*BlSBiSsnUt2Xu£Xfcta ^B|*iw<i"ivrp-u ,'•'•"•"• • "7 '',''-'••,.- . • • v ';..4ppflHM9i *mm*m mmzi. w* measures adopted up to this wwe un­ The death is announced of tbe sec­ (table purpose, and by representing just been provided t^s V.:c fb'irch. s axed price and at Died '-teres*, to availing they should bring the fight ond daughter of Sir James Mathew, himself as a ticket collector obtained Very Rev- Dean White. K ;•?,. V. U., say particular person or corporation." Into tbe fairs and markets, as of s4d, Is to be congratulated on I«,.B ve > which occurred at tiie Carmelite Con­ money from several persons. He was Alserman O'Doberty held that ths Fi­ and (each all grabbers a lesson. pleasing addition to his church. •* .. >n vent, St. Charles SQuare. Nottlng Hill, sentenced to three months' imprison­ nance Sub-Committee had illegally ex­ sr ment. j Last Wednesday Coroner Neville stands a monument to hla . ..g London. The deceased lady, who was ceeded thslr powers in entering tat* Patrick Barron was charged with ' held an Inquest at Ballineen Court seal. only twenty-six years of age, had been 1 House, touching the sudden death, in an arrangement, with the Northers burglary at Dungulpb On the appli­ The death of the Grand Jury Secre­ Bank. Belfast, to take over the new is- a member of the Carmelite community ' tbe village, on that day. of a farmer's tary for Tlpperary. Cap*. Juhu Uuy.ejr, cation of Mr Cooper, 9. C. 8., the bear­ sos of city stock He maintained that for eight years, and was esteemed and son named James Hurley, aged 19 which occurred at bis ret>de:.>it. Ual- loved by all who knew her. ing of tbe case was adjourned to the a second offer, made by Mr. SsTunn, en aselzee. as the principal witneas for years, ft appeared that Hurley, who llnaclough Hpuse. will be Je_:. ,.eu by behalf of an Amerleaa gentleman, A Condensed Review of the Tbe appointment of Mr. Lennox, B. tbe prosecution. Mrs Mary Anderson, had been ailing for some time, bad all who enjoyed the pleas tut- < . nis ac­ A., to a position In tbe firm of Messrs. was too 111 to attend come to the fair In the village that day quaintance. The sad eveui 1 as not which was £2,000 a year better, had D Arcy & Co., proprietors of the An­ We regret to anwxwice the death of and entered Mr. Enrlght'e public come with surprise to the tiet«-ai»ed not been fairly considered by the suV Week's Happenings- chor brewery, leaves the post of sec­ Mrs. Bridget Dunne, of Park, which house. He was coughing at tbe time, gentleman's friends. committee. His object now was to retary of the Licensed Grocers and occurred a week ago Saturday. The and told the bar assistant that be was have the stock issue left open to pu»- Vintners' Association vacant. A num- deceased was an octogenarian and the dying. She Immediately informed the Uc tender, and let the Northern Bask mer of candidates are In tbe 8eld al­ last surviving member of an ancient proprietor o€ the poor fellow's condi­ compete on level terms with other ten­ »•'#' '^^H tion. On getting another fit of cough­ WATERFORD. ^i|BV5 ^^^^|•sfP ^: ; ready. and respected family. derers for It. Councillor Hastings, for ; ,J ; HK: ' INTERESTING ITEMS Tbe Royal Dublin Society has made On tbe nomination of Most Rev. Dr. ing be threw tip a quantity of blood, In Dungarvan, an Important meet­ the Tories, opposed the motion, and ^W? : ^HL^Bils* ^ and expired shortly afterward. Dr. •'.-'iW^^^M B^BSH^ - a grant of £60 for choral prizes at the Browne and Mr John Cullin, Miss M. ing of tbe West Waterford Co*ronaiU«e the Town Clerk also took a hand la. Neville stated that death was caused and abuse and vituperation were free­ •->'-&* i^H^^HB5.>V - forthcoming Irish musical celebration, J. Callagban has been appointed fe­ was held in the Town Hail, tor the TERSELY PRESENTED. and hag given the u*e of part of the male attendant In Bnnlscotthy Lu­ by hemorrage, of the lungs. purpose of taking steps, to close the ly bandied round. Finally, w*n**AJ- •HPt^ Ballsbrldge premises during the Musi­ natic Asylum. At the meeting of the Trustees of National collection for the peahen. On aerm&n O'Doherty was speajfciagv^the cal Feis week. the Cork South Infirmary, one week the motion of Mr. Thotnss Glynn. P. Mayor left the /chahv taking with.-syjn ago Tuesday. Dr. R. P. Crosbie was L. 0.; seconded by Mr. Michael Barry, the officials and all their bofik»,jmt =:•&%.*•»:<;#§•• LONQFORD. tbe chair was taken by Mr. Thomas -•«»,;-p.-*-. :^''^^^^ ^,3^^^'>; :^^B1BBl%: H a elected house-surgeon. In succession documents. Alderman MoOor ~ • if, . •*'-- ^^^mBHTBBHat-L. ' ~-<<'~*- '' Sim MANY FRlipJDS ACROSS THE KILDARE. Power, T. C, and r«*Hutlp*s were "w^^^-'-^B•Etevv. ' - At the last Oran&rd Petty Sessions, to Dr. Reed, who resigned, and Dr. the senior msmhsr of%e'Naxlo Mft M One day last week Dr. J. Smyth, cor­ before Messrs. J. KHkejly, R. M., J. Booth was elected aeaUuwit house- adopted declaring that the leading Na­ tarty, was then moved to"tfce>l T'iVv'r. I^H•»•'•'' " ' WATER HEARD FROM. oner, held an Inquest at the Work­ Adema. and Capt. Hepenjtal, Col. Dop- surgeon. A warm vote of thanks was tionalists of Dungarvan were solidly and the remainder of the preese*js«j» f in favor of an united Irish jfjacty. £%rfr*";»W;?1^BMB •pr-. ' house Hospital. Naas, on the body of plng appeared to prosecute Peter Vic­ passed to Dr. Reed. were quite orderly. Alderman PltHftag an old man named Bryan, of Yellow tory, one of his evicted tenants, for at­ We regret to have to announce the At the last meeting of the; Water­ spoke in support of the mstion, which ford Board of Guardians, a letter was Bog, near Kllcullen. Tbe evidence of tempting to stab him with a pitchfork. demise of Mr Denis Crowley, of Ban- was put sad unanimously i^greed ts try, who died one week ago Tuesday, read from Mr. White, the County Theresa Bryan was to the effect that Before the case commenced, Col. Dop- by the seventeen 'Besibers whs re­ on the night of the 9th of January a plng objected to his nephew Sitting on to the regret ef his sorrowing family High Sheriff, declining to call a meet­ ing on the Financial Ralatloxu Ques­ mained in the chamber. man named Michael Aspel, called at tbe bench. After some hesitation Capt. and numerous friends. The funeral was tion.' the residence of her uncle, in company Hepenstal withdrew. Col. Dopptng largely attended. (By Our Special Correspondent.) Dr. Michael Doaovaa has been elect­ The Dungarvan Town Commission­ «jcV. £'"' , with his uncle. John Aspel, and, on then made his charge of attempted as­ deceased going out, Michael Aspel sault, on which Victory was bound to ed medical officer of Whltechurch Dis­ ers have passed a resolution calling DUBLIN. pensary District, by ten votes to nine the attention of the Lord Chancellor knocked him down, and then botn the peace for twelve months. The Colonel then slated that he had four cast for Dr Jamee Lynch, in the place and the Chief Secretary to the prac- CONNAUGHT ipi: It Is stated that the English Educa­ men kicked him. Dr. P. Coady depos­ ot Pr Kennedy, resigned. tlcs of forcing Irish speaking witness­ tion Department have at length deci­ ed to the injuries suffered by the de­ other cases against Victory. At this stage Capt. Hepenstal resumed his es, under threat of Imprisonment to ded to rq&aciJxe the teachers' certifi­ ceased, Including the fracture of tbe give their evidence in English, GALWAY. cate* issued^ty 'the Irish Education seventh and eighth ribs. He bad prac­ seat on the bench. The Colonel stood Board. This decision will render Irish tically recovered from bis Injuries up and again made a forcible objec­ KERRY. The recent fleods along the banks teachers eligible for vacancies In Eng­ when be gof a fainting fit, and died in tion to Capt. Hepenstal adjudicating of the Shannon and its tributaries, and Bald If Capt Hepenstal Insisted A boy named John Enright. son of about Portumna, spread over a Vast lish schools, a concession that has a Quarter of an hour. The Jury, after a small farmer residing at Crotta, Kil- heretofore been denied them, though considerable deliberation, found thai he would report the matter to the expanse of cultivated land, adding fur­ Lord Chancellor Capt. Hepenstal said flynn. died I ant Tuesday from the ef­ the standard of Irian examinations baa deceased died of syncope. Both the ULSTER. ther Injury to the farmers. w*o are there was no hostility on bis part He fects of injuries received the previous still suffering from the bad harvest, been higher than the English average. Aspels are In cuBtody, and will be would alt on the bench and the Col­ day. while engaged In a football by stepping all farming operations, A conference of representatives of brought Up at Kllcullen Petty Sessions. onel could take any steps he liked. match. Before dying be told bis sis­ and practically absorbing acres upoa public bodies from twenty-seven out of ANTRIM. A meeting of ratepayers was held At the last meeting of the Ballyma- ter that he had been kicked in the acres of band. thirty-two counties of Ireland Was on last Monday In the Court House.
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