ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT OF CENTRAL SAUNDA COLLIERY FOR 2013-14 CENTRAL COALFIELDS LIMITED August ’2014 CENTRAL SAUNDA COLLIERY BARKA-SAYAL AREA EXECUTIVE - SUMMARY E.1 This Environmental Statement Report is prepared with a view to fulfil the statutory obligations laid down by Ministry Of Environment & Forest (MOEF), Government Of India vide their gazette notification no. G.S.R. 329 (E) dated 13th March 1992. The `Environmental Audit' has been made mandatory through this notification. The `Environmental Audit' has subsequently renamed to `Environmental Statement' vide MOEF gazette notification no.G.S.R 386 (E) dated 22nd April 1993. E.2 Central Saunda colliery is situated in South Karanpura coalfields and operating under Barkakana Area of Central Coalfield Ltd.. The capacity of the Project was to produce 0.48 M tonnes/ year of raw coal. E.3 There was no production of coal during the year 2013-14. E.4 The water although not used directly during the coal winning process, water is being consumed mainly for domestic purposes. Small quantity of Water is also being consumed for industrial activities. E.5 Quarterly environmental monitoring has been carried out regularly by CMPDI for air, water & noise parameters. The results of the four quarters of 2012-13 are enclosed. E.5.1 The results reveals that concentration of parameters i.e. SPM, SO2, NOx in ambient air are within the permissible limits. E.5.2 The quality of mine water at the disposal point is under the limits as prescribed. E.5.3 The noise level recorded are generally below the prescribed limits by Ministry of Environment & Forest. E.6 Hazardous wastes are not being produced either from mining operations or from any pollution control facilities. E.7 The main raw material being used is diesel & lubricants. The annual consumption of diesel is 1,33,709 ltrs. and lubricant 90 ltrs during 2013-14. CHAPTER ONE PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1 GENERAL The Central Saunda colliery lies in South Karanpura Coalfield and under the administrative control of Barkakana area of Central Coalfields Ltd.. The project capacity is 0.48 M tonnes coal/ year, from underground mining method . Project is an active underground coal mine. The project has produced nil tonnes of coal during 2012- 13. 1.2 LOCATION The Project lies between latitudes 23o 40' and 00" and 23o 41' and 00" and the longitude 850 20' and 30" and 850 21' and 40". It is situated in the Ramgarh distt. of Jharkhand state. 1.3 COMMUNICATION The project is well connected by all weather metalled road to Ranchi, about 50 Kms, via Patratu and to Ramgarh, about 28 Kms. The nearest Railway Station, Patratu, is about 5 Kms from the project, on the Gomoh - Dehri-on-Sone branch line of the Eastern Railway. The nearest airport is at Ranchi at a distance 50 km. The colliery has its own Railway siding branching off Patratu railway station. 1.4 TOPOGRAPHY AND DRAINAGE The terrain is gently sloping towards south, south east and north west with the central portion being at the highest level of about 314 metres above mean sea level. The drainage of the area is controlled by Damodar river. The drainage of water from the project is affected by two streams, Nakari river on the south east part and a nalla on the north west part of the block, for discharge to Damodar. 1.5 Mining System The coal is being produced in the project by underground mining method. Bord & Pillar method of mining is being practised in the project. 1.6 Mining Parameters Net Geological Reserves - 67.68 M tonnes Net Mineable Reserves - 32.00 M tonnes Quality of Coal (UHV) - 5700 K Cal/Kg (Weighted Average) Grade of coal Steam - `B' Slack - `C' Area - 328.22 acres No. of workable seams - 19 CHAPTER TWO ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT FOR COAL MINING PROJECT Environmental Statement for the assessment year ending March 2012 PART - A (I) NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE PROJECT: Name: Central Saunda Colliery Address: Project Officer Place: Saunda Distt.: Ramgarh (II) INDUSTRY CATEGORY : Primary (III) PRODUCTION CAPACITY : 0.48 M t/y (IV) YEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT : ---- (V) DATE OF THE LAST ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT SUBMITTED: Nov.’2013 PART - B WATER AND RAW MATERIAL CONSUMPTION (I) WATER CONSUMPTION (m3/day): (i) Water Consumption (CUM/D) : 3359 Mining` : Nil (a) Haul Road Dust Suppression : Nil (b)Workshop : (c)Fire fighting : (d)Others (Service buildings etc.) : 4 Domestic : 3355 Aboriculture : Nil ________________________________________________________________________ Name of Product Water consumption per unit of Product (m3/tonne of Coal) 2013-14 2012-13 Coal --- --- (ii) Raw Material Consumption: Name of raw material Consumption of raw material (per unit of coal) 2013-14 2012-13 NIL PART - C POLLUTION GENERATED Pollutants Quantity of Pollutants % of variations from prescribed standards Generated with reasons Water (a) Discharge 1296 Cu-M/day The water quality from the project is being from mine monitored regularly and placed as Annexure - II Air The SPM, SO2 The concentration of air The Ambient air quality monitoring is being and NOx are pollutants are measurable. carried out by CMPDI. The results indicate generated from that the pollutants are under prescribed limit. coal mining project Noise The noise level is measureable The noise level in the project is within tolerance limits. PART - D HAZARDOUS WASTES (as specified under Hazardous Waste Management & Handling Rules, 1989) Hazardous Wastes Total Quantity During the financial year During the financial year (2013-14)) (2012-13) From Mining Process NIL NIL From Material handling System NIL NIL Note : The entire process of Coal mining, handling and despatch do not give rise to production of any hazardous wastes. PART - E SOLID WASTES Total quantity of solid waste generated ( M m3) 2013-14 2012-13 (a) From process (i) Top soil NIL NIL (ii) O.B. NIL NIL (b) From pollution NIL NIL control facilities (c) Quantity recycled or Not applicable reutilised PART - F CHARACTERISTICS OF HAZARDOUS AND SOLID WASTE AND THEIR DISPOSAL PRACTICE Hazardous wastes are not being produced or released from either mining operation or pollution control facilities. In underground mining no solid waste is generated. PART- G IMPACT OF POLLUTION CONTROL MEASURES ON CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ON COST OF PRODUCTION The main pollution control measures applied in the project have been summarised in below : Sl.No. Measures Suggested Whether Provided or Not 1 The design material, arrangement and condition of Provided picks on a coal cutting machine shall be such that production of fine dust is minimised. 2 Blast hole geometry need to be designed properly. Being carried out Blasting is to be carried out during favorable weather conditions. Blast site to be wetted before and after blasting. Proper and optimum quantity of explosives to be used. 3 All service roads to be water sprayed regularly. Being done All long life roads to be metalled and well maintained. 4 All transfer points to be provided with dust To be Provided suppression system Sl. Measures Suggested Whether Provided or No. Not 1 Mine water is to be pumped into settling tank. Provided After settling water is passed to natural drains. 2 Workshop effluent from the project is NIL, Not Required therefore no treatment plant is provided for this. Provided 3 For domestic effluent, septic tanks and soak pits to be provided in buildings and housing complex. 3.0 Measures for Reclamation of Land At present , no OB is being generated since U/G mining is being carried out. PART- H ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT PROPOSAL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION INCLUDING ABATEMENT OF POLLUTION 1. The Project will continue to carry regular environmental monitoring for air, water and noise pollutants as per the guidelines of Ministry of Environment & Forest. 2. The Environmental Statement Report will be prepared for each assessment year as per the guidelines of Ministry of Environment & Forest. 3. The project will continue to take Air & Water consent from State Pollution Control Board for each year. PART - I ANY OTHER PARTICULARS IN RESPECT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ABATEMENT OF POLLUTION The suggestions made by different statutory agency e.g. Ministry of Environment & Forest, Central Pollution Control Board and State Pollution Control Board etc. are being implemented from time to time. CENTRAL MINE PLANNING AND DESIGN INSTITUTE LTD. TEST REPORT Job No. : 094313025 Date of Issue: 31/05/13 Name of the Customer : CCL Customer Letter Ref. No. (if any): CCL/Env-Monitoring/13-14/ 2013/823-828 dt. 16/05/13 Sample Description : Air Product Specification (BIS) : Gazette Notification no. G.S.R 742(E) dt.25th Sept.’2000 Test Required : As per Gazette Notification no. G.S.R 742(E) dt.25th Sept.’2000 Date of receipt of sample : 17/05/13 Date of performance of Test: 17/05/13 to 31/05/13 TEST RESULT The sample has been tested with the following results:- Area : Barka-Sayal Year 2013 Project : Central Saunda Quarter Ending June '2013 Name of the Sampling Station P.O.Office Date of Sampling SPM RPM SO2 NOx Remarks 06/05/2013 - 07/05/2013 335 122 10 42 Name of the Sampling Station Rest House Date of Sampling SPM RPM SO2 NOx Remarks 06/05/2013 - 07/05/2013 407 173 10 38 G.M (Chemist) Analysed By Checked By Env. Lab., CMPDI(HQ) (Authorized Signatory) B-1 Note: 1) This Report refers to the values obtained at the time of testing and results related to the items tested 2) This Report cannot be reproduced in part or full without written permission of the management. 3) Liability for return of samples ceases as samples cannot be retained for retests. CENTRAL MINE PLANNING AND DESIGN INSTITUTE LTD. TEST REPORT Job No.
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