June11ca 2015-16Bopchampions

June11ca 2015-16Bopchampions

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The man known as “Mr. Hockey” was 88. Prospect ponders prep school away. He also plays for ing at East High this fall or Murray Howe,oneofhissons,confirmedthedeath Hardaway’s AAU organi- somewhere else, Memphis Friday, texting to The Associated Press: “Mr Hockey left By Jason Smith that Chandler’s return to zation, Team Penny. is likely in for a fight to land peacefully, beautifully, and w no regrets.” Howe died in [email protected] East is up in the air and that Would a move to an out- Chandler, especially if he Sylvania, Ohio, at the home of Murray Howe, according 901-529-5804 the 6-foot-8 forward will of-town prep school hurt remains ranked among to Detroit Red Wings executive Rob Mattina. visit hoops powerhouse the U of M’s chances of the nation’s elite 2019 pros- Howe shattered records, threw elbows and helped the Five-star Class of 2019 Oak Hill Academy in Vir- landing Chandler? Much pects between now and Detroit Red Wings win four Stanley Cups, becoming an forward prospect Chandler ginia and IMG Academy in will depend on whether wheneverhepicksaschool. idol to Hall of Famer Wayne Gretzky and countless other Lawson could be headed to Florida. Keelon is still on the Ti- “We don’t want to just Canadians while helping the sport attract American fans. aprepschoolthisfallrath- Chandler is the younger gers’ staf when Chandler limit Chandler just to Gretzky wrote on Twitter: “Unfortunately we lost the er than returning to East brother of Tigers forwards chooses a school. Memphis. We really want it greatest hockey player ever today, but more importantly High for his sophomore Dedric and K.J. Lawson. But Chandler’s mother, to be his choice and not just the nicest man I have ever met. RIP Mr. Hockey.” season. He’s ranked No. 10 in the Dedra, told The CA last what we want and where Howe’s final NHL season came at age 52. Chandler’s father, newly released 2019 ESPN June that the family plans his dad is,” Dedra said last Besides Howe’s four Cups, the talented right winger Keelon Lawson, the direc- 25, having helped East earn to keep Chandler’s recruit- summer. won six Hart Trophies as NHL MVP and six Ross Tro- tor of player development itsseventhClassAAAstate ment open, an indication “We would love for him phies as the league’s top scorer. Howe began playing for for the University of Mem- title in March. perhaps that he might not to be where his dad is, but the Red Wings in 1946, leading them to seven straight phis, told The Commercial Chandler was coached at follow his father and older we want it to be open for first-place finishes in the regular season. He was a part AppeallateThursdaynight East last season by former brothers to Memphis. him.” of what was known as “The Production Line” with fellow future Hall of Famers Ted Lindsay and Sid Abel during his 25 years with the franchise. UOFMFOOTBALL Logano wins pole at Michigan Joey Logano posted a lap of 199.557 mph Friday to win Tigerslandpairofjucocorners the pole for Sunday’s Firekeepers Casino 400 NASCAR Sprint Cup race at Michigan International Speedway in By Tom Schad appeared in eight games month that he had commit- of other academic bench- Brooklyn. [email protected] as a redshirt freshman at ted to the Tigers. marks outlined by the Martin Truex Jr. will go second, his ninth start in the 901-529-2525 Oklahoma last season be- Green and Windham NCAA. top 10 this season. Tony Stewart will also be in the front fore coach Bob Stoops an- are classified as 4-2-4 Edwards, meanwhile, is row for the 40-car race. Junior college corner- nounced in December that transfers, which means rated a three-star prospect A new aerodynamic package along with the wide and backs — and former Uni- he had been “removed from they began their careers by 247 Sports and a two- slick 2-mile oval, which had drivers going “sideways,” versity of Oklahoma foot- the team.” The 6-foot-2, at four-year universities star recruit by Rivals. He according to Truex, should set up quite a race. ball players — Marcus 190-pounder then enrolled before transferring to also reportedly held ofers “Sunday is going to be a blast,” Truex said. “With that Green and Tito Windham at Northeastern Oklahoma two-year schools. In such from 17 other Football Bowl sun being on the racetrack all day, it’s going to be slick recently posted on Twit- A&M, a junior college in Mi- cases, there must be a gap Subdivision and Football and fun.” ter that they intend to join ami, Oklahoma. He posted of at least one calendar Championship Subdivision the University of Memphis on Twitter on Wednesday year between the player schools, including Navy U.S.facesParaguayforquarterfinalberth program. that he will continue his ca- leaving one four-year uni- and UAB. The Tigers also added reer at Memphis this spring. versity and playing at an- North Pontotoc (Mis- Coach Jurgen Klinsmann insists the U.S. men’s team to their 2017 recruiting Windham, who was also other. This would prevent sissippi) running back Zay won’tbeplayingnottolose,eventhoughanythingbuta class Thursday night, athree-starrecruitoutof Green, who left Oklahoma Cullens, St. Paul’s (Ala- loss today (6 p.m., FS1) against Paraguay in Philadelphia when Rhea County (Ten- high school, redshirted at in December, from suiting bama) cornerback Tam- will advance the team to the Copa America quarterfinals. nessee) tight end Jared Ed- Oklahoma during the 2014 upforMemphisinthefall. aurice Smith, Cordova de- The Americans (1-1) would earn a berth in the quar- wards orally committed to season. The Gulfport, Mis- Windham, who spent all of fensive lineman Braylon terfinalswithawinandwouldbeeliminatedwithaloss. Memphis. sissippi, native transferred the 2015-16 academic year Brown and East running “I love this type of situation,” Klinsmann said. “This Originally a three-star to Northwest Mississippi in junior college, could back Timothy Taylor have is already a knockout game, in a certain way.” recruit out of Cedar Hill JuniorCollegelastsummer be immediately eligible, also orally committed to AtiealmostcertainlywouldgivetheUnitedStates (Texas) High School, Green and posted on Twitter last should he meet a variety join Memphis’ 2017 class. the second berth from Group A, with Colombia having advanced after a 2-1 win over Paraguay on Tuesday. “We have to go out there and try to win,” said forward Clint Dempsey,whoscoredhis50thgoalfortheUnited States in Tuesday’s 4-0 win over Costa Rica. “You have to go out there and treat it like a must-win type.” Friday at Foxborough, Massachusetts, Arturo Vidal scored his second goal of the game on a penalty kick in second-half stoppage time and Chile took a 2-1 victory over Bolivia in Group D.

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