUzod uh 11 garbage fo r $5000 if th c borough son could be chosen, by ono driven by George Skelton, boinl) ulioliciv-wlilili would bo be­ - took thc responsibility to proyldc Dayton. Mr. Skelton lust control low aurfnea level without windows. and maintain thc dump, or at $7000 Mr. Loscoe was one of flvc ap­ Phelan Recommends plicants for thc ^1250 a year job of his uuto and it tsklddcd into thc On tlm iit'Wjlloor cminlruct four if he was to furnish and spread the New Car Be Purchased Stilwell cnr. No injuries were re­ All dirt to covcr thc garbage at a and he will take over thc duties on cliihBiounm, The gyimmiiluin win­ ported. - • dow apnee, of couran, muat ho municipally provided dumping, Jon. 1. An employee of Hanson- Next Year;' Table Fire onlnrgad, PIviihv keep III mind that grounds. The council agreed this Van Winkle-Munning Co. in thnt Companies Request Auto H1U Tree ......... nvciy two yciira tlio board uf ed>i- latter proposition was the better Ann's JMatawan ofTice, for the past Two young people were Injured several years he has been serving cnllon apeiidH $5000 for 11 now lloor of any submitted. Matawan Borough Councilman when' a car. driven by Thomuy as assistant to Tony Nuccio, Mata- Theodore A. ^hclan, chairman of Milluljk' for ^lymunatlca, 1'hln «x- Four-Day Schedule Prcndevlllc, Fair Haven, ran. into wan High School football coach. the police commlttce, who leaves a tre e on Palmer Avc„. Raritwi penao would bo eliminated. Mr. Lambcrtson- also agreed to He is n resident of Washington the council Dcc.- 31, submitted- tho Township. Tho injured, Francis (2> Audllorlnm—ri'move the prca- collcct garbage, cans and trash all St., Matawan, married and the annual departmental report from P rcndovillc, 10, and M rs. Rcuchor, cut Kent* and dlvldo tho nudltorlum _at. one» time and to do so on a father of two children Chief John J. Flood at Tuesday’s 25; both of Fair Haven, declined In o<im,l acctlona Iiy utlllr.lng fold­ four-day BcheBuTe.ln pTacc“oF the ............Of the five applications received m u h i c i p a r ^ m c d rc a t^ a U O n tio io rth c ^ c c n o _arii Happy New Year - ing doom, Thla rooijy llien may bn present two-day schedule. He in answer to advertisements placed Motor vchiclc arrests in Matawan were released to consult their,?| Hospital Aide Two Terms Enough utiirziiaiiiriiiriiiHlitoi'iuiiTfinfliiyiri-" would collect Mondays and Thurs­ by the board, only thrceVcrc given w ere 300 In 1950 lb d a te ahd 314 personal physlcinn. The officers and me.mberihip niialuin, A illvlnlun will inaka It days in th 0‘ southern half of the formal consideration. Thc other drivers were flned by Recorder , Mrs. Ar^erie" Costc'sp-^umcsbm'fi, of the Matawan Fin! Aid Squad pnaalblo for boya nml glrln to pgr- borough and un Tuesdays and Fri* two werc from persons who are James H. Martin. There were 30 w as in ju red In a tw o‘CorvrniB hVvut Scores Doctors havo requested Th* MaUwsn For Matawan Mayor tldpniu lu gym nciivlty nt tho days In the northern- half. At Journal to use. its columns to non-residents of the Matawun traffic .accidents. Five persons Bradcvclt und wo# taken to BJvcN 1 . lannio tliim, Kolillng poni-tH may bo present collections are on a two- Township district ................... were held for action of the grand view Hospital. wish, on bshalfof ih« unit, each •John W. ADDleaatC Is utlll/w l (ni- iionci'n] mmcmbly jiur- day basis and garbage has to be Claims Some Fail To and overy borough'resident, and jury and 10 sent lo jail. Finos for Summonses were glvcii to Joseph N» r »;L l„ '.POHU* '"ICO a wrok, Cotit l« nol kept separate from cans and trash.
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